diff --git a/ec2/ b/ec2/
deleted file mode 100755
index 15d85b5..0000000
--- a/ec2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import boto
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-import urllib2
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from sys import stderr
-from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceMapping, EBSBlockDeviceType
-# A static URL from which to figure out the latest Mesos EC2 AMI
-# Configure and parse our command-line arguments
-def parse_args():
-  parser = OptionParser(usage="mesos-ec2 [options] <action> <cluster_name>"
-      + "\n\n<action> can be: launch, destroy, login, stop, start, get-master",
-      add_help_option=False)
-  parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="help",
-                    help="Show this help message and exit")
-  parser.add_option("-s", "--slaves", type="int", default=1,
-      help="Number of slaves to launch (default: 1)")
-  parser.add_option("-w", "--wait", type="int", default=60,
-      help="Number of seconds to wait for cluster nodes to start (default: 
-  parser.add_option("-k", "--key-pair",
-      help="Key pair to use on instances")
-  parser.add_option("-i", "--identity-file", 
-      help="SSH private key file to use for logging into instances")
-  parser.add_option("-t", "--instance-type", default="m1.large",
-      help="Type of instance to launch (default: m1.large). " +
-           "WARNING: must be 64 bit, thus small instances won't work")
-  parser.add_option("-m", "--master-instance-type", default="",
-      help="Master instance type (leave empty for same as instance-type)")
-  parser.add_option("-z", "--zone", default="us-east-1b",
-      help="Availability zone to launch instances in")
-  parser.add_option("-a", "--ami", default="ami-4517dc2c",
-      help="Amazon Machine Image ID to use, or 'latest' to use latest " +
-           "availabe AMI (default: ami-4517dc2c)")
-  parser.add_option("-o", "--os", default="amazon64",
-      help="OS on the Amazon Machine Image (default: amazon64)")
-  parser.add_option("-d", "--download", metavar="SOURCE", default="none",
-      help="Where to download latest code from: set to 'git' to check out " +
-           "from git, or 'none' to use the Mesos on the AMI (default)")
-  parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", default="master",
-      help="If using git, which branch to check out. Default is 'master'")
-  parser.add_option("-D", metavar="[ADDRESS:]PORT", dest="proxy_port", 
-      help="Use SSH dynamic port forwarding to create a SOCKS proxy at " +
-            "the given local address (for use with login)")
-  parser.add_option("--resume", action="store_true", default=False,
-      help="Resume installation on a previously launched cluster " +
-           "(for debugging)")
-  parser.add_option("-f", "--ft", metavar="NUM_MASTERS", default="1", 
-      help="Number of masters to run. Default is 1. Greater values " + 
-           "make Mesos run in fault-tolerant mode with ZooKeeper.")
-  parser.add_option("--ebs-vol-size", metavar="SIZE", type="int", default=0,
-      help="Attach a new EBS volume of size SIZE (in GB) to each node as " +
-           "/vol. The volumes will be deleted when the instances terminate. " +
-           "Only possible on EBS-backed AMIs.")
-  parser.add_option("--swap", metavar="SWAP", type="int", default=1024,
-      help="Swap space to set up per node, in MB (default: 1024)")
-  parser.add_option("--spot-price", metavar="PRICE", type="float",
-      help="If specified, launch slaves as spot instances with the given " +
-            "maximum price (in dollars)")
-  (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  opts.ft = int(opts.ft)
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    parser.print_help()
-    sys.exit(1)
-  (action, cluster_name) = args
-  if opts.identity_file == None and action in ['launch', 'login']:
-    print >> stderr, ("ERROR: The -i or --identity-file argument is " +
-                      "required for " + action)
-    sys.exit(1)
-  if os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') == None:
-    print >> stderr, ("ERROR: The environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID " +
-                      "must be set")
-    sys.exit(1)
-  if os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') == None:
-    print >> stderr, ("ERROR: The environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY " 
-                      "must be set")
-    sys.exit(1)
-  return (opts, action, cluster_name)
-# Get the EC2 security group of the given name, creating it if it doesn't exist
-def get_or_make_group(conn, name):
-  groups = conn.get_all_security_groups()
-  group = [g for g in groups if == name]
-  if len(group) > 0:
-    return group[0]
-  else:
-    print "Creating security group " + name
-    return conn.create_security_group(name, "Mesos EC2 group")
-# Wait for a set of launched instances to exit the "pending" state
-# (i.e. either to start running or to fail and be terminated)
-def wait_for_instances(conn, instances):
-  while True:
-    for i in instances:
-      i.update()
-    if len([i for i in instances if i.state == 'pending']) > 0:
-      time.sleep(5)
-    else:
-      return
-# Check whether a given EC2 instance object is in a state we consider active,
-# i.e. not terminating or terminated. We count both stopping and stopped as
-# active since we can restart stopped clusters.
-def is_active(instance):
-  return (instance.state in ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped'])
-# Launch a cluster of the given name, by setting up its security groups,
-# and then starting new instances in them.
-# Returns a tuple of EC2 reservation objects for the master, slave
-# and zookeeper instances (in that order).
-# Fails if there already instances running in the cluster's groups.
-def launch_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name):
-  print "Setting up security groups..."
-  master_group = get_or_make_group(conn, cluster_name + "-master")
-  slave_group = get_or_make_group(conn, cluster_name + "-slaves")
-  zoo_group = get_or_make_group(conn, cluster_name + "-zoo")
-  if master_group.rules == []: # Group was just now created
-    master_group.authorize(src_group=master_group)
-    master_group.authorize(src_group=slave_group)
-    master_group.authorize(src_group=zoo_group)
-    master_group.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '')
-    master_group.authorize('tcp', 8080, 8081, '')
-    master_group.authorize('tcp', 50030, 50030, '')
-    master_group.authorize('tcp', 50070, 50070, '')
-    master_group.authorize('tcp', 60070, 60070, '')
-    master_group.authorize('tcp', 38090, 38090, '')
-  if slave_group.rules == []: # Group was just now created
-    slave_group.authorize(src_group=master_group)
-    slave_group.authorize(src_group=slave_group)
-    slave_group.authorize(src_group=zoo_group)
-    slave_group.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '')
-    slave_group.authorize('tcp', 8080, 8081, '')
-    slave_group.authorize('tcp', 50060, 50060, '')
-    slave_group.authorize('tcp', 50075, 50075, '')
-    slave_group.authorize('tcp', 60060, 60060, '')
-    slave_group.authorize('tcp', 60075, 60075, '')
-  if zoo_group.rules == []: # Group was just now created
-    zoo_group.authorize(src_group=master_group)
-    zoo_group.authorize(src_group=slave_group)
-    zoo_group.authorize(src_group=zoo_group)
-    zoo_group.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '')
-    zoo_group.authorize('tcp', 2181, 2181, '')
-    zoo_group.authorize('tcp', 2888, 2888, '')
-    zoo_group.authorize('tcp', 3888, 3888, '')
-  # Check if instances are already running in our groups
-  print "Checking for running cluster..."
-  reservations = conn.get_all_instances()
-  for res in reservations:
-    group_names = [ for g in res.groups]
-    if in group_names or in group_names or in group_names:
-      active = [i for i in res.instances if is_active(i)]
-      if len(active) > 0:
-        print >> stderr, ("ERROR: There are already instances running in " +
-            "group %s, %s or %s" % (,,
-        sys.exit(1)
-  print "Launching instances..."
-  if opts.ami == "latest":
-    # Figure out the latest AMI from our static URL
-    try:
-      opts.ami = urllib2.urlopen(LATEST_AMI_URL).read().strip()
-    except:
-      print >> stderr, "Could not read " + LATEST_AMI_URL
-  try:
-    image = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=[opts.ami])[0]
-  except:
-    print >> stderr, "Could not find AMI " + opts.ami
-    sys.exit(1)
-  # Create block device mapping so that we can add an EBS volume if asked to
-  block_map = BlockDeviceMapping()
-  if opts.ebs_vol_size > 0:
-    device = EBSBlockDeviceType()
-    device.size = opts.ebs_vol_size
-    device.delete_on_termination = True
-    block_map["/dev/sdv"] = device
-  # Launch slaves
-  if opts.spot_price != None:
-    # Launch spot instances with the requested price
-    print ("Requesting %d slaves as spot instances with price $%.3f" %
-           (opts.slaves, opts.spot_price))
-    slave_reqs = conn.request_spot_instances(
-        price = opts.spot_price,
-        image_id = opts.ami,
-        launch_group = "launch-group-%s" % cluster_name,
-        placement =,
-        count = opts.slaves,
-        key_name = opts.key_pair,
-        security_groups = [slave_group],
-        instance_type = opts.instance_type,
-        block_device_map = block_map)
-    my_req_ids = [ for req in slave_reqs]
-    print "Waiting for spot instances to be granted..."
-    while True:
-      time.sleep(10)
-      reqs = conn.get_all_spot_instance_requests()
-      id_to_req = {}
-      for r in reqs:
-        id_to_req[] = r
-      active = 0
-      instance_ids = []
-      for i in my_req_ids:
-        if id_to_req[i].state == "active":
-          active += 1
-          instance_ids.append(id_to_req[i].instance_id)
-      if active == opts.slaves:
-        print "All %d slaves granted" % opts.slaves
-        reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instance_ids)
-        slave_nodes = []
-        for r in reservations:
-          slave_nodes += r.instances
-        break
-      else:
-        print "%d of %d slaves granted, waiting longer" % (active, opts.slaves)
-  else:
-    # Launch non-spot instances
-    slave_res = = opts.key_pair,
-                          security_groups = [slave_group],
-                          instance_type = opts.instance_type,
-                          placement =,
-                          min_count = opts.slaves,
-                          max_count = opts.slaves,
-                          block_device_map = block_map)
-    slave_nodes = slave_res.instances
-    print "Launched slaves, regid = " +
-  # Launch masters
-  master_type = opts.master_instance_type
-  if master_type == "":
-    master_type = opts.instance_type
-  master_res = = opts.key_pair,
-                         security_groups = [master_group],
-                         instance_type = master_type,
-                         placement =,
-                         min_count = opts.ft,
-                         max_count = opts.ft,
-                         block_device_map = block_map)
-  master_nodes = master_res.instances
-  print "Launched master, regid = " +
-  # Launch ZooKeeper nodes if required
-  if opts.ft > 1:
-    zoo_res = = opts.key_pair,
-                        security_groups = [zoo_group],
-                        instance_type = opts.instance_type,
-                        placement =,
-                        min_count = 3,
-                        max_count = 3,
-                        block_device_map = block_map)
-    zoo_nodes = zoo_res.instances
-    print "Launched zoo, regid = " +
-  else:
-    zoo_nodes = []
-  # Return all the instances
-  return (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes)
-# Get the EC2 instances in an existing cluster if available.
-# Returns a tuple of lists of EC2 instance objects for the masters,
-# slaves and zookeeper nodes (in that order).
-def get_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name):
-  print "Searching for existing cluster " + cluster_name + "..."
-  reservations = conn.get_all_instances()
-  master_nodes = []
-  slave_nodes = []
-  zoo_nodes = []
-  for res in reservations:
-    active = [i for i in res.instances if is_active(i)]
-    if len(active) > 0:
-      group_names = [ for g in res.groups]
-      if group_names == [cluster_name + "-master"]:
-        master_nodes += res.instances
-      elif group_names == [cluster_name + "-slaves"]:
-        slave_nodes += res.instances
-      elif group_names == [cluster_name + "-zoo"]:
-        zoo_nodes += res.instances
-  if master_nodes != [] and slave_nodes != []:
-    print ("Found %d master(s), %d slaves, %d ZooKeeper nodes" %
-           (len(master_nodes), len(slave_nodes), len(zoo_nodes)))
-    return (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes)
-  else:
-    if master_nodes == [] and slave_nodes != []:
-      print "ERROR: Could not find master in group " + cluster_name + "-master"
-    elif master_nodes != [] and slave_nodes == []:
-      print "ERROR: Could not find slaves in group " + cluster_name + "-slaves"
-    else:
-      print "ERROR: Could not find any existing cluster"
-    sys.exit(1)
-# Deploy configuration files and run setup scripts on a newly launched
-# or started EC2 cluster.
-def setup_cluster(conn, master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes, opts, 
-  print "Deploying files to master..."
-  deploy_files(conn, "deploy." + opts.os, opts, master_nodes, slave_nodes, 
-  master = master_nodes[0].public_dns_name
-  if deploy_ssh_key:
-    print "Copying SSH key %s to master..." % opts.identity_file
-    ssh(master, opts, 'mkdir -p /root/.ssh')
-    scp(master, opts, opts.identity_file, '/root/.ssh/id_rsa')
-  print "Running setup on master..."
-  ssh(master, opts, "chmod u+x mesos-ec2/setup")
-  ssh(master, opts, "mesos-ec2/setup %s %s %s %s" %
-      (opts.os,, opts.branch, opts.swap))
-  print "Done!"
-# Wait for a whole cluster (masters, slaves and ZooKeeper) to start up
-def wait_for_cluster(conn, wait_secs, master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes):
-  print "Waiting for instances to start up..."
-  time.sleep(5)
-  wait_for_instances(conn, master_nodes)
-  wait_for_instances(conn, slave_nodes)
-  if zoo_nodes != []:
-    wait_for_instances(conn, zoo_nodes)
-  print "Waiting %d more seconds..." % wait_secs
-  time.sleep(wait_secs)
-# Get number of local disks available for a given EC2 instance type.
-def get_num_disks(instance_type):
-  # From
-  disks_by_instance = {
-    "m1.small":    1,
-    "m1.large":    2,
-    "m1.xlarge":   4,
-    "t1.micro":    1,
-    "c1.medium":   1,
-    "c1.xlarge":   4,
-    "m2.xlarge":   1,
-    "m2.2xlarge":  1,
-    "m2.4xlarge":  2,
-    "cc1.4xlarge": 2,
-    "cc2.8xlarge": 4,
-    "cg1.4xlarge": 2
-  }
-  if instance_type in disks_by_instance:
-    return disks_by_instance[instance_type]
-  else:
-    print >> stderr, ("WARNING: Don't know number of disks on instance type 
%s; assuming 1"
-                      % instance_type)
-    return 1
-# Deploy the configuration file templates in a given local directory to
-# a cluster, filling in any template parameters with information about the
-# cluster (e.g. lists of masters and slaves). Files are only deployed to
-# the first master instance in the cluster, and we expect the setup
-# script to be run on that instance to copy them to other nodes.
-def deploy_files(conn, root_dir, opts, master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes):
-  active_master = master_nodes[0].public_dns_name
-  num_disks = get_num_disks(opts.instance_type)
-  hdfs_data_dirs = "/mnt/ephemeral-hdfs/data"
-  mapred_local_dirs = "/mnt/hadoop/mrlocal"
-  if num_disks > 1:
-    for i in range(2, num_disks + 1):
-      hdfs_data_dirs += ",/mnt%d/ephemeral-hdfs/data" % i
-      mapred_local_dirs += ",/mnt%d/hadoop/mrlocal" % i
-  if zoo_nodes != []:
-    zoo_list = '\n'.join([i.public_dns_name for i in zoo_nodes])
-    cluster_url = "zoo://" + ",".join(
-        ["%s:2181/mesos" % i.public_dns_name for i in zoo_nodes])
-  else:
-    zoo_list = "NONE"
-    # TODO: temporary code to support older versions of Mesos with 1@ URLs
-    if opts.os == "amazon64":
-      cluster_url = "master@%s:5050" % active_master
-    else:
-      cluster_url = "1@%s:5050" % active_master
-  template_vars = {
-    "master_list": '\n'.join([i.public_dns_name for i in master_nodes]),
-    "active_master": active_master,
-    "slave_list": '\n'.join([i.public_dns_name for i in slave_nodes]),
-    "zoo_list": zoo_list,
-    "cluster_url": cluster_url,
-    "hdfs_data_dirs": hdfs_data_dirs,
-    "mapred_local_dirs": mapred_local_dirs
-  }
-  # Create a temp directory in which we will place all the files to be
-  # deployed after we substitue template parameters in them
-  tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir):
-    if path.find(".svn") == -1:
-      dest_dir = os.path.join('/', path[len(root_dir):])
-      local_dir = tmp_dir + dest_dir
-      if not os.path.exists(local_dir):
-        os.makedirs(local_dir)
-      for filename in files:
-        if filename[0] not in '#.~' and filename[-1] != '~':
-          dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
-          local_file = tmp_dir + dest_file
-          with open(os.path.join(path, filename)) as src:
-            with open(local_file, "w") as dest:
-              text =
-              for key in template_vars:
-                text = text.replace("{{" + key + "}}", template_vars[key])
-              dest.write(text)
-              dest.close()
-  # rsync the whole directory over to the master machine
-  command = (("rsync -rv -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s' " + 
-      "'%s/' 'root@%s:/'") % (opts.identity_file, tmp_dir, active_master))
-  subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)
-  # Remove the temp directory we created above
-  shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
-# Copy a file to a given host through scp, throwing an exception if scp fails
-def scp(host, opts, local_file, dest_file):
-  subprocess.check_call(
-      "scp -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s '%s' 'root@%s:%s'" %
-      (opts.identity_file, local_file, host, dest_file), shell=True)
-# Run a command on a host through ssh, throwing an exception if ssh fails
-def ssh(host, opts, command):
-  subprocess.check_call(
-      "ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s root@%s '%s'" %
-      (opts.identity_file, host, command), shell=True)
-def main():
-  (opts, action, cluster_name) = parse_args()
-  conn = boto.connect_ec2()
-  # Select an AZ at random if it was not specified.
-  if == "":
- = random.choice(conn.get_all_zones()).name
-  if action == "launch":
-    if opts.resume:
-      (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(
-          conn, opts, cluster_name)
-    else:
-      (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes) = launch_cluster(
-          conn, opts, cluster_name)
-      wait_for_cluster(conn, opts.wait, master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes)
-    setup_cluster(conn, master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes, opts, True)
-  elif action == "destroy":
-    response = raw_input("Are you sure you want to destroy the cluster " +
-        cluster_name + "?\nALL DATA ON ALL NODES WILL BE LOST!!\n" +
-        "Destroy cluster " + cluster_name + " (y/N): ")
-    if response == "y":
-      (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(
-          conn, opts, cluster_name)
-      print "Terminating master..."
-      for inst in master_nodes:
-        inst.terminate()
-      print "Terminating slaves..."
-      for inst in slave_nodes:
-        inst.terminate()
-      if zoo_nodes != []:
-        print "Terminating zoo..."
-        for inst in zoo_nodes:
-          inst.terminate()
-  elif action == "login":
-    (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(
-        conn, opts, cluster_name)
-    master = master_nodes[0].public_dns_name
-    print "Logging into master " + master + "..."
-    proxy_opt = ""
-    if opts.proxy_port != None:
-      proxy_opt = "-D " + opts.proxy_port
-    subprocess.check_call("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s %s root@%s" %
-        (opts.identity_file, proxy_opt, master), shell=True)
-  elif action == "get-master":
-    (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(conn, opts, 
-    print master_nodes[0].public_dns_name
-  elif action == "stop":
-    response = raw_input("Are you sure you want to stop the cluster " +
-        cluster_name + "?\nDATA ON EPHEMERAL DISKS WILL BE LOST, " +
-        "Stop cluster " + cluster_name + " (y/N): ")
-    if response == "y":
-      (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(
-          conn, opts, cluster_name)
-      print "Stopping master..."
-      for inst in master_nodes:
-        if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]:
-          inst.stop()
-      print "Stopping slaves..."
-      for inst in slave_nodes:
-        if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]:
-          inst.stop()
-      if zoo_nodes != []:
-        print "Stopping zoo..."
-        for inst in zoo_nodes:
-          if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]:
-            inst.stop()
-  elif action == "start":
-    (master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(
-        conn, opts, cluster_name)
-    print "Starting slaves..."
-    for inst in slave_nodes:
-      if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]:
-        inst.start()
-    print "Starting master..."
-    for inst in master_nodes:
-      if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]:
-        inst.start()
-    if zoo_nodes != []:
-      print "Starting zoo..."
-      for inst in zoo_nodes:
-        if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]:
-          inst.start()
-    wait_for_cluster(conn, opts.wait, master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes)
-    setup_cluster(conn, master_nodes, slave_nodes, zoo_nodes, opts, False)
-  elif action == "shutdown":
-    print >> stderr, ("The shutdown action is no longer available.\n" +
-        "Use either 'destroy' to delete a cluster and all data on it,\n" +
-        "or 'stop' to shut down the machines but have them persist if\n" +
-        "you launched an EBS-backed cluster.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-  else:
-    print >> stderr, "Invalid action: %s" % action
-    sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  logging.basicConfig()
-  main()

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