Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/branch-1.5 bebe63dfe -> a8e880818

[SPARK-9856] [SPARKR] Add expression functions into SparkR whose params are 

I added lots of Column functinos into SparkR. And I also added `rand(seed: 
Int)` and `randn(seed: Int)` in Scala. Since we need such APIs for R integer 

### JIRA
[[SPARK-9856] Add expression functions into SparkR whose params are complicated 

Author: Yu ISHIKAWA <>

Closes #8264 from yu-iskw/SPARK-9856-3.

(cherry picked from commit 2fcb9cb9552dac1d78dcca5d4d5032b4fa6c985c)
Signed-off-by: Shivaram Venkataraman <>


Branch: refs/heads/branch-1.5
Commit: a8e8808181eec19f34783943ebb42cb8feb0e639
Parents: bebe63d
Author: Yu ISHIKAWA <>
Authored: Wed Aug 19 10:41:14 2015 -0700
Committer: Shivaram Venkataraman <>
Committed: Wed Aug 19 10:41:22 2015 -0700

 R/pkg/NAMESPACE                                 |  28 ++
 R/pkg/R/functions.R                             | 415 +++++++++++++++++++
 R/pkg/R/generics.R                              | 113 +++++
 R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R                |  98 ++++-
 .../apache/spark/api/r/RBackendHandler.scala    |   1 +
 5 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/R/pkg/NAMESPACE b/R/pkg/NAMESPACE
index 8fa12d5..111a2dc 100644
--- a/R/pkg/NAMESPACE
+++ b/R/pkg/NAMESPACE
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ exportClasses("Column")
+              "add_months",
@@ -101,12 +102,17 @@ exportMethods("abs",
+              "concat_ws",
+              "conv",
+              "date_add",
+              "date_format",
+              "date_sub",
@@ -115,9 +121,14 @@ exportMethods("abs",
+              "expr",
+              "format_number",
+              "format_string",
+              "from_unixtime",
+              "from_utc_timestamp",
@@ -125,6 +136,7 @@ exportMethods("abs",
+              "instr",
@@ -135,11 +147,13 @@ exportMethods("abs",
+              "locate",
+              "lpad",
@@ -152,16 +166,26 @@ exportMethods("abs",
+              "next_day",
+              "rand",
+              "randn",
+              "regexp_extract",
+              "regexp_replace",
+              "rpad",
+              "sha2",
+              "shiftLeft",
+              "shiftRight",
+              "shiftRightUnsigned",
@@ -171,6 +195,7 @@ exportMethods("abs",
+              "substring_index",
@@ -178,9 +203,12 @@ exportMethods("abs",
+              "to_utc_timestamp",
+              "translate",
+              "unix_timestamp",
diff --git a/R/pkg/R/functions.R b/R/pkg/R/functions.R
index 366c230..5dba088 100644
--- a/R/pkg/R/functions.R
+++ b/R/pkg/R/functions.R
@@ -166,6 +166,421 @@ setMethod("n", signature(x = "Column"),
+#' date_format
+#' Converts a date/timestamp/string to a value of string in the format 
specified by the date
+#' format given by the second argument.
+#' A pattern could be for instance `dd.MM.yyyy` and could return a string like 
'18.03.1993'. All
+#' pattern letters of `java.text.SimpleDateFormat` can be used.
+#' NOTE: Use when ever possible specialized functions like `year`. These 
benefit from a
+#' specialized implementation.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("date_format", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "date_format", 
y@jc, x)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' from_utc_timestamp
+#' Assumes given timestamp is UTC and converts to given timezone.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("from_utc_timestamp", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", 
"from_utc_timestamp", y@jc, x)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' instr
+#' Locate the position of the first occurrence of substr column in the given 
+#' Returns null if either of the arguments are null.
+#' NOTE: The position is not zero based, but 1 based index, returns 0 if substr
+#' could not be found in str.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("instr", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "instr", y@jc, 
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' next_day
+#' Given a date column, returns the first date which is later than the value 
of the date column
+#' that is on the specified day of the week.
+#' For example, `next <- day('2015-07-27', "Sunday")` returns 2015-08-02 
because that is the first
+#' Sunday after 2015-07-27.
+#' Day of the week parameter is case insensitive, and accepts:
+#' "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun".
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("next_day", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "next_day", 
y@jc, x)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' to_utc_timestamp
+#' Assumes given timestamp is in given timezone and converts to UTC.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("to_utc_timestamp", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", 
"to_utc_timestamp", y@jc, x)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' add_months
+#' Returns the date that is numMonths after startDate.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("add_months", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "add_months", 
y@jc, as.integer(x))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' date_add
+#' Returns the date that is `days` days after `start`
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("date_add", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "date_add", 
y@jc, as.integer(x))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' date_sub
+#' Returns the date that is `days` days before `start`
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("date_sub", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "date_sub", 
y@jc, as.integer(x))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' format_number
+#' Formats numeric column x to a format like '#,###,###.##', rounded to d 
decimal places,
+#' and returns the result as a string column.
+#' If d is 0, the result has no decimal point or fractional part.
+#' If d < 0, the result will be null.'
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("format_number", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "format_number",
+                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' sha2
+#' Calculates the SHA-2 family of hash functions of a binary column and
+#' returns the value as a hex string.
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @param y column to compute SHA-2 on.
+#' @param x one of 224, 256, 384, or 512.
+setMethod("sha2", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sha2", y@jc, 
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' shiftLeft
+#' Shift the the given value numBits left. If the given value is a long value, 
this function
+#' will return a long value else it will return an integer value.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("shiftLeft", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "shiftLeft",
+                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' shiftRight
+#' Shift the the given value numBits right. If the given value is a long 
value, it will return
+#' a long value else it will return an integer value.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("shiftRight", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "shiftRight",
+                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' shiftRightUnsigned
+#' Unsigned shift the the given value numBits right. If the given value is a 
long value,
+#' it will return a long value else it will return an integer value.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("shiftRightUnsigned", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
+          function(y, x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "shiftRightUnsigned",
+                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' concat_ws
+#' Concatenates multiple input string columns together into a single string 
+#' using the given separator.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("concat_ws", signature(sep = "character", x = "Column"),
+          function(sep, x, ...) {
+            jcols <- listToSeq(lapply(list(x, ...), function(x) { x@jc }))
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "concat_ws", 
sep, jcols)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' conv
+#' Convert a number in a string column from one base to another.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("conv", signature(x = "Column", fromBase = "numeric", toBase = 
+          function(x, fromBase, toBase) {
+            fromBase <- as.integer(fromBase)
+            toBase <- as.integer(toBase)
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "conv",
+                              x@jc, fromBase, toBase)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' expr
+#' Parses the expression string into the column that it represents, similar to
+#' DataFrame.selectExpr
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("expr", signature(x = "character"),
+          function(x) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "expr", x)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' format_string
+#' Formats the arguments in printf-style and returns the result as a string 
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("format_string", signature(format = "character", x = "Column"),
+          function(format, x, ...) {
+            jcols <- listToSeq(lapply(list(x, ...), function(arg) { arg@jc }))
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "format_string",
+                              format, jcols)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' from_unixtime
+#' Converts the number of seconds from unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) to 
a string
+#' representing the timestamp of that moment in the current system time zone 
in the given
+#' format.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("from_unixtime", signature(x = "Column"),
+          function(x, format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "from_unixtime",
+                              x@jc, format)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' locate
+#' Locate the position of the first occurrence of substr.
+#' NOTE: The position is not zero based, but 1 based index, returns 0 if substr
+#' could not be found in str.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("locate", signature(substr = "character", str = "Column"),
+          function(substr, str, pos = 0) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "locate",
+                              substr, str@jc, as.integer(pos))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' lpad
+#' Left-pad the string column with
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("lpad", signature(x = "Column", len = "numeric", pad = "character"),
+          function(x, len, pad) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "lpad",
+                              x@jc, as.integer(len), pad)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' rand
+#' Generate a random column with i.i.d. samples from U[0.0, 1.0].
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("rand", signature(seed = "missing"),
+          function(seed) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "rand")
+            column(jc)
+          })
+setMethod("rand", signature(seed = "numeric"),
+          function(seed) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "rand", 
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' randn
+#' Generate a column with i.i.d. samples from the standard normal distribution.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("randn", signature(seed = "missing"),
+          function(seed) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "randn")
+            column(jc)
+          })
+setMethod("randn", signature(seed = "numeric"),
+          function(seed) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "randn", 
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' regexp_extract
+#' Extract a specific(idx) group identified by a java regex, from the 
specified string column.
+#' @rdname functions
+          signature(x = "Column", pattern = "character", idx = "numeric"),
+          function(x, pattern, idx) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "regexp_extract",
+                              x@jc, pattern, as.integer(idx))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' regexp_replace
+#' Replace all substrings of the specified string value that match regexp with 
+#' @rdname functions
+          signature(x = "Column", pattern = "character", replacement = 
+          function(x, pattern, replacement) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "regexp_replace",
+                              x@jc, pattern, replacement)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' rpad
+#' Right-padded with pad to a length of len.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("rpad", signature(x = "Column", len = "numeric", pad = "character"),
+          function(x, len, pad) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "rpad",
+                              x@jc, as.integer(len), pad)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' substring_index
+#' Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the 
delimiter delim.
+#' If count is positive, everything the left of the final delimiter (counting 
from left) is
+#' returned. If count is negative, every to the right of the final delimiter 
(counting from the
+#' right) is returned. substring <- index performs a case-sensitive match when 
searching for delim.
+#' @rdname functions
+          signature(x = "Column", delim = "character", count = "numeric"),
+          function(x, delim, count) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "substring_index",
+                              x@jc, delim, as.integer(count))
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' translate
+#' Translate any character in the src by a character in replaceString.
+#' The characters in replaceString is corresponding to the characters in 
+#' The translate will happen when any character in the string matching with 
the character
+#' in the matchingString.
+#' @rdname functions
+          signature(x = "Column", matchingString = "character", replaceString 
= "character"),
+          function(x, matchingString, replaceString) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
+                              "translate", x@jc, matchingString, replaceString)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' unix_timestamp
+#' Gets current Unix timestamp in seconds.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("unix_timestamp", signature(x = "missing", format = "missing"),
+          function(x, format) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", 
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' unix_timestamp
+#' Converts time string in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss to Unix timestamp (in 
+#' using the default timezone and the default locale, return null if fail.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("unix_timestamp", signature(x = "Column", format = "missing"),
+          function(x, format) {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", 
"unix_timestamp", x@jc)
+            column(jc)
+          })
+#' unix_timestamp
+#' Convert time string with given pattern
+#' (see 
+#' to Unix time stamp (in seconds), return null if fail.
+#' @rdname functions
+setMethod("unix_timestamp", signature(x = "Column", format = "character"),
+          function(x, format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") {
+            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", 
"unix_timestamp", x@jc, format)
+            column(jc)
+          })
 #' when
 #' Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result 
diff --git a/R/pkg/R/generics.R b/R/pkg/R/generics.R
index 338b32e..84cb8df 100644
--- a/R/pkg/R/generics.R
+++ b/R/pkg/R/generics.R
@@ -664,6 +664,10 @@ setGeneric("otherwise", function(x, value) { 
standardGeneric("otherwise") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("add_months", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("add_months") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("ascii", function(x) { standardGeneric("ascii") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -696,6 +700,14 @@ setGeneric("concat", function(x, ...) { 
standardGeneric("concat") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("concat_ws", function(sep, x, ...) { standardGeneric("concat_ws") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("conv", function(x, fromBase, toBase) { standardGeneric("conv") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("crc32", function(x) { standardGeneric("crc32") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -704,6 +716,18 @@ setGeneric("datediff", function(y, x) { 
standardGeneric("datediff") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("date_add", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("date_add") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("date_format", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("date_format") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("date_sub", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("date_sub") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("dayofmonth", function(x) { standardGeneric("dayofmonth") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -716,6 +740,26 @@ setGeneric("explode", function(x) { 
standardGeneric("explode") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("expr", function(x) { standardGeneric("expr") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("from_utc_timestamp", function(y, x) { 
standardGeneric("from_utc_timestamp") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("format_number", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("format_number") 
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("format_string", function(format, x, ...) { 
standardGeneric("format_string") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("from_unixtime", function(x, ...) { 
standardGeneric("from_unixtime") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("greatest", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("greatest") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -732,6 +776,10 @@ setGeneric("initcap", function(x) { 
standardGeneric("initcap") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("instr", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("instr") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("isNaN", function(x) { standardGeneric("isNaN") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -752,10 +800,18 @@ setGeneric("lit", function(x) { standardGeneric("lit") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("locate", function(substr, str, ...) { standardGeneric("locate") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("lower", function(x) { standardGeneric("lower") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("lpad", function(x, len, pad) { standardGeneric("lpad") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("ltrim", function(x) { standardGeneric("ltrim") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -784,6 +840,10 @@ setGeneric("negate", function(x) { 
standardGeneric("negate") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("next_day", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("next_day") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("pmod", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("pmod") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -792,10 +852,31 @@ setGeneric("quarter", function(x) { 
standardGeneric("quarter") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("rand", function(seed) { standardGeneric("rand") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("randn", function(seed) { standardGeneric("randn") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("regexp_extract", function(x, pattern, idx) { 
standardGeneric("regexp_extract") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+           function(x, pattern, replacement) { 
standardGeneric("regexp_replace") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("reverse", function(x) { standardGeneric("reverse") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("rpad", function(x, len, pad) { standardGeneric("rpad") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("rtrim", function(x) { standardGeneric("rtrim") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -808,6 +889,22 @@ setGeneric("sha1", function(x) { standardGeneric("sha1") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("sha2", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("sha2") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("shiftLeft", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("shiftLeft") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("shiftRight", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("shiftRight") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("shiftRightUnsigned", function(y, x) { 
standardGeneric("shiftRightUnsigned") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("signum", function(x) { standardGeneric("signum") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -820,6 +917,10 @@ setGeneric("soundex", function(x) { 
standardGeneric("soundex") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("substring_index", function(x, delim, count) { 
standardGeneric("substring_index") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("sumDistinct", function(x) { standardGeneric("sumDistinct") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -836,6 +937,14 @@ setGeneric("to_date", function(x) { 
standardGeneric("to_date") })
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("to_utc_timestamp", function(y, x) { 
standardGeneric("to_utc_timestamp") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
+setGeneric("translate", function(x, matchingString, replaceString) { 
standardGeneric("translate") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("trim", function(x) { standardGeneric("trim") })
 #' @rdname functions
@@ -848,6 +957,10 @@ setGeneric("unhex", function(x) { standardGeneric("unhex") 
 #' @rdname functions
 #' @export
+setGeneric("unix_timestamp", function(x, format) { 
standardGeneric("unix_timestamp") })
+#' @rdname functions
+#' @export
 setGeneric("upper", function(x) { standardGeneric("upper") })
 #' @rdname functions
diff --git a/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R b/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
index 841de65..670017e 100644
--- a/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
+++ b/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
@@ -598,6 +598,11 @@ test_that("selectExpr() on a DataFrame", {
   expect_equal(count(selected2), 3)
+test_that("expr() on a DataFrame", {
+  df <- jsonFile(sqlContext, jsonPath)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, expr("abs(-123)")))[1, 1], 123)
 test_that("column calculation", {
   df <- jsonFile(sqlContext, jsonPath)
   d <- collect(select(df, alias(df$age + 1, "age2")))
@@ -667,16 +672,15 @@ test_that("column functions", {
   c <- SparkR:::col("a")
   c1 <- abs(c) + acos(c) + approxCountDistinct(c) + ascii(c) + asin(c) + 
   c2 <- avg(c) + base64(c) + bin(c) + bitwiseNOT(c) + cbrt(c) + ceil(c) + 
-  c3 <- cosh(c) + count(c) + crc32(c) + dayofmonth(c) + dayofyear(c) + exp(c)
+  c3 <- cosh(c) + count(c) + crc32(c) + exp(c)
   c4 <- explode(c) + expm1(c) + factorial(c) + first(c) + floor(c) + hex(c)
   c5 <- hour(c) + initcap(c) + isNaN(c) + last(c) + last_day(c) + length(c)
   c6 <- log(c) + (c) + log1p(c) + log2(c) + lower(c) + ltrim(c) + max(c) + 
-  c7 <- mean(c) + min(c) + minute(c) + month(c) + negate(c) + quarter(c)
-  c8 <- reverse(c) + rint(c) + round(c) + rtrim(c) + second(c) + sha1(c)
+  c7 <- mean(c) + min(c) + month(c) + negate(c) + quarter(c)
+  c8 <- reverse(c) + rint(c) + round(c) + rtrim(c) + sha1(c)
   c9 <- signum(c) + sin(c) + sinh(c) + size(c) + soundex(c) + sqrt(c) + sum(c)
   c10 <- sumDistinct(c) + tan(c) + tanh(c) + toDegrees(c) + toRadians(c)
-  c11 <- to_date(c) + trim(c) + unbase64(c) + unhex(c) + upper(c) + 
-  c12 <- year(c)
+  c11 <- to_date(c) + trim(c) + unbase64(c) + unhex(c) + upper(c)
   df <- jsonFile(sqlContext, jsonPath)
   df2 <- select(df, between(df$age, c(20, 30)), between(df$age, c(10, 20)))
@@ -689,8 +693,11 @@ test_that("column functions", {
   expect_equal(collect(df3)[[1, 1]], TRUE)
   expect_equal(collect(df3)[[2, 1]], FALSE)
   expect_equal(collect(df3)[[3, 1]], TRUE)
+  df4 <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, list(list(a = "010101")))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df4, conv(df4$a, 2, 16)))[1, 1], "15")
 test_that("column binary mathfunctions", {
   lines <- c("{\"a\":1, \"b\":5}",
              "{\"a\":2, \"b\":6}",
@@ -709,6 +716,13 @@ test_that("column binary mathfunctions", {
   expect_equal(collect(select(df, hypot(df$a, df$b)))[3, "HYPOT(a, b)"], 
sqrt(3^2 + 7^2))
   expect_equal(collect(select(df, hypot(df$a, df$b)))[4, "HYPOT(a, b)"], 
sqrt(4^2 + 8^2))
   ## nolint end
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, shiftLeft(df$b, 1)))[4, 1], 16)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, shiftRight(df$b, 1)))[4, 1], 4)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, shiftRightUnsigned(df$b, 1)))[4, 1], 4)
+  expect_equal(class(collect(select(df, rand()))[2, 1]), "numeric")
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, rand(1)))[1, 1], 0.45, tolerance = 0.01)
+  expect_equal(class(collect(select(df, randn()))[2, 1]), "numeric")
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, randn(1)))[1, 1], -0.0111, tolerance = 0.01)
 test_that("string operators", {
@@ -718,6 +732,78 @@ test_that("string operators", {
   expect_equal(first(select(df, substr(df$name, 1, 2)))[[1]], "Mi")
   expect_equal(collect(select(df, cast(df$age, "string")))[[2, 1]], "30")
   expect_equal(collect(select(df, concat(df$name, lit(":"), df$age)))[[2, 1]], 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, concat_ws(":", df$name)))[[2, 1]], "Andy")
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, concat_ws(":", df$name, df$age)))[[2, 1]], 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, instr(df$name, "i")))[, 1], c(2, 0, 5))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, format_number(df$age, 2)))[2, 1], "30.00")
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, sha1(df$name)))[2, 1],
+               "ab5a000e88b5d9d0fa2575f5c6263eb93452405d")
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, sha2(df$name, 256)))[2, 1],
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, format_string("Name:%s", df$name)))[2, 1], 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, format_string("%s, %d", df$name, 
df$age)))[2, 1], "Andy, 30")
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, regexp_extract(df$name, "(n.y)", 1)))[2, 1], 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, regexp_replace(df$name, "(n.y)", "ydn")))[2, 
1], "Aydn")
+  l2 <- list(list(a = "aaads"))
+  df2 <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, l2)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, locate("aa", df2$a)))[1, 1], 1)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, locate("aa", df2$a, 1)))[1, 1], 2)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, lpad(df2$a, 8, "#")))[1, 1], "###aaads")
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, rpad(df2$a, 8, "#")))[1, 1], "aaads###")
+  l3 <- list(list(a = "a.b.c.d"))
+  df3 <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, l3)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df3, substring_index(df3$a, ".", 2)))[1, 1], 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df3, substring_index(df3$a, ".", -3)))[1, 1], 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df3, translate(df3$a, "bc", "12")))[1, 1], 
+test_that("date functions on a DataFrame", {
+  .originalTimeZone <- Sys.getenv("TZ")
+  Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC")
+  l <- list(list(a = 1L, b = as.Date("2012-12-13")),
+            list(a = 2L, b = as.Date("2013-12-14")),
+            list(a = 3L, b = as.Date("2014-12-15")))
+  df <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, l)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, dayofmonth(df$b)))[, 1], c(13, 14, 15))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, dayofyear(df$b)))[, 1], c(348, 348, 349))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, weekofyear(df$b)))[, 1], c(50, 50, 51))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, year(df$b)))[, 1], c(2012, 2013, 2014))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, month(df$b)))[, 1], c(12, 12, 12))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, last_day(df$b)))[, 1],
+               c(as.Date("2012-12-31"), as.Date("2013-12-31"), 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, next_day(df$b, "MONDAY")))[, 1],
+               c(as.Date("2012-12-17"), as.Date("2013-12-16"), 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, date_format(df$b, "y")))[, 1], c("2012", 
"2013", "2014"))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, add_months(df$b, 3)))[, 1],
+               c(as.Date("2013-03-13"), as.Date("2014-03-14"), 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, date_add(df$b, 1)))[, 1],
+               c(as.Date("2012-12-14"), as.Date("2013-12-15"), 
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df, date_sub(df$b, 1)))[, 1],
+               c(as.Date("2012-12-12"), as.Date("2013-12-13"), 
+  l2 <- list(list(a = 1L, b = as.POSIXlt("2012-12-13 12:34:00", tz = "UTC")),
+            list(a = 2L, b = as.POSIXlt("2014-12-15 01:24:34", tz = "UTC")))
+  df2 <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, l2)
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, minute(df2$b)))[, 1], c(34, 24))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, second(df2$b)))[, 1], c(0, 34))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, from_utc_timestamp(df2$b, "JST")))[, 1],
+               c(as.POSIXlt("2012-12-13 21:34:00 UTC"), as.POSIXlt("2014-12-15 
10:24:34 UTC")))
+  expect_equal(collect(select(df2, to_utc_timestamp(df2$b, "JST")))[, 1],
+               c(as.POSIXlt("2012-12-13 03:34:00 UTC"), as.POSIXlt("2014-12-14 
16:24:34 UTC")))
+  expect_more_than(collect(select(df2, unix_timestamp()))[1, 1], 0)
+  expect_more_than(collect(select(df2, unix_timestamp(df2$b)))[1, 1], 0)
+  expect_more_than(collect(select(df2, unix_timestamp(lit("2015-01-01"), 
"yyyy-MM-dd")))[1, 1], 0)
+  l3 <- list(list(a = 1000), list(a = -1000))
+  df3 <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, l3)
+  result31 <- collect(select(df3, from_unixtime(df3$a)))
+  expect_equal(grep("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", result31[, 
1], perl = TRUE),
+               c(1, 2))
+  result32 <- collect(select(df3, from_unixtime(df3$a, "yyyy")))
+  expect_equal(grep("\\d{4}", result32[, 1]), c(1, 2))
+  Sys.setenv(TZ = .originalTimeZone)
 test_that("greatest() and least() on a DataFrame", {
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/api/r/RBackendHandler.scala 
index 14dac4e..6ce02e2 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/api/r/RBackendHandler.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/api/r/RBackendHandler.scala
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ private[r] class RBackendHandler(server: RBackend)
       if (parameterType.isPrimitive) {
         parameterWrapperType = parameterType match {
           case java.lang.Integer.TYPE => classOf[java.lang.Integer]
+          case java.lang.Long.TYPE => classOf[java.lang.Integer]
           case java.lang.Double.TYPE => classOf[java.lang.Double]
           case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => classOf[java.lang.Boolean]
           case _ => parameterType

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