Author: danielsh
Date: Thu Mar 17 20:55:17 2022
New Revision: 1899002

[in site/staging]

* docs/release-notes/1.15.html
  (#wc-upgrade): Update for multi-wc-format.


Modified: subversion/site/staging/docs/release-notes/1.15.html
--- subversion/site/staging/docs/release-notes/1.15.html (original)
+++ subversion/site/staging/docs/release-notes/1.15.html Thu Mar 17 20:55:17 
@@ -116,13 +116,37 @@ and what impact these changes may have.<
     title="Link to this section">&para;</a>
-<p>Subversion 1.15 uses the same working copy format as Subversion 1.8 through 
+<p>Subversion 1.15 supports the working copy formats used by Subversion 1.0 and
+newer, as follows:</p>
-<p>Before using Subversion 1.15 with an existing Subversion 1.7 or older
+<li>Before using Subversion 1.15 with an existing <b>Subversion 1.7 or 
 working copy, users will be required to run the <tt>svn upgrade</tt> command
 to upgrade working copy metadata to the new format. This command may take a
 while in some cases, and for some users, it may be more practical to simply
-checkout a new working copy.</p>
+checkout a new working copy.</li>
+<li>Subversion 1.15 can read and write existing <b>Subversion 1.8 through 
+working copies in-place, <em>without upgrading them</em>.  Subversion 1.8
+through 1.15 can be used interchangeably on such working copies.  These working
+copies are termed "format 31" working copies.</li>
+<li>Additionally, Subversion 1.15 adds a new working copy format that
+cannot be read by Subversion 1.14 and older.  This format is called
+"format 32".</li>
+<p>Both <tt>svn checkout</tt> and <tt>svn upgrade</tt> will produce
+format-31 working copies unless explicitly instructed otherwise.</p>
+<p>To instruct Subversion to use a particular working copy format, pass the new
+<tt>--compatible-version=1.15</tt> command-line option to these commands.  If
+you use multiple Subversion clients, pass the version number of the
+<em>oldest</em> client that should be able to operate on the working copy.</p>
+<p class='todo'>Document what's new in format 32</p>
 <p><strong>Note:</strong> Subversion 1.15 cannot upgrade working copies that
 a 1.6 client would have refused to operate upon before an <tt>svn cleanup</tt>

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