diff --git a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/util.clj 
deleted file mode 100644
index 75ea0dc..0000000
--- a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/util.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1134 +0,0 @@
-;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-;; distributed with this work for additional information
-;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-;; limitations under the License.
-(ns org.apache.storm.util
-  (:import [ InetAddress])
-  (:import [java.util Map Map$Entry List ArrayList Collection Iterator 
-  (:import [ FileReader FileNotFoundException])
-  (:import [java.nio.file Paths])
-  (:import [org.apache.storm Config])
-  (:import [org.apache.storm.utils Time Container ClojureTimerTask Utils
-            MutableObject MutableInt])
-  (:import [ NimbusPrincipal])
-  (:import [ Subject])
-  (:import [java.util UUID Random ArrayList List Collections])
-  (:import [ ZipFile])
-  (:import [java.util.concurrent.locks ReentrantReadWriteLock])
-  (:import [java.util.concurrent Semaphore])
-  (:import [java.nio.file Files Paths])
-  (:import [java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute])
-  (:import [ File FileOutputStream RandomAccessFile StringWriter
-            PrintWriter BufferedReader InputStreamReader IOException])
-  (:import [ ManagementFactory])
-  (:import [org.apache.commons.exec DefaultExecutor CommandLine])
-  (:import [ FileUtils])
-  (:import [org.apache.storm.logging ThriftAccessLogger])
-  (:import [org.apache.commons.exec ExecuteException])
-  (:import [org.json.simple JSONValue])
-  (:import [org.yaml.snakeyaml Yaml]
-           [org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor SafeConstructor])
-  (:require [clojure [string :as str]])
-  (:import [clojure.lang RT])
-  (:require [clojure [set :as set]])
-  (:require [ :as io])
-  (:use [clojure walk])
-  (:require [ring.util.codec :as codec])
-  (:use [org.apache.storm log]))
-(defn wrap-in-runtime
-  "Wraps an exception in a RuntimeException if needed"
-  [^Exception e]
-  (if (instance? RuntimeException e)
-    e
-    (RuntimeException. e)))
-(def on-windows?
-  (= "Windows_NT" (System/getenv "OS")))
-(def file-path-separator
-  (System/getProperty "file.separator"))
-(def class-path-separator
-  (System/getProperty "path.separator"))
-(defn is-absolute-path? [path]
-  (.isAbsolute (Paths/get path (into-array String []))))
-(defmacro defalias
-  "Defines an alias for a var: a new var with the same root binding (if
-  any) and similar metadata. The metadata of the alias is its initial
-  metadata (as provided by def) merged into the metadata of the original."
-  ([name orig]
-   `(do
-      (alter-meta!
-        (if (.hasRoot (var ~orig))
-          (def ~name (.getRawRoot (var ~orig)))
-          (def ~name))
-        ;; When copying metadata, disregard {:macro false}.
-        ;; Workaround for
-        #(conj (dissoc % :macro)
-               (apply dissoc (meta (var ~orig)) (remove #{:macro} (keys %)))))
-      (var ~name)))
-  ([name orig doc]
-   (list `defalias (with-meta name (assoc (meta name) :doc doc)) orig)))
-;; name-with-attributes by Konrad Hinsen:
-(defn name-with-attributes
-  "To be used in macro definitions.
-  Handles optional docstrings and attribute maps for a name to be defined
-  in a list of macro arguments. If the first macro argument is a string,
-  it is added as a docstring to name and removed from the macro argument
-  list. If afterwards the first macro argument is a map, its entries are
-  added to the name's metadata map and the map is removed from the
-  macro argument list. The return value is a vector containing the name
-  with its extended metadata map and the list of unprocessed macro
-  arguments."
-  [name macro-args]
-  (let [[docstring macro-args] (if (string? (first macro-args))
-                                 [(first macro-args) (next macro-args)]
-                                 [nil macro-args])
-        [attr macro-args] (if (map? (first macro-args))
-                            [(first macro-args) (next macro-args)]
-                            [{} macro-args])
-        attr (if docstring
-               (assoc attr :doc docstring)
-               attr)
-        attr (if (meta name)
-               (conj (meta name) attr)
-               attr)]
-    [(with-meta name attr) macro-args]))
-(defmacro defnk
-  "Define a function accepting keyword arguments. Symbols up to the first
-  keyword in the parameter list are taken as positional arguments.  Then
-  an alternating sequence of keywords and defaults values is expected. The
-  values of the keyword arguments are available in the function body by
-  virtue of the symbol corresponding to the keyword (cf. :keys destructuring).
-  defnk accepts an optional docstring as well as an optional metadata map."
-  [fn-name & fn-tail]
-  (let [[fn-name [args & body]] (name-with-attributes fn-name fn-tail)
-        [pos kw-vals] (split-with symbol? args)
-        syms (map #(-> % name symbol) (take-nth 2 kw-vals))
-        values (take-nth 2 (rest kw-vals))
-        sym-vals (apply hash-map (interleave syms values))
-        de-map {:keys (vec syms) :or sym-vals}]
-    `(defn ~fn-name
-       [~@pos & options#]
-       (let [~de-map (apply hash-map options#)]
-         ~@body))))
-(defn find-first
-  "Returns the first item of coll for which (pred item) returns logical true.
-  Consumes sequences up to the first match, will consume the entire sequence
-  and return nil if no match is found."
-  [pred coll]
-  (first (filter pred coll)))
-(defn dissoc-in
-  "Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new
-  nested structure. keys is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result
-  will not be present in the new structure."
-  [m [k & ks :as keys]]
-  (if ks
-    (if-let [nextmap (get m k)]
-      (let [newmap (dissoc-in nextmap ks)]
-        (if (seq newmap)
-          (assoc m k newmap)
-          (dissoc m k)))
-      m)
-    (dissoc m k)))
-(defn indexed
-  "Returns a lazy sequence of [index, item] pairs, where items come
-  from 's' and indexes count up from zero.
-  (indexed '(a b c d))  =>  ([0 a] [1 b] [2 c] [3 d])"
-  [s]
-  (map vector (iterate inc 0) s))
-(defn positions
-  "Returns a lazy sequence containing the positions at which pred
-  is true for items in coll."
-  [pred coll]
-  (for [[idx elt] (indexed coll) :when (pred elt)] idx))
-(defn exception-cause?
-  [klass ^Throwable t]
-  (->> (iterate #(.getCause ^Throwable %) t)
-       (take-while identity)
-       (some (partial instance? klass))
-       boolean))
-(defmacro thrown-cause?
-  [klass & body]
-  `(try
-     ~@body
-     false
-     (catch Throwable t#
-       (exception-cause? ~klass t#))))
-(defmacro thrown-cause-with-msg?
-  [klass re & body]
-  `(try
-     ~@body
-     false
-     (catch Throwable t#
-       (and (re-matches ~re (.getMessage t#))
-            (exception-cause? ~klass t#)))))
-(defmacro forcat
-  [[args aseq] & body]
-  `(mapcat (fn [~args]
-             ~@body)
-           ~aseq))
-(defmacro try-cause
-  [& body]
-  (let [checker (fn [form]
-                  (or (not (sequential? form))
-                      (not= 'catch (first form))))
-        [code guards] (split-with checker body)
-        error-local (gensym "t")
-        guards (forcat [[_ klass local & guard-body] guards]
-                       `((exception-cause? ~klass ~error-local)
-                         (let [~local ~error-local]
-                           ~@guard-body
-                           )))]
-    `(try ~@code
-       (catch Throwable ~error-local
-         (cond ~@guards
-               true (throw ~error-local)
-               )))))
-(defn local-hostname
-  []
-  (.getCanonicalHostName (InetAddress/getLocalHost)))
-(def memoized-local-hostname (memoize local-hostname))
-;; checks conf for STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME.
-;; when unconfigured, falls back to (memoized) guess by `local-hostname`.
-(defn hostname
-  [conf]
-  (conf Config/STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME (memoized-local-hostname)))
-(letfn [(try-port [port]
-                  (with-open [socket ( port)]
-                    (.getLocalPort socket)))]
-  (defn available-port
-    ([] (try-port 0))
-    ([preferred]
-     (try
-       (try-port preferred)
-       (catch e
-         (available-port))))))
-(defn uuid []
-  (str (UUID/randomUUID)))
-(defn current-time-secs
-  []
-  (Time/currentTimeSecs))
-(defn current-time-millis
-  []
-  (Time/currentTimeMillis))
-(defn secs-to-millis-long
-  [secs]
-  (long (* (long 1000) secs)))
-(defn clojurify-structure
-  [s]
-  (prewalk (fn [x]
-             (cond (instance? Map x) (into {} x)
-                   (instance? List x) (vec x)
-                   ;; (Boolean. false) does not evaluate to false in an if.
-                   ;; This fixes that.
-                   (instance? Boolean x) (boolean x)
-                   true x))
-           s))
-(defmacro with-file-lock
-  [path & body]
-  `(let [f# (File. ~path)
-         _# (.createNewFile f#)
-         rf# (RandomAccessFile. f# "rw")
-         lock# (.. rf# (getChannel) (lock))]
-     (try
-       ~@body
-       (finally
-         (.release lock#)
-         (.close rf#)))))
-(defn tokenize-path
-  [^String path]
-  (let [toks (.split path "/")]
-    (vec (filter (complement empty?) toks))))
-(defn assoc-conj
-  [m k v]
-  (merge-with concat m {k [v]}))
-;; returns [ones in first set not in second, ones in second set not in first]
-(defn set-delta
-  [old curr]
-  (let [s1 (set old)
-        s2 (set curr)]
-    [(set/difference s1 s2) (set/difference s2 s1)]))
-(defn parent-path
-  [path]
-  (let [toks (tokenize-path path)]
-    (str "/" (str/join "/" (butlast toks)))))
-(defn toks->path
-  [toks]
-  (str "/" (str/join "/" toks)))
-(defn normalize-path
-  [^String path]
-  (toks->path (tokenize-path path)))
-(defn map-val
-  [afn amap]
-  (into {}
-        (for [[k v] amap]
-          [k (afn v)])))
-(defn filter-val
-  [afn amap]
-  (into {} (filter (fn [[k v]] (afn v)) amap)))
-(defn filter-key
-  [afn amap]
-  (into {} (filter (fn [[k v]] (afn k)) amap)))
-(defn map-key
-  [afn amap]
-  (into {} (for [[k v] amap] [(afn k) v])))
-(defn separate
-  [pred aseq]
-  [(filter pred aseq) (filter (complement pred) aseq)])
-(defn full-path
-  [parent name]
-  (let [toks (tokenize-path parent)]
-    (toks->path (conj toks name))))
-(def not-nil? (complement nil?))
-(defn barr
-  [& vals]
-  (byte-array (map byte vals)))
-(defn exit-process!
-  [val & msg]
-  (log-error (RuntimeException. (str msg)) "Halting process: " msg)
-  (.exit (Runtime/getRuntime) val))
-(defn sum
-  [vals]
-  (reduce + vals))
-(defn repeat-seq
-  ([aseq]
-   (apply concat (repeat aseq)))
-  ([amt aseq]
-   (apply concat (repeat amt aseq))))
-(defn div
-  "Perform floating point division on the arguments."
-  [f & rest]
-  (apply / (double f) rest))
-(defn defaulted
-  [val default]
-  (if val val default))
-(defn mk-counter
-  ([] (mk-counter 1))
-  ([start-val]
-   (let [val (atom (dec start-val))]
-     (fn [] (swap! val inc)))))
-(defmacro for-times [times & body]
-  `(for [i# (range ~times)]
-     ~@body))
-(defmacro dofor [& body]
-  `(doall (for ~@body)))
-(defn reverse-map
-  "{:a 1 :b 1 :c 2} -> {1 [:a :b] 2 :c}"
-  [amap]
-  (reduce (fn [m [k v]]
-            (let [existing (get m v [])]
-              (assoc m v (conj existing k))))
-          {} amap))
-(defmacro print-vars [& vars]
-  (let [prints (for [v vars] `(println ~(str v) ~v))]
-    `(do ~@prints)))
-(defn process-pid
-  "Gets the pid of this JVM. Hacky because Java doesn't provide a real way to 
do this."
-  []
-  (let [name (.getName (ManagementFactory/getRuntimeMXBean))
-        split (.split name "@")]
-    (when-not (= 2 (count split))
-      (throw (RuntimeException. (str "Got unexpected process name: " name))))
-    (first split)))
-(defn exec-command! [command]
-  (let [[comm-str & args] (seq (.split command " "))
-        command (CommandLine. comm-str)]
-    (doseq [a args]
-      (.addArgument command a))
-    (.execute (DefaultExecutor.) command)))
-(defn extract-dir-from-jar [jarpath dir destdir]
-  (try-cause
-    (with-open [jarpath (ZipFile. jarpath)]
-      (let [entries (enumeration-seq (.entries jarpath))]
-        (doseq [file (filter (fn [entry](and (not (.isDirectory entry)) 
(.startsWith (.getName entry) dir))) entries)]
-          (.mkdirs (.getParentFile (File. destdir (.getName file))))
-          (with-open [out (FileOutputStream. (File. destdir (.getName file)))]
-            (io/copy (.getInputStream jarpath file) out)))))
-    (catch IOException e
-      (log-message "Could not extract " dir " from " jarpath))))
-(defn sleep-secs [secs]
-  (when (pos? secs)
-    (Time/sleep (* (long secs) 1000))))
-(defn sleep-until-secs [target-secs]
-  (Time/sleepUntil (* (long target-secs) 1000)))
-(def ^:const sig-kill 9)
-(def ^:const sig-term 15)
-(defn send-signal-to-process
-  [pid signum]
-  (try-cause
-    (exec-command! (str (if on-windows?
-                          (if (== signum sig-kill) "taskkill /f /pid " 
"taskkill /pid ")
-                          (str "kill -" signum " "))
-                     pid))
-    (catch ExecuteException e
-      (log-message "Error when trying to kill " pid ". Process is probably 
already dead."))))
-(defn read-and-log-stream
-  [prefix stream]
-  (try
-    (let [reader (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. stream))]
-      (loop []
-        (if-let [line (.readLine reader)]
-                (do
-                  (log-warn (str prefix ":" line))
-                  (recur)))))
-    (catch IOException e
-      (log-warn "Error while trying to log stream" e))))
-(defn force-kill-process
-  [pid]
-  (send-signal-to-process pid sig-kill))
-(defn kill-process-with-sig-term
-  [pid]
-  (send-signal-to-process pid sig-term))
-(defn add-shutdown-hook-with-force-kill-in-1-sec
-  "adds the user supplied function as a shutdown hook for cleanup.
-   Also adds a function that sleeps for a second and then sends kill -9 to 
process to avoid any zombie process in case
-   cleanup function hangs."
-  [func]
-  (.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. #(func)))
-  (.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. #((sleep-secs 1)
-                                                    (.halt 
(Runtime/getRuntime) 20)))))
-(defprotocol SmartThread
-  (start [this])
-  (join [this])
-  (interrupt [this])
-  (sleeping? [this]))
-;; afn returns amount of time to sleep
-(defnk async-loop [afn
-                   :daemon false
-                   :kill-fn (fn [error] (exit-process! 1 "Async loop died!"))
-                   :priority Thread/NORM_PRIORITY
-                   :factory? false
-                   :start true
-                   :thread-name nil]
-  (let [thread (Thread.
-                 (fn []
-                   (try-cause
-                     (let [afn (if factory? (afn) afn)]
-                       (loop []
-                         (let [sleep-time (afn)]
-                           (when-not (nil? sleep-time)
-                             (sleep-secs sleep-time)
-                             (recur))
-                           )))
-                     (catch InterruptedException e
-                       (log-message "Async loop interrupted!")
-                       )
-                     (catch Throwable t
-                       (log-error t "Async loop died!")
-                       (kill-fn t)))))]
-    (.setDaemon thread daemon)
-    (.setPriority thread priority)
-    (when-not (clojure.string/blank? thread-name)
-      ;; if thead-name is blank, just use the default thread name
-      (.setName thread (str (.getName thread) "-" thread-name)))
-    (when start
-      (.start thread))
-    ;; should return object that supports stop, interrupt, join, and waiting?
-    (reify SmartThread
-      (start
-        [this]
-        (.start thread))
-      (join
-        [this]
-        (.join thread))
-      (interrupt
-        [this]
-        (.interrupt thread))
-      (sleeping?
-        [this]
-        (Time/isThreadWaiting thread)))))
-(defn shell-cmd
-  [command]
-  (->> command
-    (map #(str \' (clojure.string/escape % {\' "'\"'\"'"}) \'))
-      (clojure.string/join " ")))
-(defn script-file-path [dir]
-  (str dir file-path-separator ""))
-(defn container-file-path [dir]
-  (str dir file-path-separator ""))
-(defnk write-script
-  [dir command :environment {}]
-  (let [script-src (str "#!/bin/bash\n" (clojure.string/join "" (map (fn [[k 
v]] (str (shell-cmd ["export" (str k "=" v)]) ";\n")) environment)) "\nexec " 
(shell-cmd command) ";")
-        script-path (script-file-path dir)
-        _ (spit script-path script-src)]
-    script-path
-  ))
-(defnk launch-process
-  [command :environment {} :log-prefix nil :exit-code-callback nil :directory 
-  (let [builder (ProcessBuilder. command)
-        process-env (.environment builder)]
-    (when directory (.directory builder directory))
-    (.redirectErrorStream builder true)
-    (doseq [[k v] environment]
-      (.put process-env k v))
-    (let [process (.start builder)]
-      (if (or log-prefix exit-code-callback)
-        (async-loop
-         (fn []
-           (if log-prefix
-             (read-and-log-stream log-prefix (.getInputStream process)))
-           (when exit-code-callback
-             (try
-               (.waitFor process)
-               (catch InterruptedException e
-                 (log-message log-prefix " interrupted.")))
-             (exit-code-callback (.exitValue process)))
-           nil)))                    
-      process)))
-(defn exists-file?
-  [path]
-  (.exists (File. path)))
-(defn rmr
-  [path]
-  (log-debug "Rmr path " path)
-  (when (exists-file? path)
-    (try
-      (FileUtils/forceDelete (File. path))
-      (catch FileNotFoundException e))))
-(defn rmpath
-  "Removes file or directory at the path. Not recursive. Throws exception on 
-  [path]
-  (log-debug "Removing path " path)
-  (when (exists-file? path)
-    (let [deleted? (.delete (File. path))]
-      (when-not deleted?
-        (throw (RuntimeException. (str "Failed to delete " path)))))))
-(defn local-mkdirs
-  [path]
-  (log-debug "Making dirs at " path)
-  (FileUtils/forceMkdir (File. path)))
-(defn touch
-  [path]
-  (log-debug "Touching file at " path)
-  (let [success? (do (if on-windows? (.mkdirs (.getParentFile (File. path))))
-                   (.createNewFile (File. path)))]
-    (when-not success?
-      (throw (RuntimeException. (str "Failed to touch " path))))))
-(defn create-symlink!
-  "Create symlink is to the target"
-  ([path-dir target-dir file-name]
-    (create-symlink! path-dir target-dir file-name file-name))
-  ([path-dir target-dir from-file-name to-file-name]
-    (let [path (str path-dir file-path-separator from-file-name)
-          target (str target-dir file-path-separator to-file-name)
-          empty-array (make-array String 0)
-          attrs (make-array FileAttribute 0)
-          abs-path (.toAbsolutePath (Paths/get path empty-array))
-          abs-target (.toAbsolutePath (Paths/get target empty-array))]
-      (log-debug "Creating symlink [" abs-path "] to [" abs-target "]")
-      (if (not (.exists (.toFile abs-path)))
-        (Files/createSymbolicLink abs-path abs-target attrs)))))
-(defn read-dir-contents
-  [dir]
-  (if (exists-file? dir)
-    (let [content-files (.listFiles (File. dir))]
-      (map #(.getName ^File %) content-files))
-    []))
-(defn compact
-  [aseq]
-  (filter (complement nil?) aseq))
-(defn current-classpath
-  []
-  (System/getProperty "java.class.path"))
-(defn get-full-jars
-  [dir]
-  (map #(str dir file-path-separator %) (filter #(.endsWith % ".jar") 
(read-dir-contents dir))))
-(defn worker-classpath
-  []
-  (let [storm-dir (System/getProperty "storm.home")
-        storm-lib-dir (str storm-dir file-path-separator "lib")
-        storm-conf-dir (if-let [confdir (System/getenv "STORM_CONF_DIR")]
-                         confdir 
-                         (str storm-dir file-path-separator "conf"))
-        storm-extlib-dir (str storm-dir file-path-separator "extlib")
-        extcp (System/getenv "STORM_EXT_CLASSPATH")]
-    (if (nil? storm-dir) 
-      (current-classpath)
-      (str/join class-path-separator
-                (remove nil? (concat (get-full-jars storm-lib-dir) 
(get-full-jars storm-extlib-dir) [extcp] [storm-conf-dir]))))))
-(defn add-to-classpath
-  [classpath paths]
-  (if (empty? paths)
-    classpath
-    (str/join class-path-separator (cons classpath paths))))
-(defn ^ReentrantReadWriteLock mk-rw-lock
-  []
-  (ReentrantReadWriteLock.))
-(defmacro read-locked
-  [rw-lock & body]
-  (let [lock (with-meta rw-lock {:tag `ReentrantReadWriteLock})]
-    `(let [rlock# (.readLock ~lock)]
-       (try (.lock rlock#)
-         ~@body
-         (finally (.unlock rlock#))))))
-(defmacro write-locked
-  [rw-lock & body]
-  (let [lock (with-meta rw-lock {:tag `ReentrantReadWriteLock})]
-    `(let [wlock# (.writeLock ~lock)]
-       (try (.lock wlock#)
-         ~@body
-         (finally (.unlock wlock#))))))
-(defn time-delta
-  [time-secs]
-  (- (current-time-secs) time-secs))
-(defn time-delta-ms
-  [time-ms]
-  (- (System/currentTimeMillis) (long time-ms)))
-(defn parse-int
-  [str]
-  (Integer/valueOf str))
-(defn integer-divided
-  [sum num-pieces]
-  (clojurify-structure (Utils/integerDivided sum num-pieces)))
-(defn collectify
-  [obj]
-  (if (or (sequential? obj) (instance? Collection obj))
-    obj
-    [obj]))
-(defn to-json
-  [obj]
-  (JSONValue/toJSONString obj))
-(defn from-json
-  [^String str]
-  (if str
-    (clojurify-structure
-      (JSONValue/parse str))
-    nil))
-(defmacro letlocals
-  [& body]
-  (let [[tobind lexpr] (split-at (dec (count body)) body)
-        binded (vec (mapcat (fn [e]
-                              (if (and (list? e) (= 'bind (first e)))
-                                [(second e) (last e)]
-                                ['_ e]
-                                ))
-                            tobind))]
-    `(let ~binded
-       ~(first lexpr))))
-(defn remove-first
-  [pred aseq]
-  (let [[b e] (split-with (complement pred) aseq)]
-    (when (empty? e)
-      (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Nothing to remove")))
-    (concat b (rest e))))
-(defn assoc-non-nil
-  [m k v]
-  (if v (assoc m k v) m))
-(defn multi-set
-  "Returns a map of elem to count"
-  [aseq]
-  (apply merge-with +
-         (map #(hash-map % 1) aseq)))
-(defn set-var-root*
-  [avar val]
-  (alter-var-root avar (fn [avar] val)))
-(defmacro set-var-root
-  [var-sym val]
-  `(set-var-root* (var ~var-sym) ~val))
-(defmacro with-var-roots
-  [bindings & body]
-  (let [settings (partition 2 bindings)
-        tmpvars (repeatedly (count settings) (partial gensym "old"))
-        vars (map first settings)
-        savevals (vec (mapcat (fn [t v] [t v]) tmpvars vars))
-        setters (for [[v s] settings] `(set-var-root ~v ~s))
-        restorers (map (fn [v s] `(set-var-root ~v ~s)) vars tmpvars)]
-    `(let ~savevals
-       ~@setters
-       (try
-         ~@body
-         (finally
-           ~@restorers)))))
-(defn map-diff
-  "Returns mappings in m2 that aren't in m1"
-  [m1 m2]
-  (into {} (filter (fn [[k v]] (not= v (m1 k))) m2)))
-(defn select-keys-pred
-  [pred amap]
-  (into {} (filter (fn [[k v]] (pred k)) amap)))
-(defn rotating-random-range
-  [choices]
-  (let [rand (Random.)
-        choices (ArrayList. choices)]
-    (Collections/shuffle choices rand)
-    [(MutableInt. -1) choices rand]))
-(defn acquire-random-range-id
-  [[^MutableInt curr ^List state ^Random rand]]
-  (when (>= (.increment curr) (.size state))
-    (.set curr 0)
-    (Collections/shuffle state rand))
-  (.get state (.get curr)))
-; this can be rewritten to be tail recursive
-(defn interleave-all
-  [& colls]
-  (if (empty? colls)
-    []
-    (let [colls (filter (complement empty?) colls)
-          my-elems (map first colls)
-          rest-elems (apply interleave-all (map rest colls))]
-      (concat my-elems rest-elems))))
-(defn any-intersection
-  [& sets]
-  (let [elem->count (multi-set (apply concat sets))]
-    (-> (filter-val #(> % 1) elem->count)
-        keys)))
-(defn between?
-  "val >= lower and val <= upper"
-  [val lower upper]
-  (and (>= val lower)
-       (<= val upper)))
-(defmacro benchmark
-  [& body]
-  `(let [l# (doall (range 1000000))]
-     (time
-       (doseq [i# l#]
-         ~@body))))
-(defn rand-sampler
-  [freq]
-  (let [r (java.util.Random.)]
-    (fn [] (= 0 (.nextInt r freq)))))
-(defn even-sampler
-  [freq]
-  (let [freq (int freq)
-        start (int 0)
-        r (java.util.Random.)
-        curr (MutableInt. -1)
-        target (MutableInt. (.nextInt r freq))]
-    (with-meta
-      (fn []
-        (let [i (.increment curr)]
-          (when (>= i freq)
-            (.set curr start)
-            (.set target (.nextInt r freq))))
-        (= (.get curr) (.get target)))
-      {:rate freq})))
-(defn sampler-rate
-  [sampler]
-  (:rate (meta sampler)))
-(defn class-selector
-  [obj & args]
-  (class obj))
-(defn uptime-computer []
-  (let [start-time (current-time-secs)]
-    (fn [] (time-delta start-time))))
-(defn stringify-error [error]
-  (let [result (StringWriter.)
-        printer (PrintWriter. result)]
-    (.printStackTrace error printer)
-    (.toString result)))
-(defn nil-to-zero
-  [v]
-  (or v 0))
-(defmacro with-error-reaction
-  [afn & body]
-  `(try ~@body
-     (catch Throwable t# (~afn t#))))
-(defn container
-  []
-  (Container.))
-(defn container-set! [^Container container obj]
-  (set! (. container object) obj)
-  container)
-(defn container-get [^Container container]
-  (. container object))
-(defn to-millis [secs]
-  (* 1000 (long secs)))
-(defn throw-runtime [& strs]
-  (throw (RuntimeException. (apply str strs))))
-(defn redirect-stdio-to-slf4j!
-  []
-  ;; set-var-root doesn't work with *out* and *err*, so digging much deeper 
-  ;; Unfortunately, this code seems to work at the REPL but not when spawned 
as worker processes
-  ;; it might have something to do with being a child process
-  ;; (set! (. (.getThreadBinding RT/OUT) val)
-  ;;       (
-  ;;         (log-stream :info "STDIO")))
-  ;; (set! (. (.getThreadBinding RT/ERR) val)
-  ;;       (PrintWriter.
-  ;;         (
-  ;;           (log-stream :error "STDIO"))
-  ;;         true))
-  (log-capture! "STDIO"))
-(defn spy
-  [prefix val]
-  (log-message prefix ": " val)
-  val)
-(defn zip-contains-dir?
-  [zipfile target]
-  (let [entries (->> zipfile (ZipFile.) .entries enumeration-seq (map (memfn 
-    (boolean (some #(.startsWith % (str target "/")) entries))))
-(defn url-encode
-  [s]
-  (codec/url-encode s))
-(defn url-decode
-  [s]
-  (codec/url-decode s))
-(defn join-maps
-  [& maps]
-  (let [all-keys (apply set/union (for [m maps] (-> m keys set)))]
-    (into {} (for [k all-keys]
-               [k (for [m maps] (m k))]))))
-(defn partition-fixed
-  [max-num-chunks aseq]
-  (if (zero? max-num-chunks)
-    []
-    (let [chunks (->> (integer-divided (count aseq) max-num-chunks)
-                      (#(dissoc % 0))
-                      (sort-by (comp - first))
-                      (mapcat (fn [[size amt]] (repeat amt size)))
-                      )]
-      (loop [result []
-             [chunk & rest-chunks] chunks
-             data aseq]
-        (if (nil? chunk)
-          result
-          (let [[c rest-data] (split-at chunk data)]
-            (recur (conj result c)
-                   rest-chunks
-                   rest-data)))))))
-(defn assoc-apply-self
-  [curr key afn]
-  (assoc curr key (afn curr)))
-(defmacro recursive-map
-  [& forms]
-  (->> (partition 2 forms)
-       (map (fn [[key form]] `(assoc-apply-self ~key (fn [~'<>] ~form))))
-       (concat `(-> {}))))
-(defn current-stack-trace
-  []
-  (->> (Thread/currentThread)
-       .getStackTrace
-       (map str)
-       (str/join "\n")))
-(defn get-iterator
-  [^Iterable alist]
-  (if alist (.iterator alist)))
-(defn iter-has-next?
-  [^Iterator iter]
-  (if iter (.hasNext iter) false))
-(defn iter-next
-  [^Iterator iter]
-  (.next iter))
-(defmacro fast-list-iter
-  [pairs & body]
-  (let [pairs (partition 2 pairs)
-        lists (map second pairs)
-        elems (map first pairs)
-        iters (map (fn [_] (gensym)) lists)
-        bindings (->> (map (fn [i l] [i `(get-iterator ~l)]) iters lists)
-                      (apply concat))
-        tests (map (fn [i] `(iter-has-next? ~i)) iters)
-        assignments (->> (map (fn [e i] [e `(iter-next ~i)]) elems iters)
-                         (apply concat))]
-    `(let [~@bindings]
-       (while (and ~@tests)
-         (let [~@assignments]
-           ~@body)))))
-(defn fast-list-map
-  [afn alist]
-  (let [ret (ArrayList.)]
-    (fast-list-iter [e alist]
-                    (.add ret (afn e)))
-    ret))
-(defmacro fast-list-for
-  [[e alist] & body]
-  `(fast-list-map (fn [~e] ~@body) ~alist))
-(defn map-iter
-  [^Map amap]
-  (if amap (-> amap .entrySet .iterator)))
-(defn convert-entry
-  [^Map$Entry entry]
-  [(.getKey entry) (.getValue entry)])
-(defmacro fast-map-iter
-  [[bind amap] & body]
-  `(let [iter# (map-iter ~amap)]
-     (while (iter-has-next? iter#)
-       (let [entry# (iter-next iter#)
-             ~bind (convert-entry entry#)]
-         ~@body))))
-(defn fast-first
-  [^List alist]
-  (.get alist 0))
-(defmacro get-with-default
-  [amap key default-val]
-  `(let [curr# (.get ~amap ~key)]
-     (if curr#
-       curr#
-       (do
-         (let [new# ~default-val]
-           (.put ~amap ~key new#)
-           new#)))))
-(defn fast-group-by
-  [afn alist]
-  (let [ret (HashMap.)]
-    (fast-list-iter
-      [e alist]
-      (let [key (afn e)
-            ^List curr (get-with-default ret key (ArrayList.))]
-        (.add curr e)))
-    ret))
-(defn new-instance
-  [klass]
-  (let [klass (if (string? klass) (Class/forName klass) klass)]
-    (.newInstance klass)))
-(defn get-configured-class
-  [conf config-key]
-  (if (.get conf config-key) (new-instance (.get conf config-key)) nil))
-(defmacro -<>
-  ([x] x)
-  ([x form] (if (seq? form)
-              (with-meta
-                (let [[begin [_ & end]] (split-with #(not= % '<>) form)]
-                  (concat begin [x] end))
-                (meta form))
-              (list form x)))
-  ([x form & more] `(-<> (-<> ~x ~form) ~@more)))
-(defn logs-filename
-  [storm-id port]
-  (str storm-id file-path-separator port file-path-separator "worker.log"))
-(def worker-log-filename-pattern #"^worker.log(.*)")
-(defn event-logs-filename
-  [storm-id port]
-  (str storm-id file-path-separator port file-path-separator "events.log"))
-(defn clojure-from-yaml-file [yamlFile]
-  (try
-    (with-open [reader ( yamlFile)]
-      (clojurify-structure (.load (Yaml. (SafeConstructor.)) reader)))
-    (catch Exception ex
-      (log-error ex) {})))
-(defn hashmap-to-persistent [^HashMap m]
-  (zipmap (.keySet m) (.values m)))
-(defn retry-on-exception
-  "Retries specific function on exception based on retries count"
-  [retries task-description f & args]
-  (let [res (try {:value (apply f args)}
-              (catch Exception e
-                (if (<= 0 retries)
-                  (throw e)
-                  {:exception e})))]
-    (if (:exception res)
-      (do 
-        (log-error (:exception res) (str "Failed to " task-description ". Will 
make [" retries "] more attempts."))
-        (recur (dec retries) task-description f args))
-      (do 
-        (log-debug (str "Successful " task-description "."))
-        (:value res)))))
-(defn setup-default-uncaught-exception-handler
-  "Set a default uncaught exception handler to handle exceptions not caught in 
other threads."
-  []
-  (Thread/setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
-    (proxy [Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler] []
-      (uncaughtException [thread thrown]
-        (try
-          (Utils/handleUncaughtException thrown)
-          (catch Error err
-            (do
-              (log-error err "Received error in main thread.. terminating 
-              (.exit (Runtime/getRuntime) -2))))))))
-(defn redact-value
-  "Hides value for k in coll for printing coll safely"
-  [coll k]
-  (if (contains? coll k)
-    (assoc coll k (apply str (repeat (count (coll k)) "#")))
-    coll))
-(defn- log-thrift-access-base
-  [request-id remoteAddress principal operation]
-  (str "Request ID: " request-id 
-       " access from: " remoteAddress 
-       " principal: " principal 
-       " operation: " operation))
-(defn log-thrift-access
-  [request-id remoteAddress principal operation storm-name access-result]
-  (doto
-    (ThriftAccessLogger.)
-    (.log (str (log-thrift-access-base request-id remoteAddress principal 
-               (if storm-name 
-                 (str " storm-name: " storm-name) "")
-               (if access-result
-                 (str " access result: " access-result) "")))))
-(defn log-thrift-access-function
-  [request-id remoteAddress principal operation function]
-  (doto
-    (ThriftAccessLogger.)
-    (.log (str (log-thrift-access-base request-id remoteAddress principal 
-               (if function 
-                 (str " function: " function) "")))))
-(def DISALLOWED-KEY-NAME-STRS #{"/" "." ":" "\\"})
-(defn validate-key-name!
-  [name]
-  (if (some #(.contains name %) DISALLOWED-KEY-NAME-STRS)
-    (throw (RuntimeException.
-             (str "Key name cannot contain any of the following: " (pr-str 
-    (if (clojure.string/blank? name)
-      (throw (RuntimeException.
-               ("Key name cannot be blank"))))))
diff --git a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/zookeeper.clj 
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b5da55..0000000
--- a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/zookeeper.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-;; distributed with this work for additional information
-;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-;; limitations under the License.
-(ns org.apache.storm.zookeeper
-  (:require [clojure.set :as set])
-  (:import [org.apache.curator.retry RetryNTimes]
-           [org.apache.storm Config])
-  (:import [org.apache.curator.framework.api CuratorEvent CuratorEventType 
CuratorListener UnhandledErrorListener])
-  (:import [org.apache.curator.framework.state ConnectionStateListener])
-  (:import [org.apache.curator.framework CuratorFramework 
-  (:import [ LeaderLatch 
LeaderLatch$State Participant LeaderLatchListener])
-  (:import [org.apache.zookeeper ZooKeeper Watcher 
-                                 ZooDefs ZooDefs$Ids CreateMode WatchedEvent 
Watcher$Event Watcher$Event$KeeperState
-                                 Watcher$Event$EventType 
-  (:import [ Stat])
-  (:import [org.apache.zookeeper.server ZooKeeperServer NIOServerCnxnFactory])
-  (:import [ InetSocketAddress BindException InetAddress])
-  (:import [org.apache.storm.nimbus ILeaderElector NimbusInfo])
-  (:import [ File])
-  (:import [java.util List Map])
-  (:import [org.apache.storm.utils Utils ZookeeperAuthInfo]
-           (org.apache.storm.blobstore KeyFilter BlobStore))
-  (:use [org.apache.storm util log config]))
-(def zk-keeper-states
-  {Watcher$Event$KeeperState/Disconnected :disconnected
-   Watcher$Event$KeeperState/SyncConnected :connected
-   Watcher$Event$KeeperState/AuthFailed :auth-failed
-   Watcher$Event$KeeperState/Expired :expired})
-(def zk-event-types
-  {Watcher$Event$EventType/None :none
-   Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeCreated :node-created
-   Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeDeleted :node-deleted
-   Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeDataChanged :node-data-changed
-   Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeChildrenChanged :node-children-changed})
-(defn- default-watcher
-  [state type path]
-  (log-message "Zookeeper state update: " state type path))
-(defnk mk-client
-  [conf servers port
-   :root ""
-   :watcher default-watcher
-   :auth-conf nil]
-  (let [fk (Utils/newCurator conf servers port root (when auth-conf 
(ZookeeperAuthInfo. auth-conf)))]
-    (.. fk
-        (getCuratorListenable)
-        (addListener
-          (reify CuratorListener
-            (^void eventReceived [this ^CuratorFramework _fk ^CuratorEvent e]
-                   (when (= (.getType e) CuratorEventType/WATCHED)
-                     (let [^WatchedEvent event (.getWatchedEvent e)]
-                       (watcher (zk-keeper-states (.getState event))
-                                (zk-event-types (.getType event))
-                                (.getPath event))))))))
-    ;;    (.. fk
-    ;;        (getUnhandledErrorListenable)
-    ;;        (addListener
-    ;;         (reify UnhandledErrorListener
-    ;;           (unhandledError [this msg error]
-    ;;             (if (or (exception-cause? InterruptedException error)
-    ;;                     (exception-cause? 
java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException error))
-    ;;               (do (log-warn-error error "Zookeeper exception " msg)
-    ;;                   (let [to-throw (InterruptedException.)]
-    ;;                     (.initCause to-throw error)
-    ;;                     (throw to-throw)
-    ;;                     ))
-    ;;               (do (log-error error "Unrecoverable Zookeeper error " msg)
-    ;;                   (halt-process! 1 "Unrecoverable Zookeeper error")))
-    ;;             ))))
-    (.start fk)
-    fk))
-(def zk-create-modes
-  {:ephemeral CreateMode/EPHEMERAL
-   :persistent CreateMode/PERSISTENT
-   :sequential CreateMode/PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL})
-(defn create-node
-  ([^CuratorFramework zk ^String path ^bytes data mode acls]
-    (let [mode  (zk-create-modes mode)]
-      (try
-        (.. zk (create) (creatingParentsIfNeeded) (withMode mode) (withACL 
acls) (forPath (normalize-path path) data))
-        (catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e))))))
-  ([^CuratorFramework zk ^String path ^bytes data acls]
-    (create-node zk path data :persistent acls)))
-(defn exists-node?
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
-  ((complement nil?)
-   (try
-     (if watch?
-       (.. zk (checkExists) (watched) (forPath (normalize-path path)))
-       (.. zk (checkExists) (forPath (normalize-path path))))
-     (catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e))))))
-(defnk delete-node
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path]
-  (let [path (normalize-path path)]
-    (when (exists-node? zk path false)
-      (try-cause  (.. zk (delete) (deletingChildrenIfNeeded) (forPath 
(normalize-path path)))
-                  (catch KeeperException$NoNodeException e
-                    ;; do nothing
-                    (log-message "exception" e)
-                  )
-                  (catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e)))))))
-(defn mkdirs
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path acls]
-  (let [path (normalize-path path)]
-    (when-not (or (= path "/") (exists-node? zk path false))
-      (mkdirs zk (parent-path path) acls)
-      (try-cause
-        (create-node zk path (barr 7) :persistent acls)
-        (catch KeeperException$NodeExistsException e
-          ;; this can happen when multiple clients doing mkdir at same time
-          ))
-      )))
-(defn sync-path
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path]
-  (try
-    (.. zk (sync) (forPath (normalize-path path)))
-    (catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e)))))
-(defn add-listener [^CuratorFramework zk ^ConnectionStateListener listener]
-  (.. zk (getConnectionStateListenable) (addListener listener)))
-(defn get-data
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
-  (let [path (normalize-path path)]
-    (try-cause
-      (if (exists-node? zk path watch?)
-        (if watch?
-          (.. zk (getData) (watched) (forPath path))
-          (.. zk (getData) (forPath path))))
-      (catch KeeperException$NoNodeException e
-        ;; this is fine b/c we still have a watch from the successful exists 
-        nil )
-      (catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e))))))
-(defn get-data-with-version 
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
-  (let [stats ( )
-        path (normalize-path path)]
-    (try-cause
-     (if-let [data
-              (if (exists-node? zk path watch?)
-                (if watch?
-                  (.. zk (getData) (watched) (storingStatIn stats) (forPath 
-                  (.. zk (getData) (storingStatIn stats) (forPath path))))]
-       {:data data
-        :version (.getVersion stats)})
-     (catch KeeperException$NoNodeException e
-       ;; this is fine b/c we still have a watch from the successful exists 
-       nil ))))
-(defn get-version 
-[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
-  (if-let [stats
-           (if watch?
-             (.. zk (checkExists) (watched) (forPath (normalize-path path)))
-             (.. zk (checkExists) (forPath (normalize-path path))))]
-    (.getVersion stats)
-    nil))
-(defn get-children
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
-  (try
-    (if watch?
-      (.. zk (getChildren) (watched) (forPath (normalize-path path)))
-      (.. zk (getChildren) (forPath (normalize-path path))))
-    (catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e)))))
-(defn delete-node-blobstore
-  "Deletes the state inside the zookeeper for a key, for which the
-   contents of the key starts with nimbus host port information"
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String parent-path ^String host-port-info]
-  (let [parent-path (normalize-path parent-path)
-        child-path-list (if (exists-node? zk parent-path false)
-                          (into [] (get-children zk parent-path false))
-                          [])]
-    (doseq [child child-path-list]
-      (when (.startsWith child host-port-info)
-        (log-debug "delete-node " "child" child)
-        (delete-node zk (str parent-path "/" child))))))
-(defn set-data
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path ^bytes data]
-  (try
-    (.. zk (setData) (forPath (normalize-path path) data))
-    (catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e)))))
-(defn exists
-  [^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
-  (exists-node? zk path watch?))
-(defnk mk-inprocess-zookeeper
-  [localdir :port nil]
-  (let [localfile (File. localdir)
-        zk (ZooKeeperServer. localfile localfile 2000)
-        [retport factory]
-        (loop [retport (if port port 2000)]
-          (if-let [factory-tmp
-                   (try-cause
-                     (doto (NIOServerCnxnFactory.)
-                       (.configure (InetSocketAddress. retport) 0))
-                     (catch BindException e
-                       (when (> (inc retport) (if port port 65535))
-                         (throw (RuntimeException.
-                                  "No port is available to launch an inprocess 
-            [retport factory-tmp]
-            (recur (inc retport))))]
-    (log-message "Starting inprocess zookeeper at port " retport " and dir " 
-    (.startup factory zk)
-    [retport factory]))
-(defn shutdown-inprocess-zookeeper
-  [handle]
-  (.shutdown handle))
-(defn- to-NimbusInfo [^Participant participant]
-  (let
-    [id (if (clojure.string/blank? (.getId participant))
-          (throw (RuntimeException. "No nimbus leader participant host found, 
have you started your nimbus hosts?"))
-          (.getId participant))
-     nimbus-info (NimbusInfo/parse id)]
-    (.setLeader nimbus-info (.isLeader participant))
-    nimbus-info))
-(defn- code-ids [blob-store]
-  (let [to-id (reify KeyFilter
-                (filter [this key] (get-id-from-blob-key key)))]
-    (set (.filterAndListKeys blob-store to-id))))
-(defn leader-latch-listener-impl
-  "Leader latch listener that will be invoked when we either gain or lose 
-  [conf zk blob-store leader-latch]
-  (let [hostname (.getCanonicalHostName (InetAddress/getLocalHost))
-        STORMS-ROOT (str (conf STORM-ZOOKEEPER-ROOT) "/storms")]
-    (reify LeaderLatchListener
-      (^void isLeader[this]
-        (log-message (str hostname " gained leadership, checking if it has all 
the topology code locally."))
-        (let [active-topology-ids (set (get-children zk STORMS-ROOT false))
-              local-topology-ids (set (code-ids blob-store))
-              diff-topology (set/difference active-topology-ids 
-          (log-message "active-topology-ids [" (clojure.string/join "," 
-                       "] local-topology-ids [" (clojure.string/join "," 
-                       "] diff-topology [" (clojure.string/join "," 
diff-topology) "]")
-          (if (empty? diff-topology)
-            (log-message "Accepting leadership, all active topology found 
-            (do
-              (log-message "code for all active topologies not available 
locally, giving up leadership.")
-              (.close leader-latch)))))
-      (^void notLeader[this]
-        (log-message (str hostname " lost leadership."))))))
-(defn zk-leader-elector
-  "Zookeeper Implementation of ILeaderElector."
-  [conf blob-store]
-  (let [servers (conf STORM-ZOOKEEPER-SERVERS)
-        zk (mk-client conf (conf STORM-ZOOKEEPER-SERVERS) (conf 
STORM-ZOOKEEPER-PORT) :auth-conf conf)
-        leader-lock-path (str (conf STORM-ZOOKEEPER-ROOT) "/leader-lock")
-        id (.toHostPortString (NimbusInfo/fromConf conf))
-        leader-latch (atom (LeaderLatch. zk leader-lock-path id))
-        leader-latch-listener (atom (leader-latch-listener-impl conf zk 
blob-store @leader-latch))
-        ]
-    (reify ILeaderElector
-      (prepare [this conf]
-        (log-message "no-op for zookeeper implementation"))
-      (^void addToLeaderLockQueue [this]
-        ;if this latch is already closed, we need to create new instance.
-        (if (.equals LeaderLatch$State/CLOSED (.getState @leader-latch))
-          (do
-            (reset! leader-latch (LeaderLatch. zk leader-lock-path id))
-            (reset! leader-latch-listener (leader-latch-listener-impl conf zk 
blob-store @leader-latch))
-            (log-message "LeaderLatch was in closed state. Resetted the 
leaderLatch and listeners.")
-            ))
-        ;Only if the latch is not already started we invoke start.
-        (if (.equals LeaderLatch$State/LATENT (.getState @leader-latch))
-          (do
-            (.addListener @leader-latch @leader-latch-listener)
-            (.start @leader-latch)
-            (log-message "Queued up for leader lock."))
-          (log-message "Node already in queue for leader lock.")))
-      (^void removeFromLeaderLockQueue [this]
-        ;Only started latches can be closed.
-        (if (.equals LeaderLatch$State/STARTED (.getState @leader-latch))
-          (do
-            (.close @leader-latch)
-            (log-message "Removed from leader lock queue."))
-          (log-message "leader latch is not started so no 
removeFromLeaderLockQueue needed.")))
-      (^boolean isLeader [this]
-        (.hasLeadership @leader-latch))
-      (^NimbusInfo getLeader [this]
-        (to-NimbusInfo (.getLeader @leader-latch)))
-      (^List getAllNimbuses [this]
-        (let [participants (.getParticipants @leader-latch)]
-          (map (fn [^Participant participant]
-                 (to-NimbusInfo participant))
-            participants)))
-      (^void close[this]
-        (log-message "closing zookeeper connection of leader elector.")
-        (.close zk)))))
diff --git 
index 1f9b306..eda477c 100644
--- a/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/pacemaker/pacemaker_state_factory.clj
+++ b/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/pacemaker/pacemaker_state_factory.clj
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
             [org.apache.storm.cluster-state [zookeeper-state-factory :as 
              [config :refer :all]
+             [converter :as converter]
              [cluster :refer :all]
              [log :refer :all]
              [util :as util]])
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
             HBMessageData HBPulse ClusterWorkerHeartbeat]
            [org.apache.storm.cluster_state zookeeper_state_factory]
            [org.apache.storm.cluster ClusterState]
-           [backtype.storm.utils Utils]
+           [org.apache.storm.utils Utils]
            [org.apache.storm.pacemaker PacemakerClient])
    :implements [org.apache.storm.cluster.ClusterStateFactory]))
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@
 (defn clojurify-details [details]
   (if details
-    (clojurify-zk-worker-hb (maybe-deserialize details 
+    (converter/clojurify-zk-worker-hb (maybe-deserialize details 
 (defn get-wk-hb-time-secs-pair [details-set]
   (for [details details-set]

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