 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="utf-8" />
+        <title>AmbariReportingTask</title>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css" />
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <h2>AmbariReportingTask</h2>
+        <p>This ReportingTask sends the following metrics to Ambari:</p>
+        <ul>
+            <li>FlowFilesReceivedLast5Minutes</li>
+            <li>BytesReceivedLast5Minutes</li>
+            <li>FlowFilesSentLast5Minutes</li>
+            <li>BytesSentLast5Minutes</li>
+            <li>FlowFilesQueued</li>
+            <li>BytesQueued</li>
+            <li>BytesReadLast5Minutes</li>
+            <li>BytesWrittenLast5Minutes</li>
+            <li>ActiveThreads</li>
+            <li>TotalTaskDurationSeconds</li>
+            <li>jvm.uptime</li>
+            <li>jvm.heap_used</li>
+            <li>jvm.heap_usage</li>
+            <li>jvm.non_heap_usage</li>
+            <li>jvm.thread_states.runnable</li>
+            <li>jvm.thread_states.blocked</li>
+            <li>jvm.thread_states.timed_waiting</li>
+            <li>jvm.thread_states.terminated</li>
+            <li>jvm.thread_count</li>
+            <li>jvm.daemon_thread_count</li>
+            <li>jvm.file_descriptor_usage</li>
+            <li>jvm.gc.runs</li>
+            <li>jvm.gc.time</li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>
+            In order to make use of these metrics in Ambari, a NIFI service 
must be created and installed
+            in Ambari. Please consult the Ambari and NiFi documentation for 
further details.
+        </p>
+    </body>

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>AmbariReportingTask</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">AmbariReportingTask</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Publishes metrics from 
NiFi to Ambari Metrics Service (AMS). Due to how the Ambari Metrics Service 
works, this reporting task should be scheduled to run every 60 seconds. Each 
iteration it will send the metrics from the previous iteration, and calculate 
the current metrics to be sent on next iteration. Scheduling this reporting 
task at a frequency other than 60 seconds may produce unexpected 
results.</p><p><a href="additionalDetails.html">Additional 
Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>reporting, ambari, 
metrics</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In th
 e list below, the names of required properties appear in 
<strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered 
optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property 
supports the <a href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi 
Expression Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Metrics Collector URL</strong></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The URL of the Ambari Metrics 
Collector Service<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Application 
ID</strong></td><td id="default-value">nifi</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The Application ID to be 
included in the metrics sent to Ambari<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><
 td id="name"><strong>Hostname</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">${hostname(true)}</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The Hostname of this NiFi instance to be included in the 
metrics sent to Ambari<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Process Group ID</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">If 
specified, the reporting task will send metrics about this process group only. 
If not, the root process group is used and global metrics are 
sent.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does 
not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    <meta charset="utf-8" />
+    <title>ConsumeAMQP</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css" />
+    This processor consumes messages from AMQP messaging queue and converts 
them to a FlowFile to be routed to the next component in the flow.
+    At the time of writing this document the supported AMQP protocol version 
is v0.9.1.
+       The component is based on <a 
href="";>RabbitMQ Client API</a>
+       <a href="";>The following guide 
and tutorial</a> may also help you to brush up on some of the AMQP basics.
+    This processor does two things. It constructs FlwFile by extracting 
information from the consumed AMQP message (both body and attributes). 
+    Once message is consumed a FlowFile is constructed. The message body is 
written to a FlowFile and its <i>com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties</i>
+    are transfered into the FlowFile as attributes. AMQP attribute names are 
prefixed with <i>amqp$</i> prefix.
+<h2>AMQP Properties</h2>
+    The following is the list of available standard AMQP properties which may 
come with the message: <i>("amqp$contentType", "amqp$contentEncoding",
+            "amqp$headers", "amqp$deliveryMode", "amqp$priority", 
"amqp$correlationId", "amqp$replyTo",
+            "amqp$expiration", "amqp$messageId", "amqp$timestamp", 
"amqp$type", "amqp$userId", "amqp$appId",
+            "amqp$clusterId")</i>
+<h2>Configuration Details</h2>
+    At the time of writing this document it only defines the essential 
configuration properties which are suitable for most cases. 
+    Other properties will be defined later as this component progresses.
+    Configuring PublishAMQP:
+    <li><b>Queue</b> - [REQUIRED] the name of AMQP queue the messages will 
retrieved from. Usually provided by administrator (e.g., '')
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Host Name</b> - [REQUIRED] the name of the host where AMQP broker 
is running. 
+    Usually provided by administrator (e.g., ''). Defaults to 
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Port</b> - [REQUIRED] the port number where AMQP broker is running. 
+    Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., '2453'). Defaults to '5672'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>User Name</b> - [REQUIRED] user name to connect to AMQP broker. 
+    Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., 'me'). Defaults to 'guest'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Password</b> - [REQUIRED] password to use with user name to connect 
to AMQP broker. 
+    Usually provided by the administrator. Defaults to 'guest'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Use Certificate Authentication</b> - [OPTIONAL] whether or not to 
use the SSL certificate common name for authentication rather than user 
+    This can only be used in conjunction with SSL. Defaults to 'false'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Virtual Host</b> - [OPTIONAL] Virtual Host name which segregates 
AMQP system for enhanced security.
+    Please refer to <a 
blog</a> for more details on Virtual Host.
+    </li>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>ConsumeAMQP</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">ConsumeAMQP</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Consumes AMQP Message 
transforming its content to a FlowFile and transitioning it to 'success' 
relationship</p><p><a href="additionalDetails.html">Additional 
Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>amqp, rabbit, get, message, receive, 
consume</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and 
whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that its value will be 
encrypted. Before entering a
  value in a sensitive property, ensure that the 
<strong></strong> file has an entry for the property 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
id="name"><strong>Queue</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The name of the existing AMQP 
Queue from which messages will be consumed. Usually pre-defined by AMQP 
administrator. </td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Host Name</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">localhost</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Network address of AMQP broker (e.g., 
localhost)</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Port</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">5672</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Numeric value identifying Port of AMQP broker (e.g., 
5671)</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Virtual Host</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowabl
 e-values"></td><td id="description">Virtual Host name which segregates AMQP 
system for enhanced security.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>User 
Name</strong></td><td id="default-value">guest</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">User Name used for 
authentication and authorization.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Password</strong></td><td id="default-value">guest</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Password used for 
authentication and authorization.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>AMQP Version</strong></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>0.9.1</li></ul></td><td id="description">AMQP 
Version. Currently only supports AMQP v0.9.1.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">SSL 
Context Service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
</strong><br/>SSLContextService<br/><strong>Implementations: </strong><a 
 id="description">The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate 
information for TLS/SSL connections.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Use Certificate 
Authentication</td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">Authenticate using the SSL certificate common name rather than 
user name/password.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Client Auth</td><td 
 id="description">Client authentication policy when connecting to secure 
(TLS/SSL) AMQP broker. Possible values are REQUIRED, WANT, NONE. This property 
is only used wh
 en an SSL Context has been defined and 
enabled.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 FlowFiles that are received from the AMQP queue are routed to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is 
not restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component does not allow an 
incoming relationship.</body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    <meta charset="utf-8" />
+    <title>PublishAMQP</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css" />
+    This processor publishes the contents of the incoming FlowFile to an 
AMQP-based messaging system.
+    At the time of writing this document the supported AMQP protocol version 
is v0.9.1.
+       The component is based on <a 
href="";>RabbitMQ Client API</a>
+       <a href="";>The following guide 
and tutorial</a> may also help you to brush up on some of the AMQP basics.
+    This processor does two things. It constructs AMQP Message by extracting 
FlowFile contents (both body and attributes). 
+    Once message is constructed it is sent to an AMQP Exchange.
+    AMQP Properties will be extracted from the FlowFile and converted to 
<i>com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties</i> to be sent
+    along with the message. Upon success the incoming FlowFile is transfered 
to <i>success</i> Relationship and upon failure FlowFile is
+    penalized and transfered to the <i>failure</i> Relationship. 
+<h2>Where did my message go?</h2>
+    In a typical AMQP exchange model, the message that is sent to an AMQP 
Exchange will be routed based on the <i>Routing Key</i> 
+    to its final destination in the <i>Queue</i>. It's called <b>Binding</b>. 
If due to some misconfiguration the binding between the <i>Exchange, Routing Key
+    and the Queue</i> is not set up, the message will have no final 
destination and will return (i.e., the data will not make it to the queue). 
+    If that happens you will see a log in both app-log and bulletin stating to 
that effect. Fixing the binding (normally done by AMQP administrator) 
+    will resolve the issue.
+<h2>AMQP Properties</h2>
+       Attributes extracted from the FlowFile are considered candidates for 
+    properties if their names are prefixed with <i>amqp$</i> (e.g., 
amqp$contentType=text/xml). To enrich message with additional AMQP properties 
+    you may use <b>UpdateAttribute</b> processor between the source processor 
and PublishAMQP processor.
+    The following is the list of available standard AMQP properties: 
<i>("amqp$contentType", "amqp$contentEncoding",
+            "amqp$headers", "amqp$deliveryMode", "amqp$priority", 
"amqp$correlationId", "amqp$replyTo",
+            "amqp$expiration", "amqp$messageId", "amqp$timestamp", 
"amqp$type", "amqp$userId", "amqp$appId",
+            "amqp$clusterId")</i>
+<h2>Configuration Details</h2>
+    At the time of writing this document it only defines the essential 
configuration properties which are suitable for most cases. 
+    Other properties will be defined later as this component progresses.
+    Configuring PublishAMQP:
+    <li><b>Exchange Name</b> - [OPTIONAL] the name of AMQP exchange the 
messages will be sent to. Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., 
+    It is an optional property. If kept empty the messages will be sent to a 
default AMQP exchange. More on AMQP Exchanges could be found 
+    <a href="";>here</a>.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Routing Key</b> - [REQUIRED] the name of the routing key that will 
be used by AMQP to route messages from the exchange to destination queue(s). 
+    Usually provided by administrator (e.g., 'myKey')
+    In the event when messages are sent to a default exchange this property 
corresponds to a destination queue name, otherwise a binding from the Exchange 
to a Queue via 
+    Routing Key must be set (usually by the AMQP administrator). More on AMQP 
Exchanges and Bindings could be found 
+    <a href="";>here</a>.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Host Name</b> - [REQUIRED] the name of the host where AMQP broker 
is running. 
+    Usually provided by administrator (e.g., ''). Defaults to 
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Port</b> - [REQUIRED] the port number where AMQP broker is running. 
+    Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., '2453'). Defaults to '5672'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>User Name</b> - [REQUIRED] user name to connect to AMQP broker. 
+    Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., 'me'). Defaults to 'guest'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Password</b> - [REQUIRED] password to use with user name to connect 
to AMQP broker. 
+    Usually provided by the administrator. Defaults to 'guest'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Use Certificate Authentication</b> - [OPTIONAL] whether or not to 
use the SSL certificate common name for authentication rather than user 
+    This can only be used in conjunction with SSL. Defaults to 'false'.
+    </li>
+    <li><b>Virtual Host</b> - [OPTIONAL] Virtual Host name which segregates 
AMQP system for enhanced security.
+    Please refer to <a 
blog</a> for more details on Virtual Host.
+    </li>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>PublishAMQP</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">PublishAMQP</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Creates a AMQP Message from the 
contents of a FlowFile and sends the message to an AMQP Exchange.In a typical 
AMQP exchange model, the message that is sent to the AMQP Exchange will be 
routed based on the 'Routing Key' to its final destination in the queue (the 
binding). If due to some misconfiguration the binding between the Exchange, 
Routing Key and Queue is not set up, the message will have no final destination 
and will return (i.e., the data will not make it to the queue). If that happens 
you will see a log in both app-log and bulletin stating to that eff
 ect. Fixing the binding (normally done by AMQP administrator) will resolve the 
issue.</p><p><a href="additionalDetails.html">Additional 
Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>amqp, rabbit, put, message, send, 
publish</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, whether a 
property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that 
its value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a sensitive property, 
ensure that the <strong></strong> file has an entry for the 
property <strong>nifi.sensitive.props.key</strong>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Exchange 
Name</strong></td><td id=
 "default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
name of the AMQP Exchange the messages will be sent to. Usually provided by the 
AMQP administrator (e.g., ''). It is an optional property. If kept 
empty the messages will be sent to a default AMQP 
exchange.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Routing Key</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
name of the Routing Key that will be used by AMQP to route messages from the 
exchange to a destination queue(s). Usually provided by the administrator 
(e.g., 'myKey')In the event when messages are sent to a default exchange this 
property corresponds to a destination queue name, otherwise a binding from the 
Exchange to a Queue via Routing Key must be set (usually by the AMQP 
administrator)<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Host Name</strong></
 td><td id="default-value">localhost</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Network address of AMQP broker (e.g., 
localhost)</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Port</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">5672</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Numeric value identifying Port of AMQP broker (e.g., 
5671)</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Virtual Host</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Virtual Host name which segregates AMQP system for enhanced 
security.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>User Name</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">guest</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">User Name used for authentication and 
authorization.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Password</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">guest</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Password used for authentication and 
authorization.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
 rong>AMQP Version</strong></td><td id="default-value">0.9.1</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>0.9.1</li></ul></td><td id="description">AMQP 
Version. Currently only supports AMQP v0.9.1.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">SSL 
Context Service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
</strong><br/>SSLContextService<br/><strong>Implementations: </strong><a 
 id="description">The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate 
information for TLS/SSL connections.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Use Certificate 
Authentication</td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>true</li><li>false</li></ul></td><td id="des
 cription">Authenticate using the SSL certificate common name rather than user 
name/password.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Client Auth</td><td 
 id="description">Client authentication policy when connecting to secure 
(TLS/SSL) AMQP broker. Possible values are REQUIRED, WANT, NONE. This property 
is only used when an SSL Context has been defined and 
enabled.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 FlowFiles that are sent to the AMQP destination are routed to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>All FlowFiles that cannot be 
routed to the AMQP destination are routed to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: <
 /h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This 
component requires an incoming relationship.</body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>ConvertAvroToJSON</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">ConvertAvroToJSON</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Converts a Binary Avro 
record into a JSON object. This processor provides a direct mapping of an Avro 
field to a JSON field, such that the resulting JSON will have the same 
hierarchical structure as the Avro document. Note that the Avro schema 
information will be lost, as this is not a translation from binary Avro to JSON 
formatted Avro. The output JSON is encoded the UTF-8 encoding. If an incoming 
FlowFile contains a stream of multiple Avro records, the resultant FlowFile 
will contain a JSON Array containing all of the Avro records or a sequence 
 of JSON Objects.  If an incoming FlowFile does not contain any records, an 
empty JSON object is the output. Empty/Single Avro record FlowFile inputs are 
optionally wrapped in a container as dictated by 'Wrap Single 
Record'</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>avro, convert, json</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In 
the list below, the names of required properties appear in 
<strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered 
optional. The table also indicates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>JSON container 
options</strong></td><td id="default-value">array</td><td 
id="description">Determines how stream of records is exposed: either as a 
sequence of single Objects (none) (i.e. writing every Object to a new line), or 
as an array of Objects (array).</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Wrap Single 
 cord</strong></td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">Determines if the resulting output for empty records or a 
single record should be wrapped in a container array as specified by 'JSON 
container options'</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Avro schema</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">If 
the Avro records do not contain the schema (datum only), it must be specified 
here.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 FlowFile is routed to this relationship after it has been converted to 
JSON</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>A FlowFile is routed to this relationship 
if it cannot be parsed as Avro or cannot be converted to JSON for any 
reason</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes 
Attributes: </h3><table id="writes-attributes"><tr><th>Name</th
 ><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>mime.type</td><td>Sets the mime type to 
 >application/json</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component 
 >does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
 >restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>ExtractAvroMetadata</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">ExtractAvroMetadata</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Extracts metadata from 
the header of an Avro datafile.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>avro, schema, 
metadata</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Fingerprint 
Algorithm</strong></td><td id="default-value">CRC-64-AVRO</td><td id="allowable-
id="description">The algorithm used to generate the schema fingerprint. 
Available choices are based on the Avro recommended practices for fingerprint 
generation.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Metadata Keys</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
comma-separated list of keys indicating key/value pairs to extract from the 
Avro file header. The key 'avro.schema' can be used to extract the full schema 
in JSON format, and 'avro.codec' can be used to extract the codec name if one 
exists.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Count Items</strong></td><td 
id="description">If true the number of items in the datafile will be counted 
and stored in a FlowFile attribute 'item.count'. The counting is done by 
reading blocks and getting the number of items for each block, thus avoiding de
 -serializing. The items being counted will be the top-level items in the 
datafile. For example, with a schema of type record the items will be the 
records, and for a schema of type Array the items will be the arrays (not the 
number of entries in each array).</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: 
 FlowFile is routed to this relationship after metadata has been 
extracted.</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>A FlowFile is routed to this 
relationship if it cannot be parsed as Avro or metadata cannot be extracted for 
any reason</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 type of the schema (i.e. record, enum, 
etc.).</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>Contains the name when the type is 
a record, enum or fixed, otherwise contains the name of the primit
 ive type.</td></tr><tr><td>schema.fingerprint</td><td>The result of the 
Fingerprint Algorithm as a Hex string.</td></tr><tr><td>item.count</td><td>The 
total number of items in the datafile, only written if Count Items is set to 
true.</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does not store 
state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>Input 
requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>SplitAvro</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">SplitAvro</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Splits a binary encoded Avro 
datafile into smaller files based on the configured Output Size. The Output 
Strategy determines if the smaller files will be Avro datafiles, or bare Avro 
records with metadata in the FlowFile attributes. The output will always be 
binary encoded.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>avro, split</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In 
the list below, the names of required properties appear in 
<strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered 
optional. The table also indicates any default values.</p><table 
 th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Split Strategy</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">Record</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Record <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Split at Record boundaries" 
title="Split at Record boundaries"></img></li></ul></td><td 
id="description">The strategy for splitting the incoming datafile. The Record 
strategy will read the incoming datafile by de-serializing each 
record.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Output Size</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">1</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The number of Avro records to include per split file. In cases 
where the incoming file has less records than the Output Size, or when the 
total number of records does not divide evenly by the Output Size, it is 
possible to get a split file with less records.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Output Strategy</strong></td><td 
  id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Datafile <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Avro's object container file 
format" title="Avro's object container file format"></img></li><li>Bare Record 
<img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Bare Avro records" 
title="Bare Avro records"></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Determines 
the format of the output. Either Avro Datafile, or bare record. Bare record 
output is only intended for use with systems that already require it, and 
shouldn't be needed for normal use.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Transfer 
Metadata</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">Whether or not to transfer metadata from the parent datafile 
to the children. If the Output Strategy is Bare Record, then the metadata will 
be stored as FlowFile attributes, otherwise it will be in the Datafile 
header.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 a FlowFile fails processing for any reason (for example, the FlowFile is not 
valid Avro), it will be routed to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>The original FlowFile that was 
split. If the FlowFile fails processing, nothing will be sent to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>split</td><td>All new files split from the 
original FlowFile will be routed to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 split FlowFiles produced from the same parent FlowFile will have the same 
randomly generated UUID added for this 
attribute</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.index</td><td>A one-up number that 
indicates the ordering of the split FlowFiles that were created from a single 
parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.count</td><td>T
 he number of split FlowFiles generated from the parent 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename </td><td>The filename of 
the parent FlowFile</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component 
does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming 
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>PutCloudWatchMetric</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">PutCloudWatchMetric</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Publishes metrics to 
Amazon CloudWatch. Metric can be either a single value, or a StatisticSet 
comprised of minimum, maximum, sum and sample count.</p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>amazon, aws, cloudwatch, metrics, put, publish</p><h3>Properties: 
</h3><p>In the list below, the names of required properties appear in 
<strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered 
optional. The table also indicates any default values, whether a property 
supports the <a href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi 
Expression Languag
 e</a>, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that its 
value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a sensitive property, 
ensure that the <strong></strong> file has an entry for the 
property <strong>nifi.sensitive.props.key</strong>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
id="name"><strong>Namespace</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The namespace for the metric 
data for CloudWatch<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Metric Name</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
name of the metric<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Value</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
value for the metric. Must be a d
 ouble<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Maximum</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The maximum value of the sample 
set. Must be a double<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Minimum</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
minimum value of the sample set. Must be a double<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Sample 
Count</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The number of samples used for the statistic set. Must be a 
double<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Sum</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The sum of values for the 
sample set. Must be a double<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
 </tr><tr><td id="name">Timestamp</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A point in time expressed as 
the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. If not specified, 
the default value is set to the time the metric data was 
received<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Unit</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
unit of the metric. (e.g Seconds, Bytes, Megabytes, Percent, Count,  
Kilobytes/Second, Terabits/Second, Count/Second) For details see<br/><strong>Supports
 Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Region</strong></td><td id="default-value">us-west-2</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>us-gov-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-gov-west-1" 
  <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-east-1" 
title="us-east-1"></img></li><li>us-east-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-east-2" 
title="us-east-2"></img></li><li>us-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-west-1" 
title="us-west-1"></img></li><li>us-west-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-west-2" 
title="us-west-2"></img></li><li>eu-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-west-1" 
title="eu-west-1"></img></li><li>eu-west-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-west-2" 
title="eu-west-2"></img></li><li>eu-central-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-central-1" 
title="eu-central-1"></img></li><li>ap-south-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-south-1" 
title="ap-south-1"></img></li><li>ap-southeast-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-southeast-1" 
 g></li><li>ap-southeast-2 <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" 
alt="ap-southeast-2" title="ap-southeast-2"></img></li><li>ap-northeast-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-northeast-1" 
title="ap-northeast-1"></img></li><li>ap-northeast-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-northeast-2" 
title="ap-northeast-2"></img></li><li>sa-east-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="sa-east-1" 
title="sa-east-1"></img></li><li>cn-north-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="cn-north-1" 
title="cn-north-1"></img></li><li>ca-central-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ca-central-1" 
title="ca-central-1"></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Access Key</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No 
Description Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: 
true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Exp
 ression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Secret Key</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No 
Description Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: 
true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Credentials File</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Path to a file containing AWS access key and secret key in 
properties file format.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">AWS Credentials Provider 
service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
 id="description">The Controller Service that is used to obtain aws credentials 
 tr><td id="name"><strong>Communications Timeout</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">30 secs</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">No Description Provided.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">SSL 
Context Service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
</strong><br/>SSLContextService<br/><strong>Implementations: </strong><a 
 id="description">Specifies an optional SSL Context Service that, if provided, 
will be used to create connections</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Endpoint Override 
URL</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Endpoint URL to use instead of the AWS default including 
 scheme, host, port, and path. The AWS libraries select an endpoint URL based 
on the AWS region, but this property overrides the selected endpoint URL, 
allowing use with other S3-compatible endpoints.<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Proxy 
Host</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Proxy host name or IP<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Proxy Host Port</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Proxy host port<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr></table><h3>Dynamic Properties: </h3><p>Dynamic 
Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a 
 id="name">Dimension Name</td><td id="value">Dimension Value</td><td>Allows 
dimension name/value pairs to be added t
 o the metric. AWS supports a maximum of 10 dimensions.<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr></table></p><h3>Relationships: 
 are routed to success relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>FlowFiles 
are routed to failure relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: 
</h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>State 
management: </h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This 
component is not restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component requires 
an incoming relationship.</body></html>
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
 rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
</h2><p>Defines credentials for Amazon Web Services processors. Uses default 
credentials without configuration. Default credentials support EC2 instance 
profile/role, default user profile, environment variables, etc. Additional 
options include access key / secret key pairs, credentials file, named profile, 
and assume role credentials.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>aws, credentials, 
provider</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties
  (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default 
values, whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that 
its value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a sensitive property, 
ensure that the <strong></strong> file has an entry for the 
property <strong>nifi.sensitive.props.key</strong>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name">Use Default 
Credentials</td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">If true, uses the Default Credential chain, including EC2 
instance profiles or roles, environment variables, default user credentials, 
etc.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Access Key</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
 d><td id="description">No Description Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive 
Property: true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Secret Key</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No 
Description Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: 
true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Credentials File</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Path to a file containing AWS access key and secret key in 
properties file format.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Profile Name</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
AWS profile name for credentials from the profile configuration 
file.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Use Anonymous Credentials</td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
 <li>false</li></ul></td><td id="description">If true, uses Anonymous 
credentials</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Assume Role ARN</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
AWS Role ARN for cross account access. This is used in conjunction with role 
name and session timeout</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Assume Role Session 
Name</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The AWS Role Name for cross account access. This is used in 
conjunction with role ARN and session time out</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Session Time</td><td id="default-value">3600</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Session time for role based 
session (between 900 and 3600 seconds). This is used in conjunction with role 
ARN and name</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Assume Role External ID</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">External ID for cross-account access. This is used in conj
 unction with role arn, role name, and optional session time 
out</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Assume Role Proxy Host</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Proxy host for cross-account access, if needed within your 
environment. This will configure a proxy to request for temporary access keys 
into another AWS account</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Assume Role Proxy 
Port</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Proxy pot for cross-account access, if needed within your 
environment. This will configure a proxy to request for temporary access keys 
into another AWS account</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This 
component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>DeleteDynamoDB</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">DeleteDynamoDB</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Deletes a document from 
DynamoDB based on hash and range key. The key can be string or number. The 
request requires all the primary keys for the operation (hash or hash and range 
key)</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>Amazon, DynamoDB, AWS, Delete, 
Remove</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, whether a 
property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi E
 xpression Language</a>, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", 
meaning that its value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a 
sensitive property, ensure that the <strong></strong> file has 
an entry for the property <strong>nifi.sensitive.props.key</strong>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Table 
Name</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The DynamoDB table 
name<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Hash Key Name</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The hash key name of the 
item<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Range Key Name</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The range key name of the 
 item<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Hash Key Value</strong></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The hash key value of the 
item<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Range Key Value</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Hash Key Value 
Type</strong></td><td id="default-value">string</td><td 
id="description">The hash key value type of the item</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Range Key Value Type</strong></td><td 
id="description">The range ke
 y value type of the item</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Batch items for each 
request (between 1 and 50)</td><td id="default-value">1</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The items to be retrieved in 
one batch<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Region</strong></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>us-gov-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-gov-west-1" 
title="us-gov-west-1"></img></li><li>us-east-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-east-1" 
title="us-east-1"></img></li><li>us-east-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-east-2" 
title="us-east-2"></img></li><li>us-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-west-1" 
title="us-west-1"></img></li><li>us-west-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-west-2" 
title="us-west-2"></img></li><li>eu-west-1 <img src="../../../
 ../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-west-1" 
title="eu-west-1"></img></li><li>eu-west-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-west-2" 
title="eu-west-2"></img></li><li>eu-central-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-central-1" 
title="eu-central-1"></img></li><li>ap-south-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-south-1" 
title="ap-south-1"></img></li><li>ap-southeast-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-southeast-1" 
title="ap-southeast-1"></img></li><li>ap-southeast-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-southeast-2" 
title="ap-southeast-2"></img></li><li>ap-northeast-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-northeast-1" 
title="ap-northeast-1"></img></li><li>ap-northeast-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-northeast-2" 
title="ap-northeast-2"></img></li><li>sa-east-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="sa-east-
 1" title="sa-east-1"></img></li><li>cn-north-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="cn-north-1" 
title="cn-north-1"></img></li><li>ca-central-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ca-central-1" 
title="ca-central-1"></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Access Key</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No 
Description Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: 
true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Secret Key</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No 
Description Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: 
true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Credentials File</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Path to a file containing AWS access key and secret
  key in properties file format.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">AWS Credentials 
Provider service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
 id="description">The Controller Service that is used to obtain aws credentials 
provider</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Communications 
Timeout</strong></td><td id="default-value">30 secs</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">SSL Context Service</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service 
API: </strong><br/>SSLContextService<br/><strong>Implementations: </strong><a 
 id="description">Specifies an optional SSL Context Service that, if provided, 
will be used to create connections</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: 
 are routed to unprocessed relationship when DynamoDB is not able to process 
all the items in the request. Typical reasons are insufficient table throughput 
capacity and exceeding the maximum bytes per request. Unprocessed FlowFiles can 
be retried with a new request.</td></tr><tr><td>success</td><td>FlowFiles are 
routed to success relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>FlowFiles are 
routed to failure relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: 
</h3><table id="reads-attributes"><tr><th
 >dynamodb.item.hash.key.value</td><td>Items hash key value</td></tr><tr><td>  
 >dynamodb.item.range.key.value</td><td>Items range key 
 >value</td></tr></table><h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 > db unprocessed 
 >keys</td></tr><tr><td>dynmodb.range.key.value.error</td><td>Dynamod db range 
 >key error</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.key.error.not.found</td><td>Dynamo db key 
 >not found</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.exception.message</td><td>Dynamo db 
 >exception message</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.code</td><td>Dynamo db 
 >error code</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.message</td><td>Dynamo db error 
 >message</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.type</td><td>Dynamo db error 
 >type</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.service</td><td>Dynamo db error 
 >service</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.retryable</td><td>Dynamo db error is 
 >retryable</td></tr><tr><td>dynamo</td><td>Dynamo db error request 
id</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.status.code</td><td>Dynamo db status 
code</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does not store 
state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>Input 
requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming relationship.<h3>See 
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>GetDynamoDB</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">GetDynamoDB</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Retrieves a document from 
DynamoDB based on hash and range key.  The key can be string or number.For any 
get request all the primary keys are required (hash or hash and range based on 
the table keys).A Json Document ('Map') attribute of the DynamoDB item is read 
into the content of the FlowFile.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>Amazon, DynamoDB, AWS, 
Get, Fetch</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default valu
 es, whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that 
its value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a sensitive property, 
ensure that the <strong></strong> file has an entry for the 
property <strong>nifi.sensitive.props.key</strong>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Table 
Name</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The DynamoDB table 
name<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Hash Key Name</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The hash key name of the 
item<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Range Key Name</td><td
  id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The range key name of the item<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Hash Key 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The hash key value of the 
item<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Range Key Value</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Hash Key Value 
Type</strong></td><td id="default-value">string</td><td 
id="description">The hash key value type of the item</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Range Key Value Type</strong></td><td 
 <td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>string</li><li>number</li></ul></td><td 
id="description">The range key value type of the item</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Json Document attribute</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
Json document to be retrieved from the dynamodb item<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Batch items for 
each request (between 1 and 50)</td><td id="default-value">1</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The items to be retrieved in 
one batch<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Region</strong></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>us-gov-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-gov-west-1" 
title="us-gov-west-1"></img></li><li>us-east-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-east-1" 
 </li><li>us-east-2 <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" 
alt="us-east-2" title="us-east-2"></img></li><li>us-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-west-1" 
title="us-west-1"></img></li><li>us-west-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="us-west-2" 
title="us-west-2"></img></li><li>eu-west-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-west-1" 
title="eu-west-1"></img></li><li>eu-west-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-west-2" 
title="eu-west-2"></img></li><li>eu-central-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="eu-central-1" 
title="eu-central-1"></img></li><li>ap-south-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-south-1" 
title="ap-south-1"></img></li><li>ap-southeast-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-southeast-1" 
title="ap-southeast-1"></img></li><li>ap-southeast-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-southea
 st-2" title="ap-southeast-2"></img></li><li>ap-northeast-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-northeast-1" 
title="ap-northeast-1"></img></li><li>ap-northeast-2 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ap-northeast-2" 
title="ap-northeast-2"></img></li><li>sa-east-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="sa-east-1" 
title="sa-east-1"></img></li><li>cn-north-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="cn-north-1" 
title="cn-north-1"></img></li><li>ca-central-1 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ca-central-1" 
title="ca-central-1"></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Access Key</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No 
Description Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: 
true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Secret Key</td><td id="default-va
 lue"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: true</strong><br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Credentials 
File</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Path to a file containing AWS access key and secret key in 
properties file format.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">AWS Credentials Provider 
service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
 id="description">The Controller Service that is used to obtain aws credentials 
provider</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Communications 
Timeout</strong></td><td id="default-value">30 secs<
 /td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">SSL Context Service</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service 
API: </strong><br/>SSLContextService<br/><strong>Implementations: </strong><a 
 id="description">Specifies an optional SSL Context Service that, if provided, 
will be used to create connections</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: 
 are routed to unprocessed relationship when DynamoDB is not able to process 
all the items in the request. Typical reasons are insuffici
 ent table throughput capacity and exceeding the maximum bytes per request. 
Unprocessed FlowFiles can be retried with a new 
request.</td></tr><tr><td>success</td><td>FlowFiles are routed to success 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>FlowFiles are routed to failure 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>not found</td><td>FlowFiles are routed to not 
found relationship if key not found in the table</td></tr></table><h3>Reads 
Attributes: </h3><table 
dynamodb.item.hash.key.value</td><td>Items hash key value</td></tr><tr><td>  
dynamodb.item.range.key.value</td><td>Items range key 
value</td></tr></table><h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 db unprocessed 
keys</td></tr><tr><td>dynmodb.range.key.value.error</td><td>Dynamod db range 
key error</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.key.error.not.found</td><td>Dynamo d
 b key not 
found</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.exception.message</td><td>Dynamo db 
exception message</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.code</td><td>Dynamo db error 
code</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.message</td><td>Dynamo db error 
message</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.type</td><td>Dynamo db error 
type</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.service</td><td>Dynamo db error 
service</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.retryable</td><td>Dynamo db error is 
retryable</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>Dynamo db error 
request id</td></tr><tr><td>dynamodb.error.status.code</td><td>Dynamo db status 
code</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does not store 
state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>Input 
requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming relationship.<h3>See 
 <a href="../
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