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The "InheritedProperties" page has been changed by pburba:

Consolidate copy section into inheritance rules

   1. Unlike svn:mergeinfo, the property value a child inherits from a parent 
will not be modified based on the path-difference between the parent and child. 
 The property value on the parent is the value the child will inherit.  There 
are no plans to provide an API which reveals the specific parent path a child 
inherits from.
   1. While setting inheritable properties on a file has no meaning from the 
standpoint of inheritance, the property still applies to the file itself.  Thus 
there will be no prohibitions on setting inheritable properties on files.
+  1. If a child path which inherits a property is copied, the inherited  
properties are not copied with it.  The new destination path inherits  
properties from its new parents.  This means that depending on the copy  
destination the new path may or may not inherit the same property, and  even if 
it does, it may inherit a different value. This puts the onus on  users to set 
their inheritable properties as close to the root of the  repository tree as 
makes sense for the property in question.  Have a  property you want to apply 
to the whole repository?  Set it on the root.   Want it to apply only to a 
single project?  Set it on the root of the  project. Note that if a path has an 
inheritable property '''''explicitly''''' set on it, the property is copied 
just like any other versioned property.
  {{{#!wiki note
    [JAF] I note that there is no ability to specify that an inheritable 
property should be '''''deleted''''' rather than overridden with a new value.  
Thus we can't use absent/present semantics similar to 'svn:needs-lock'.  If we 
set an inheritable equivalent of 'svn:needs-lock = *' on a parent dir, there is 
no way to designate a particular child node as explicitly removing that 
inherited property.  That's probably fine -- we can just avoid using the 
absent/present semantics for that kind of purpose -- but it deserves to be 
@@ -92, +93 @@

  == Authentication ==
  In exactly the same way that svn:mergeinfo is handled, generic inheritable 
properties can be inherited by any path the user has read access to, even if 
the user has no access to the parent path the inheritable property is 
explicitly set on.
- == Copies and Inherited Properties ==
- {{{#!wiki note
-   [JAF] I suggest moving this section under the 'Inheritance Rules' section.
- }}}
- If a child path which inherits a property is copied, the inherited properties 
are not copied with it.  The new destination path inherits properties from its 
new parents.  This means that depending on the copy destination the new path 
may or may not inherit the same property, and even if it does, it may inherit a 
different value. This puts the onus on users to set their inheritable 
properties as close to the root of the repository tree as makes sense for the 
property in question.  Have a property you want to apply to the whole 
repository?  Set it on the root.  Want it to apply only to a single project?  
Set it on the root of the project. Note that if a path has an inheritable 
property '''''explicitly''''' set on it, the property is copied just like any 
other versioned property.
  == Merging Inherited Properties ==
  It should be clear from reading this far that no concept of 'merging' 
inherited properties is proposed.  If a path has an inheritable property set on 
it, then that property's value is the complete and full value for that path, 
end of story.  Alternatively, if a path inherits a property, the inherited 
value is the complete and full value.  Explicit and inherited property values 
will not be combined in any way. This means, for example, that if a child path 
inherits "svn:inheritable:someprop=SomeVal" from its parent, and you use 'svn 
propset' to set "svn:inheritable:someprop=NewVal" on the child path, then the 
latter is the new value for the child.  The propset command doesn't care that 
you overrode the path's inherited property with an explicit one. It's easy to 
imagine use-cases where it is useful for a path's explicit and inherited 
properties to be merged, or for the inherited properties of a copy source to be 
merged with the copy destination's new inherited properties.  But these depend 
on the purpose of the particular inherited properties.  There is no way to 
develop a one-size-fits-all approach to merging inheritable properties, so any 
support for this needs to be special cased for the particular property in 

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