ccollins476ad closed pull request #338: automated asf-site build

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json b/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
index bc2c20f20..f66e5be44 100644
--- a/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@
             "location": "/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/", 
-            "text": "Project Slinky using the Nordic nRF52 Board\n\n\nThis 
tutorial shows you how to create, build and run the Slinky application and 
communicate with newtmgr for a Nordic nRF52 
board.\n\n\nPrerequisites\n\n\n\n\nMeet the prerequisites listed in \nProject 
Slinky\n.  \n\n\nHave a Nordic nRF52-DK board.  \n\n\nInstall the \nSegger 
JLINK Software and documentation pack\n.\n\n\n\n\nCreate a New 
Project\n\n\nCreate a new project if you do not have an existing one.  You can 
skip this step and proceed to \ncreate the targets\n if you already have a 
project created or completed the \nSim Slinky\n tutorial. \n\n\nRun the 
following commands to create a new project. We name the project \nslinky\n.   
\n\n\n$ newt new slinky\nDownloading project skeleton from 
apache/mynewt-blinky...\n...\nInstalling skeleton in slink...\nProject slinky 
successfully created\n$ cd slinky\n$newt install 
\napache-mynewt-core\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Create the Targets\n\n\nCreate two targets 
for the nRF52-DK board - one for the bootloader and one for the Slinky 
application.\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt target\n commands, from your project 
directory, to create a bootloader target. We name the target 
\nnrf52_boot\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_boot\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_boot bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
build_profile=optimized\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt 
target\n commands to create a target for the Slinky application. We name the 
target \nnrf52_slinky\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_slinky\n$ newt target 
set nrf52_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_slinky build_profile=debug\n$ newt target set nrf52_slinky 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBuild the Targets\n\n\nRun 
the \nnewt build nrf52_boot\n command to build the bootloader:\n\n\n$ newt 
build nrf52-boot\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_boot\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt build nrf52_slinky\n 
command to build the Slinky application:\n\n\n$newt build 
nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_slinky\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSign and Create the 
Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt create-image nrf52_slinky 1.0.0\n 
command to create and sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary 
version (e.g. 1.0.0) to the image.\n\n\n$ newt create-image nrf52_slinky 
1.0.0\nApp image succesfully generated: 
 to the Board\n\n\n\n\nConnect a micro-USB cable from your computer to the 
micro-USB port on the nRF52-DK board.\n\n\nTurn the power on the board to ON. 
You should see the green LED light up on the board.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLoad the 
Bootloader and the Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_boot\n command to load the bootloader onto the board:\n\n\n$ newt load 
nrf52_boot\nLoading bootloader\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_slinky\n command to load the Slinky application image onto the 
board:\n\n\n$ newt load nrf52_slinky\nLoading app image into slot 
1\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConnect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial 
Connection\n\n\nSet up a serial connection from your computer to the nRF52-DK 
board (See \nSerial Port Setup\n).  \n\n\nLocate the port, in the /dev 
directory on your computer, that the serial connection uses. The format of the 
port name is platform dependent:\n\n\n\n\nMac OS uses the format 
\ntty.usbserial-\nsome identifier\n.\n\n\nLinux uses the format \nTTYUSB\nN\n, 
where \nN\n is a number.  For example, TTYUSB2.\n\n\n\n\nMinGW on Windows uses 
the format \nttyS\nN\n, where \nN\n is a number. You must map the port name to 
a Windows COM port: \n/dev/ttyS\nN\n maps to \nCOM\nN+1\n. For example, 
\n/dev/ttyS2\n maps to  \nCOM3\n.  \n\n\nYou can also use the Windows Device 
Manager to find the COM port number.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ ls 
/dev/tty*usbserial*\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSetup a newtmgr 
connection profile for the serial port. For our example, the port is  
\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n. \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr conn add\n command to 
define a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port.  We name the 
connection profile \nnrf52serial\n.  \n\n\nNote\n: \n\n\n\n\nYou will need to 
replace the \nconnstring\n with the specific port for your serial connection. 
\n\n\nOn Windows, you must specify \nCOM\nN+1\n for the connstring if 
\n/dev/ttyS\nN\n is the serial port.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn add 
nrf52serial type=serial connstring=/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\nConnection profile 
nrf52serial successfully added\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can run the \nnewt conn 
show\n command to see all the newtmgr connection profiles:\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn 
show\nConnection profiles:\n  nrf52serial: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n\n  sim1: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/ttys012\n\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUse Newtmgr to Query the 
Board\n\n\nRun some newtmgr commands to query and receive responses back from 
the board (See the \nNewt Manager Guide\n for more information on the newtmgr 
commands). \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial\n command. This is 
the simplest command that requests the board to echo back the text. \n\n\n$ 
newtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial \nhello\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr 
image list -c nrf52serial\n command to list the images on the board:\n\n\n$ 
newtmgr image list -c nrf52serial \nImages:\n slot=0\n    version: 1.0.0\n    
bootable: true\n    flags: active confirmed\n    hash: 
f411a55d7a5f54eb8880d380bf47521d8c41ed77fd0a7bd5373b0ae87ddabd42\nSplit status: 
N/A\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr taskstat -c nrf52serial\n command to 
display the task statistics on the board:\n\n\n$ newtmgr taskstat -c 
nrf52serial\n      task pri tid  runtime      csw    stksz   stkuse 
last_checkin next_checkin\n      idle 255   0    43484      539       64       
32        0        0\n      main 127   1        1       90     1024      353    
    0        0\n     task1   8   2        0      340      192      114        0 
       0\n     task2   9   3        0      340       64       31        0       
+            "text": "Project Slinky using the Nordic nRF52 Board\n\n\nThis 
tutorial shows you how to create, build and run the Slinky application and 
communicate with newtmgr for a Nordic nRF52 
board.\n\n\nPrerequisites\n\n\n\n\nMeet the prerequisites listed in \nProject 
Slinky\n.  \n\n\nHave a Nordic nRF52-DK board.  \n\n\nInstall the \nSegger 
JLINK Software and documentation pack\n.\n\n\n\n\nCreate a New 
Project\n\n\nCreate a new project if you do not have an existing one.  You can 
skip this step and proceed to \ncreate the targets\n if you already have a 
project created or completed the \nSim Slinky\n tutorial. \n\n\nRun the 
following commands to create a new project. We name the project \nslinky\n.   
\n\n\n$ newt new slinky\nDownloading project skeleton from 
apache/mynewt-blinky...\n...\nInstalling skeleton in slink...\nProject slinky 
successfully created\n$ cd slinky\n$newt install 
\napache-mynewt-core\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Create the Targets\n\n\nCreate two targets 
for the nRF52-DK board - one for the bootloader and one for the Slinky 
application.\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt target\n commands, from your project 
directory, to create a bootloader target. We name the target 
\nnrf52_boot\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_boot\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_boot bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
build_profile=optimized\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt 
target\n commands to create a target for the Slinky application. We name the 
target \nnrf52_slinky\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_slinky\n$ newt target 
set nrf52_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_slinky build_profile=debug\n$ newt target set nrf52_slinky 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBuild the Targets\n\n\nRun 
the \nnewt build nrf52_boot\n command to build the bootloader:\n\n\n$ newt 
build nrf52_boot\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_boot\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt build nrf52_slinky\n 
command to build the Slinky application:\n\n\n$newt build 
nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_slinky\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSign and Create the 
Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt create-image nrf52_slinky 1.0.0\n 
command to create and sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary 
version (e.g. 1.0.0) to the image.\n\n\n$ newt create-image nrf52_slinky 
1.0.0\nApp image succesfully generated: 
 to the Board\n\n\n\n\nConnect a micro-USB cable from your computer to the 
micro-USB port on the nRF52-DK board.\n\n\nTurn the power on the board to ON. 
You should see the green LED light up on the board.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLoad the 
Bootloader and the Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_boot\n command to load the bootloader onto the board:\n\n\n$ newt load 
nrf52_boot\nLoading bootloader\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_slinky\n command to load the Slinky application image onto the 
board:\n\n\n$ newt load nrf52_slinky\nLoading app image into slot 
1\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConnect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial 
Connection\n\n\nSet up a serial connection from your computer to the nRF52-DK 
board (See \nSerial Port Setup\n).  \n\n\nLocate the port, in the /dev 
directory on your computer, that the serial connection uses. The format of the 
port name is platform dependent:\n\n\n\n\nMac OS uses the format 
\ntty.usbserial-\nsome identifier\n.\n\n\nLinux uses the format \nTTYUSB\nN\n, 
where \nN\n is a number.  For example, TTYUSB2.\n\n\n\n\nMinGW on Windows uses 
the format \nttyS\nN\n, where \nN\n is a number. You must map the port name to 
a Windows COM port: \n/dev/ttyS\nN\n maps to \nCOM\nN+1\n. For example, 
\n/dev/ttyS2\n maps to  \nCOM3\n.  \n\n\nYou can also use the Windows Device 
Manager to find the COM port number.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ ls 
/dev/tty*usbserial*\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSetup a newtmgr 
connection profile for the serial port. For our example, the port is  
\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n. \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr conn add\n command to 
define a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port.  We name the 
connection profile \nnrf52serial\n.  \n\n\nNote\n: \n\n\n\n\nYou will need to 
replace the \nconnstring\n with the specific port for your serial connection. 
\n\n\nOn Windows, you must specify \nCOM\nN+1\n for the connstring if 
\n/dev/ttyS\nN\n is the serial port.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn add 
nrf52serial type=serial connstring=/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\nConnection profile 
nrf52serial successfully added\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can run the \nnewt conn 
show\n command to see all the newtmgr connection profiles:\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn 
show\nConnection profiles:\n  nrf52serial: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n\n  sim1: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/ttys012\n\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUse Newtmgr to Query the 
Board\n\n\nRun some newtmgr commands to query and receive responses back from 
the board (See the \nNewt Manager Guide\n for more information on the newtmgr 
commands). \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial\n command. This is 
the simplest command that requests the board to echo back the text. \n\n\n$ 
newtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial \nhello\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr 
image list -c nrf52serial\n command to list the images on the board:\n\n\n$ 
newtmgr image list -c nrf52serial \nImages:\n slot=0\n    version: 1.0.0\n    
bootable: true\n    flags: active confirmed\n    hash: 
f411a55d7a5f54eb8880d380bf47521d8c41ed77fd0a7bd5373b0ae87ddabd42\nSplit status: 
N/A\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr taskstat -c nrf52serial\n command to 
display the task statistics on the board:\n\n\n$ newtmgr taskstat -c 
nrf52serial\n      task pri tid  runtime      csw    stksz   stkuse 
last_checkin next_checkin\n      idle 255   0    43484      539       64       
32        0        0\n      main 127   1        1       90     1024      353    
    0        0\n     task1   8   2        0      340      192      114        0 
       0\n     task2   9   3        0      340       64       31        0       
             "title": "Slinky on Nordic nRF52"
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
-            "text": "Run the  newt build nrf52_boot  command to build the 
bootloader:  $ newt build nrf52-boot\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot   Run the  newt build nrf52_slinky  command to build 
the Slinky application:  $newt build nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky", 
+            "text": "Run the  newt build nrf52_boot  command to build the 
bootloader:  $ newt build nrf52_boot\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot   Run the  newt build nrf52_slinky  command to build 
the Slinky application:  $newt build nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky", 
             "title": "Build the Targets"
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/index.html 
index bb1bd007a..43034e6d9 100644
--- a/latest/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/index.html
+++ b/latest/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/index.html
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ <h3 id="create-the-targets"><a name="create_targets"></a> 
Create the Targets</h3
 <h3 id="build-the-targets">Build the Targets</h3>
 <p>Run the <code>newt build nrf52_boot</code> command to build the 
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 
125%"><span></span>$ newt build nrf52-boot
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 
125%"><span></span>$ newt build nrf52_boot
 Building target targets/nrf52_boot
 Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
 Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
diff --git a/latest/sitemap.xml b/latest/sitemap.xml
index 752b2028f..709ac29a8 100644
--- a/latest/sitemap.xml
+++ b/latest/sitemap.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
@@ -135,37 +135,37 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2017-11-11</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-11-14</lastmod>
diff --git a/mkdocs/search_index.json b/mkdocs/search_index.json
index bc2c20f20..f66e5be44 100644
--- a/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@
             "location": "/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/", 
-            "text": "Project Slinky using the Nordic nRF52 Board\n\n\nThis 
tutorial shows you how to create, build and run the Slinky application and 
communicate with newtmgr for a Nordic nRF52 
board.\n\n\nPrerequisites\n\n\n\n\nMeet the prerequisites listed in \nProject 
Slinky\n.  \n\n\nHave a Nordic nRF52-DK board.  \n\n\nInstall the \nSegger 
JLINK Software and documentation pack\n.\n\n\n\n\nCreate a New 
Project\n\n\nCreate a new project if you do not have an existing one.  You can 
skip this step and proceed to \ncreate the targets\n if you already have a 
project created or completed the \nSim Slinky\n tutorial. \n\n\nRun the 
following commands to create a new project. We name the project \nslinky\n.   
\n\n\n$ newt new slinky\nDownloading project skeleton from 
apache/mynewt-blinky...\n...\nInstalling skeleton in slink...\nProject slinky 
successfully created\n$ cd slinky\n$newt install 
\napache-mynewt-core\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Create the Targets\n\n\nCreate two targets 
for the nRF52-DK board - one for the bootloader and one for the Slinky 
application.\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt target\n commands, from your project 
directory, to create a bootloader target. We name the target 
\nnrf52_boot\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_boot\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_boot bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
build_profile=optimized\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt 
target\n commands to create a target for the Slinky application. We name the 
target \nnrf52_slinky\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_slinky\n$ newt target 
set nrf52_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_slinky build_profile=debug\n$ newt target set nrf52_slinky 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBuild the Targets\n\n\nRun 
the \nnewt build nrf52_boot\n command to build the bootloader:\n\n\n$ newt 
build nrf52-boot\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_boot\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt build nrf52_slinky\n 
command to build the Slinky application:\n\n\n$newt build 
nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_slinky\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSign and Create the 
Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt create-image nrf52_slinky 1.0.0\n 
command to create and sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary 
version (e.g. 1.0.0) to the image.\n\n\n$ newt create-image nrf52_slinky 
1.0.0\nApp image succesfully generated: 
 to the Board\n\n\n\n\nConnect a micro-USB cable from your computer to the 
micro-USB port on the nRF52-DK board.\n\n\nTurn the power on the board to ON. 
You should see the green LED light up on the board.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLoad the 
Bootloader and the Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_boot\n command to load the bootloader onto the board:\n\n\n$ newt load 
nrf52_boot\nLoading bootloader\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_slinky\n command to load the Slinky application image onto the 
board:\n\n\n$ newt load nrf52_slinky\nLoading app image into slot 
1\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConnect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial 
Connection\n\n\nSet up a serial connection from your computer to the nRF52-DK 
board (See \nSerial Port Setup\n).  \n\n\nLocate the port, in the /dev 
directory on your computer, that the serial connection uses. The format of the 
port name is platform dependent:\n\n\n\n\nMac OS uses the format 
\ntty.usbserial-\nsome identifier\n.\n\n\nLinux uses the format \nTTYUSB\nN\n, 
where \nN\n is a number.  For example, TTYUSB2.\n\n\n\n\nMinGW on Windows uses 
the format \nttyS\nN\n, where \nN\n is a number. You must map the port name to 
a Windows COM port: \n/dev/ttyS\nN\n maps to \nCOM\nN+1\n. For example, 
\n/dev/ttyS2\n maps to  \nCOM3\n.  \n\n\nYou can also use the Windows Device 
Manager to find the COM port number.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ ls 
/dev/tty*usbserial*\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSetup a newtmgr 
connection profile for the serial port. For our example, the port is  
\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n. \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr conn add\n command to 
define a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port.  We name the 
connection profile \nnrf52serial\n.  \n\n\nNote\n: \n\n\n\n\nYou will need to 
replace the \nconnstring\n with the specific port for your serial connection. 
\n\n\nOn Windows, you must specify \nCOM\nN+1\n for the connstring if 
\n/dev/ttyS\nN\n is the serial port.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn add 
nrf52serial type=serial connstring=/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\nConnection profile 
nrf52serial successfully added\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can run the \nnewt conn 
show\n command to see all the newtmgr connection profiles:\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn 
show\nConnection profiles:\n  nrf52serial: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n\n  sim1: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/ttys012\n\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUse Newtmgr to Query the 
Board\n\n\nRun some newtmgr commands to query and receive responses back from 
the board (See the \nNewt Manager Guide\n for more information on the newtmgr 
commands). \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial\n command. This is 
the simplest command that requests the board to echo back the text. \n\n\n$ 
newtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial \nhello\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr 
image list -c nrf52serial\n command to list the images on the board:\n\n\n$ 
newtmgr image list -c nrf52serial \nImages:\n slot=0\n    version: 1.0.0\n    
bootable: true\n    flags: active confirmed\n    hash: 
f411a55d7a5f54eb8880d380bf47521d8c41ed77fd0a7bd5373b0ae87ddabd42\nSplit status: 
N/A\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr taskstat -c nrf52serial\n command to 
display the task statistics on the board:\n\n\n$ newtmgr taskstat -c 
nrf52serial\n      task pri tid  runtime      csw    stksz   stkuse 
last_checkin next_checkin\n      idle 255   0    43484      539       64       
32        0        0\n      main 127   1        1       90     1024      353    
    0        0\n     task1   8   2        0      340      192      114        0 
       0\n     task2   9   3        0      340       64       31        0       
+            "text": "Project Slinky using the Nordic nRF52 Board\n\n\nThis 
tutorial shows you how to create, build and run the Slinky application and 
communicate with newtmgr for a Nordic nRF52 
board.\n\n\nPrerequisites\n\n\n\n\nMeet the prerequisites listed in \nProject 
Slinky\n.  \n\n\nHave a Nordic nRF52-DK board.  \n\n\nInstall the \nSegger 
JLINK Software and documentation pack\n.\n\n\n\n\nCreate a New 
Project\n\n\nCreate a new project if you do not have an existing one.  You can 
skip this step and proceed to \ncreate the targets\n if you already have a 
project created or completed the \nSim Slinky\n tutorial. \n\n\nRun the 
following commands to create a new project. We name the project \nslinky\n.   
\n\n\n$ newt new slinky\nDownloading project skeleton from 
apache/mynewt-blinky...\n...\nInstalling skeleton in slink...\nProject slinky 
successfully created\n$ cd slinky\n$newt install 
\napache-mynewt-core\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Create the Targets\n\n\nCreate two targets 
for the nRF52-DK board - one for the bootloader and one for the Slinky 
application.\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt target\n commands, from your project 
directory, to create a bootloader target. We name the target 
\nnrf52_boot\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_boot\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_boot bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
build_profile=optimized\n$ newt target set nrf52_boot 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the following \nnewt 
target\n commands to create a target for the Slinky application. We name the 
target \nnrf52_slinky\n.\n\n\n$ newt target create nrf52_slinky\n$ newt target 
set nrf52_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk\n$ newt target set 
nrf52_slinky build_profile=debug\n$ newt target set nrf52_slinky 
app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBuild the Targets\n\n\nRun 
the \nnewt build nrf52_boot\n command to build the bootloader:\n\n\n$ newt 
build nrf52_boot\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_boot\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt build nrf52_slinky\n 
command to build the Slinky application:\n\n\n$newt build 
nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target targets/nrf52_slinky\nCompiling 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSign and Create the 
Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt create-image nrf52_slinky 1.0.0\n 
command to create and sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary 
version (e.g. 1.0.0) to the image.\n\n\n$ newt create-image nrf52_slinky 
1.0.0\nApp image succesfully generated: 
 to the Board\n\n\n\n\nConnect a micro-USB cable from your computer to the 
micro-USB port on the nRF52-DK board.\n\n\nTurn the power on the board to ON. 
You should see the green LED light up on the board.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLoad the 
Bootloader and the Slinky Application Image\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_boot\n command to load the bootloader onto the board:\n\n\n$ newt load 
nrf52_boot\nLoading bootloader\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewt load 
nrf52_slinky\n command to load the Slinky application image onto the 
board:\n\n\n$ newt load nrf52_slinky\nLoading app image into slot 
1\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConnect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial 
Connection\n\n\nSet up a serial connection from your computer to the nRF52-DK 
board (See \nSerial Port Setup\n).  \n\n\nLocate the port, in the /dev 
directory on your computer, that the serial connection uses. The format of the 
port name is platform dependent:\n\n\n\n\nMac OS uses the format 
\ntty.usbserial-\nsome identifier\n.\n\n\nLinux uses the format \nTTYUSB\nN\n, 
where \nN\n is a number.  For example, TTYUSB2.\n\n\n\n\nMinGW on Windows uses 
the format \nttyS\nN\n, where \nN\n is a number. You must map the port name to 
a Windows COM port: \n/dev/ttyS\nN\n maps to \nCOM\nN+1\n. For example, 
\n/dev/ttyS2\n maps to  \nCOM3\n.  \n\n\nYou can also use the Windows Device 
Manager to find the COM port number.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ ls 
/dev/tty*usbserial*\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSetup a newtmgr 
connection profile for the serial port. For our example, the port is  
\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n. \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr conn add\n command to 
define a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port.  We name the 
connection profile \nnrf52serial\n.  \n\n\nNote\n: \n\n\n\n\nYou will need to 
replace the \nconnstring\n with the specific port for your serial connection. 
\n\n\nOn Windows, you must specify \nCOM\nN+1\n for the connstring if 
\n/dev/ttyS\nN\n is the serial port.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn add 
nrf52serial type=serial connstring=/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\nConnection profile 
nrf52serial successfully added\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can run the \nnewt conn 
show\n command to see all the newtmgr connection profiles:\n\n\n$ newtmgr conn 
show\nConnection profiles:\n  nrf52serial: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11\n\n  sim1: type=serial, 
connstring=\n/dev/ttys012\n\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUse Newtmgr to Query the 
Board\n\n\nRun some newtmgr commands to query and receive responses back from 
the board (See the \nNewt Manager Guide\n for more information on the newtmgr 
commands). \n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial\n command. This is 
the simplest command that requests the board to echo back the text. \n\n\n$ 
newtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial \nhello\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr 
image list -c nrf52serial\n command to list the images on the board:\n\n\n$ 
newtmgr image list -c nrf52serial \nImages:\n slot=0\n    version: 1.0.0\n    
bootable: true\n    flags: active confirmed\n    hash: 
f411a55d7a5f54eb8880d380bf47521d8c41ed77fd0a7bd5373b0ae87ddabd42\nSplit status: 
N/A\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRun the \nnewtmgr taskstat -c nrf52serial\n command to 
display the task statistics on the board:\n\n\n$ newtmgr taskstat -c 
nrf52serial\n      task pri tid  runtime      csw    stksz   stkuse 
last_checkin next_checkin\n      idle 255   0    43484      539       64       
32        0        0\n      main 127   1        1       90     1024      353    
    0        0\n     task1   8   2        0      340      192      114        0 
       0\n     task2   9   3        0      340       64       31        0       
             "title": "Slinky on Nordic nRF52"
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
-            "text": "Run the  newt build nrf52_boot  command to build the 
bootloader:  $ newt build nrf52-boot\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot   Run the  newt build nrf52_slinky  command to build 
the Slinky application:  $newt build nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky", 
+            "text": "Run the  newt build nrf52_boot  command to build the 
bootloader:  $ newt build nrf52_boot\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c\n    ...\n\nArchiving 
sys_mfg.a\nArchiving sys_sysinit.a\nArchiving util_mem.a\nLinking 
~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf\nTarget successfully 
built: targets/nrf52_boot   Run the  newt build nrf52_slinky  command to build 
the Slinky application:  $newt build nrf52_slinky\nBuilding target 
repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c\n\n       ...\n\nArchiving 
successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky", 
             "title": "Build the Targets"
diff --git a/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/index.html 
index bb1bd007a..43034e6d9 100644
--- a/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/index.html
+++ b/os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky/index.html
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ <h3 id="create-the-targets"><a name="create_targets"></a> 
Create the Targets</h3
 <h3 id="build-the-targets">Build the Targets</h3>
 <p>Run the <code>newt build nrf52_boot</code> command to build the 
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 
125%"><span></span>$ newt build nrf52-boot
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 
125%"><span></span>$ newt build nrf52_boot
 Building target targets/nrf52_boot
 Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
 Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
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