ThomasDelteil commented on a change in pull request #10568: [WIP] [MXNET-325] 
Model parallelism tutorial.

 File path: docs/tutorials/gluon/
 @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+# Model parallelism
+- This is model parallelized version of
+- Similar to
+import math
+import os
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import mxnet as mx
+from mxnet import gluon, autograd
+from mxnet.gluon import nn, rnn
+import collections
+class Dictionary(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.word2idx = {}
+        self.idx2word = []
+    def add_word(self, word):
+        if word not in self.word2idx:
+            self.idx2word.append(word)
+            self.word2idx[word] = len(self.idx2word) - 1
+        return self.word2idx[word]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.idx2word)
+class Corpus(object):
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        self.dictionary = Dictionary()
+        self.train = self.tokenize(path + 'train.txt')
+        self.valid = self.tokenize(path + 'valid.txt')
+        self.test = self.tokenize(path + 'test.txt')
+    def tokenize(self, path):
+        """Tokenizes a text file."""
+        assert os.path.exists(path)
+        # Add words to the dictionary
+        with open(path, 'r') as f:
+            tokens = 0
+            for line in f:
+                words = line.split() + ['<eos>']
+                tokens += len(words)
+                for word in words:
+                    self.dictionary.add_word(word)
+        # Tokenize file content
+        with open(path, 'r') as f:
+            ids = np.zeros((tokens,), dtype='int32')
+            token = 0
+            for line in f:
+                words = line.split() + ['<eos>']
+                for word in words:
+                    ids[token] = self.dictionary.word2idx[word]
+                    token += 1
+        return mx.nd.array(ids, dtype='int32')
+`MultiGPULSTM` creates stacked LSTM with layers spread across multiple GPUs. 
+For example, `MultiGPULSTM(0, [1, 2, 2, 1], 400, 200, 0.5)` will create a 
stacked LSTM with one layer on GPU(0), two layers on GPU(1), two layers on 
GPU(2), one layer on GPU(3) with a hidden size of 400 embedding size of 200 and 
dropout probability of .5.
+class MultiGPULSTM(object):
+    def __init__(self, start_device, num_layers_list, num_hidden, input_size, 
+        """Create a MultiGPULSTM. num_layers_list dictates how many layers of 
+        gets places in which device. For example, [1, 2, 2, 1] will create a 
stacked LSTM
+        with one layer on GPU(0), two layers on GPU(1), two layers on GPU(2), 
one layer on GPU(3)"""
+        self.lstm_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
+        device_index = start_device
+        self.trainers = []
+        for num_layers in num_layers_list:
+            lstm = gluon.rnn.LSTM(num_hidden, num_layers, dropout=dropout, 
+            input_size = num_hidden
+            self.lstm_dict[device_index] = lstm
+            device_index += 1
+    def begin_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Return a list of hidden state for each LSTM in the stack"""
+        return [lstm.begin_state(ctx=mx.gpu(gpu_num), *args, **kwargs) 
+                for gpu_num, lstm in self.lstm_dict.items()]
+    def forward(self, inputs, hidden):
+        """Pass the data through all LSTM in the stack
+        copying intermediate outputs to other contexts as necessary"""
+        hidden_indx = 0
+        output = inputs
+        for gpu_num, lstm in self.lstm_dict.items():
+            next_input = output.as_in_context(mx.gpu(gpu_num))
+            output, hidden[hidden_indx] = lstm(next_input, hidden[hidden_indx])
+            hidden_indx += 1
+        return output, hidden
+    def init_params(self, init=mx.init.Xavier(), force_reinit=False):
+        """For each LSTM in the stack,
+        initialize its parameters in the context specified by 
+        for gpu_num, lstm in self.lstm_dict.items():
+            lstm.collect_params().initialize(init, ctx=mx.gpu(gpu_num), 
+    def init_trainer(self, optimizer, optimizer_params=None, kvstore='device'):
+        """Create seperate trainer for each LSTM
+        since one trainer cannot have parameters from multiple contexts"""
+        for gpu_num, lstm in self.lstm_dict.items():
+            self.trainers.append(gluon.Trainer(lstm.collect_params(), 
optimizer, optimizer_params, kvstore))
+    def step(self, batch_size, ignore_stale_grad=False):
+        """Call step on each LSTM's trainer"""
+        for trainer in self.trainers:
+            trainer.step(batch_size, ignore_stale_grad)
+    def clip_global_norm(self, max_norm):
+        """Clip gradients for each LSTM"""
+        for gpu_num, lstm in self.lstm_dict.items():
+            grads = [i.grad(mx.gpu(gpu_num)) for i in 
+            gluon.utils.clip_global_norm(grads, max_norm)
+    def reset_optimizer(self, optimizer, optimizer_params=None):
+        """Used to change learning rate. Not used tight now."""
+        for trainer in self.trainers:
+            trainer._init_optimizer(optimizer, optimizer_params)
+`LSTMModel` adds an encoder in the beginning and decoder at the end to a 
+class LSTMModel():
+    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_size, num_hidden,
+                 num_layers_list, dropout=0.5, **kwargs):
+        self.encoder = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_size,
+                                    weight_initializer = mx.init.Uniform(0.1))
+        self.lstm = MultiGPULSTM(0, num_layers_list, num_hidden, 
embedding_size, dropout)
+        self.decoder = nn.Dense(vocab_size, in_units = num_hidden)
+        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
+        self.num_hidden = num_hidden
+        self.num_layers_list = num_layers_list
+    def forward(self, inputs, hidden):
+        embedding = self.encoder(inputs)
+        embedding = self.dropout(embedding)
+        output, hidden = self.lstm.forward(embedding, hidden)
+        output = self.dropout(output)
+        decoded = self.decoder(output.reshape((-1, self.num_hidden)))
+        return decoded, hidden
+    def begin_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.lstm.begin_state(*args, **kwargs)
+    def init_params(self, init=mx.init.Xavier(), force_reinit=False):
+        self.encoder.collect_params().initialize(init, ctx=mx.gpu(0), 
+        self.lstm.init_params(init, force_reinit)
+        last_gpu = len(self.num_layers_list) - 1
+        self.decoder.collect_params().initialize(init, ctx=mx.gpu(last_gpu), 
+    def init_trainer(self, optimizer, optimizer_params=None, kvstore='device'):
+        self.encoder_trainer = gluon.Trainer(self.encoder.collect_params(), 
optimizer, optimizer_params, kvstore)
+        self.decoder_trainer = gluon.Trainer(self.decoder.collect_params(), 
optimizer, optimizer_params, kvstore)
+        self.lstm.init_trainer(optimizer, optimizer_params, kvstore)
+    def step(self, batch_size, ignore_stale_grad=False):
+        self.encoder_trainer.step(batch_size, ignore_stale_grad)
+        self.decoder_trainer.step(batch_size, ignore_stale_grad)
+        self.lstm.step(batch_size, ignore_stale_grad)
+    def clip_global_norm(self, max_norm):
+        self.lstm.clip_global_norm(max_norm)
+    def reset_optimizer(self, optimizer, optimizer_params=None):
+        self.encoder_trainer._init_optimizer(optimizer, optimizer_params)
+        self.decoder_trainer._init_optimizer(optimizer, optimizer_params)
+        self.lstm.reset_optimizer(optimizer, optimizer_params)
+args_data = 'data/ptb.'
+args_model = 'lstm'
+args_emsize = 200
+args_nhid = 400
+args_lr = 0.01
+args_clip = 0.2
+args_epochs = 1
+args_batch_size = 32
+args_bptt = 6
+args_dropout = 0.2
+args_log_interval = 100
+args_save = 'model.param'
+corpus = Corpus(args_data)
+def batchify(data, batch_size):
+    """Reshape data into (num_example, batch_size)"""
+    nbatch = data.shape[0] // batch_size
+    data = data[:nbatch * batch_size]
+    data = data.reshape((batch_size, nbatch)).T
+    return data
+train_data = batchify(corpus.train, args_batch_size)
+val_data = batchify(corpus.valid, args_batch_size)
+test_data = batchify(corpus.test, args_batch_size)
+In this example we will create a stacked LSTM with two layers on two GPUs.
+num_layers_list = [1, 1]
+ctx_begin = mx.gpu(0)
+ctx_end = mx.gpu(len(num_layers_list) - 1)
+ntokens = len(corpus.dictionary)
+model = LSTMModel(ntokens, args_emsize, args_nhid, num_layers_list, 
+model.init_trainer('adadelta', {'learning_rate': args_lr})
+loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
+def get_batch(source, i):
+    seq_len = min(args_bptt, source.shape[0] - 1 - i)
+    data = source[i : i + seq_len]
+    target = source[i + 1 : i + 1 + seq_len]
+    return data, target.reshape((-1,))
+def detach(hidden):
+    if isinstance(hidden, (tuple, list)):
+        hidden = [detach(i) for i in hidden]
+    else:
+        hidden = hidden.detach()
+    return hidden
+def eval(data_source):
+    total_L = 0.0
+    ntotal = 0
+    hidden = model.begin_state(func = mx.nd.zeros, batch_size = 
+    for i in range(0, data_source.shape[0] - 1, args_bptt):
+        data, target = get_batch(data_source, i)
+        data = data.as_in_context(ctx_begin)
+        target = target.as_in_context(ctx_end)
+        output, hidden = model.forward(data, hidden)
+        L = loss(output, target)
+        total_L += mx.nd.sum(L).asscalar()
+        ntotal += L.size
+    return total_L / ntotal
+def train():
+    for epoch in range(args_epochs):
+        total_L = 0.0
+        start_time = time.time()
+        hidden = model.begin_state(func = mx.nd.zeros, batch_size = 
+        for ibatch, i in enumerate(range(0, train_data.shape[0] - 1, 
+            data, target = get_batch(train_data, i)
+            data = data.as_in_context(ctx_begin)
+            target = target.as_in_context(ctx_end)
+            hidden = detach(hidden)
+            with autograd.record():
+                output, hidden = model.forward(data, hidden)
+                L = loss(output, target)
+                L.backward()
+            model.clip_global_norm(args_clip * args_bptt * args_batch_size)
+            model.step(args_batch_size)
+            total_L += mx.nd.sum(L).asscalar()
+            if ibatch % args_log_interval == 0 and ibatch > 0:
+                cur_L = total_L / args_bptt / args_batch_size / 
+                print('[Epoch %d Batch %d] loss %.2f, perplexity %.2f' % (
+                    epoch + 1, ibatch, cur_L, math.exp(cur_L)))
+                total_L = 0.0
+        val_L = eval(val_data)
+        print('[Epoch %d] time cost %.2fs, validation loss %.2f, validation 
perplexity %.2f' % (
+            epoch + 1, time.time() - start_time, val_L, math.exp(val_L)))
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 100] loss 7.20, perplexity 1340.10
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 200] loss 6.66, perplexity 781.10
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 300] loss 6.65, perplexity 776.09
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 400] loss 6.55, perplexity 697.08
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 500] loss 6.46, perplexity 640.04
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 600] loss 6.38, perplexity 590.49
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 700] loss 6.36, perplexity 577.39
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 800] loss 6.22, perplexity 501.58
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 900] loss 6.10, perplexity 443.65
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1000] loss 6.04, perplexity 418.13
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1100] loss 6.15, perplexity 469.13
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1200] loss 6.10, perplexity 446.42
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1300] loss 6.08, perplexity 435.85
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1400] loss 6.05, perplexity 424.83
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1500] loss 6.01, perplexity 406.97
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1600] loss 6.02, perplexity 410.54
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1700] loss 5.98, perplexity 395.66
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1800] loss 5.98, perplexity 396.62
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 1900] loss 5.81, perplexity 333.70
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2000] loss 5.88, perplexity 356.13
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2100] loss 5.96, perplexity 386.80
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2200] loss 5.85, perplexity 347.08
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2300] loss 5.78, perplexity 323.07
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2400] loss 5.76, perplexity 318.46
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2500] loss 5.74, perplexity 311.50
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2600] loss 5.79, perplexity 328.09
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2700] loss 5.79, perplexity 328.51
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2800] loss 5.86, perplexity 350.40
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 2900] loss 5.73, perplexity 309.27
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3000] loss 5.77, perplexity 319.66
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3100] loss 5.65, perplexity 285.61
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3200] loss 5.63, perplexity 279.74
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3300] loss 5.62, perplexity 275.63
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3400] loss 5.57, perplexity 263.28
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3500] loss 5.59, perplexity 267.68
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3600] loss 5.64, perplexity 281.89
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3700] loss 5.71, perplexity 301.17
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3800] loss 5.68, perplexity 293.86
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 3900] loss 5.69, perplexity 296.83
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4000] loss 5.67, perplexity 289.74
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4100] loss 5.48, perplexity 240.49
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4200] loss 5.64, perplexity 281.97
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4300] loss 5.61, perplexity 273.13
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4400] loss 5.64, perplexity 281.21
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4500] loss 5.65, perplexity 283.48
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4600] loss 5.63, perplexity 278.12
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4700] loss 5.68, perplexity 291.96
+    [Epoch 1 Batch 4800] loss 5.59, perplexity 267.57
+    [Epoch 1] time cost 267.24s, validation loss 5.63, validation perplexity 
+test_L = eval(test_data)
+print('Best test loss %.2f, test perplexity %.2f'%(test_L, math.exp(test_L)))
+    Best test loss 5.61, test perplexity 273.09
 Review comment:
   replace with
   `Best test loss 5.61, test perplexity 273.09`<!--notebook-skip-line-->

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