Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master c7c726595 -> 7c33b0fd0

[SPARK-18362][SQL] Use TextFileFormat in implementation of CSVFileFormat

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This patch significantly improves the IO / file listing performance of schema 
inference in Spark's built-in CSV data source.

Previously, this data source used the legacy `SparkContext.hadoopFile` and 
`SparkContext.hadoopRDD` methods to read files during its schema inference 
step, causing huge file-listing bottlenecks on the driver.

This patch refactors this logic to use Spark SQL's `text` data source to read 
files during this step. The text data source still performs some unnecessary 
file listing (since in theory we already have resolved the table prior to 
schema inference and therefore should be able to scan without performing _any_ 
extra listing), but that listing is much faster and takes place in parallel. In 
one production workload operating over tens of thousands of files, this change 
managed to reduce schema inference time from 7 minutes to 2 minutes.

A similar problem also affects the JSON file format and this patch originally 
fixed that as well, but I've decided to split that change into a separate patch 
so as not to conflict with changes in another JSON PR.

## How was this patch tested?

Existing unit tests, plus manual benchmarking on a production workload.

Author: Josh Rosen <>

Closes #15813 from JoshRosen/use-text-data-source-in-csv-and-json.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 7c33b0fd050f3d2b08c1cfd7efbff8166832c1af
Parents: c7c7265
Author: Josh Rosen <>
Authored: Fri Dec 2 21:14:34 2016 -0800
Committer: Reynold Xin <>
Committed: Fri Dec 2 21:14:34 2016 -0800

 .../datasources/csv/CSVFileFormat.scala         | 60 +++++++++-----------
 .../execution/datasources/csv/CSVRelation.scala |  4 +-
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git 
index a369115..e627f04 100644
@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._
 import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
-import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
+import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoders, SparkSession}
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CompressionCodecs
 import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.text.TextFileFormat
+import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{length, trim}
 import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
 import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
 import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration
@@ -52,17 +54,21 @@ class CSVFileFormat extends TextBasedFileFormat with 
DataSourceRegister {
       sparkSession: SparkSession,
       options: Map[String, String],
       files: Seq[FileStatus]): Option[StructType] = {
+    require(files.nonEmpty, "Cannot infer schema from an empty set of files")
     val csvOptions = new CSVOptions(options)
     // TODO: Move filtering.
     val paths = files.filterNot(_.getPath.getName startsWith 
-    val rdd = baseRdd(sparkSession, csvOptions, paths)
-    val firstLine = findFirstLine(csvOptions, rdd)
+    val lines: Dataset[String] = readText(sparkSession, csvOptions, paths)
+    val firstLine: String = findFirstLine(csvOptions, lines)
     val firstRow = new CsvReader(csvOptions).parseLine(firstLine)
     val caseSensitive = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
     val header = makeSafeHeader(firstRow, csvOptions, caseSensitive)
-    val parsedRdd = tokenRdd(sparkSession, csvOptions, header, paths)
+    val parsedRdd: RDD[Array[String]] = CSVRelation.univocityTokenizer(
+      lines,
+      firstLine = if (csvOptions.headerFlag) firstLine else null,
+      params = csvOptions)
     val schema = if (csvOptions.inferSchemaFlag) {
       CSVInferSchema.infer(parsedRdd, header, csvOptions)
     } else {
@@ -173,51 +179,37 @@ class CSVFileFormat extends TextBasedFileFormat with 
DataSourceRegister {
-  private def baseRdd(
-      sparkSession: SparkSession,
-      options: CSVOptions,
-      inputPaths: Seq[String]): RDD[String] = {
-    readText(sparkSession, options, inputPaths.mkString(","))
-  }
-  private def tokenRdd(
-      sparkSession: SparkSession,
-      options: CSVOptions,
-      header: Array[String],
-      inputPaths: Seq[String]): RDD[Array[String]] = {
-    val rdd = baseRdd(sparkSession, options, inputPaths)
-    // Make sure firstLine is materialized before sending to executors
-    val firstLine = if (options.headerFlag) findFirstLine(options, rdd) else 
-    CSVRelation.univocityTokenizer(rdd, firstLine, options)
-  }
    * Returns the first line of the first non-empty file in path
-  private def findFirstLine(options: CSVOptions, rdd: RDD[String]): String = {
+  private def findFirstLine(options: CSVOptions, lines: Dataset[String]): 
String = {
+    import lines.sqlContext.implicits._
+    val nonEmptyLines = lines.filter(length(trim($"value")) > 0)
     if (options.isCommentSet) {
-      val comment = options.comment.toString
-      rdd.filter { line =>
-        line.trim.nonEmpty && !line.startsWith(comment)
-      }.first()
     } else {
-      rdd.filter { line =>
-        line.trim.nonEmpty
-      }.first()
+      nonEmptyLines.first()
   private def readText(
       sparkSession: SparkSession,
       options: CSVOptions,
-      location: String): RDD[String] = {
+      inputPaths: Seq[String]): Dataset[String] = {
     if (Charset.forName(options.charset) == StandardCharsets.UTF_8) {
-      sparkSession.sparkContext.textFile(location)
+      sparkSession.baseRelationToDataFrame(
+        DataSource.apply(
+          sparkSession,
+          paths = inputPaths,
+          className = classOf[TextFileFormat].getName
+        ).resolveRelation(checkFilesExist = false))
+        .select("value").as[String](Encoders.STRING)
     } else {
       val charset = options.charset
-      sparkSession.sparkContext
-        .hadoopFile[LongWritable, Text, TextInputFormat](location)
+      val rdd = sparkSession.sparkContext
+        .hadoopFile[LongWritable, Text, 
         .mapPartitions( => new String(pair._2.getBytes, 0, 
pair._2.getLength, charset)))
+      sparkSession.createDataset(rdd)(Encoders.STRING)
diff --git 
index 52de11d..e4ce7a9 100644
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
 object CSVRelation extends Logging {
   def univocityTokenizer(
-      file: RDD[String],
+      file: Dataset[String],
       firstLine: String,
       params: CSVOptions): RDD[Array[String]] = {
     // If header is set, make sure firstLine is materialized before sending to 
     val commentPrefix = params.comment.toString
-    file.mapPartitions { iter =>
+    file.rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
       val parser = new CsvReader(params)
       val filteredIter = iter.filter { line =>
         line.trim.nonEmpty && !line.startsWith(commentPrefix)

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