Author: ghenzler
Date: Tue Oct 18 11:36:54 2016
New Revision: 1765416

SLING-6126 updated documentation


Tue Oct 18 11:36:54 2016
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ Here's an example from the `samples` mod
         description="Sample Health Check defined by a java annotation",
-    public class AnnotatedHealthCheckSample implements HealthCheck{
+    public class AnnotatedHealthCheckSample implements HealthCheck {
         public Result execute() {
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ The Health Check subsystem consists of t
 * The only required bundle is `` which provides the 
API, some utility classes and some generally useful `HealthCheck` services. 
 * `` provides more Sling-specific `HealthCheck` 
 * `` provides the Webconsole plugin described 
-* `` provides JMX MBeans that execute `HealthCheck`s.
 * `` provides a `HealthCheck` service that 
executes JUnit tests in the server-side OSGi context.
 * `` provides sample OSGi configurations and 
`HealthCheck` services. The sample configurations are provided as Sling 
content, so the Sling Installer is required to activate them.
 * `` makes selected Health Checks available as 
server-side JUnit tests. See below for more info. 
@@ -121,9 +120,20 @@ the `
 The `` bundle provides an example 
`OsgiScriptBindingsProvider` for the default `ScriptableHealthCheck`,
 which provides OSGi-related information to health check script expressions.
-## Configuring health checks
-`HealthCheck` services are created via OSGi configurations, the details of 
which are defined by each
-service implementation.
+## Configuring Health Checks
+`HealthCheck` services are created via OSGi configurations. Generic health 
check service properties are interpreted by the health check executor service. 
Custom health check service properties can be used by the health check 
implementation itself to configure its behaviour.
+The following generic Health Check properties may be used for all checks:
+Property    | Type     | Description  
+----------- | -------- | ------------     | String   | The name of the health check as shown in UI
+hc.tags     | String[] | List of tags: Both Felix Console Plugin and Health 
Check servlet support selecting relevant checks by providing a list of tags | String | Makes the HC result available via given MBean name. 
If not provided no MBean is created for that `HealthCheck`
+hc.async.cronExpression | String | Used to schedule the execution of a 
`HealthCheck` at regular intervals, using a cron expression as specified by the 
[Sling Scheduler]({{ refs.scheduler-service-commons-scheduler.path }}) module. 
+hc.resultCacheTtlInMs | Long | Overrides the global default TTL as configured 
in health check executor for health check responses (since v1.2.6 of core)
+All service properties are optional.
 As an example, here's a `ScriptableHealthCheck` configuration provided by the 
`` bundle:
@@ -134,19 +144,23 @@ As an example, here's a `ScriptableHealt
     "expression" : "jmx.attribute('java.lang:type=ClassLoading', 
'LoadedClassCount') > 10 &&  jmx.attribute('java.lang:type=Runtime', 
'ManagementSpecVersion') > 1" 
     "language.extension" : "ecma" 
-The service properties starting with the `hc.` prefix in this example should 
be provided by all `HealthCheck` services. The ``
-is optional, if not provided no MBean is created for that `HealthCheck`.
+The service properties starting with the `hc.` prefix in this example should 
be provided by all `HealthCheck` services. 
+## Configuring the Health Check Executor
+The health check executor can **optionally** be configured via service PID 
-The optional `hc.async.cronExpression` service property is used to schedule 
the execution of a `HealthCheck` at regular intervals,
-using a cron expression as specified by the [Sling Scheduler]({{ 
refs.scheduler-service-commons-scheduler.path }}) module.
+Property    | Type     | Default | Description  
+----------- | -------- | ------ | ------------
+timeoutInMs     | Long   | 2000ms | Timeout in ms until a check is marked as 
timed out
+longRunningFutureThresholdForCriticalMs | Long | 300000ms = 5min | Threshold 
in ms until a check is marked as 'exceedingly' timed out and will marked 
CRITICAL instead of WARN only
+resultCacheTtlInMs | Long | 2000ms | Result Cache time to live - results will 
be cached for the given time
 ## Webconsole plugin
 If the `` bundle is active, a webconsole plugin 
 at `/system/console/healthcheck` allows for executing health checks, 
optionally selected
 based on their tags (positive and negative selection, see the 
`HealthCheckFilter` mention above).
-The DEBUG logs of health checks can optionally be displayed, and an option 
allows for showing only health
-checks that have a non-OK status.
+The DEBUG logs of health checks can optionally be displayed, and an option 
allows for showing only health checks that have a non-OK status.
 The screenshot below shows an example, as of svn revision 1513462.
@@ -176,7 +190,7 @@ which specifies the servlet's base path.
 with instructions at the end of the page about URL parameters which can be 
used to select specific Health Checks and control their execution
 and output format.
-Note that *the Health Checks Servlet doesn't do any access control by itself*, 
so make sure the configured path is secure before enabling it.
+Note that by design **the Health Checks Servlet doesn't do any access control 
by itself** to ensure it can detect unhealthy states of the authentication 
itself. Make sure the configured path is only accessible to relevant 
infranstructure and operations people. Usually all `/system/*` paths are only 
accessible from a local network and not routed to the Internet.
 ## Health Checks as server-side JUnit tests
 The `` bundle makes selected Health Checks 
available as server-side JUnit tests. 

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