Author: mseidel
Date: Fri Aug  4 14:19:16 2017
New Revision: 1804126

Small optical changes to Windows installer (LanguagePack)


 Fri Aug  4 14:19:16 2017
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ AdminChangeFolder       Cancel  PushButton      301
 AdminChangeFolder      Combo   DirectoryCombo  21      64      277     80      
458755  TARGETDIR               Up      
 AdminChangeFolder      ComboText       Text    21      50      99      14      
3               OOO_CONTROL_5   Combo   
 AdminChangeFolder      DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-AdminChangeFolder      DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+AdminChangeFolder      DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 AdminChangeFolder      DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_7           
 AdminChangeFolder      List    DirectoryList   21      90      332     97      
7       TARGETDIR               TailText        
 AdminChangeFolder      NewFolder       PushButton      335     66      19      
19      3670019         NewFolderIco    List    OOO_CONTROL_9
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ AdminNetworkLocation  Branding2       Text    3       22
 AdminNetworkLocation   Browse  PushButton      286     124     66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_17  Back    
 AdminNetworkLocation   Cancel  PushButton      301     243     66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_18  LBBrowse        
 AdminNetworkLocation   DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-AdminNetworkLocation   DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+AdminNetworkLocation   DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 AdminNetworkLocation   DlgText Text    21      51      326     40      3       
 AdminNetworkLocation   DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_21          
 AdminNetworkLocation   InstallNow      PushButton      230     243     66      
17      3               OOO_CONTROL_22  Cancel  
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ CustomerInformation   Cancel  PushButton      30
 CustomerInformation    CompanyEdit     Edit    21      100     237     17      
3       COMPANYNAME     OOO_CONTROL_36  SerialLabel     
 CustomerInformation    CompanyLabel    Text    21      89      75      10      
3               OOO_CONTROL_37  CompanyEdit     
 CustomerInformation    DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-CustomerInformation    DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+CustomerInformation    DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 CustomerInformation    DlgRadioGroupText       Text    21      161     300     
14      3               OOO_CONTROL_39          
 CustomerInformation    DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_40          
 CustomerInformation    NameEdit        Edit    21      63      237     17      
3       USERNAME        OOO_CONTROL_41  CompanyLabel    
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ CustomSetup   Cancel  PushButton      301     243     66
 CustomSetup    ChangeFolder    PushButton      301     203     66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_50  Help    
 CustomSetup    Details PushButton      93      243     66      17      3       
        OOO_CONTROL_51  Back    
 CustomSetup    DlgDesc Text    17      23      276     25      65539           
-CustomSetup    DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+CustomSetup    DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 CustomSetup    DlgText Text    9       51      360     10      3               
 CustomSetup    DlgTitle        Text    9       6       284     25      65539   
 CustomSetup    FeatureGroup    GroupBox        235     67      131     120     
1               OOO_CONTROL_55          
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ CustomSetupTips       BannerLine      Line    0       44      
 CustomSetupTips        Branding1       Text    4       229     130     13      
3               {&MSSWhiteSerif8}[ProductName]          
 CustomSetupTips        Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      
65537           [ProductName]           
 CustomSetupTips        DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-CustomSetupTips        DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+CustomSetupTips        DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 CustomSetupTips        DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_65          
 CustomSetupTips        DontInstall     Icon    21      155     24      24      
5242881         DontInstallIco          
 CustomSetupTips        DontInstallText Text    60      155     300     20      
3               OOO_CONTROL_66          
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ DatabaseFolder      Cancel  PushButton      301     243
 DatabaseFolder ChangeFolder    PushButton      301     65      66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_78  Back    
 DatabaseFolder DatabaseFolder  Icon    21      52      24      24      5242881 
 DatabaseFolder DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539           
-DatabaseFolder DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+DatabaseFolder DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 DatabaseFolder DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      65539   
 DatabaseFolder Location        Text    57      65      240     40      3       
_BrowseProperty OOO_CONTROL_81          
 DatabaseFolder LocLabel        Text    57      52      290     10      3       
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ DestinationFolder   Cancel  PushButton      301
 DestinationFolder      ChangeFolder    PushButton      301     125     66      
17      3               OOO_CONTROL_88  Back    
 DestinationFolder      DestFolder      Icon    21      112     24      24      
5242881         OpenFolderIco           
 DestinationFolder      DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-DestinationFolder      DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+DestinationFolder      DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 DestinationFolder      DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           {&MSSansBold8}[ProductName]             
 DestinationFolder      Location        Text    57      128     240     40      
3       _BrowseProperty [INSTALLLOCATION]               
 DestinationFolder      LocLabel        Text    57      115     290     10      
3               OOO_CONTROL_92          
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ DiskSpaceRequirements       BannerLine      Line    0
 DiskSpaceRequirements  Branding1       Text    4       229     130     13      
3               {&MSSWhiteSerif8}[ProductName]          
 DiskSpaceRequirements  Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      
65537           [ProductName]           
 DiskSpaceRequirements  DlgDesc Text    17      23      276     25      65539   
-DiskSpaceRequirements  DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+DiskSpaceRequirements  DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 DiskSpaceRequirements  DlgText Text    10      185     358     41      3       
 DiskSpaceRequirements  DlgTitle        Text    9       6       284     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_98          
 DiskSpaceRequirements  List    VolumeCostList  8       55      358     125     
393223          {120}{70}{70}{70}{70}           
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ FilesInUse  BannerLine      Line    0       44      376     
0       1
 FilesInUse     Branding1       Text    4       229     130     13      3       
 FilesInUse     Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      65537   
 FilesInUse     DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539           
-FilesInUse     DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+FilesInUse     DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 FilesInUse     DlgText Text    21      51      348     29      3               
 FilesInUse     DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      65539   
 FilesInUse     Exit    PushButton      301     243     66      17      3       
        OOO_CONTROL_106 List    
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ FileTypeDialog      CheckBox1       CheckBox        41      
 FileTypeDialog CheckBox2       CheckBox        41      131     200     10      
3       SELECT_EXCEL     OOO_CONTROL_271        CheckBox3       
 FileTypeDialog CheckBox3       CheckBox        41      156     200     10      
3       SELECT_POWERPOINT        OOO_CONTROL_272        Back    
 FileTypeDialog DlgDesc Text    21      20      272     25      65539           
-FileTypeDialog DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+FileTypeDialog DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 FileTypeDialog DlgText Text    21      56      326     40      3               
 FileTypeDialog DlgText2        Text    21      190     326     30      3       
 FileTypeDialog DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      65539   
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ InstallChangeFolder Cancel  PushButton      30
 InstallChangeFolder    Combo   DirectoryCombo  21      64      302     80      
4128779 _BrowseProperty         Up      
 InstallChangeFolder    ComboText       Text    21      50      99      14      
3               OOO_CONTROL_113 Combo   
 InstallChangeFolder    DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-InstallChangeFolder    DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+InstallChangeFolder    DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 InstallChangeFolder    DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_115         
 InstallChangeFolder    List    DirectoryList   21      90      332     97      
15      _BrowseProperty         TailText        
 InstallChangeFolder    OK      PushButton      230     243     66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_118 Cancel  
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ LicenseAgreement    Branding1       Text    4       229     
 LicenseAgreement       Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      
65537           [ProductName]           
 LicenseAgreement       Cancel  PushButton      301     243     66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_131 Agree   
 LicenseAgreement       DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-LicenseAgreement       DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+LicenseAgreement       DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 LicenseAgreement       DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_133         
 LicenseAgreement       Memo    ScrollableText  8       54      358     130     
 LicenseAgreement       Next    PushButton      230     243     66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_134 Cancel  
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ MaintenanceType     Branding1       Text    4       229     
 MaintenanceType        Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      
65537           [ProductName]           
 MaintenanceType        Cancel  PushButton      301     243     66      17      
3               OOO_CONTROL_138 RadioGroup      
 MaintenanceType        DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539   
-MaintenanceType        DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1       
+MaintenanceType        DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1       
 MaintenanceType        DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      
65539           OOO_CONTROL_140         
 MaintenanceType        Ico1    Icon    35      75      24      24      5242881 
 MaintenanceType        Ico2    Icon    35      135     24      24      5242881 
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ OutOfSpace  BannerLine      Line    0       44      376     
0       1
 OutOfSpace     Branding1       Text    4       229     130     13      3       
 OutOfSpace     Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      65537   
 OutOfSpace     DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539           
-OutOfSpace     DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+OutOfSpace     DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 OutOfSpace     DlgText Text    21      51      326     43      3               
 OutOfSpace     DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      65539   
 OutOfSpace     List    VolumeCostList  21      95      332     120     393223  
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ ReadyToInstall      Branding1       Text    4       229     
 ReadyToInstall Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      65537   
 ReadyToInstall Cancel  PushButton      301     243     66      17      3       
        OOO_CONTROL_166 Back    
 ReadyToInstall DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539           
-ReadyToInstall DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+ReadyToInstall DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 ReadyToInstall DlgText Text    21      51      326     20      3               
 ReadyToInstall DlgText1        Text    21      70      330     24      3       
 ReadyToInstall DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      65538   
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ SetupType   CompText        Text    80      94      246     
35      3
 SetupType      CustomIco       Icon    34      154     24      24      5242881 
 SetupType      CustText        Text    80      154     246     35      3       
 SetupType      DlgDesc Text    21      23      272     25      65539           
-SetupType      DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+SetupType      DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 SetupType      DlgText Text    21      51      326     10      3               
 SetupType      DlgTitle        Text    13      6       280     25      65539   
 SetupType      Next    PushButton      230     243     66      17      3       
        OOO_CONTROL_260 Cancel  
@@ -375,6 +375,6 @@ SplashBitmap        Back    PushButton      164     243     
 SplashBitmap   Branding1       Text    4       229     130     13      3       
 SplashBitmap   Branding2       Text    3       228     130     13      65537   
 SplashBitmap   Cancel  PushButton      301     243     66      17      3       
        OOO_CONTROL_265 Back    
-SplashBitmap   DlgLine Line    136     234     241     0       1               
+SplashBitmap   DlgLine Line    134     234     243     0       1               
 SplashBitmap   Image   Bitmap  13      12      114     211     1               
 SplashBitmap   Next    PushButton      230     243     66      17      3       
        OOO_CONTROL_266 Cancel  

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