Author: buildbot
Date: Tue Sep 17 14:26:04 2013
New Revision: 878821

Staging update by buildbot for sling

    websites/staging/sling/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/sling/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Tue Sep 17 14:26:04 2013
@@ -1 +1 @@

Binary files - no diff available.

 Tue Sep 17 14:26:04 2013
@@ -104,49 +104,72 @@ supplying MBeans that expose the require
-<p>The Result provides a <em>Status</em> (OK, WARN, CRITICAL etc.) and a 
human-readable log which provides additional info, including optional DEBUG 
-that help troubleshooting. The Result log is not stricly tied to a logging 
model, so <code>HealthCheck</code>s are free to invent their own types of 
logging messages
-if needed. See the <code></code> class and its 
tests for more details. </p>
+<p>Where <code>Result</code> is a simple immutable class that provides a 
<code>Status</code> (OK, WARN, CRITICAL etc.) and one or more log-like messages 
+can provide more info about what, if anything, went wrong.</p>
+<div class="codehilite"><pre><span class="n">public</span> <span 
class="n">class</span> <span class="n">Result</span> <span 
class="n">implements</span> <span class="n">Iterable</span> <span 
class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">ResultLog</span><span 
class="p">.</span><span class="n">Entry</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span 
+    <span class="n">public</span> <span class="n">boolean</span> <span 
class="n">isOk</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+        <span class="k">return</span> <span class="n">getStatus</span><span 
class="p">().</span><span class="n">equals</span><span class="p">(</span><span 
class="n">Status</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">OK</span><span 
+    <span class="p">}</span>
+    <span class="n">public</span> <span class="n">Status</span> <span 
class="n">getStatus</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+        <span class="k">return</span> <span class="n">resultLog</span><span 
class="p">.</span><span class="n">getAggregateStatus</span><span 
+    <span class="p">}</span>
+    <span class="p">@</span><span class="n">Override</span>
+    <span class="n">public</span> <span class="n">Iterator</span><span 
class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">ResultLog</span><span 
class="p">.</span><span class="n">Entry</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span 
class="n">iterator</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+        <span class="k">return</span> <span class="n">resultLog</span><span 
class="p">.</span><span class="n">iterator</span><span class="p">();</span>
+    <span class="p">}</span>
+    <span class="p">...</span> <span class="n">details</span> <span 
+<span class="p">}</span>
 <p><code>HealthCheck</code> services can be selected for execution based on 
their <code>hc.tags</code> multi-value service property. </p>
 <p>The <code>HealthCheckFilter</code> utility accepts positive and negative 
tag parameters, so that <code>-security,sling</code> 
 selects all <code>HealthCheck</code> having the <code>sling</code> tag but not 
the <code>security</code> tag, for example.</p>
-<p>Besides executing them programatically, Health checks can be executed via a 
webconsole plugin or via JMX, 
+<p>Besides executing them programmatically, Health checks can be executed via 
a webconsole plugin or via JMX, 
 as described below.</p>
 <h2 id="health-check-bundles">Health Check bundles</h2>
-<p>The Health Check subsystem consists of the following bundles, which are 
described below in more detail:</p>
+<p>The Health Check subsystem consists of the following bundles:</p>
-<li>The only required bundle is <code></code> which 
provides the API and some utility classes.</li>
-<li><code></code> provides default 
<code>HealthCheck</code> services.</li>
-<li><code></code> provides the Webconsole 
-<li><code></code> provides JMX MBeans to execute 
-<li><code></code> provides sample OSGi 
configurations that demonstrate the default <code>HealthCheck</code>s. These 
configurations are provided as Sling content, so the Sling Installer is 
required to activate them.</li>
+<li>The only required bundle is <code></code> which 
provides the API, some utility classes and some generally useful 
<code>HealthCheck</code> services. </li>
+<li><code></code> provides more Sling-specific 
<code>HealthCheck</code> services.</li>
+<li><code></code> provides the Webconsole plugin 
described below.</li>
+<li><code></code> provides JMX MBeans that execute 
+<li><code></code> provides sample OSGi 
configurations and <code>HealthCheck</code> services. The sample configurations 
are provided as Sling content, so the Sling Installer is required to activate 
 <h2 id="out-of-the-box-healthcheck-services">Out-of-the-box 
<code>HealthCheck</code> services</h2>
-<p>A useful set of default <code>HealthCheck</code>s is provided by the 
<code></code> bundle. </p>
+<p>The following default <code>HealthCheck</code> services are provided by the 
<code></code> bundle: </p>
 <p>The <code></code> bundle provides OSGi 
configurations that demonstrate them.</p>
 <li><code>JmxAttributeHealthCheck</code> checks the value of a single JMX 
attribute and supports ranges like <em>between 12 and 42</em>.  </li>
-<li><code>SlingRequestStatusHealthCheck</code> checks the HTTP status of Sling 
requests.  </li>
 <li><code>ScriptableHealthCheck</code> evaluates an expression written in any 
scripting language that Sling supports, and provides bindings to access JMX 
attributes and OSGi bundles states. </li>
-<li><code>DefaultLoginsHealthCheck</code> can be used to verify that the 
default Sling logins fail.  </li>
 <li><code>CompositeHealthCheck</code> executes a set of 
<code>HealthCheck</code> selected by tags, useful for creating higher-level 
+<p>And a few more Sling-specific ones are provided by the 
<code></code> bundle:</p>
+<li><code>SlingRequestStatusHealthCheck</code> checks the HTTP status of Sling 
requests.  </li>
+<li><code>DefaultLoginsHealthCheck</code> can be used to verify that the 
default Sling logins fail.  </li>
+<p>Finally, the <code></code> bundle provides an 
example <code>OsgiScriptBindingsProvider</code> for the default 
+which provides OSGi-related information to health check script expressions.</p>
 <h2 id="configuring-health-checks">Configuring health checks</h2>
 <p><code>HealthCheck</code> services are created via OSGi configurations, the 
details of which are defined by each
 service implementation.</p>
-<p>Here's a <code>ScriptableHealthCheck</code> example configuration provided 
by the <code></code> bundle:</p>
+<p>As an example, here's a <code>ScriptableHealthCheck</code> configuration 
provided by the <code></code> bundle:</p>
 <div class="codehilite"><pre><span class="n">Factory</span> <span 
class="n">PID</span> <span class="p">=</span> <span class="n">org</span><span 
class="p">.</span><span class="n">apache</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">sling</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">hc</span><span 
class="p">.</span><span class="n">ScriptableHealthCheck</span>
-<span class="n">PID</span> <span class="p">=</span> <span 
class="n">org</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">apache</span><span 
class="p">.</span><span class="n">sling</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">hc</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">ScriptableHealthCheck</span><span class="p">.</span>1523<span 
class="n">a6db</span><span class="o">-</span>12324
-<span class="n">hc</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">mbean</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">name</span> <span 
class="p">=</span> <span class="n">InactiveBundlesCheck</span>
-<span class="n">hc</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">name</span> 
<span class="p">=</span> <span class="n">No</span> <span 
class="n">inactive</span> <span class="n">bundles</span>
-<span class="n">hc</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">tags</span> 
<span class="p">=</span> <span class="p">[</span><span 
class="n">bundles</span><span class="p">,</span> <span 
class="n">script</span><span class="p">]</span>
-<span class="n">expression</span> <span class="p">=</span> <span 
class="n">osgi</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">inactiveBundlesCount</span><span class="p">()</span> <span 
class="o">==</span> 0 
-<span class="n">language</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">extension</span> <span class="p">=</span> <span class="n">ecma</span>
+&quot;<span class="n">hc</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">name</span>&quot; <span class="p">:</span> &quot;<span 
class="n">LoadedClassCount</span> <span class="n">and</span> <span 
class="n">ManagementSpecVersion</span> <span class="n">are</span> <span 
class="n">in</span> <span class="n">range</span>&quot; 
+&quot;<span class="n">hc</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">mbean</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">name</span>&quot; 
<span class="p">:</span> &quot;<span class="n">LoadedClassCount</span> <span 
class="n">and</span> <span class="n">ManagementSpecVersion</span>&quot;
+&quot;<span class="n">hc</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">tags</span>&quot; <span class="p">:</span> <span 
class="p">[</span><span class="n">jvm</span><span class="p">,</span> <span 
class="n">script</span><span class="p">]</span>
+&quot;<span class="n">expression</span>&quot; <span class="p">:</span> 
&quot;<span class="n">jmx</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">attribute</span><span class="p">(</span><span 
class="s">&#39;java.lang:type=ClassLoading&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> 
<span class="s">&#39;LoadedClassCount&#39;</span><span class="p">)</span> <span 
class="o">&gt;</span> 10 <span class="o">&amp;&amp;</span>  <span 
class="n">jmx</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">attribute</span><span class="p">(</span><span 
class="s">&#39;java.lang:type=Runtime&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span 
class="s">&#39;ManagementSpecVersion&#39;</span><span class="p">)</span> <span 
class="o">&gt;</span> 1&quot; 
+&quot;<span class="n">language</span><span class="p">.</span><span 
class="n">extension</span>&quot; <span class="p">:</span> &quot;<span 
-<p>The service properties starting with the <code>hc.</code> prefix in this 
example should be provided by all 
-<code>HealthCheck</code> services.</p>
+<p>The service properties starting with the <code>hc.</code> prefix in this 
example should be provided by all <code>HealthCheck</code> services. The 
+is optional, if not provided no MBean is created for that 
 <h2 id="webconsole-plugin">Webconsole plugin</h2>
 <p>If the <code></code> bundle is active, a 
webconsole plugin 
 at <code>/system/console/healthcheck</code> allows for executing health 
checks, optionally selected
@@ -156,12 +179,14 @@ checks that have a non-OK status.</p>
 <p>The screenshot below shows an example, as of svn revision 1513462.</p>
 <p><img src="sling-hc-plugin.jpg" style="max-width:700px" alt="Health Check 
Webconsole Plugin"/></p>
 <h2 id="jmx-access-to-health-checks">JMX access to health checks</h2>
-<p>If the <code></code> bundle is active, a JMX MBean 
is created for each <code>HealthCheck</code> which has the service property 
'' service property set. All health check MBeans are registered in 
the domain '' with a type of 'HealthCheck'</p>
+<p>If the <code></code> bundle is active, a JMX MBean 
is created for each <code>HealthCheck</code> which has the 
+service property '' service property set. All health check MBeans 
are registered in the 
+domain '' with a type of 'HealthCheck'</p>
 <p>The MBean gives access to the <code>Result</code> and the log, as shown on 
the screenshot below.   </p>
 <p>See the example configurations of the 
<code></code> for more details.</p>
 <p><img src="jconsole-hc.jpg" style="max-width:700px" alt="JConsole showing 
Sling Health Check MBeans"/></p>
       <div class="timestamp" style="margin-top: 30px; font-size: 80%; 
text-align: right;">
-        Rev. 1524044 by bdelacretaz on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:52:45 +0000
+        Rev. 1524059 by bdelacretaz on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:16:51 +0000
       <div class="trademarkFooter"> 
         Apache Sling, Sling, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache 
Sling project

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