yashmayya commented on code in PR #14342:
URL: https://github.com/apache/pinot/pull/14342#discussion_r1824330008

@@ -118,6 +120,34 @@ public Operator<AggregationResultsBlock> 
buildNonFilteredAggOperator() {
     return new AggregationOperator(_queryContext, aggregationInfo, 
+  /**
+   * Returns {@code true} if any of the aggregation functions have null 
values, {@code false} otherwise.
+   *
+   * The current implementation is pessimistic and returns {@code true} if any 
of the arguments to the aggregation
+   * functions is of function type. This is because we do not have a way to 
determine if the function will return null
+   * values without actually evaluating it.
+   */
+  private boolean hasNullValues(AggregationFunction[] aggregationFunctions) {
+    for (AggregationFunction aggregationFunction : aggregationFunctions) {
+      ExpressionContext argument = (ExpressionContext) 
+      switch (argument.getType()) {
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+          DataSource dataSource = 
+          NullValueVectorReader nullValueVector = 
+          if (nullValueVector != null && 
!nullValueVector.getNullBitmap().isEmpty()) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          break;
+        case LITERAL:
+          return false;

Review Comment:
   Yeah, that makes sense 👍 

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