This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

rzo1 pushed a commit to branch OPENNLP-1688
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/OPENNLP-1688 by this push:
     new c02ca852 x
c02ca852 is described below

commit c02ca852c20fbc57b5c50cd7cd6aaa11de9ec8d4
Author: Richard Zowalla <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 17 13:16:45 2025 +0100

 .github/workflows/shell-tests.yml | 25 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/shell-tests.yml 
index ddcfdb72..94867f54 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/shell-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/shell-tests.yml
@@ -147,39 +147,38 @@ jobs:
       - name: Build with Maven
         run: mvn -V clean install --no-transfer-progress -Pci -DskipTests=true
-      - name: Find and Extract OpenNLP Distribution
-        run: |
       - name: Find and Extract OpenNLP Distribution
         run: |
           # Find the first non-src .tar.gz file in the target directory
           $TAR_FILE = Get-ChildItem -Path opennlp-distr/target -Filter 
"*.tar.gz" | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "*-src*" } | Select-Object -First 1
           # Ensure we found a file
           if (-not $TAR_FILE) {
             Write-Error "Error: No matching tar.gz file found in 
             exit 1
-          # Extract the tar.gz file to the user profile directory
-          $Destination = "$env:USERPROFILE"
+          # Extract the tar.gz file to the current directory
+          $Destination = "$(pwd)"
           tar -xzf $TAR_FILE.FullName -C $Destination
           # Get the directory name of the extracted content (excluding the tar 
           $EXTRACTED_DIR = (tar -tf $TAR_FILE.FullName | Select-Object -First 
           # Set OPENNLP_HOME dynamically in the environment
+          $OPENNLP_HOME_PATH = "$Destination\$EXTRACTED_DIR"
           Write-Host "OPENNLP_HOME=$OPENNLP_HOME_PATH"  # Debugging
           # Set the environment variable for future steps
           echo "$OPENNLP_HOME_PATH\bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
       - name: Verify Extraction
         run: |
-          # Print the OPENNLP_HOME and check if the 'bin' directory exists
-          echo "OPENNLP_HOME: $env:OPENNLP_HOME"
-          dir "$env:OPENNLP_HOME\bin"
+            # Print the OPENNLP_HOME and check if the 'bin' directory exists
+            echo "OPENNLP_HOME: $env:OPENNLP_HOME"
+            dir "$env:OPENNLP_HOME\bin"
       - name: Run Pester Tests
         run: |

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