Jennifer88huang commented on a change in pull request #5212: [Doc] Add Node.js 
Client Docs

 File path: site2/docs/
 @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+id: client-libraries-node
+title: The Pulsar Node.js client
+sidebar_label: Node.js
+The Pulsar Node.js client can be used to create Pulsar 
[producers](#producers), [consumers](#consumers), and [readers](#readers) in 
+## Installation
+You can install the 
[`pusar-client`]( library via 
+### Requirements
+Pulsar Node.js client library is based on the C++ client library.
+Follow [these instructions]( and install 
the Pulsar C++ client library.
+### Compatibility
+Compatibility between each version of the Node.js client and the C++ client is 
as follows:
+| Node.js client | C++ client     |
+| :------------- | :------------- |
+| 1.0.0          | 2.3.0 or later |
+If an incompatible version of the C++ client is installed, you may fail to 
build or run this library.
+### Installation using npm
+Install the `pulsar-client` library via [npm](
+$ npm install pulsar-client
+> #### Note
+> Also, this library works only in Node.js 10.x or later because it uses the 
[`node-addon-api`]( module to wrap the 
C++ library.
+## Connection URLs
+To connect to Pulsar using client libraries, you need to specify a [Pulsar 
protocol]( URL.
+Pulsar protocol URLs are assigned to specific clusters, use the `pulsar` 
scheme and have a default port of 6650. Here is an example for `localhost`:
+A URL for a production Pulsar cluster may look something like this:
+If you're using [TLS encryption]( or [TLS 
Authentication](, the URL will look like 
something like this:
+## Creating a client
+In order to interact with Pulsar, you'll first need a client object. You can 
create a client instance using a `new` operator and the `Client` method, 
passing in a client options object (more on configuration 
+Here is an example:
+const Pulsar = require('pulsar-client');
+(async () => {
+  const client = new Pulsar.Client({
+    serviceUrl: 'pulsar://localhost:6650',
+  });
+  await client.close();
+### Client configuration
+The following configurable parameters are available for Pulsar clients:
+| Parameter | Description | Default |
+| :-------- | :---------- | :------ |
+| `serviceUrl` | The connection URL for the Pulsar cluster. See 
[above](#connection-urls) for more info. |  |
+| `authentication` | Configure the authentication provider. (default: no 
authentication). See [TLS Authentication]( for 
more info. | |
+| `operationTimeoutSeconds` | The timeout for Node.js client operations 
(creating producers, subscribing to and unsubscribing from 
[topics]( Retries will occur until this 
threshold is reached, at which point the operation will fail. | 30 |
+| `ioThreads` | The number of threads to use for handling connections to 
Pulsar [brokers]( | 1 |
+| `messageListenerThreads` | The number of threads used by message listeners 
([consumers](#consumers) and [readers](#readers)). | 1 |
+| `concurrentLookupRequest` | The number of concurrent lookup requests that 
can be sent on each broker connection. Setting a maximum helps to keep from 
overloading brokers. You should set values over the default of 50000 only if 
the client needs to produce and/or subscribe to thousands of Pulsar topics. | 
50000 |
+| `tlsTrustCertsFilePath` | The file path for the trusted TLS certificate. | |
+| `tlsValidateHostname` | The boolean value of setup whether to enable TLS 
hostname verification. | `false` |
+| `tlsAllowInsecureConnection` | The boolean value of setup whether the Pulsar 
client accepts untrusted TLS certificate from broker. | `false` |
+| `statsIntervalInSeconds` | Interval between each stat info. Stats is 
activated with positive statsInterval. The value should be set to 1 second at 
least | 600 |
+## Producers
+Pulsar producers publish messages to Pulsar topics. You can 
[configure](#producer-configuration) Node.js producers using a producer 
configuration object.
+Here is an example:
+const producer = await client.createProducer({
+  topic: 'my-topic',
+await producer.send({
+  data: Buffer.from("Hello, Pulsar"),
+await producer.close();
+> #### Promise operation
+> When you create a new Pulsar producer, the operation will return `Promise` 
object and get producer instance or an error through executor function.  
+> In this example, using await operator instead of executor function.
+### Producer operations
+Pulsar Node.js producers have the following methods available:
+| Method | Description | Return type |
+| :----- | :---------- | :---------- |
+| `send(Object)` | Publishes a [message](#messages) to the producer's topic. 
When the message is successfully acknowledged by the Pulsar broker, or an error 
will be thrown, the Promise object run executor function. | `Promise<null>` |
+| `flush()` | Send message from send queue to Pulser broker. When the message 
is successfully acknowledged by the Pulsar broker, or an error will be thrown, 
the Promise object run executor function. | `Promise<null>` |
+| `close()` | Closes the producer and releases all resources allocated to it. 
If `close()` is called then no more messages will be accepted from the 
publisher. This method will return Promise object, and when all pending publish 
requests have been persisted by Pulsar then run executor function. If an error 
is thrown, no pending writes will be retried. | `Promise<null>` |
+### Producer configuration
+| Parameter | Description | Default |
+| :-------- | :---------- | :------ |
+| `topic` | The Pulsar [topic]( to which the 
producer will publish messages. | |
+| `producerName` | A name for the producer. If you don't explicitly assign a 
name, Pulsar will automatically generate a globally unique name.  If you choose 
to explicitly assign a name, it will need to be unique across *all* Pulsar 
clusters, otherwise the creation operation will throw an error. | |
+| `sendTimeoutMs` | When publishing a message to a topic, the producer will 
wait for an acknowledgment from the responsible Pulsar 
[broker]( If a message is not acknowledged 
within the threshold set by this parameter, an error will be thrown. If you set 
`sendTimeoutMs` to -1, the timeout will be set to infinity (and thus removed). 
Removing the send timeout is recommended when using Pulsar's [message 
de-duplication]( feature. | 30000 |
+| `initialSequenceId` | The initial sequence ID of the message. When producer 
send message, add sequence ID to message. The ID is increased each time to 
send. | |
+| `maxPendingMessages` | The maximum size of the queue holding pending 
messages (i.e. messages waiting to receive an acknowledgment from the 
[broker]( By default, when the queue is full 
all calls to the `send` method will fail *unless* `blockIfQueueFull` is set to 
`true`. | 1000 |
+| `maxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions` | The maximum size of the sum of 
partition's  pending queue. | 50000 |
+| `blockIfQueueFull` | If set to `true`, the producer's `send` method will 
wait when the outgoing message queue is full rather than failing and throwing 
an error (the size of that queue is dictated by the `maxPendingMessages` 
parameter); if set to `false` (the default), `send` operations will fail and 
throw a error when the queue is full. | `false` |
+| `messageRoutingMode` | The message routing logic (for producers on 
[partitioned topics]( This logic is 
applied only when no key is set on messages. The available options are: round 
robin (`RoundRobinDistribution`), or publishing all messages to a single 
partition (`UseSinglePartition`, the default). | `UseSinglePartition` |
+| `hashingScheme` | The hashing function that determines the partition on 
which a particular message is published (partitioned topics only). The 
available options are: `JavaStringHash` (the equivalent of `String.hashCode()` 
in Java), `Murmur3_32Hash` (applies the 
[Murmur3]( hashing function), or 
`BoostHash` (applies the hashing function from C++'s 
[Boost]( library). | 
`BoostHash` |
+| `compressionType` | The message data compression type used by the producer. 
The available options are [`LZ4`](, and 
[`Zlib`]( | Compression None |
+| `batchingEnabled` | If set to `true`, the producer send message as batch. | 
`true` |
+| `batchingMaxPublishDelayMs` | The maximum time of delay sending message in 
batching. | 10 |
+| `batchingMaxMessages` | The maximum size of sending message in each time of 
batching. | 1000 |
+| `properties` | The metadata of producer. | |
+### Produce example
+This creates a Node.js producer for the `my-topic` topic and send 10 messages 
on that topic:
+const Pulsar = require('pulsar-client');
+(async () => {
+  // Create a client
+  const client = new Pulsar.Client({
+    serviceUrl: 'pulsar://localhost:6650',
+  });
+  // Create a producer
+  const producer = await client.createProducer({
+    topic: 'my-topic',
+  });
+  // Send messages
+  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
+    const msg = `my-message-${i}`;
+    producer.send({
+      data: Buffer.from(msg),
+    });
+    console.log(`Sent message: ${msg}`);
+  }
+  await producer.flush();
+  await producer.close();
+  await client.close();
+## Consumers
+Pulsar consumers subscribe to one or more Pulsar topics and listen for 
incoming messages produced on that topic/those topics. You can 
[configure](#consumer-configuration) Node.js consumers using a consumer 
configuration object.
+Here is an example:
+const consumer = await client.subscribe({
+  topic: 'my-topic',
+  subscription: 'my-subscription',
+const msg = await consumer.receive();
+await consumer.close();
+> #### Promise operation
+> When you create a new Pulsar consumer, the operation will return `Promise` 
object and get consumer instance or an error through executor function.  
+> In this example, using await operator instead of executor function.
+### Consumer operations
+Pulsar Node.js consumers have the following methods available:
+| Method | Description | Return type |
+| :----- | :---------- | :---------- |
+| `receive()` | Receives a single message from the topic. When the message is 
available, the Promise object run executor function and get message object. | 
`Promise<Object>` |
+| `receive(Number)` | Receives a single message from the topic with specific 
timeout in milliseconds. | `Promise<Object>` |
+| `acknowledge(Object)` | 
[Acknowledges]( a message to the 
Pulsar [broker]( by message object. | `void` |
+| `acknowledgeId(Object)` | 
[Acknowledges]( a message to the 
Pulsar [broker]( by message ID object. | `void` 
+| `acknowledgeCumulative(Object)` | 
[Acknowledges]( *all* the messages 
in the stream, up to and including the specified message. The 
`acknowledgeCumulative` method will return void, and send the ack to the broker 
asynchronously. After that, the messages will *not* be redelivered to the 
consumer. Cumulative acking can not be used with a 
[shared]( subscription type. | `void` |
+| `acknowledgeCumulativeId(Object)` | 
[Acknowledges]( *all* the messages 
in the stream, up to and including the specified message ID. | `void` |
+| `close()` | Closes the consumer, disabling its ability to receive messages 
from the broker. | `Promise<null>` |
+### Consumer configuration
+| Parameter | Description | Default |
+| :-------- | :---------- | :------ |
+| `topic` | The Pulsar [topic]( on which the 
consumer will establish a subscription and listen for messages. | |
+| `subscription` | The subscription name for this consumer. | |
+| `subscriptionType` | Available options are `Exclusive`, `Shared`, and 
`Failover`. | `Exclusive` |
+| `ackTimeoutMs` | Acknowledge timeout in milliseconds. | 0 |
+| `receiverQueueSize` | Sets the size of the consumer's receiver queue, i.e. 
the number of messages that can be accumulated by the consumer before the 
application calls `receive`. A value higher than the default of 1000 could 
increase consumer throughput, though at the expense of more memory utilization. 
| 1000 |
+| `receiverQueueSizeAcrossPartitions` | Set the max total receiver queue size 
across partitions. This setting will be used to reduce the receiver queue size 
for individual partitions if the total exceeds this value. | 50000 |
+| `consumerName` | The name of consumer. Currently(v2.4.1), 
[failover]( mode use consumer name in ordering. 
| |
+| `properties` | The metadata of consumer. | |
+### Consume example
+This creates a Node.js consumer with the `my-subscription` subscription on the 
`my-topic` topic, receive messages, print the content that arrive, and 
acknowledge each message to the Pulsar broker for 10 times:
+const Pulsar = require('pulsar-client');
+(async () => {
+  // Create a client
+  const client = new Pulsar.Client({
+    serviceUrl: 'pulsar://localhost:6650',
+  });
+  // Create a consumer
+  const consumer = await client.subscribe({
+    topic: 'my-topic',
+    subscription: 'my-subscription',
+    subscriptionType: 'Exclusive',
+  });
+  // Receive messages
+  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
+    const msg = await consumer.receive();
+    console.log(msg.getData().toString());
+    consumer.acknowledge(msg);
+  }
+  await consumer.close();
+  await client.close();
+## Readers
+Pulsar readers process messages from Pulsar topics. Readers are different from 
consumers because with readers you need to explicitly specify which message in 
the stream you want to begin with (consumers, on the other hand, automatically 
begin with the most recent unacked message). You can 
[configure](#reader-configuration) Node.js readers using a reader configuration 
+Here is an example:
+const reader = await client.createReader({
+  topic: 'my-topic',
+  startMessageId: Pulsar.MessageId.earliest(),
+const msg = await reader.readNext();
+await reader.close();
+### Reader operations
+Pulsar Node.js readers have the following methods available:
+| Method | Description | Return type |
+| :----- | :---------- | :---------- |
+| `readNext()` | Receives the next message on the topic (analogous to the 
`receive` method for [consumers](#consumer-operations)). When the message is 
available, the Promise object run executor function and get message object. | 
`Promise<Object>` |
+| `readNext(Number)` | Receives a single message from the topic with specific 
timeout in milliseconds. | `Promise<Object>` |
+| `hasNext()` | Return whether Proker has next message in target topic. | 
`Boolean` |
+| `close()` | Closes the reader, disabling its ability to receive messages 
from the broker. | `Promise<null>` |
+### Reader configuration
+| Parameter | Description | Default |
+| :-------- | :---------- | :------ |
+| `topic` | The Pulsar [topic]( on which the 
reader will establish a subscription and listen for messages. | |
+| `startMessageId` | The initial reader position, i.e. the message at which 
the reader begins processing messages. The options are 
`Pulsar.MessageId.earliest` (the earliest available message on the topic), 
`Pulsar.MessageId.latest` (the latest available message on the topic), or a 
message ID object for a position that isn't earliest or latest. | |
+| `receiverQueueSize` | Sets the size of the reader's receiver queue, i.e. the 
number of messages that can be accumulated by the reader before the application 
calls `readNext`. A value higher than the default of 1000 could increase reader 
throughput, though at the expense of more memory utilization. | 1000 |
+| `readerName` | The name of the reader. |  |
+| `subscriptionRolePrefix` | The subscription role prefix. | |
+### Reader example
+This create a Node.js reader with the `my-topic` topic, read messages, print 
the content that arrive for 10 times:
+const Pulsar = require('pulsar-client');
+(async () => {
+  // Create a client
+  const client = new Pulsar.Client({
+    serviceUrl: 'pulsar://localhost:6650',
+    operationTimeoutSeconds: 30,
+  });
+  // Create a reader
+  const reader = await client.createReader({
+    topic: 'my-topic',
+    startMessageId: Pulsar.MessageId.earliest(),
+  });
+  // read messages
+  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
+    const msg = await reader.readNext();
+    console.log(msg.getData().toString());
+  }
+  await reader.close();
+  await client.close();
+## Messages
+In Pulsar Node.js client, you have to construct producer message object for 
+Here is an example message:
+const msg = {
+  data: Buffer.from('Hello, Pulsar'),
+  partitionKey: 'key1',
+  properties: {
+    'foo': 'bar',
+  },
+  eventTimestamp:,
+  replicationClusters: [
+    'cluster1',
+    'cluster2',
+  ],
+await producer.send(msg);
+The following keys are available for producer message objects:
+| Parameter | Description |
+| :-------- | :---------- |
+| `data` | The actual data payload of the message. |
+| `properties` | A Object for any application-specific metadata attached to 
the message. |
+| `eventTimestamp` | The timestamp associated with the message. |
+| `sequenceId` | The sequence ID of the message. |
+| `partitionKey` | The optional key associated with the message (particularly 
useful for things like topic compaction). |
+| `replicationClusters` | The clusters to which this message will be 
replicated. Pulsar brokers handle message replication automatically; you should 
only change this setting if you want to override the broker default. |
+### Message object operations
+In Pulsar Node.js client, you can receive (or read) message object as consumer 
(or reader).
+The message object have the following methods available:
+| Method | Description | Return type |
+| :----- | :---------- | :---------- |
+| `getTopicName()` | Getter method of topic name. | `String` |
+| `getProperties()` | Getter method of properties. | `Array<Object>` |
+| `getData()` | Getter method of message data. | `Buffer` |
+| `getMessageId()` | Getter method of [message id 
object](#message-id-object-operations). | `Object` |
+| `getPublishTimestamp()` | Getter method of publish timestamp. | `Number` |
+| `getEventTimestamp()` | Getter method of event timestamp. | `Number` |
+| `getPartitionKey()` | Getter method of partition key. | `String` |
+### Message ID object operations
+In Pulsar Node.js client, you can get message id object from message object.
+The message id object have the following methods available:
+| Method | Description | Return type |
+| :----- | :---------- | :---------- |
+| `serialize()` | Serialize the message id into a Buffer for storing. | 
`Buffer` |
+| `toString()` | Get message id as String. | `String` |
+The client have static method of message id object. You can access it as 
`Pulsar.MessageId.someStaticMethod` too.
+The message id object have the following static methods available:
 Review comment:
   The following static methods are available for the message ID object.

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