diff --git 
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index 03aa08a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.http
-import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse
-import org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse
-import org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier
-import org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiProperties
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.AccessPolicyDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ControllerConfigurationDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.FunnelDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.LabelDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PermissionsDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.status.ConnectionStatusDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.status.ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionEntity
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionsEntity
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ControllerConfigurationEntity
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.FunnelEntity
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.FunnelsEntity
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.LabelEntity
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.LabelsEntity
-import org.codehaus.jackson.xc.JaxbAnnotationIntrospector
-import spock.lang.Specification
-import spock.lang.Unroll
-class StandardHttpResponseMergerSpec extends Specification {
-    def setup() {
-        def propFile = 
-        System.setProperty NiFiProperties.PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH, propFile
-    }
-    def cleanup() {
-        System.clearProperty NiFiProperties.PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH
-    }
-    def "MergeResponses: mixed HTTP GET response statuses, expecting 
#expectedStatus"() {
-        given:
-        def responseMerger = new 
-        def requestUri = new URI('http://server/resource')
-        def requestId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
-        def Map<ClientResponse, Map<String, Integer>> mockToRequestEntity = [:]
-        def nodeResponseSet = nodeResponseData.collect {
-            int n = it.node
-            def clientResponse = Mock(ClientResponse)
-            mockToRequestEntity.put clientResponse, it
-            new NodeResponse(new NodeIdentifier("cluster-node-$n", 'addr', n, 
'sktaddr', n * 10, 'stsaddr', n * 100, n * 1000, false, null), "get", 
requestUri, clientResponse, 500L, requestId)
-        } as Set
-        when:
-        def returnedResponse = responseMerger.mergeResponses(requestUri, 
'get', nodeResponseSet).getStatus()
-        then:
-        mockToRequestEntity.entrySet().forEach {
-            ClientResponse mockClientResponse = it.key
-            _ * mockClientResponse.getStatus() >> it.value.status
-        }
-        0 * _
-        returnedResponse == expectedStatus
-        where:
-        nodeResponseData                                                       
         || expectedStatus
-        [[node: 1, status: 200], [node: 2, status: 200], [node: 3, status: 
401]] as Set || 401
-        [[node: 1, status: 200], [node: 2, status: 200], [node: 3, status: 
403]] as Set || 403
-        [[node: 1, status: 200], [node: 2, status: 403], [node: 3, status: 
500]] as Set || 403
-        [[node: 1, status: 200], [node: 2, status: 200], [node: 3, status: 
500]] as Set || 500
-    }
-    def "MergeResponses: #responseEntities.size() HTTP 200 #httpMethod 
responses for #requestUriPart"() {
-        given: "json serialization setup"
-        def mapper = new ObjectMapper();
-        def jaxbIntrospector = new JaxbAnnotationIntrospector();
-        def SerializationConfig serializationConfig = 
-        and: "setup of the data to be used in the test"
-        def responseMerger = new 
-        def requestUri = new URI("http://server/$requestUriPart";)
-        def requestId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
-        def Map<ClientResponse, Object> mockToRequestEntity = [:]
-        def n = 0
-        def nodeResponseSet = responseEntities.collect {
-            ++n
-            def clientResponse = Mock(ClientResponse)
-            mockToRequestEntity.put clientResponse, it
-            new NodeResponse(new NodeIdentifier("cluster-node-$n", 'addr', n, 
'sktaddr', n * 10, 'stsaddr', n * 100, n * 1000, false, null), "get", 
requestUri, clientResponse, 500L, requestId)
-        } as Set
-        when:
-        def returnedResponse = responseMerger.mergeResponses(requestUri, 
httpMethod, nodeResponseSet)
-        then:
-        mockToRequestEntity.entrySet().forEach {
-            ClientResponse mockClientResponse = it.key
-            def entity = it.value
-            _ * mockClientResponse.getStatus() >> 200
-            1 * mockClientResponse.getEntity(_) >> entity
-        }
-        responseEntities.size() == mockToRequestEntity.size()
-        0 * _
-        def returnedJson = 
-        def expectedJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(expectedEntity)
-        returnedJson == expectedJson
-        where:
-        requestUriPart                                             | 
httpMethod | responseEntities                                                   
-                expectedEntity
-        'nifi-api/controller/config'                               | 'get'     
 | [
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10)),
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: false),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10)),
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10))]                                                
-                // expectedEntity
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: false),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10))
-        'nifi-api/controller/config'                               | 'put'     
 | [
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10)),
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: false),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10)),
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10))]                                                
-                // expectedEntity
-                new ControllerConfigurationEntity(permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: false),
-                        component: new 
ControllerConfigurationDTO(maxEventDrivenThreadCount: 10, 
maxTimerDrivenThreadCount: 10))
-        "nifi-api/process-groups/${UUID.randomUUID()}/connections" | 'get'     
 | [
-                new ConnectionsEntity(connections: [new ConnectionEntity(id: 
'1', permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), status: new
-                        ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 300)), component: new ConnectionDTO())] as 
-                new ConnectionsEntity(connections: [new ConnectionEntity(id: 
'1', permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false), status: 
-                        ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 100)))] as Set),
-                new ConnectionsEntity(connections: [new ConnectionEntity(id: 
'1', permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), status: new
-                        ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 500)), component: new ConnectionDTO())] as 
Set)] ||
-                // expectedEntity
-                new ConnectionsEntity(connections: [new ConnectionEntity(id: 
'1', permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false),
-                        status: new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 900,
-                                input: '0 (900 bytes)', output: '0 (0 bytes)', 
queued: '0 (0 bytes)', queuedSize: '0 bytes', queuedCount: 0)))] as Set)
-        "nifi-api/process-groups/${UUID.randomUUID()}/connections" | 'post'    
 | [
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), status:
-                        new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 300)), component: new ConnectionDTO()),
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false), status:
-                        new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 300))),
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), status:
-                        new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 300)), component: new ConnectionDTO())]    
-                // expectedEntity
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false),
-                        status: new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 900, input: '0 (900 bytes)',
-                                output: '0 (0 bytes)', queued: '0 (0 bytes)', 
queuedSize: '0 bytes', queuedCount: 0)))
-        "nifi-api/connections/${UUID.randomUUID()}"                | 'get'     
 | [
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), status:
-                        new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 400)), component: new ConnectionDTO()),
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false), status:
-                        new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 300))),
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), status:
-                        new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 300)), component: new ConnectionDTO())]    
-                // expectedEntity
-                new ConnectionEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false),
-                        status: new ConnectionStatusDTO(aggregateSnapshot: new 
ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO(bytesIn: 1000,
-                                input: '0 (1,000 bytes)', output: '0 (0 
bytes)', queued: '0 (0 bytes)', queuedSize: '0 bytes', queuedCount: 0)))
-        "nifi-api/process-groups/${UUID.randomUUID()}/labels" | 'get'      | [
-                new LabelsEntity(labels: [new LabelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new 
LabelDTO())] as Set),
-                new LabelsEntity(labels: [new LabelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))] as Set),
-                new LabelsEntity(labels: [new LabelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new 
LabelDTO())] as Set)] ||
-                // expectedEntity
-                new LabelsEntity(labels: [new LabelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))] as Set)
-        "nifi-api/process-groups/${UUID.randomUUID()}/labels" | 'post'     | [
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new LabelDTO()),
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false)),
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new LabelDTO())]      
-                // expectedEntity
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))
-        "nifi-api/labels/${UUID.randomUUID()}"                | 'get'      | [
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new LabelDTO()),
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false)),
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new LabelDTO())]      
-                // expectedEntity
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))
-        "nifi-api/process-groups/${UUID.randomUUID()}/funnels" | 'get'      | [
-                new FunnelsEntity(funnels: [new FunnelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new 
FunnelDTO())] as Set),
-                new FunnelsEntity(funnels: [new FunnelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))] as Set),
-                new FunnelsEntity(funnels: [new FunnelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new 
FunnelDTO())] as Set)] ||
-                // expectedEntity
-                new FunnelsEntity(funnels: [new FunnelEntity(id: '1', 
permissions: new PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))] as Set)
-        "nifi-api/process-groups/${UUID.randomUUID()}/funnels" | 'post'     | [
-                new FunnelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new FunnelDTO()),
-                new FunnelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false)),
-                new FunnelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new FunnelDTO())]     
-                // expectedEntity
-                new LabelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))
-        "nifi-api/funnels/${UUID.randomUUID()}"                | 'get'      | [
-                new FunnelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new FunnelDTO()),
-                new FunnelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false)),
-                new FunnelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: true, canWrite: true), component: new FunnelDTO())]     
-                // expectedEntity
-                new FunnelEntity(id: '1', permissions: new 
PermissionsDTO(canRead: false, canWrite: false))
-    }

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