Repository: nifi
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  refs/heads/master 0c9120a73 -> 59e102ad4

NIFI-5767 Added NiFi Toolkit Guide to docs

Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <>

This closes #3124.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 59e102ad47d676f34bffc5422d3218c71e7c2b65
Parents: 0c9120a
Author: Andrew Lim <>
Authored: Thu Nov 1 14:36:38 2018 -0400
Committer: Pierre Villard <>
Committed: Tue Nov 6 11:23:54 2018 +0100

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 .../main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/documentation.jsp   |    1 +
 2 files changed, 1262 insertions(+)
diff --git a/nifi-docs/src/main/asciidoc/toolkit-guide.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5f6a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nifi-docs/src/main/asciidoc/toolkit-guide.adoc
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+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+// contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+// the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+= Apache NiFi Toolkit Guide
+Apache NiFi Team <>
+== Overview
+The NiFi Toolkit contains several command line utilities to setup and support 
NiFi in standalone and clustered environments.  The utilities include:
+* CLI -- The `cli` tool enables administrators to interact with NiFi and NiFi 
Registry instances to automate tasks such as deploying versioned flows and 
managing process groups and cluster nodes.
+* Encrypt Config -- The `encrypt-config` tool encrypts the sensitive keys in 
the _nifi.properties_ file to facilitate the setup of a secure NiFi instance.
+* File Manager -- The `file-manager` tool enables administrators to backup, 
install or restore a NiFi installation from backup.
+* Flow Analyzer -- The `flow-analyzer` tool produces a report that helps 
administrators understand the max amount of data which can be stored in 
backpressure for a given flow.
+* Node Manager -- The `node-manager` tool enables administrators to perform 
status checks on nodes as well as the ability to connect, disconnect, or remove 
nodes from the cluster.
+* Notify -- The `notify` tool enables administrators to send bulletins to the 
NiFi UI.
+* S2S -- The `s2s` tool enables administrators to send data into or out of 
NiFi flows over site-to-site.
+* TLS Toolkit -- The `tls-toolkit` utility generates the required keystores, 
truststore, and relevant configuration files to facilitate the setup of a 
secure NiFi instance.
+* ZooKeeper Migrator -- The `zk-migrator` tool enables administrators to:
+** move ZooKeeper information from one ZooKeeper cluster to another
+** migrate ZooKeeper node ownership
+The utilities are executed with scripts found in the `bin` folder of your NiFi 
Toolkit installation.
+NOTE: The NiFi Toolkit is downloaded separately from NiFi (see the 
link:[Apache NiFi downloads page^]).
+=== Prerequisites for Running in a Secure Environment
+For secured nodes and clusters, two policies should be configured in advance:
+* Access the controller – A user that will have access to these utilities 
should be authorized in NiFi by creating an “access the controller” policy 
(`/controller`) with both view and modify rights
+* Proxy user request – If not previously set, node’s identity (the DN 
value of the node’s certificate) should be authorized to proxy requests on 
behalf of a user
+When executing either the Notify or Node Manager tools in a secured 
environment the `proxyDN` flag option should be used in order to properly 
identify the user that was authorized to execute these commands. In non-secure 
environments, or if running the status operation on the Node Manager tool, the 
flag is ignored.
+== NiFi CLI
+This tool offers a CLI focused on interacting with NiFi and NiFi Registry in 
order to automate tasks, such as deploying flows from a NIFi Registy to a NiFi 
instance or managing process groups and cluster nodes.
+=== Usage
+The CLI toolkit can be executed in standalone mode to execute a single 
command, or interactive mode to enter an interactive shell.
+To execute a single command:
+ ./bin/ <command> <args>
+To launch the interactive shell:
+ ./bin/
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ -h
+The following are available commands:
+ demo quick-import
+ nifi current-user
+ nifi cluster-summary
+ nifi connect-node
+ nifi delete-node
+ nifi disconnect-node
+ nifi get-root-id
+ nifi get-node
+ nifi get-nodes
+ nifi offload-node
+ nifi list-reg-clients
+ nifi create-reg-client
+ nifi update-reg-client
+ nifi get-reg-client-id
+ nifi pg-import
+ nifi pg-start
+ nifi pg-stop
+ nifi pg-get-vars
+ nifi pg-set-var
+ nifi pg-get-version
+ nifi pg-change-version
+ nifi pg-get-all-versions
+ nifi pg-list
+ nifi pg-status
+ nifi pg-get-services
+ nifi pg-enable-services
+ nifi pg-disable-services
+ registry current-user
+ registry list-buckets
+ registry create-bucket
+ registry delete-bucket
+ registry list-flows
+ registry create-flow
+ registry delete-flow
+ registry list-flow-versions
+ registry export-flow-version
+ registry import-flow-version
+ registry sync-flow-versions
+ registry transfer-flow-version
+ session keys
+ session show
+ session get
+ session set
+ session remove
+ session clear
+ exit
+ help
+To display extensive help for a specific command:
+ ./bin/ <command> -h
+=== Property/Argument Handling
+Most commands will require specifying a baseUrl for the NiFi or NiFi Registry 
+An example command to list the buckets in a NiFi Registry instance would be 
the following:
+ ./bin/ registry list-buckets -u http://localhost:18080
+In order to avoid specifying the URL (and possibly other optional arguments 
for TLS) on every command, you can define a properties file containing the 
repetitive arguments.
+An example properties file for a local NiFi Registry instance would look like 
the following:
+ baseUrl=http://localhost:18080
+ keystore=
+ keystoreType=
+ keystorePasswd=
+ keyPasswd=
+ truststore=
+ truststoreType=
+ truststorePasswd=
+ proxiedEntity=
+This properties file can then be used on a command by specifying `-p`:
+ ./bin/ registry list-buckets -p /path/to/
+You could then maintain a properties file for each environment you plan to 
interact with, such as Dev, QA, and Prod.
+In addition to specifying a properties file on each command, you can setup a 
default properties file to be used in the event that no properties file is 
+The default properties file is specified using the `session` concept, which 
persists to the users home directory in a file called _.nifi-cli.config_.
+An example of setting the default property files for NiFi would be the 
+ ./bin/ session set nifi.props /path/to/
+An example for NiFi Registry would be the following:
+ ./bin/ session set nifi.reg.props 
+This will write the above properties into the _.nifi-cli.config_ in the user's 
home directory and will allow commands to be executed without specifying a URL 
or properties file:
+ ./bin/ registry list-buckets
+The above command will now use the `baseUrl` from 
+The order of resolving an argument is the following:
+* A direct argument overrides anything in a properties file or session
+* A properties file argument (`-p`) overrides the session
+* The session is used when nothing else is specified
+=== Security Configuration
+If NiFi and NiFi Registry are secured, then commands executed from the CLI 
will need to make a TLS connection and authenticate as a user with permissions 
to perform the desired action.
+Currently the CLI supports authenticating with a client certificate and an 
optional proxied-entity. A common scenario would be running the CLI from one of 
the nodes where NiFi or NiFi Registry is installed, which allows the CLI to use 
the same keystore and truststore as the NiFi/NiFi Registry instance.
+The security configuration can be specified per-command, or in one of the 
properties files described in the previous section.
+The examples below are for NiFi Registry, but the same concept applies for 
NiFi commands.
+==== Example - Secure NiFi Registry without Proxied-Entity
+Assuming we have a keystore containing the certificate for "CN=user1, 
OU=NIFI", an example properties file would be the following:
+ baseUrl=https://localhost:18443
+ keystore=/path/to/keystore.jks
+ keystoreType=JKS
+ keystorePasswd=changeme
+ keyPasswd=changeme
+ truststore=/path/to/truststore.jks
+ truststoreType=JKS
+ truststorePasswd=changeme
+In this example, commands will be executed as "CN=user1, OU=NIFI". This user 
would need to be a user in NiFi Registry, and commands accessing buckets would 
be restricted to buckets this user has access to.
+==== Example - Secure NiFi Registry with Proxied-Entity
+Assuming we have access to the keystore of NiFi Registry itself, and that NiFi 
Registry is also configured to allow Kerberos or LDAP authentication, an 
example properties file would be the following:
+ baseUrl=https://localhost:18443
+ keystore=/path/to/keystore.jks
+ keystoreType=JKS
+ keystorePasswd=changeme
+ keyPasswd=changeme
+ truststore=/path/to/truststore.jks
+ truststoreType=JKS
+ truststorePasswd=changeme
+In this example, the certificate in _keystore.jks_ would be for the NiFi 
Registry server, for example "CN=localhost, OU=NIFI". This identity would need 
to be defined as a user in NiFi Registry and given permissions to 'Proxy'.
+"CN=localhost, OU=NIFI" would be proxying commands to be executed as
+=== Interactive Usage
+In interactive mode the tab key can be used to perform auto-completion.
+For example, typing tab at an empty prompt should display possible commands 
for the first argument:
+ #>
+ demo       exit       help       nifi       registry   session
+Typing "nifi " and then a tab will show the sub-commands for NiFi:
+ #> nifi
+ cluster-summary       get-nodes             pg-enable-services    pg-set-var
+ connect-node          get-reg-client-id     pg-get-all-versions   pg-start
+ create-reg-client     get-root-id           pg-get-services       pg-status
+ current-user          list-reg-clients      pg-get-vars           pg-stop
+ delete-node           offload-node          pg-get-version        
+ disconnect-node       pg-change-version     pg-import
+ get-node              pg-disable-services   pg-list
+Arguments that represent a path to a file, such as `-p` or when setting a 
properties file in the session, will auto-complete the path being typed:
+ #> session set nifi.props /tmp/
+ dir1/   dir2/   dir3/
+=== Output
+Most commands support the ability to specify an `--outputType` argument, or 
`-ot` for short.
+Currently the output type may be simple or json.
+The default output type in interactive mode is simple, and the default output 
type in standalone mode is json.
+Example of simple output for `list-buckets`:
+ #> registry list-buckets -ot simple
+ My Bucket - 3c7b7467-0012-4d8f-a918-6aa42b6b9d39
+Example of json output for `list-buckets`:
+ #> registry list-buckets -ot json
+ [ {
+   "identifier" : "3c7b7467-0012-4d8f-a918-6aa42b6b9d39",
+   "name" : "My Bucket",
+   "createdTimestamp" : 1516718733854,
+   "permissions" : {
+     "canRead" : true,
+     "canWrite" : true,
+     "canDelete" : true
+   },
+   "link" : {
+     "params" : {
+       "rel" : "self"
+     },
+     "href" : "buckets/3c7b7467-0012-4d8f-a918-6aa42b6b9d39"
+   }
+ } ]
+=== Back-Referencing
+When using the interactive CLI, a common scenario will be using an id from a 
previous result as the input to the next command. Back-referencing provides a 
shortcut for referencing a result from the previous command via a positional 
+NOTE: Not every command produces back-references. To determine if a command 
supports back-referencing, check the usage.
+ #> registry list-buckets help
+ Lists the buckets that the current user has access to.
+A common scenario for utilizing back-references would be the following:
+1. User starts by exploring the available buckets in a registry instance
+   #> registry list-buckets
+   #   Name           Id                                     Description
+   -   ------------   ------------------------------------   -----------
+   1   My Bucket      3c7b7467-0012-4d8f-a918-6aa42b6b9d39   (empty)
+   2   Other Bucket   175fb557-43a2-4abb-871f-81a354f47bc2   (empty)
+2. User then views the flows in one of the buckets using a back-reference to 
the bucket id from the previous result in position 1
+   #> registry list-flows -b &1
+   Using a positional back-reference for 'My Bucket'
+   #   Name      Id                                     Description
+   -   -------   ------------------------------------   ----------------
+   1   My Flow   06acb207-d2f1-447f-85ed-9b8672fe6d30   This is my flow.
+3. User then views the version of the flow using a back-reference to the flow 
id from the previous result in position 1
+   #> registry list-flow-versions -f &1
+   Using a positional back-reference for 'My Flow'
+   Ver   Date                         Author                     Message
+   ---   --------------------------   ------------------------   
+   1     Tue, Jan 23 2018 09:48 EST   anonymous                  This is the 
first version of my flow.
+4. User deploys version 1 of the flow using back-references to the bucket and 
flow id from step 2
+   #> nifi pg-import -b &1 -f &1 -fv 1
+   Using a positional back-reference for 'My Bucket'
+   Using a positional back-reference for 'My Flow'
+   9bd157d4-0161-1000-b946-c1f9b1832efd
+The reason step 4 was able to reference the results from step 2, is because 
the `list-flow-versions` command in step 3 does not produce back-references, so 
the results from step 2 are still available.
+=== Adding Commands
+To add a NiFi command, create a new class that extends `AbstractNiFiCommand`:
+public class MyCommand extends AbstractNiFiCommand {
+  public MyCommand() {
+      super("my-command");
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void doExecute(NiFiClient client, Properties properties)
+          throws NiFiClientException, IOException, MissingOptionException, 
CommandException {
+      // TODO implement
+  }
+  @Override
+  public String getDescription() {
+      return "This is my new command";
+  }
+Add the new command to `NiFiCommandGroup`:
+commands.add(new MyCommand());
+To add a NiFi Registry command, perform the same steps, but extend from 
`AbstractNiFiRegistryCommand`, and add the command to 
+== Encrypt-Config Tool
+The `encrypt-config` command line tool (invoked as `./bin/` 
or `bin\encrypt-config.bat`) reads from a _nifi.properties_ file with plaintext 
sensitive configuration values, prompts for a master password or raw 
hexadecimal key, and encrypts each value. It replaces the plain values with the 
protected value in the same file, or writes to a new _nifi.properties_ file if 
+The default encryption algorithm utilized is AES/GCM 128/256-bit. 128-bit is 
used if the JCE Unlimited Strength Cryptographic Jurisdiction Policy files are 
not installed, and 256-bit is used if they are installed.
+=== Usage
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ -h
+The following are available options:
+ * `-h`,`--help`                                 Prints this usage message
+ * `-v`,`--verbose`                              Sets verbose mode (default 
+ * `-n`,`--niFiProperties <arg>`                 The _nifi.properties_ file 
containing unprotected config values (will be overwritten)
+ * `-l`,`--loginIdentityProviders <arg>`         The 
_login-identity-providers.xml_ file containing unprotected config values (will 
be overwritten)
+ * `-a`,`--authorizers <arg>`                    The _authorizers.xml_ file 
containing unprotected config values (will be overwritten)
+ * `-f`,`--flowXml <arg>`                        The _flow.xml.gz_ file 
currently protected with old password (will be overwritten)
+ * `-b`,`--bootstrapConf <arg>`                  The _bootstrap.conf_ file to 
persist master key
+ * `-o`,`--outputNiFiProperties <arg>`           The destination 
_nifi.properties_ file containing protected config values (will not modify 
input _nifi.properties_)
+ * `-i`,`--outputLoginIdentityProviders <arg>`   The destination 
_login-identity-providers.xml_ file containing protected config values (will 
not modify input _login-identity-providers.xml_)
+ * `-u`,`--outputAuthorizers <arg>`              The destination 
_authorizers.xml_ file containing protected config values (will not modify 
input _authorizers.xml_)
+ * `-g`,`--outputFlowXml <arg>`                  The destination _flow.xml.gz_ 
file containing protected config values (will not modify input _flow.xml.gz_)
+ * `-k`,`--key <arg>`                            The raw hexadecimal key to 
use to encrypt the sensitive properties
+ * `-e`,`--oldKey <arg>`                         The old raw hexadecimal key 
to use during key migration
+ * `-p`,`--password <arg>`                       The password from which to 
derive the key to use to encrypt the sensitive properties
+ * `-w`,`--oldPassword <arg>`                    The old password from which 
to derive the key during migration
+ * `-r`,`--useRawKey`                            If provided, the secure 
console will prompt for the raw key value in hexadecimal form
+ * `-m`,`--migrate`                              If provided, the 
_nifi.properties_ and/or _login-identity-providers.xml_ sensitive properties 
will be re-encrypted with a new key
+ * `-x`,`--encryptFlowXmlOnly`                   If provided, the properties 
in _flow.xml.gz_ will be re-encrypted with a new key but the _nifi.properties_ 
and/or _login-identity-providers.xml_ files will not be modified
+ * `-s`,`--propsKey <arg>`                       The password or key to use to 
encrypt the sensitive processor properties in _flow.xml.gz_
+ * `-A`,`--newFlowAlgorithm <arg>`               The algorithm to use to 
encrypt the sensitive processor properties in _flow.xml.gz_
+ * `-P`,`--newFlowProvider <arg>`                The security provider to use 
to encrypt the sensitive processor properties in _flow.xml.gz_
+As an example of how the tool works, assume that you have installed the tool 
on a machine supporting 256-bit encryption and with the following existing 
values in the _nifi.properties_ file:
+# security properties #
+Enter the following arguments when using the tool:
+-b bootstrap.conf
+-k 0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA98765432100123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210
+As a result, the _nifi.properties_ file is overwritten with protected 
properties and sibling encryption identifiers (`aes/gcm/256`, the currently 
supported algorithm):
+# security properties #
+Additionally, the _bootstrap.conf_ file is updated with the encryption key as 
+# Master key in hexadecimal format for encrypted sensitive configuration values
+Sensitive configuration values are encrypted by the tool by default, however 
you can encrypt any additional properties, if desired.  To encrypt additional 
properties, specify them as comma-separated values in the 
`nifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys` property.
+If the _nifi.properties_ file already has valid protected values, those 
property values are not modified by the tool.
+When applied to _login-identity-providers.xml_ and _authorizers.xml_, the 
property elements are updated with an `encryption` attribute:
+Example of protected _login-identity-providers.xml_:
+   <!-- LDAP Provider -->
+   <provider>
+       <identifier>ldap-provider</identifier>
+       <class>org.apache.nifi.ldap.LdapProvider</class>
+       <property name="Authentication Strategy">START_TLS</property>
+       <property name="Manager DN">someuser</property>
+       <property name="Manager Password" 
+       <property name="TLS - Keystore"></property>
+       <property name="TLS - Keystore Password" 
+       <property name="TLS - Keystore Type"></property>
+       ...
+   </provider>
+Example of protected _authorizers.xml_:
+   <!-- LDAP User Group Provider -->
+   <userGroupProvider>
+       <identifier>ldap-user-group-provider</identifier>
+       <class>org.apache.nifi.ldap.tenants.LdapUserGroupProvider</class>
+       <property name="Authentication Strategy">START_TLS</property>
+       <property name="Manager DN">someuser</property>
+       <property name="Manager Password" 
+       <property name="TLS - Keystore"></property>
+       <property name="TLS - Keystore Password" 
+       <property name="TLS - Keystore Type"></property>
+       ...
+   </userGroupProvider>
+== File Manager
+The File Manager utility (invoked as `./bin/` or 
`bin\file-manager.bat`) allows system administrators to take a backup of an 
existing NiFi installation, install a new version of NiFi in a designated 
location (while migrating any previous configuration settings) or restore an 
installation from a previous backup. File Manager supports NiFi version 1.0.0 
and higher.
+=== Usage
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ -h
+The following are available options:
+* `-b`,`--backupDir <arg>`          Backup NiFi Directory (used with backup or 
restore operation)
+* `-c`,`--nifiCurrentDir <arg>`     Current NiFi Installation Directory (used 
optionally with install or restore operation)
+* `-d`,`--nifiInstallDir <arg>`     NiFi Installation Directory (used with 
install or restore operation)
+* `-h`,`--help`                     Print help info (optional)
+* `-i`,`--installFile <arg>`        NiFi Install File (used with install 
+* `-m`,`--moveRepositories`         Allow repositories to be moved to 
new/restored nifi directory from existing installation, if available (used 
optionally with install or restore operation)
+* `-o`,`--operation <arg>`          File operation (install | backup | restore)
+* `-r`,`--nifiRollbackDir <arg>`    NiFi Installation Directory (used with 
install or restore operation)
+* `-t`,`--bootstrapConf <arg>`      Current NiFi Bootstrap Configuration File 
(used optionally)
+* `-v`,`--verbose`                  Verbose messaging (optional)
+* `-x`,`--overwriteConfigs`         Overwrite existing configuration directory 
with upgrade changes (used optionally with install or restore operation)
+Example usage on Linux:
+ # backup NiFi installation
+ # option -t may be provided to ensure backup of external boostrap.conf file
+ ./
+ -o backup
+ –b /tmp/nifi_bak
+ –c /usr/nifi_old
+ -v
+ # install NiFi using compressed tar file into /usr/nifi directory (should 
install as /usr/nifi/nifi-1.3.0).
+ # migrate existing configurations with location determined by external 
bootstrap.conf and move over repositories from nifi_old
+ # options -t and -c should both be provided if migration of configurations, 
state and repositories are required
+ ./
+ -o install
+ –i nifi-1.3.0.tar.gz
+ –d /usr/nifi
+ –c /usr/nifi/nifi_old
+ -t /usr/nifi/old_conf/bootstrap.conf
+ -v
+ -m
+ # restore NiFi installation from backup directory and move back repositories
+ # option -t may be provided to ensure bootstrap.conf is restored to the file 
path provided, otherwise it is placed in the
+ # default directory under the rollback path (e.g. /usr/nifi_old/conf)
+ ./
+ -o restore
+ –b /tmp/nifi_bak
+ –r /usr/nifi_old
+ –c /usr/nifi
+ -m
+ -v
+=== Expected Behavior
+==== Backup
+During the backup operation a backup directory is created in a designated 
location for an existing NiFi installation. Backups will capture all critical 
files (including any internal or external configurations, libraries, scripts 
and documents) however it excludes backing up repositories and logs due to 
potential size. If configuration/library files are external from the existing 
installation folder the backup operation will capture those as well.
+==== Install
+During the install operation File Manager will perform installation using the 
designated NiFi binary file (either tar.gz or zip file) to create a new 
installation or migrate an existing nifi installation to a new one.  
Installation can optionally move repositories (if located within the 
configuration folder of the current installation) to the new installation as 
well as migrate configuration files to the newer installation.
+==== Restore
+The restore operation allows an existing installation to revert back to a 
previous installation.  Using an existing backup directory (created from the 
backup operation) the FileManager utility will restore libraries, scripts and 
documents as well as revert to previous configurations.
+NOTE: If repositories were changed due to the installation of a newer version 
of NiFi these may no longer be compatible during restore.  In that scenario 
exclude the `-m` option to ensure new repositories will be created or, if 
repositories live outside of the NiFi directory, remove them so they can be 
recreated on startup after restore.
+== Flow Analyzer
+The `flow-analyzer` tool (invoked as `./bin/` or 
`bin\flow-analyzer.bat`) analyzes the _flow.xml.gz_ file and reports:
+* Total Bytes Utilized by the System
+* Min/Max Back Pressure Size
+* Average Back Pressure Size
+* Min/Max Flowfile Queue Size
+* Average Flowfile Queue Size
+=== Usage
+To execute the `flow-analyzer` tool:
+ <path to flow.xml.gz>
+ $ ./ /Users/nifiuser/nifi-1.8.0/conf/flow.xml.gz
+ Using flow=/Users/nifiuser/nifi-1.8.0/conf/flow.xml.gz
+ Total Bytes Utilized by System=1518 GB
+ Max Back Pressure Size=1 GB
+ Min Back Pressure Size=1 GB
+ Average Back Pressure Size=2.504950495 GB
+ Max Flowfile Queue Size=10000
+ Min Flowfile Queue Size=10000
+ Avg Flowfile Queue Size=10000.000000000
+== Node Manager
+Node manager (invoked as `./bin/` or `bin\node-manager.bat`) 
supports connecting, disconnecting and removing a node when in a cluster (an 
error message displays if the node is not part of a cluster) as well as 
obtaining the status of a node.  When nodes are disconnected from a cluster and 
need to be connected or removed, a list of urls of connected nodes should be 
provided to send the required command to the active cluster.  Node Manager 
supports NiFi version 1.0.0 and higher.
+=== Usage
+To show help:
+  ./bin/ -h
+The following are available options:
+* `-b`,`--bootstrapConf <arg>`     Existing Bootstrap Configuration file 
+* `-d`,`--nifiInstallDir <arg>`    NiFi Root Folder (required)
+* `-h`,`--help`                    Help Text (optional)
+* `-o`, `--operation <arg>`        Operations supported: status, connect 
(cluster), disconnect (cluster), remove (cluster)
+* `-p`,`--proxyDN <arg>`           Proxy or User DN (required for secured 
nodes doing connect, disconnect and remove operations)
+* `-u`,`--clusterUrls <arg>`       Comma delimited list of active urls for 
cluster (optional). Not required for disconnecting a node yet will be needed 
when connecting or removing from a cluster
+* `-v`,`--verbose`                 Verbose messaging (optional)
+To connect, disconnect, or remove a node from a cluster:
+ -d {$NIFI_HOME} –b { nifi bootstrap file path}
+ -o {remove|disconnect|connect|status} [-u {url list}] [-p {proxy name}] [-v]
+Example usage on Linux:
+ # disconnect without cluster url list
+ ./
+ -d /usr/nifi/nifi_current
+ -b /usr/nifi/nifi_current/conf/bootstrap.conf
+ -o disconnect
+ –p ydavis@nifi
+ -v
+ #with url list
+ ./
+ -d /usr/nifi/nifi_current
+ -b /usr/nifi/nifi_current/conf/bootstrap.conf
+ -o connect
+ -u 'http://nifi-server-1:8080,http://nifi-server-2:8080'
+ -v
+Example usage on Windows:
+ node-manager.bat
+ -d "C:\\Program Files\\nifi\\nifi-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ -b "C:\\Program Files\\nifi\\nifi-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT\\conf\\bootstrap.conf"
+ -o disconnect
+ –v
+=== Expected Behavior
+==== Status
+To obtain information on UI availability of a node, the status operation can 
be used to determine if the node is running. If the `–u (clusterUrls)` option 
is not provided the current node url is checked otherwise the urls provided 
will be checked.
+==== Disconnect
+When a node is disconnected from the cluster, the node itself should appear as 
disconnected and the cluster should have a bulletin indicating the disconnect 
request was received. The cluster should also show _n-1/n_ nodes available in 
the cluster. For example, if 1 node is disconnected from a 3-node cluster, then 
"2 of 3" nodes should show on the remaining nodes in the cluster.  Changes to 
the flow should not be allowed on the cluster with a disconnected node.
+==== Connect
+When the connect command is executed to reconnect a node to a cluster, upon 
completion the node itself should show that it has rejoined the cluster by 
showing _n/n_ nodes. Previously it would have shown Disconnected. Other nodes 
in the cluster should receive a bulletin of the connect request and also show 
_n/n_ nodes allowing for changes to be allowed to the flow.
+==== Remove
+When the remove command is executed the node should show as disconnected from 
a cluster.  The nodes remaining in the cluster should show _n-1/n-1_ nodes. For 
example, if 1 node is removed from a 3-node cluster, then the remaining 2 nodes 
should show "2 of 2" nodes.  The cluster should allow a flow to be adjusted.  
The removed node can rejoin the cluster if restarted and the flow for the 
cluster has not changed. If the flow was changed, the flow template of the 
removed node should be deleted before restarting the node to allow it to obtain 
the cluster flow (otherwise an uninheritable flow file exception may occur).
+== Notify
+Notify (invoked as `./bin/` or `bin\notify.bat`) allows 
administrators to send messages as bulletins to NiFi.  Notify is supported on 
NiFi version 1.2.0 and higher.
+=== Usage
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ -h
+The following are available options:
+* `-b`,`--bootstrapConf <arg>`      Existing Bootstrap Configuration file 
+* `-d`,`--nifiInstallDir <arg>`     NiFi Root Folder (required)
+* `-h`,`--help`                     Help Text (optional)
+* `-l`,`--level <arg>`              Status level of bulletin – `INFO`, 
+* `-m`,`--message <arg>`            Bulletin message (required)
+* `-p`,`--proxyDN <arg>`            Proxy or User DN (required for secured 
+* `-v`,`--verbose`                  Verbose messaging (optional)
+To send notifications:
+ -d {$NIFI_HOME} –b {nifi bootstrap file path} -m {message} [-l 
{level}] [-v]
+Example usage on Linux:
+ ./ -d /usr/nifi/nifi_current -b 
/usr/nifi/nifi_current/conf/bootstrap.conf -m "Test Message Server 1" -l "WARN" 
–p “ydavis@nifi” -v
+Example usage on Windows:
+  notify.bat -v -d "C:\\Program Files\\nifi\\nifi-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT" -b 
"C:\\Program Files\\nifi\\nifi-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT\\conf\\bootstrap.conf" -m "Test 
Message Server 1" -v
+Executing the above command line should result in a bulletin appearing in NiFi:
+image::nifi-notifications.png["NiFi Notifications"]
+== S2S
+S2S is a command line tool (invoked as `./bin/` or `bin\s2s.bat`) that 
can either read a list of DataPackets from stdin to send over site-to-site or 
write the received DataPackets to stdout.
+=== Usage
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ -h
+The following are available options:
+* `--batchCount <arg>`             Number of flow files in a batch
+* `--batchDuration <arg>`          Duration of a batch
+* `--batchSize <arg>`              Size of flow files in a batch
+* `-c`,`--compression`             Use compression
+* `-d`,`--direction`               Direction (valid directions: `SEND`, 
`RECEIVE`) (default: `SEND`)
+* `-h`,`--help`                    Help Text (optional)
+* `-i`,`--portIdentifier <arg>`    Port id
+* `--keystore <arg>`               Keystore
+* `--keyStorePassword <arg>`       Keystore password
+* `--keyStoreType <arg>`           Keystore type (default: `JKS`)
+* `-n`,`--portName`                Port name
+* `-p`,`--transportProtocol`       Site to site transport protocol (default: 
+* `--peerPersistenceFile <arg>`    File to write peer information to so it can 
be recovered on restart
+* `--penalization <arg>`           Penalization period
+* `--proxyHost <arg>`              Proxy hostname
+* `--proxyPassword <arg>`          Proxy password
+* `--proxyPort <arg>`              Proxy port
+* `--proxyUsername <arg>`          Proxy username
+* `--timeout <arg>`                Timeout
+* `--trustStore <arg>`             Truststore
+* `--trustStorePassword <arg>`     Truststore password
+* `--trustStoreType <arg>`         Truststore type (default: `JKS`)
+* `-u,--url <arg>`                 NiFI URL to connect to (default: 
+The s2s cli input/output format is a JSON list of DataPackets.  They can have 
the following formats:
+ [{"attributes":{"key":"value"},"data":"aGVsbG8gbmlmaQ=="}]
+where data is the base64 encoded value of the FlowFile content (always used 
for received data) or:
+where dataFile is a file to read the FlowFile content from.
+Example usage to send a FlowFile with the contents of "hey nifi" to a local 
unsecured NiFi over http with an input port named "input":
+ echo '[{"data":"aGV5IG5pZmk="}]' | bin/ -n input -p http
+== TLS Toolkit
+In order to facilitate the secure setup of NiFi, you can use the `tls-toolkit` 
command line utility to automatically generate the required keystores, 
truststore, and relevant configuration files. This is especially useful for 
securing multiple NiFi nodes, which can be a tedious and error-prone process.
+Wildcard certificates (i.e. two nodes `` and 
`` being assigned the same certificate with a CN or SAN 
entry of `+*`) are *not officially supported* and *not 
recommended*. There are numerous disadvantages to using wildcard certificates, 
and a cluster working with wildcard certificates has occurred in previous 
versions out of lucky accidents, not intentional support. Wildcard SAN entries 
are acceptable *if* each cert maintains an additional unique SAN entry and CN 
+=== Potential issues with wildcard certificates
+* In many places throughout the codebase, cluster communications use 
certificate identities many times to identify a node, and if the certificate 
simply presents a wildcard DN, that doesn’t resolve to a specific node
+* Admins may need to provide a custom node identity in _authorizers.xml_ for 
`*` because all proxy actions only resolve to the cert DN (see 
the  <<administration-guide.adoc#user_authentication,User Authentication>> 
section in the System Administrator's Guide for more information).
+* Admins have no traceability into which node performed an action because they 
all resolve to the same DN
+* Admins running multiple instances on the same machine using different ports 
to identify them can accidentally put `node1` hostname with `node2` port, and 
the address will resolve fine because it’s using the same certificate, but 
the host header handler will block it because the `node1` hostname is 
(correctly) not listed as an acceptable host for `node2` instance
+* If the wildcard certificate is compromised, all nodes are compromised
+NOTE: JKS keystores and truststores are recommended for NiFi.  This tool 
allows the specification of other keystore types on the command line but will 
ignore a type of PKCS12 for use as the truststore because that format has some 
compatibility issues between BouncyCastle and Oracle implementations.
+The `tls-toolkit` command line tool has two primary modes of operation:
+1. Standalone -- generates the certificate authority, keystores, truststores, 
and _nifi.properties_ files in one command.
+2. Client/Server mode -- uses a Certificate Authority Server that accepts 
Certificate Signing Requests from clients, signs them, and sends the resulting 
certificates back.  Both client and server validate the other’s identity 
through a shared secret.
+=== Standalone
+Standalone mode is invoked by running `./bin/ standalone` or 
`bin\ standalone`.
+==== Usage
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ standlone -h
+The following are available options:
+* `-a`,`--keyAlgorithm <arg>`                   Algorithm to use for generated 
keys (default: `RSA`)
+* `--additionalCACertificate <arg>`             Path to additional CA 
certificate (used to sign toolkit CA certificate) in PEM format if necessary
+* `-B`,`--clientCertPassword <arg>`             Password for client 
certificate. Must either be one value or one for each client DN (auto-generate 
if not specified)
+* `-c`,`--certificateAuthorityHostname <arg>`   Hostname of NiFi Certificate 
Authority (default: `localhost`)
+* `-C`,`--clientCertDn <arg>`                   Generate client certificate 
suitable for use in browser with specified DN (Can be specified multiple times)
+* `-d`,`--days <arg>`                           Number of days issued 
certificate should be valid for (default: `1095`)
+* `-f`,`--nifiPropertiesFile <arg>`             Base _nifi.properties_ file to 
update (Embedded file identical to the one in a default NiFi install will be 
used if not specified)
+* `-g`,`--differentKeyAndKeystorePasswords`     Use different generated 
password for the key and the keystore
+* `-G`,`--globalPortSequence <arg>`             Use sequential ports that are 
calculated for all hosts according to the provided hostname expressions (Can be 
specified multiple times, MUST BE SAME FROM RUN TO RUN)
+* `-h`,`--help`                                 Print help and exit
+* `-k`,`--keySize <arg>`                        Number of bits for generated 
keys (default: `2048`)
+* `-K`,`--keyPassword <arg>`                    Key password to use. Must 
either be one value or one for each host (auto-generate if not specified)
+* `-n`,`--hostnames <arg>`                      Comma separated list of 
+* `--nifiDnPrefix <arg>`                        String to prepend to 
hostname(s) when determining DN (default: `CN=`)
+* `--nifiDnSuffix <arg>`                        String to append to 
hostname(s) when determining DN (default: `, OU=NIFI`)
+* `-o`,`--outputDirectory <arg>`                The directory to output 
keystores, truststore, config files (default: `../bin`)
+* `-O`,`--isOverwrite`                          Overwrite existing host output
+* `-P`,`--trustStorePassword <arg>`             Keystore password to use. Must 
either be one value or one for each host (auto-generate if not specified)
+* `-s`,`--signingAlgorithm <arg>`               Algorithm to use for signing 
certificates (default: `SHA256WITHRSA`)
+* `-S`,`--keyStorePassword <arg>`               Keystore password to use. Must 
either be one value or one for each host (auto-generate if not specified)
+* `--subjectAlternativeNames <arg>`             Comma-separated list of 
domains to use as Subject Alternative Names in the certificate
+* `-T`,`--keyStoreType <arg>`                   The type of keystores to 
generate (default: `jks`)
+Hostname Patterns:
+* Square brackets can be used in order to easily specify a range of hostnames. 
Example: `[01-20]`
+* Parentheses can be used in order to specify that more than one NiFi instance 
will run on the given host(s). Example: `(5)`
+Create 4 sets of keystore, truststore, _nifi.properties_ for localhost along 
with a client certificate with the given DN:
+bin/ standalone -n 'localhost(4)' -C 'CN=username,OU=NIFI'
+Create keystore, truststore, _nifi.properties_ for 10 NiFi hostnames in each 
of 4 subdomains:
+bin/ standalone -n 'nifi[01-10].subdomain[1-4].domain'
+Create 2 sets of keystore, truststore, _nifi.properties_ for 10 NiFi hostnames 
in each of 4 subdomains along with a client certificate with the given DN:
+bin/ standalone -n 'nifi[01-10].subdomain[1-4].domain(2)' -C 
+=== Client/Server
+Client/Server mode relies on a long-running Certificate Authority (CA) to 
issue certificates. The CA can be stopped when you’re not bringing nodes 
+==== Server
+CA server mode is invoked by running `./bin/ server` or 
`bin\ server`.
+===== Usage
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ server -h
+The following are available options:
+* `-a`,`--keyAlgorithm <arg>`                   Algorithm to use for generated 
keys (default: `RSA`)
+* `--configJsonIn <arg>`                        The place to read 
configuration info from (defaults to the value of configJson), implies 
useConfigJson if set (default: `configJson` value)
+* `-d`,`--days <arg>`                           Number of days issued 
certificate should be valid for (default: `1095`)
+* `-D`,`--dn <arg>`                             The dn to use for the CA 
certificate (default: `CN=YOUR_CA_HOSTNAME,OU=NIFI`)
+* `-f`,`--configJson <arg>`                     The place to write 
configuration info (default: `config.json`)
+* `-F`,`--useConfigJson`                        Flag specifying that all 
configuration is read from `configJson` to facilitate automated use (otherwise 
`configJson` will only be written to)
+* `-g`,`--differentKeyAndKeystorePasswords`     Use different generated 
password for the key and the keystore
+* `-h`,`--help`                                 Print help and exit
+* `-k`,`--keySize <arg>`                        Number of bits for generated 
keys (default: `2048`)
+* `-p`,`--PORT <arg>`                           The port for the Certificate 
Authority to listen on (default: `8443`)
+* `-s`,`--signingAlgorithm <arg>`               Algorithm to use for signing 
certificates (default: `SHA256WITHRSA`)
+* `-T`,`--keyStoreType <arg>`                   The type of keystores to 
generate (default: `jks`)
+* `-t`,`--token <arg>`                          The token to use to prevent 
MITM (required and must be same as one used by clients)
+==== Client
+The client can be used to request new Certificates from the CA. The client 
utility generates a keypair and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and sends the 
CSR to the Certificate Authority. CA client mode is invoked by running 
`./bin/ client` or `bin\ client`.
+===== Usage
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ client -h
+The following are available options:
+* `-a`,`--keyAlgorithm <arg>`                   Algorithm to use for generated 
keys (default: `RSA`)
+* `-c`,`--certificateAuthorityHostname <arg>`   Hostname of NiFi Certificate 
Authority (default: `localhost`)
+* `-C`,`--certificateDirectory <arg>`           The directory to write the CA 
certificate (default: `.`)
+* `--configJsonIn <arg>`                        The place to read 
configuration info from, implies `useConfigJson` if set (default: `configJson` 
+* `-D`,`--dn <arg>`                             The DN to use for the client 
certificate (default: `CN=<localhost name>,OU=NIFI`) (this is auto-populated by 
the tool)
+* `-f`,`--configJson <arg>`                     The place to write 
configuration info (default: `config.json`)
+* `-F`,`--useConfigJson`                        Flag specifying that all 
configuration is read from `configJson` to facilitate automated use (otherwise 
`configJson` will only be written to)
+* `-g`,`--differentKeyAndKeystorePasswords`     Use different generated 
password for the key and the keystore
+* `-h`,`--help`                                 Print help and exit
+* `-k`,`--keySize <arg>`                        Number of bits for generated 
keys (default: `2048`)
+* `-p`,`--PORT <arg>`                           The port to use to communicate 
with the Certificate Authority (default: `8443`)
+* `--subjectAlternativeNames <arg>`             Comma-separated list of 
domains to use as Subject Alternative Names in the certificate
+* `-T`,`--keyStoreType <arg>`                   The type of keystores to 
generate (default: `jks`)
+* `-t`,`--token <arg>`                          The token to use to prevent 
MITM (required and must be same as one used by CA)
+After running the client you will have the CA’s certificate, a keystore, a 
truststore, and a `config.json` with information about them as well as their 
+For a client certificate that can be easily imported into the browser, 
specify: `-T PKCS12`.
+=== Using An Existing Intermediate Certificate Authority (CA)
+In some enterprise scenarios, a security/IT team may provide a signing 
certificate that has already been signed by the organization's certificate 
authority (CA). This *intermediate CA* can be used to sign the *node* 
(sometimes referred to as *leaf*) certificates that will be installed on each 
NiFi node, or the *client certificates* used to identify users. In order to 
inject the existing signing certificate into the toolkit process, follow these 
+. Generate or obtain the signed intermediate CA keys in the following format 
(see additional commands below):
+  * Public certificate in PEM format: `nifi-cert.pem`
+  * Private key in PEM format: `nifi-key.key`
+. Place the files in the *toolkit working directory*. This is the directory 
where the tool is configured to output the signed certificates. *This is not 
necessarily the directory where the binary is located or invoked*.
+  * For example, given the following scenario, the toolkit command can be run 
from its location as long as the output directory `-o` is `../hardcoded/`, and 
the existing `nifi-cert.pem` and `nifi-key.key` will be used.
+  ** e.g. `$ ./toolkit/bin/ standalone -o ./hardcoded/ -n 
'' -P thisIsABadPassword -S thisIsABadPassword -O` will 
result in a new directory at `./hardcoded/` with a 
keystore and truststore containing a certificate signed by 
+  * If the `-o` argument is not provided, the default working directory (`.`) 
must contain `nifi-cert.pem` and `nifi-key.key`
+  ** e.g. `$ cd ./hardcoded/ && ../toolkit/bin/ standalone -n 
'' -P thisIsABadPassword -S thisIsABadPassword -O`
+# Example directory structure *before* commands above are run
+🔓 0s @ 18:07:58 $ tree -L 2
+├── hardcoded
+│   ├── CN=myusername.hardcoded_OU=NiFi.p12
+│   ├── CN=myusername.hardcoded_OU=NiFi.password
+│   ├── nifi-cert.pem
+│   ├── nifi-key.key
+│   ├──
+│   ├──
+│   └──
+└── toolkit
+    ├── LICENSE
+    ├── NOTICE
+    ├── README
+    ├── bin
+    ├── conf
+    ├── docs
+    └── lib
+==== Additional Commands
+The `nifi-cert.pem` and `nifi-key.key` files should be ASCII-armored 
(Base64-encoded ASCII) files containing the CA public certificate and private 
key respectively. Here are sample files of each to show the expected format:
+===== nifi-cert.pem
+# The first command shows the actual content of the encoded file, and the 
second parses it and shows the internal values
+.../certs $ more nifi-cert.pem
+.../certs $ openssl x509 -in nifi-cert.pem -text -noout
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            01:64:de:33:79:03:00:00:00:00
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: OU=NIFI,
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul 28 00:04:32 2018 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 27 00:04:32 2021 GMT
+        Subject: OU=NIFI,
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:aa:45:6b:ac:2f:80:90:56:e3:9c:2a:6e:a5:2c:
+                    bc:e2:d4:c5:0e:c4:55:50:85:98:8f:f9:36:a5:5c:
+                    02:d7:8e:4c:dd:ba:6b:d2:94:42:cc:bb:b3:a2:f0:
+                    23:14:29:93:e4:bf:a2:b1:3b:cd:8e:18:a8:9e:ca:
+                    a2:7f:4e:c4:6d:df:cc:da:9b:18:13:f4:62:87:63:
+                    14:2e:c5:fa:2a:04:5e:d6:74:54:88:17:8a:17:4f:
+                    21:96:64:81:30:60:c5:3e:3d:fd:c8:3c:c4:fd:5f:
+                    5e:77:15:7f:28:68:d1:a9:58:30:fd:0c:b4:bf:06:
+                    92:e6:e5:9d:5e:72:c3:87:3a:15:e3:f3:33:ee:51:
+                    a6:62:83:1a:b1:9d:6e:7b:19:47:f7:78:e3:06:5d:
+                    7e:10:52:f6:5e:86:b4:ea:82:db:12:88:c9:f5:32:
+                    9a:5a:1a:46:f2:27:ad:11:e7:5f:ed:63:34:ce:a0:
+                    44:cf:69:07:a3:d7:5d:16:4f:72:c6:20:a4:4f:84:
+                    94:2a:70:d6:92:1c:1c:fe:8e:ae:b3:5b:c4:5e:84:
+                    b0:fa:d9:ae:7c:76:3f:03:78:15:8a:18:d6:3c:81:
+                    b3:ab:22:c5:97:d2:6e:37:b0:b2:25:ea:64:55:5a:
+                    93:76:c9:01:1b:b4:bc:e4:6f:e4:06:58:b3:52:3e:
+                    63:3b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Data 
Encipherment, Key Agreement, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
+                2A:25:81:29:B3:0C:43:5C:D4:69:B0:F8:80:8E:CB:54:E5:8E:73:2D
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
+            X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
+                TLS Web Client Authentication, TLS Web Server Authentication
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         31:7c:71:48:64:b3:b0:9b:02:2a:9d:22:3f:8a:bf:1f:fe:ec:
+         c3:32:ad:3a:00:f1:c6:76:17:5e:20:a5:74:1d:1e:f8:06:d2:
+         bd:e4:a1:60:e3:6c:de:5f:10:04:15:e8:9c:f7:c3:c2:fc:53:
+         d5:b4:aa:66:d9:65:1a:d6:c9:4c:07:ea:0f:db:b7:11:c7:96:
+         67:af:6f:a9:92:d6:aa:9c:ce:df:d8:98:0c:78:9f:1b:76:e3:
+         47:dd:15:24:af:d8:f0:82:47:09:47:0c:82:23:87:f0:1c:2f:
+         64:d7:c6:a2:cc:d7:4e:7f:6a:b6:52:04:17:c4:d5:da:2d:83:
+         de:d7:b7:5e:b8:d5:70:c2:b7:e5:32:07:85:7d:5a:f0:6d:3d:
+         ae:3c:94:cc:46:2d:43:15:0c:9c:ea:16:85:e2:fb:0e:49:24:
+         73:13:a3:b2:0e:87:3e:ff:53:e9:c8:f5:bb:e4:e7:92:5d:e5:
+         42:6d:cd:c0:10:0b:d1:b9:36:4c:05:0b:c1:41:4a:95:33:9d:
+         5e:30:31:be:2b:7a:c2:7a:27:92:04:f3:a7:18:da:c4:0b:f3:
+         e2:03:f0:af:68:c5:c1:12:88:3e:c4:f0:30:d5:28:18:7e:e0:
+         b3:e2:b9:4c:dc:17:51:6b:9e:33:df:ea:0e:95:cf:31:6f:37:
+         7b:c3:c4:37
+===== nifi-key.key
+# The first command shows the actual content of the encoded file, and the 
second parses it and shows the internal values
+.../certs $ more nifi-key.key
+.../certs $ openssl rsa -in nifi-key.key -text -noout
+Private-Key: (2048 bit)
+    00:aa:45:6b:ac:2f:80:90:56:e3:9c:2a:6e:a5:2c:
+    bc:e2:d4:c5:0e:c4:55:50:85:98:8f:f9:36:a5:5c:
+    02:d7:8e:4c:dd:ba:6b:d2:94:42:cc:bb:b3:a2:f0:
+    23:14:29:93:e4:bf:a2:b1:3b:cd:8e:18:a8:9e:ca:
+    a2:7f:4e:c4:6d:df:cc:da:9b:18:13:f4:62:87:63:
+    14:2e:c5:fa:2a:04:5e:d6:74:54:88:17:8a:17:4f:
+    21:96:64:81:30:60:c5:3e:3d:fd:c8:3c:c4:fd:5f:
+    5e:77:15:7f:28:68:d1:a9:58:30:fd:0c:b4:bf:06:
+    92:e6:e5:9d:5e:72:c3:87:3a:15:e3:f3:33:ee:51:
+    a6:62:83:1a:b1:9d:6e:7b:19:47:f7:78:e3:06:5d:
+    7e:10:52:f6:5e:86:b4:ea:82:db:12:88:c9:f5:32:
+    9a:5a:1a:46:f2:27:ad:11:e7:5f:ed:63:34:ce:a0:
+    44:cf:69:07:a3:d7:5d:16:4f:72:c6:20:a4:4f:84:
+    94:2a:70:d6:92:1c:1c:fe:8e:ae:b3:5b:c4:5e:84:
+    b0:fa:d9:ae:7c:76:3f:03:78:15:8a:18:d6:3c:81:
+    b3:ab:22:c5:97:d2:6e:37:b0:b2:25:ea:64:55:5a:
+    93:76:c9:01:1b:b4:bc:e4:6f:e4:06:58:b3:52:3e:
+    63:3b
+publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+    07:56:46:75:7c:f6:85:41:b9:3d:19:76:fb:17:1a:
+    6c:8b:ce:91:fc:53:d0:cc:70:ee:83:46:9f:89:7f:
+    75:da:63:e5:8a:0a:eb:60:08:20:da:55:bb:47:ad:
+    bb:48:af:5e:c4:03:36:af:e5:03:a2:7c:61:9b:49:
+    b5:42:a7:a4:34:68:97:62:e7:7e:b4:a1:2a:44:52:
+    b2:51:45:9e:59:e1:dc:4b:d6:f8:a6:4b:05:06:1b:
+    e4:67:20:49:fd:61:82:75:19:62:6f:7b:ed:8f:16:
+    7a:fb:2a:27:8b:9c:bd:37:57:a5:0f:cf:1a:0c:26:
+    78:5c:9c:93:5d:4e:9f:9d:07:0c:d2:6b:35:50:c3:
+    27:b6:72:c4:89:95:53:24:e3:db:76:97:10:70:71:
+    ee:e8:86:e8:7e:f5:f2:fb:1b:71:d4:e5:2f:5d:d3:
+    c4:13:d5:ba:e4:9c:c1:da:85:cc:35:49:8c:89:77:
+    42:92:8d:12:42:07:ac:00:c6:70:19:98:96:09:d6:
+    34:02:23:c6:08:0a:ad:23:45:7d:ab:87:11:17:b8:
+    43:17:41:c6:a2:15:05:f3:0a:b9:90:11:7a:de:29:
+    42:12:0e:f3:5e:bb:f8:7b:61:4f:54:bc:95:8f:65:
+    21:46:9c:41:a0:9c:c3:f6:5e:f4:26:12:32:b7:ad:
+    01
+    00:e7:e3:a4:a4:bb:22:2c:d3:07:1b:38:fb:d8:f8:
+    81:92:af:36:b1:32:d0:27:6f:bc:b9:d6:29:e8:f8:
+    5e:38:69:21:8e:35:e8:06:c7:b9:63:29:f2:1e:54:
+    2d:e8:29:d5:a4:94:37:de:64:14:90:9f:b7:8a:5b:
+    34:48:c1:6d:98:8d:eb:cf:7b:9d:ce:57:9e:93:5b:
+    28:d8:bd:89:df:e0:88:e2:4b:7b:7c:50:9b:14:56:
+    d5:5e:ff:9d:2c:da:e6:fa:d3:b0:eb:c2:78:f1:ab:
+    32:69:df:24:12:71:d8:ab:d5:2c:fb:fd:cc:2c:39:
+    85:25:84:ed:86:48:33:0a:91
+    00:bb:f9:a5:95:06:96:69:90:10:71:0f:14:b9:57:
+    9a:b3:13:18:a0:df:33:32:6c:df:ae:4c:5c:f0:07:
+    cd:c0:ac:45:f6:77:38:e3:2c:28:e2:72:6b:fa:ef:
+    d4:55:11:98:a5:18:0c:ad:d9:65:e6:fc:f4:22:ae:
+    bc:aa:4d:37:b2:96:96:ee:f0:c9:9f:c8:49:42:19:
+    11:79:0c:35:8a:df:45:a7:fe:75:af:d3:07:cc:64:
+    d5:6a:b3:91:24:66:b6:a1:9d:20:88:d7:bc:2c:d8:
+    b3:0f:76:d0:d7:d8:44:be:3b:bd:9a:7d:31:f5:0e:
+    b6:43:b7:5a:a5:5a:5f:7f:0b
+    00:b4:2d:53:3e:94:10:e7:d7:48:8c:44:68:9b:9b:
+    eb:c1:f7:d6:7d:34:c8:3b:fc:3c:1e:01:64:2b:1a:
+    e0:ca:e0:15:2c:94:82:26:d2:85:1f:a1:f5:f8:ce:
+    db:a4:aa:ec:cf:a6:43:0a:cf:a4:93:03:26:ef:a0:
+    12:2d:fd:ed:94:3d:a1:de:63:64:a8:71:b8:4b:32:
+    e7:b8:10:fd:d2:30:7a:eb:aa:4e:d6:b7:22:e8:58:
+    d8:0d:aa:7b:8b:e0:c2:dc:5e:23:f7:eb:f1:61:85:
+    ed:f4:09:67:d3:d5:15:cf:de:21:c7:e2:da:03:fa:
+    e5:93:d3:87:63:71:32:07:a1
+    40:fd:c0:ad:34:d8:de:68:ab:f6:9b:13:3c:3d:b8:
+    c3:ff:6f:3d:77:ce:58:b9:e1:e0:7e:90:87:80:fb:
+    37:89:98:aa:ed:6f:a2:c3:ca:e2:f8:52:b3:31:26:
+    85:bf:0e:ba:ce:04:dc:3a:d5:0b:b7:1b:a5:be:2a:
+    86:eb:29:bd:ba:69:36:f5:d3:90:46:0c:66:29:0a:
+    ac:82:77:24:ab:ab:86:b8:e8:f1:c0:91:ea:ae:56:
+    47:8d:0c:3a:bc:b4:9a:4e:1c:48:93:e6:80:ce:ef:
+    a2:02:1f:94:f1:36:5b:5b:86:63:9a:b3:a2:19:d3:
+    14:b8:99:43:a0:6a:72:1f
+    00:91:8d:fa:90:8d:17:a5:61:5b:54:ee:3e:81:0f:
+    d0:43:6c:27:e6:8a:9c:1a:44:d3:f4:0a:e0:06:39:
+    5b:52:f9:49:c9:b9:a2:21:b1:71:50:40:61:01:b8:
+    e9:df:16:28:c8:bd:be:d8:71:74:4b:e2:99:51:60:
+    f3:2f:0e:a6:11:34:e6:ee:23:a0:3e:d7:13:6d:af:
+    4d:34:9f:16:bf:1d:47:f3:29:57:88:f5:3b:27:f4:
+    02:8c:5a:75:d2:f1:97:1f:4a:db:15:7f:7a:03:15:
+    f7:d7:61:1a:82:69:67:ae:86:93:26:83:d4:f0:75:
+    7a:00:bb:07:e9:13:91:82:9b
+. To convert from DER encoded public certificate (`cert.der`) to PEM encoded 
+  * If the DER file contains both the public certificate and private key, 
remove the private key with this command:
+  ** `perl -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s|-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----.*?-----END 
PRIVATE KEY-----|Removed private key|gs' cert.der > cert.pem`
+  * If the DER file only contains the public certificate, use this command:
+  ** `openssl x509 -inform der -in cert.der -out cert.pem`
+. To convert from a PKCS12 keystore (`keystore.p12`) containing both the 
public certificate and private key into PEM encoded files (`$PASSWORD` is the 
keystore password):
+  * `openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -out cert.der -nodes -password 
+  * `openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out key.key -password 
+  * Follow the steps above to convert `cert.der` to `cert.pem`
+. To convert from a Java Keystore (`keystore.jks`) containing private key into 
PEM encoded files (`$P12_PASSWORD` is the PKCS12 keystore password, 
`$JKS_PASSWORD` is the Java keystore password you want to set, and `$ALIAS` can 
be any value -- the NiFi default is `nifi-key`):
+  * `keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks -destkeystore 
keystore.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12 -destkeypass 
"$P12_PASSWORD" -deststorepass "$P12_PASSWORD" -srcstorepass "$JKS_PASSWORD" 
-srcalias "$ALIAS" -destalias "$ALIAS"`
+  * Follow the steps above to convert from `keystore.p12` to `cert.pem` and 
+. To convert from PKCS #8 PEM format to PKCS #1 PEM format:
+  * If the private key is provided in PKCS #8 format (the file begins with 
`-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----` rather than `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----`), 
the following command will convert it to PKCS #1 format, move the original to 
`nifi-key-pkcs8.key`, and rename the PKCS #1 version as `nifi-key.key`:
+  ** `openssl rsa -in nifi-key.key -out nifi-key-pkcs1.key && mv nifi-key.key 
nifi-key-pkcs8.key && mv nifi-key-pkcs1.key nifi-key.key`
+==== Signing with Externally-signed CA Certificates
+To sign generated certificates with a certificate authority (CA) generated 
outside of the TLS Toolkit, ensure the necessary files are in the right format 
and location (see above). For example, an organization *Large Organization* has 
an internal CA (`, OU=Certificate Authority`). This *root CA* is 
offline and only used to sign other internal CAs. The Large IT team generates 
an *intermediate CA* (`, OU=NiFi, OU=Certificate 
Authority`) to be used to sign all NiFi node certificates 
(`, OU=NiFi`, `, OU=NiFi`, etc.).
+To use the toolkit to generate these certificates and sign them using the 
*intermediate CA*, ensure that the following files are present (see 
<<additional-commands>> above):
+* `nifi-cert.pem` -- the public certificate of the *intermediate CA* in PEM 
+* `nifi-key.key` -- the Base64-encoded private key of the *intermediate CA* in 
PKCS #1 PEM format
+If the *intermediate CA* was the *root CA*, it would be *self-signed* -- the 
signature over the certificate would be issued from the same key. In that case 
(the same as a toolkit-generated CA), no additional arguments are necessary. 
However, because the *intermediate CA* is signed by the *root CA*, the public 
certificate of the *root CA* needs to be provided as well to validate the 
signature. The `--additionalCACertificate` parameter is used to specify the 
path to the signing public certificate. The value should be the absolute path 
to the *root CA* public certificate.
+# Generate cert signed by intermediate CA (which is signed by root CA) -- WILL 
+$ ./bin/ standalone -n '' \
+-P passwordpassword \
+-S passwordpassword \
+-o /opt/certs/externalCA \
+2018/08/02 18:48:11 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandaloneCommandLine: No 
nifiPropertiesFile specified, using embedded one.
+2018/08/02 18:48:12 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandalone: Running standalone 
certificate generation with output directory /opt/certs/externalCA
+2018/08/02 18:48:12 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.util.TlsHelper: 
Verifying the certificate signature for, OU=Certificate 
+2018/08/02 18:48:12 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.util.TlsHelper: 
Attempting to verify certificate, OU=NiFi, OU=Certificate 
Authority signature with, OU=NiFi, OU=Certificate Authority
+2018/08/02 18:48:12 WARN [main] org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.util.TlsHelper: 
Certificate, OU=NiFi, OU=Certificate Authority not signed 
by, OU=NiFi, OU=Certificate Authority [certificate does 
not verify with supplied key]
+Error generating TLS configuration. (The signing certificate was not signed by 
any known certificates)
+# Provide additional CA certificate path for signature verification of 
intermediate CA
+$ ./bin/ standalone -n '' \
+-P passwordpassword \
+-S passwordpassword \
+-o /opt/certs/externalCA \
+--additionalCACertificate /opt/certs/externalCA/root.pem \
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandaloneCommandLine: No 
nifiPropertiesFile specified, using embedded one.
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandalone: Running standalone 
certificate generation with output directory /opt/certs/externalCA
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.util.TlsHelper: 
Verifying the certificate signature for, OU=NiFi, 
OU=Certificate Authority
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.util.TlsHelper: 
Attempting to verify certificate, OU=NiFi, OU=Certificate 
Authority signature with, OU=Certificate Authority
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.util.TlsHelper: 
Certificate was signed by, OU=Certificate Authority
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandalone: Using existing CA 
certificate /opt/certs/externalCA/nifi-cert.pem and key 
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandalone: Writing new ssl 
configuration to /opt/certs/externalCA/
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandalone: Successfully 
generated TLS configuration for 1 in 
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandalone: No clientCertDn 
specified, not generating any client certificates.
+2018/08/02 18:48:44 INFO [main] 
org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.standalone.TlsToolkitStandalone: tls-toolkit 
standalone completed successfully
+== ZooKeeper migrator
+You can use the NiFi ZooKeeper Migrator to perform the following tasks:
+* Moving ZooKeeper information from one ZooKeeper cluster to another
+* Migrating ZooKeeper node ownership
+For example, you may want to use the ZooKeeper Migrator when you are:
+* Upgrading from NiFi 0.x to NiFi 1.x in which embedded ZooKeepers are used
+* Migrating from an embedded ZooKeeper in NiFi 0.x or 1.x to an external 
+* Upgrading from NiFi 0.x with an external ZooKeeper to NiFi 1.x with the same 
external ZooKeeper
+* Migrating from an external ZooKeeper to an embedded ZooKeeper in NiFi 1.x
+=== Usage
+The `zk-migrator` tool is invoked as `./bin/` or 
+To show help:
+ ./bin/ -h
+The following are available options:
+* `-a`,`--auth <username:password>`               Allows the specification of 
a username and password for authentication with ZooKeeper.  This option is 
mutually exclusive with the `-k`,`--krb-conf` option.
+* `-f`,`--file <filename>`                        The file used for ZooKeeper 
data serialized as JSON.  When used with the `-r`,`--receive` option, data read 
from ZooKeeper will be stored in the given filename.  When used with the 
`-s`,`--send` option, the data in the file will be sent to ZooKeeper.
+* `-h`,`--help`                                   Prints help, displays 
available parameters with descriptions
+* `--ignore-source`                               Allows the ZooKeeper 
Migrator to write to the ZooKeeper and path from which the data was obtained.
+* `-k`,`--krb-conf <jaas-filename>`               Allows the specification of 
a JAAS configuration file to allow authentication with a ZooKeeper configured 
to use Kerberos.  This option is mutually exclusive with the `-a`,`--auth` 
+* `-r`,`--receive`                                Receives data from ZooKeeper 
and writes to the given filename (if the `-f`,`--file` option is provided) or 
standard output. The data received will contain the full path to each node read 
from ZooKeeper. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-s`,`--send` option.
+* `-s`,`--send`                                   Sends data to ZooKeeper that 
is read from the given filename (if the `-f`,`--file` option is provided) or 
standard input. The paths for each node in the data being sent to ZooKeeper are 
absolute paths, and will be stored in ZooKeeper under the *path* portion of the 
`-z`,`--zookeeper` argument.  Typically, the *path* portion of the argument can 
be omitted, which will store the nodes at their absolute paths. This option is 
mutually exclusive with the `-r`,`--receive` option.
+* `--use-existing-acl`                            Allows the Zookeeper 
Migrator to write ACL values retrieved from the source Zookeeper server to 
destination server. Default action will apply Open rights for unsecured 
destinations or Creator Only rights for secured destinations.
+* `-z`,`--zookeeper <zookeeper-endpoint>`         The ZooKeeper server(s) to 
use, specified by a connect string, comprised of one or more comma-separated 
host:port pairs followed by a path, in the format of 
+=== Migrating Between Source and Destination ZooKeepers
+Before you begin, confirm that:
+* You have installed the destination ZooKeeper cluster.
+* You have installed and configured a NiFi cluster to use the destination 
ZooKeeper cluster.
+* If you are migrating ZooKeepers due to upgrading NiFi from 0.x to 1.x,, you 
have already followed appropriate NiFi upgrade steps.
+* You have configured Kerberos as needed.
+* You have not started processing any dataflow (to avoid duplicate data 
+* If one of the ZooKeeper clusters you are using is configured with Kerberos, 
you are running the ZooKeeper Migrator from a host that has access to NiFi’s 
ZooKeeper client jaas configuration file (see the  
<<administration-guide.adoc#zk_kerberos_client,Kerberizing NiFi's ZooKeeper 
Client>> section in the System Administrator's Guide for more information).
+==== ZooKeeper Migration Steps
+1. Collect the following information:
+|*Required Information*|*Description*
+|Source ZooKeeper hostname (*sourceHostname*)|The hostname must be one of the 
hosts running in the ZooKeeper ensemble, which can be found in _<NiFi 
installation dir>/conf/zookeeper.properties_.  Any of the hostnames declared in 
the `server.N` properties can be used.
+|Destination ZooKeeper hostname (*destinationHostname*)|The hostname must be 
one of the hosts running in the ZooKeeper ensemble, which can be found in 
_<NiFi installation dir>/conf/zookeeper.properties_.  Any of the hostnames 
declared in the `server.N` properties can be used.
+|Source ZooKeeper port (*sourceClientPort*)|This can be found in _<NiFi 
installation dir>/conf/zookeeper.properties_.  The port is specified in the 
`clientPort` property.
+|Destination ZooKeeper port (*destinationClientPort*)|This can be found in 
_<NiFi installation dir>/conf/zookeeper.properties_.  The port is specified in 
the `clientPort` property.
+|Export data path|Determine the path that will store a json file containing 
the export of data from ZooKeeper.  It must be readable and writable by the 
user running the zk-migrator tool.
+|Source ZooKeeper Authentication Information|This information is in _<NiFi 
installation dir>/conf/state-management.xml_. For NiFi 0.x, if Creator Only is 
specified in _state-management.xml_, you need to supply authentication 
information using the `-a,--auth` argument with the values from the Username 
and Password properties in _state-management.xml_. For NiFi 1.x, supply 
authentication information using the `-k,--krb-conf` argument.
+If the _state-management.xml_ specifies Open, no authentication is required.
+|Destination ZooKeeper Authentication Information|This information is in 
_<NiFi installation dir>/conf/state-management.xml_. For NiFi 0.x, if Creator 
Only is specified in _state-management.xml_, you need to supply authentication 
information using the `-a,--auth` argument with the values from the Username 
and Password properties in state-management.xml. For NiFi 1.x, supply 
authentication information using the `-k,--krb-conf` argument.
+If the _state-management.xml_ specifies Open, no authentication is required.
+|Root path to which NiFi writes data in Source ZooKeeper 
(*sourceRootPath*)|This information can be found in `<NiFi installation 
dir>/conf/state-management.xml` under the Root Node property in the 
cluster-provider element. (default: `/nifi`)
+|Root path to which NiFi writes data in Destination ZooKeeper 
(*destinationRootPath*)|This information can be found in _<NiFi installation 
dir>/conf/state-management.xml_ under the Root Node property in the 
cluster-provider element.
+2. Stop all processors in the NiFi flow.  If you are migrating between two 
NiFi installations, the flows on both must be stopped.
+3. Export the NiFi component data from the source ZooKeeper.  The following 
command reads from the specified ZooKeeper running on the given hostname:port, 
using the provided path to the data, and authenticates with ZooKeeper using the 
given username and password.  The data read from ZooKeeper is written to the 
file provided.
+* For NiFi 0.x
+** For an open ZooKeeper:
+*** ` -r -z 
sourceHostname:sourceClientPort/sourceRootPath/components -f 
+** For a ZooKeeper using username:password for authentication:
+*** ` -r -z 
sourceHostname:sourceClientPort/sourceRootPath/components -a 
<username:password> -f /path/to/export/zk-source-data.json`
+* For NiFi 1.x
+** For an open ZooKeeper:
+*** ` -r -z 
sourceHostname:sourceClientPort/sourceRootPath/components -f 
+** For a ZooKeeper using Kerberos for authentication:
+*** ` -r -z 
sourceHostname:sourceClientPort/sourceRootPath/components -k 
/path/to/jaasconfig/jaas-config.conf -f /path/to/export/zk-source-data.json`
+4. (Optional) If you have used the new NiFi installation to do any processing, 
you can also export its ZooKeeper data as a backup prior to performing the 
+* For an open ZooKeeper:
+** ` -r -z 
destinationHostname:destinationClientPort/destinationRootPath/components -f 
+* For a ZooKeeper using Kerberos for authentication:
+** ` -r -z 
destinationHostname:destinationClientPort/destinationRootPath/components -k 
/path/to/jaasconfig/jaas-config.conf -f 
+5. Migrate the ZooKeeper data to the destination ZooKeeper. If the source and 
destination ZooKeepers are the same, the `--ignore-source` option can be added 
to the following examples.
+* For an open ZooKeeper:
+** ` -s -z 
destinationHostname:destinationClientPort/destinationRootPath/components -f 
+* For a ZooKeeper using Kerberos for authentication:
+** ` -s -z 
destinationHostname:destinationClientPort/destinationRootPath/components -k 
/path/to/jaasconfig/jaas-config.conf -f /path/to/export/zk-source-data.json`
+6. Once the migration has completed successfully, start the processors in the 
NiFi flow.  Processing should continue from the point at which it was stopped 
when the NiFi flow was stopped.
diff --git 
index f3beab4..575bf9c 100644
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
                                 <li class="component-item"><a 
class="document-link expression-language-guide" 
href="html/expression-language-guide.html" target="component-usage">Expression 
Language Guide</a></li>
                                 <li class="component-item"><a 
class="document-link record-path-guide" href="html/record-path-guide.html" 
target="component-usage">RecordPath Guide</a></li>
                                 <li class="component-item"><a 
class="document-link admin-guide" href="html/administration-guide.html" 
target="component-usage">Admin Guide</a></li>
+                                <li class="component-item"><a 
class="document-link toolkit-guide" href="html/toolkit-guide.html" 
target="component-usage">Toolkit Guide</a></li>
                             <span class="no-matching no-components hidden">No 
matching guides</span>

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