Author: julianfoad
Date: Tue Mar 20 16:36:52 2018
New Revision: 1827337

Shelving: Name the subcommands 'x-shelve' etc.

This should help to make users aware of the 'experimental' nature of
these subcommands, especially in the list of subcommands printed by
'svn help' where this causes them to be grouped at the end of the list.

Keep the existing non-x-prefixed names as aliases.

Based on an idea from danielsh.

* subversion/svn/svn.c
  (svn_cl__cmd_table): Give shelving commands an 'x-' prefix.


Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/svn/svn.c
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/svn/svn.c (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/svn/svn.c Tue Mar 20 16:36:52 2018
@@ -1731,129 +1731,6 @@ const svn_opt_subcommand_desc3_t svn_cl_
     {opt_targets, 'R', opt_depth, 'q', opt_changelist} },
-  { "shelf-diff", svn_cl__shelf_diff, {0}, {N_(
-     "Show shelved changes as a diff.\n"
-     "usage: shelf-diff NAME [VERSION]\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Show the changes in shelf NAME:VERSION (default: latest) as a diff.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-  },
-  { "shelf-drop", svn_cl__shelf_drop, {0}, {N_(
-     "Delete a shelf.\n"
-     "usage: shelf-drop NAME\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Delete the shelf named NAME.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-  },
-  { "shelf-list", svn_cl__shelf_list, {"shelves"}, {N_(
-     "List shelves.\n"
-     "usage: shelf-list\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  List shelves. Include the first line of any log message\n"
-     "  and some details about the contents of the shelf, unless '-q' is\n"
-     "  given.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-    {'q', 'v'}
-  },
-  { "shelf-list-by-paths", svn_cl__shelf_list_by_paths, {0}, {N_(
-     "List which shelf affects each path.\n"
-     "usage: shelf-list-by-paths [PATH...]\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  List which shelf most recently affects each path below the given 
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-  },
-  { "shelf-log", svn_cl__shelf_log, {0}, {N_(
-     "Show the versions of a shelf.\n"
-     "usage: shelf-log NAME\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Show all versions of shelf NAME.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-    {'q', 'v'}
-  },
-  { "shelf-save", svn_cl__shelf_save, {0}, {N_(
-     "Copy local changes onto a new version of a shelf.\n"
-     "usage: shelf-save NAME [PATH...]\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Save local changes in the given PATHs as a new version of shelf 
-     "  The shelf's log message can be set with -m, -F, etc.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The same as 'svn shelve --keep-local'.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-    {'q', opt_dry_run,
-     opt_depth, opt_targets, opt_changelist,
-    }
-  },
-  { "shelve", svn_cl__shelf_shelve, {0}, {N_(
-     "Move local changes onto a shelf.\n"
-     "usage: shelve [--keep-local] NAME [PATH...]\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Save the local changes in the given PATHs to a shelf named NAME.\n"
-     "  Revert those changes from the WC unless '--keep-local' is given.\n"
-     "  The shelf's log message can be set with -m, -F, etc.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  'svn shelve --keep-local' is the same as 'svn shelf-save'.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The kinds of change you can shelve are those supported by 'svn diff'\n"
-     "  and 'svn patch'. The following are currently NOT supported:\n"
-     "     copies, moves, mkdir, rmdir,\n"
-     "     'binary' content, uncommittable states\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  To bring back shelved changes, use 'svn unshelve NAME'.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Shelves are stored in <WC>/.svn/shelves/\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-    {'q', opt_dry_run, opt_keep_local,
-     opt_depth, opt_targets, opt_changelist,
-    } },
-  { "unshelve", svn_cl__shelf_unshelve, {0}, {N_(
-     "Copy shelved changes back into the WC.\n"
-     "usage: unshelve [--drop] [NAME [VERSION]]\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Apply the shelf named NAME to the working copy.\n"
-     "  NAME defaults to the newest shelf.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  Any conflict between the change being unshelved and a change\n"
-     "  already in the WC is handled the same way as by 'svn patch',\n"
-     "  creating a 'reject' file.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  With --drop, delete the shelf (like shelf-drop) after successfully\n"
-     "  unshelving with no conflicts.\n"
-     "\n"), N_(
-     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
-     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
-    )},
-    {opt_drop, 'q', opt_dry_run} },
   { "status", svn_cl__status, {"stat", "st"}, {N_(
      "Print the status of working copy files and directories.\n"
      "usage: status [PATH...]\n"
@@ -2072,6 +1949,129 @@ const svn_opt_subcommand_desc3_t svn_cl_
     { 'q' } },
+  { "x-shelf-diff", svn_cl__shelf_diff, {"shelf-diff"}, {N_(
+     "Show shelved changes as a diff.\n"
+     "usage: x-shelf-diff NAME [VERSION]\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Show the changes in shelf NAME:VERSION (default: latest) as a diff.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+  },
+  { "x-shelf-drop", svn_cl__shelf_drop, {"shelf-drop"}, {N_(
+     "Delete a shelf.\n"
+     "usage: x-shelf-drop NAME\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Delete the shelf named NAME.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+  },
+  { "x-shelf-list", svn_cl__shelf_list, {"shelf-list", "shelves"}, {N_(
+     "List shelves.\n"
+     "usage: x-shelf-list\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  List shelves. Include the first line of any log message\n"
+     "  and some details about the contents of the shelf, unless '-q' is\n"
+     "  given.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+    {'q', 'v'}
+  },
+  { "x-shelf-list-by-paths", svn_cl__shelf_list_by_paths, 
{"shelf-list-by-paths"}, {N_(
+     "List which shelf affects each path.\n"
+     "usage: x-shelf-list-by-paths [PATH...]\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  List which shelf most recently affects each path below the given 
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+  },
+  { "x-shelf-log", svn_cl__shelf_log, {"shelf-log"}, {N_(
+     "Show the versions of a shelf.\n"
+     "usage: x-shelf-log NAME\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Show all versions of shelf NAME.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+    {'q', 'v'}
+  },
+  { "x-shelf-save", svn_cl__shelf_save, {"shelf-save"}, {N_(
+     "Copy local changes onto a new version of a shelf.\n"
+     "usage: x-shelf-save NAME [PATH...]\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Save local changes in the given PATHs as a new version of shelf 
+     "  The shelf's log message can be set with -m, -F, etc.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The same as 'svn shelve --keep-local'.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+    {'q', opt_dry_run,
+     opt_depth, opt_targets, opt_changelist,
+    }
+  },
+  { "x-shelve", svn_cl__shelf_shelve, {"shelve"}, {N_(
+     "Move local changes onto a shelf.\n"
+     "usage: x-shelve [--keep-local] NAME [PATH...]\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Save the local changes in the given PATHs to a shelf named NAME.\n"
+     "  Revert those changes from the WC unless '--keep-local' is given.\n"
+     "  The shelf's log message can be set with -m, -F, etc.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  'svn shelve --keep-local' is the same as 'svn shelf-save'.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The kinds of change you can shelve are those supported by 'svn diff'\n"
+     "  and 'svn patch'. The following are currently NOT supported:\n"
+     "     copies, moves, mkdir, rmdir,\n"
+     "     'binary' content, uncommittable states\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  To bring back shelved changes, use 'svn unshelve NAME'.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Shelves are stored in <WC>/.svn/shelves/\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+    {'q', opt_dry_run, opt_keep_local,
+     opt_depth, opt_targets, opt_changelist,
+    } },
+  { "x-unshelve", svn_cl__shelf_unshelve, {"unshelve"}, {N_(
+     "Copy shelved changes back into the WC.\n"
+     "usage: x-unshelve [--drop] [NAME [VERSION]]\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Apply the shelf named NAME to the working copy.\n"
+     "  NAME defaults to the newest shelf.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  Any conflict between the change being unshelved and a change\n"
+     "  already in the WC is handled the same way as by 'svn patch',\n"
+     "  creating a 'reject' file.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  With --drop, delete the shelf (like shelf-drop) after successfully\n"
+     "  unshelving with no conflicts.\n"
+     "\n"), N_(
+     "  The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to 
+     "  in the next release, and there is no promise of backward 
+    )},
+    {opt_drop, 'q', opt_dry_run} },
   { NULL, NULL, {0}, {NULL}, {0} }

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