Author: buildbot
Date: Thu Dec 20 22:05:17 2012
New Revision: 843285

Staging update by buildbot for maven

    websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Thu Dec 20 22:05:17 2012
@@ -1 +1 @@

Thu Dec 20 22:05:17 2012
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/print.css" type="text/css" 
media="print" />
         <meta name="author" content="Brett Porter
 Jason van Zyl" />
-        <meta name="Date-Creation-yyyymmdd" content="20090801" />
+        <meta name="Date-Creation-yyyymmdd" content="20121220" />
     <meta name="Date-Revision-yyyymmdd" content="20121220" />
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Jason van Zyl" />
     <div id="bodyColumn">
       <div id="contentBox">
-        <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 
--><!-- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file --><!-- 
distributed with this work for additional information --><!-- regarding 
copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file --><!-- to you under the 
Apache License, Version 2.0 (the --><!-- "License"); you may not use this file 
except in compliance --><!-- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the 
License at --><!--  --><!-- --><!--  
--><!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, --><!-- 
software distributed under the License is distributed on an --><!-- "AS IS" 
implied.  See the License for the --><!-- specific language governing 
permissions and limitations --><!-- under the License. --><!-- NOTE: For help 
with the syntax of this file, see: --><!--
 ces/apt-format.html --><div class="section"><h2>Building Maven<a 
name="Building_Maven"></a></h2><div class="section"><h3>Why would I want to 
build Maven?<a name="Why_would_I_want_to_build_Maven"></a></h3><p>Building 
Maven yourself is for one of two reasons:</p><ul><li>to try out a bleeding edge 
feature or bugfix (issues can be found in <a class="externalLink" 
href="";> JIRA</a>),</li><li>to fix a problem 
you are having and submit a patch to the developers team.</li></ul><p>Note, 
that you don't need to bootstrap Maven for day to day use, or to develop 
plugins. While we encourage getting involved and fixing bugs that you find, for 
day to day use we recommend using the latest release.</p></div><div 
class="section"><h3>Checking out the sources<a 
name="Checking_out_the_sources"></a></h3><p>All of the source code for Maven 
and its related libraries is in <a class="externalLink" 
href="";> Subversion</a>. You can <a class
 ="externalLink" href="";> browse the 
repository</a>, or checkout specific modules directly.</p><p>To build Maven 3 
(the current stable branch), you need the <tt>trunk</tt> of the 
<tt>maven-3</tt> module. To check that out, run the command:</p><div><pre>svn 
maven-3</pre></div><p>To build Maven 2, you need the <tt>maven-2.2.x</tt> 
branch of the <tt>maven-2</tt> module. To check that out, run the 
command:</p><div><pre>svn co 
maven-2.2.x</pre></div><p>Alternatively, you can check out all Maven projects 
in one directory using:</p><div><pre>svn co maven</pre></div><p>If you have 
checked out <tt>trunks</tt>, the <tt>maven-2.2.x</tt> directory will contain 
the Maven 2.2 source code, and the <tt>maven-3</tt> directory will contain the 
3.0 source code. Note that neither directory con
 tains any of the plugins.</p><p><b>Note</b>: For Windows users, the checkout 
could be not complete with the following message:</p><div><pre>svn: Can't open 
file 'XXX': The system cannot find the path specified.</pre></div><p>The 
problem is that while Windows allows filenames up to 256 characters the maximum 
path length it allows is 260 characters. You will be able to check it out to 
the root directory without problem.</p><div class="section"><h4>Other Modules<a 
name="Other_Modules"></a></h4><p>Other modules you might be interested in 
related to Maven development 
are:</p><ul><li><tt>core-integration-testing/trunk</tt> - <a 
href="/core-its/">Maven Core Integration Tests</a>, to deeply test your Maven 
build.</li><li><tt>plugins/trunk</tt> - The sources of the <a 
href="/plugins/">Maven plugins</a>. These can be individually installed, or 
built together.</li><li><tt>plugin-tools/trunk</tt> - <a 
href="/plugin-tools/">Set of tools for Maven plugins</a> like test 
 t>release/trunk</tt> - Release manager and plugin.</li><li><tt>site/trunk</tt> 
- The Maven website.</li><li><tt>skins/trunk</tt> - <a href="/skins/">Skins</a> 
for generated site used by site plugin.</li><li>Some Maven sub 
projects<ul><li><tt>wagon/trunk</tt> - <a href="/wagon/">Maven Wagon</a>, used 
by the artifact code and others for providing the transport layer to get and 
put artifacts in a repository.</li><li><tt>scm/trunk</tt> - <a 
href="/scm/">Maven SCM</a>, a generic API to communicate with various different 
SCM providers, used by Continuum and the release and SCM 
plugins.</li><li><tt>doxia/trunk</tt> - The <a href="/doxia/">Doxia</a> site 
generation library used by several report plugins and site 
plugin.</li><li><tt>surefire/trunk</tt> - The <a 
href="/surefire/}Surefire">/surefire/}Surefire</a> test 
runner.</li></ul></li><li><tt>shared/trunk</tt> - <a href="/shared/">Collection 
of shared libraries</a> like file/path handling.</li><li><tt>sandbox/trunk</tt> 
- Sandbox 
 codes.</li><li><a class="externalLink" 
href="";> Plexus</a> - the IoC container 
used by Maven.</li></ul><p>If you're <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>looking at the 
<tt>trunks</tt> directory with ViewVC</a>, there is seemingly nothing there. We 
use <a class="externalLink" 
definitions</a> to link together all the trunks into one logical location for 
convenience. If you want to see what is being linked into one logical location 
you can use the following command:</p><div><pre>svn propget 
svn:externals</pre></div></div></div><div class="section"><h3>Building Maven<a 
name="Building_Maven"></a></h3><div class="section"><h4>Building Maven With 
Maven Installed<a name="Building_Maven_With_Maven_Installed"></a></h4><p>If you 
already have Maven installed, it can be faster to build a new version with 
Maven, rather than a clean bootstrap.</p><p>To
  do this, run from the <tt>maven-3</tt> or <tt>maven-2.2.x</tt> 
directory:</p><div><pre>mvn install</pre></div><p>Optionally, you can use the 
following to run the full (long) suite of integration tests; see 
below.</p><p>The assemblies will be created in <tt>apache-maven/target</tt> for 
Maven 2.0.x or <tt>maven-distribution</tt> for Maven 2.1, and can be unzipped 
to the location where you'd like Maven installed.</p></div><div 
class="section"><h4>Running the full integration tests<a 
name="Running_the_full_integration_tests"></a></h4><p>Before checking in a 
change or submitting a patch, it's a good idea to run the integration tests. 
These live in their own directory in subversion, as noted above: 
<tt>core-integration-testing/trunk</tt>. Using your local build of Maven, 
run:</p><div><pre>mvn install -Prun-its</pre></div></div><div 
class="section"><h4>Building Maven Without Maven Installed<a 
name="Building_Maven_Without_Maven_Installed"></a></h4><p>If you do not have 
Maven instal
 led, you can use <a class="externalLink" href="";>Apache 
Ant</a> to build Maven.</p><p>Once you have checked out the code, change into 
the <tt>maven-3</tt> or <tt>maven-2.2.x</tt> directory that was 
created.</p><p>Set the M2_HOME environment variable to the location that should 
contain Maven. This directory <b>must</b> be named after the Maven version you 
want to build and install, for example 
+        <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 
--><!-- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file --><!-- 
distributed with this work for additional information --><!-- regarding 
copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file --><!-- to you under the 
Apache License, Version 2.0 (the --><!-- "License"); you may not use this file 
except in compliance --><!-- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the 
License at --><!--  --><!-- --><!--  
--><!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, --><!-- 
software distributed under the License is distributed on an --><!-- "AS IS" 
implied.  See the License for the --><!-- specific language governing 
permissions and limitations --><!-- under the License. --><!-- NOTE: For help 
with the syntax of this file, see: --><!--
 ces/apt-format.html --><div class="section"><h2>Building Maven<a 
name="Building_Maven"></a></h2><div class="section"><h3>Why would I want to 
build Maven?<a name="Why_would_I_want_to_build_Maven"></a></h3><p>Building 
Maven yourself is for one of two reasons:</p><ul><li>to try out a bleeding edge 
feature or bugfix (issues can be found in <a class="externalLink" 
href="";> JIRA</a>),</li><li>to fix a problem 
you are having and submit a patch to the developers team.</li></ul><p>Note, 
that you don't need to bootstrap Maven for day to day use, or to develop 
plugins. While we encourage getting involved and fixing bugs that you find, for 
day to day use we recommend using the latest release.</p></div><div 
class="section"><h3>Checking out the sources<a 
name="Checking_out_the_sources"></a></h3><p>All of the source code for Maven 
and its related libraries is in <a class="externalLink" 
href="";> Subversion</a>. You can <a class
 ="externalLink" href="";> browse the 
repository</a>, or checkout specific modules directly.</p><p>To build Maven 3 
(the current stable branch), you need the <tt>trunk</tt> of the 
<tt>maven-3</tt> module. To check that out, run the command:</p><div><pre>git 
clone maven</pre></div><p>To 
build Maven 2, you need the <tt>maven-2.2.x</tt> branch . To check that out, 
run the command:</p><div><pre>git checkout 
maven-2.2.x</pre></div><p>Alternatively, you can check out all Maven projects 
in one directory using:</p><div><pre>svn co maven</pre></div><p><b>Note</b>: 
For Windows users, the checkout could be not complete with the following 
message:</p><div><pre>svn: Can't open file 'XXX': The system cannot find the 
path specified.</pre></div><p>The problem is that while Windows allows 
filenames up to 256 characters the maximum path length it allows is 260 chara
 cters. You will be able to check it out to the root directory without 
problem.</p><div class="section"><h4>Other Modules<a 
name="Other_Modules"></a></h4><p>Other modules you might be interested in 
related to Maven development 
are:</p><ul><li><tt>core-integration-testing/trunk</tt> - git clone</li><li><tt>plugins/trunk</tt>
 - The sources of the <a href="/plugins/">Maven plugins</a>. These can be 
individually installed, or built together.</li><li><tt>plugin-tools/trunk</tt> 
- <a href="/plugin-tools/">Set of tools for Maven plugins</a> like test 
harness.</li><li><tt>release/trunk</tt> - Release manager and 
plugin.</li><li><tt>site/trunk</tt> - The Maven 
website.</li><li><tt>skins/trunk</tt> - <a href="/skins/">Skins</a> for 
generated site used by site plugin.</li><li>Some Maven sub 
projects<ul><li><tt>wagon</tt> - <a href="/wagon/">Maven Wagon</a>, used by the 
artifact code and others for providing the transp
 ort layer to get and put artifacts in a repository. git clone</li><li><tt>scm</tt> - 
<a href="/scm/">Maven SCM</a>, a generic API to communicate with various 
different SCM providers, used by Continuum and the release and SCM plugins. git 
 - The <a href="/doxia/">Doxia</a> site generation library used by several 
report plugins and site plugin.</li><li><tt>surefire/trunk</tt> - The <a 
href="/surefire/}Surefire">/surefire/}Surefire</a> test runner. git clone</li></ul></li><li><tt>shared/trunk</tt>
 - <a href="/shared/">Collection of shared libraries</a> like file/path 
handling.</li><li><tt>sandbox/trunk</tt> - Sandbox codes.</li><li><a 
class="externalLink" href="";> Plexus</a> 
- the IoC container used by Maven.</li></ul><p>If you're <a class="
 externalLink" href="";>looking at the 
<tt>trunks</tt> directory with ViewVC</a>, there is seemingly nothing there. We 
use <a class="externalLink" 
definitions</a> to link together all the trunks into one logical location for 
convenience. If you want to see what is being linked into one logical location 
you can use the following command:</p><div><pre>svn propget 
svn:externals</pre></div></div></div><div class="section"><h3>Building Maven<a 
name="Building_Maven"></a></h3><div class="section"><h4>Building Maven With 
Maven Installed<a name="Building_Maven_With_Maven_Installed"></a></h4><p>If you 
already have Maven installed, it can be faster to build a new version with 
Maven, rather than a clean bootstrap.</p><p>To do this, run from the 
<tt>maven-3</tt> or <tt>maven-2.2.x</tt> directory:</p><div><pre>mvn 
install</pre></div><p>Optionally, you can use the following to run the f
 ull (long) suite of integration tests; see below.</p><p>The assemblies will be 
created in <tt>apache-maven/target</tt> for Maven 2.0.x or 
<tt>maven-distribution</tt> for Maven 2.1, and can be unzipped to the location 
where you'd like Maven installed.</p></div><div class="section"><h4>Running the 
full integration tests<a 
name="Running_the_full_integration_tests"></a></h4><p>Before checking in a 
change or submitting a patch, it's a good idea to run the integration tests. 
These live in their own directory in subversion, as noted above: 
<tt>core-integration-testing/trunk</tt>. Using your local build of Maven, 
run:</p><div><pre>mvn install -Prun-its</pre></div></div><div 
class="section"><h4>Building Maven Without Maven Installed<a 
name="Building_Maven_Without_Maven_Installed"></a></h4><p>If you do not have 
Maven installed, you can use <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>Apache Ant</a> to build Maven.</p><p>Once you have 
checked out the code, change into the <tt>m
 aven-3</tt> or <tt>maven-2.2.x</tt> directory that was created.</p><p>Set the 
M2_HOME environment variable to the location that should contain Maven. This 
directory <b>must</b> be named after the Maven version you want to build and 
install, for example 
 set PATH=%M2_HOME%\bin;%PATH%</pre></div><p>From this, run the <tt>ant</tt> 
command:</p><div><pre>ant</pre></div><p>This will download dependencies, build 
Maven, and install it into the directory you specified as <tt>M2_HOME</tt> 
above.</p><p>If you have any problems or get any failures during the run, 
please report them to the <a href="../../mail-lists.html"> Maven Developers 
List</a>.</p><p>For more information, consult the project help in the Ant build 
file.</p><div><pre>ant -projecthelp</pre></div><p>The result is included here 
for convenience:</p><div class="source"><pre>Buildfile: build.xml

Modified: websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/maven-site-1.0-site.jar
Binary files - no diff available.

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