Author: rwhitcomb
Date: Mon Oct  8 18:24:28 2012
New Revision: 1395705

Add a little bit of Javadoc to some classes to aid in basic understanding.


Modified: pivot/branches/2.0.x/core/src/org/apache/pivot/beans/
--- pivot/branches/2.0.x/core/src/org/apache/pivot/beans/ 
+++ pivot/branches/2.0.x/core/src/org/apache/pivot/beans/ Mon 
Oct  8 18:24:28 2012
@@ -42,6 +42,16 @@ import org.apache.pivot.util.ListenerLis
  * Properties may provide multiple setters; the appropriate setter to invoke
  * is determined by the type of the value being set. If the value is
  * <tt>null</tt>, the return type of the getter method is used.
+ *
+ * <p> Getter methods must be named "getProperty" where "property" is
+ * the property name.  If there is no "get" method, then an "isProperty"
+ * method can also be used.  Setter methods (if present) must be named
+ * "setProperty".
+ *
+ * <p> Getter and setter methods are checked before straight fields
+ * named "property" in order to support proper data encapsulation.
+ * And only <code>public</code> and non-<code>static</code> methods
+ * and fields can be accessed.
 public class BeanAdapter implements Map<String, Object> {
@@ -171,7 +181,10 @@ public class BeanAdapter implements Map<
-     * Creates a new bean dictionary.
+     * Creates a new bean dictionary which can ignore readonly fields
+     * (that is, straight fields marked as <code>final</code> or bean
+     * properties where there is a "get" method but no corresponding
+     * "set" method).
      * @param bean
      * The bean object to wrap.

Modified: pivot/branches/2.0.x/core/src/org/apache/pivot/json/
--- pivot/branches/2.0.x/core/src/org/apache/pivot/json/ (original)
+++ pivot/branches/2.0.x/core/src/org/apache/pivot/json/ Mon Oct  8 
18:24:28 2012
@@ -25,6 +25,19 @@ import org.apache.pivot.collections.adap
  * Contains utility methods for working with JSON or JSON-like data structures.
+ *
+ * <p> Special treatment is afforded to {@link java.util.Map java.util.Map} and
+ * {@link org.apache.pivot.collections.Map org.apache.pivot.collections.Map} 
objects at any level
+ * of the hierarchy.  Otherwise a {@link BeanAdapter} is used to
+ * fetch the value from the object.
+ *
+ * <p> If, however, the object at a given level is a
+ * {@link org.apache.pivot.collections.Sequence} then the key
+ * is assumed to be an integer index into the sequence.
+ *
+ * <p> Also, special consideration is given to an object that
+ * implements the {@link Dictionary} interface.
+ *
 public class JSON {

Modified: pivot/branches/2.0.x/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtk/
--- pivot/branches/2.0.x/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtk/ (original)
+++ pivot/branches/2.0.x/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtk/ Mon Oct  8 
18:24:28 2012
@@ -43,6 +43,15 @@ import org.apache.pivot.util.ListenerLis
  * cell, it will retain its natural size, and you can set the
  * horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment styles of the BoxPane to, say,
  * center the button within the cell.
+ *
+ * <p> Setting the <code>fill</code> style to true will cause the BoxPane to
+ * completely fill the space allotted by its container in the direction
+ * orthogonal to the layout direction.  So, for a vertical layout, the
+ * width will be the width of its container and the children of the BoxPane
+ * will also be sized accordingly (i.e., full width of the space).  And so
+ * for a horizontal layout, with <code>fill</code> set to true the height
+ * of the BoxPane will be the height allotted by its container and the
+ * children of the BoxPane will have their heights set accordingly.
 public class BoxPane extends Container {
     private static class BoxPaneListenerList extends 

Modified: pivot/branches/2.0.x/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtk/
--- pivot/branches/2.0.x/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtk/ (original)
+++ pivot/branches/2.0.x/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtk/ Mon Oct  8 
18:24:28 2012
@@ -22,12 +22,52 @@ import org.apache.pivot.util.ListenerLis
  * Container that fills the space it has been given inside its parent
  * and then arranges its child components in a line, either vertically
  * or horizontally.
+ *
  * <p> This is useful, for instance, as a shortcut to making a one
  * row and one column {@link TablePane} or {@link GridPane}.  Adding
- * just one child, such as a {@link ScrollPane}, will allow that child
- * to fill the containing area (as opposed to using a {@link BoxPane} which
- * will only size itself to the size of its children, which doesn't work
- * well with a <tt>ScrollPane</tt>).
+ * just one child to a FillPane, such as a {@link ScrollPane}, will allow
+ * that child to fill the containing area (as opposed to using a {@link 
+ * which will only size itself to the size of its children, which doesn't 
+ * work well with a <tt>ScrollPane</tt>).
+ *
+ * <p> The <b>n</b> children of a FillPane will be given 1/n of the total 
space available,
+ * depending on the orientation.  For vertical, each child's height will be 1/n
+ * of the total height, and for horizontal each child's width will be 1/n of 
+ * total width.  The children will always stretch to the full width / height of
+ * the orthogonal direction.
+ *
+ * <p> Here is an example:  for a horizontal FillPane with three buttons as
+ * children:
+ * <pre>+--------------------------------------------------+
+||               ||              ||               ||
+||               ||              ||               ||
+||               ||              ||               ||
+||   Button 1    ||   Button 2   ||   Button 3    ||
+||               ||              ||               ||
+||               ||              ||               ||
+||               ||              ||               ||
+ * <p> And here is a vertical FillPane with three Button children:
+ * <pre>+--------------------------------------------------+
+||                                                ||
+||                    Button 1                    ||
+||                                                ||
+||                                                ||
+||                    Button 2                    ||
+||                                                ||
+||                                                ||
+||                    Button 3                    ||
+||                                                ||
+ *
 public class FillPane extends Container {
     private static class FillPaneListenerList extends 

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