Author: stsp
Revision: 1389878
Modified property: svn:log

Modified: svn:log at Tue Sep 25 16:11:55 2012
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Tue Sep 25 16:11:55 2012
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ To reproduce the problem fixed by this c
  - Check out a working copy WC1.
  - Check out one nested working copy WC2 within WC1's root dir.
  - Use sqlite3 to set "pragma user_version = 31" in WC1's .svn/wc.db.
- - Create a symlink S with WC1 which points at WC2.
+ - Create a symlink S within WC1 which points at WC2.
  - Try to run 'svn status' on the symlink S.
 * subversion/libsvn_wc/wc_db_wcroot.c

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