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diff --git a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_MLogreg.dml 
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c05d9..0000000
--- a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_MLogreg.dml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-X = read($1)
-Y_vec = read($2)
-intercept = $3;
-tol = $4;
-maxiter = $5;
-intercept_status = intercept;
-regularization = 0.001;
-maxinneriter = 0;
-eta0 = 0.0001;
-eta1 = 0.25;
-eta2 = 0.75;
-sigma1 = 0.25;
-sigma2 = 0.5;
-sigma3 = 4.0;
-psi = 0.1;
-N = nrow (X);
-D = ncol (X);
-# Introduce the intercept, shift and rescale the columns of X if needed
-if (intercept_status == 1 | intercept_status == 2)  # add the intercept column
-    X = append (X, matrix (1, rows = N, cols = 1));
-    D = ncol (X);
-scale_lambda = matrix (1, rows = D, cols = 1);
-if (intercept_status == 1 | intercept_status == 2)
-    scale_lambda [D, 1] = 0;
-if (intercept_status == 2)  # scale-&-shift X columns to mean 0, variance 1
-{                           # Important assumption: X [, D] = matrix (1, rows 
= N, cols = 1)
-    avg_X_cols = t(colSums(X)) / N;
-    var_X_cols = (t(colSums (X ^ 2)) - N * (avg_X_cols ^ 2)) / (N - 1);
-    is_unsafe = ppred (var_X_cols, 0.0, "<=");
-    scale_X = 1.0 / sqrt (var_X_cols * (1 - is_unsafe) + is_unsafe);
-    scale_X [D, 1] = 1;
-    shift_X = - avg_X_cols * scale_X;
-    shift_X [D, 1] = 0;
-    rowSums_X_sq = (X ^ 2) %*% (scale_X ^ 2) + X %*% (2 * scale_X * shift_X) + 
sum (shift_X ^ 2);
-} else {
-    scale_X = matrix (1, rows = D, cols = 1);
-    shift_X = matrix (0, rows = D, cols = 1);
-    rowSums_X_sq = rowSums (X ^ 2);
-# Henceforth we replace "X" with "X %*% (SHIFT/SCALE TRANSFORM)" and rowSums(X 
^ 2)
-# with "rowSums_X_sq" in order to preserve the sparsity of X under shift and 
-# The transform is then associatively applied to the other side of the 
-# and is rewritten via "scale_X" and "shift_X" as follows:
-# ssX_A  = (SHIFT/SCALE TRANSFORM) %*% A    --- is rewritten as:
-# ssX_A  = diag (scale_X) %*% A;
-# ssX_A [D, ] = ssX_A [D, ] + t(shift_X) %*% A;
-# tssX_A = t(SHIFT/SCALE TRANSFORM) %*% A   --- is rewritten as:
-# tssX_A = diag (scale_X) %*% A + shift_X %*% A [D, ];
-# Convert "Y_vec" into indicator matrice:
-max_y = max (Y_vec);
-if (min (Y_vec) <= 0) { 
-    # Category labels "0", "-1" etc. are converted into the largest label
-    Y_vec  = Y_vec  + (- Y_vec  + max_y + 1) * (Y_vec <= 0);
-    max_y = max_y + 1;
-Y = table (seq (1, N, 1), Y_vec, N, max_y);
-K = ncol (Y) - 1;   # The number of  non-baseline categories
-lambda = (scale_lambda %*% matrix (1, rows = 1, cols = K)) * regularization;
-delta = 0.5 * sqrt (D) / max (sqrt (rowSums_X_sq));
-B = matrix (0, rows = D, cols = K);     ### LT = X %*% (SHIFT/SCALE TRANSFORM) 
%*% B;
-                                        ### LT = append (LT, matrix (0, rows = 
N, cols = 1));
-                                        ### LT = LT - rowMaxs (LT) %*% matrix 
(1, rows = 1, cols = K+1);
-P = matrix (1, rows = N, cols = K+1);   ### exp_LT = exp (LT);
-P = P / (K + 1);                        ### P =  exp_LT / (rowSums (exp_LT) 
%*% matrix (1, rows = 1, cols = K+1));
-obj = N * log (K + 1);                  ### obj = - sum (Y * LT) + sum (log 
(rowSums (exp_LT))) + 0.5 * sum (lambda * (B_new ^ 2));
-Grad = t(X) %*% (P [, 1:K] - Y [, 1:K]);
-if (intercept_status == 2) {
-    Grad = diag (scale_X) %*% Grad + shift_X %*% Grad [D, ];
-Grad = Grad + lambda * B;
-norm_Grad = sqrt (sum (Grad ^ 2));
-norm_Grad_initial = norm_Grad;
-if (maxinneriter == 0) {
-    maxinneriter = D * K;
-iter = 1;
-# boolean for convergence check
-converge = (norm_Grad < tol) | (iter > maxiter);
-print ("-- Initially:  Objective = " + obj + ",  Gradient Norm = " + norm_Grad 
+ ",  Trust Delta = " + delta);
-while (! converge)
-       S = matrix (0, rows = D, cols = K);
-       R = - Grad;
-       V = R;
-       delta2 = delta ^ 2;
-       inneriter = 1;
-       norm_R2 = sum (R ^ 2);
-       innerconverge = (sqrt (norm_R2) <= psi * norm_Grad);
-       is_trust_boundary_reached = 0;
-       while (! innerconverge)
-       {
-           if (intercept_status == 2) {
-               ssX_V = diag (scale_X) %*% V;
-               ssX_V [D, ] = ssX_V [D, ] + t(shift_X) %*% V;
-           } else {
-               ssX_V = V;
-           }
-        Q = P [, 1:K] * (X %*% ssX_V);
-        HV = t(X) %*% (Q - P [, 1:K] * (rowSums (Q) %*% matrix (1, rows = 1, 
cols = K)));
-        if (intercept_status == 2) {
-            HV = diag (scale_X) %*% HV + shift_X %*% HV [D, ];
-        }
-        HV = HV + lambda * V;
-               alpha = norm_R2 / sum (V * HV);
-               Snew = S + alpha * V;
-               norm_Snew2 = sum (Snew ^ 2);
-               if (norm_Snew2 <= delta2)
-               {
-                       S = Snew;
-                       R = R - alpha * HV;
-                       old_norm_R2 = norm_R2 
-                       norm_R2 = sum (R ^ 2);
-                       V = R + (norm_R2 / old_norm_R2) * V;
-                       innerconverge = (sqrt (norm_R2) <= psi * norm_Grad);
-               } else {
-               is_trust_boundary_reached = 1;
-                       sv = sum (S * V);
-                       v2 = sum (V ^ 2);
-                       s2 = sum (S ^ 2);
-                       rad = sqrt (sv ^ 2 + v2 * (delta2 - s2));
-                       if (sv >= 0) {
-                               alpha = (delta2 - s2) / (sv + rad);
-                       } else {
-                               alpha = (rad - sv) / v2;
-                       }
-                       S = S + alpha * V;
-                       R = R - alpha * HV;
-                       innerconverge = TRUE;
-               }
-           inneriter = inneriter + 1;
-           innerconverge = innerconverge | (inneriter > maxinneriter);
-       }  
-       # compute rho, update B, obtain delta
-       gs = sum (S * Grad);
-       qk = - 0.5 * (gs - sum (S * R));
-       B_new = B + S;
-       if (intercept_status == 2) {
-           ssX_B_new = diag (scale_X) %*% B_new;
-           ssX_B_new [D, ] = ssX_B_new [D, ] + t(shift_X) %*% B_new;
-    } else {
-        ssX_B_new = B_new;
-    }
-    LT = append ((X %*% ssX_B_new), matrix (0, rows = N, cols = 1));
-    LT = LT - rowMaxs (LT) %*% matrix (1, rows = 1, cols = K+1);
-    exp_LT = exp (LT);
-    P_new  = exp_LT / (rowSums (exp_LT) %*% matrix (1, rows = 1, cols = K+1));
-    obj_new = - sum (Y * LT) + sum (log (rowSums (exp_LT))) + 0.5 * sum 
(lambda * (B_new ^ 2));
-       # Consider updating LT in the inner loop
-       # Consider the big "obj" and "obj_new" rounding-off their small 
difference below:
-       actred = (obj - obj_new);
-       rho = actred / qk;
-       is_rho_accepted = (rho > eta0);
-       snorm = sqrt (sum (S ^ 2));
-       if (iter == 1) {
-          delta = min (delta, snorm);
-       }
-       alpha2 = obj_new - obj - gs;
-       if (alpha2 <= 0) {
-          alpha = sigma3;
-       } 
-       else {
-          alpha = max (sigma1, -0.5 * gs / alpha2);
-       }
-       if (rho < eta0) {
-               delta = min (max (alpha, sigma1) * snorm, sigma2 * delta);
-       }
-       else {
-               if (rho < eta1) {
-                       delta = max (sigma1 * delta, min (alpha * snorm, sigma2 
* delta));
-               }
-               else { 
-                       if (rho < eta2) {
-                               delta = max (sigma1 * delta, min (alpha * 
snorm, sigma3 * delta));
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               delta = max (delta, min (alpha * snorm, sigma3 
* delta));
-                       }
-               }
-       } 
-       if (is_trust_boundary_reached == 1)
-       {
-           print ("-- Outer Iteration " + iter + ": Had " + (inneriter - 1) + 
" CG iterations, trust bound REACHED");
-       } else {
-           print ("-- Outer Iteration " + iter + ": Had " + (inneriter - 1) + 
" CG iterations");
-       }
-       print ("   -- Obj.Reduction:  Actual = " + actred + ",  Predicted = " + 
qk + 
-              "  (A/P: " + (round (10000.0 * rho) / 10000.0) + "),  Trust 
Delta = " + delta);
-       if (is_rho_accepted)
-       {
-               B = B_new;
-               P = P_new;
-               Grad = t(X) %*% (P [, 1:K] - Y [, 1:K]);
-               if (intercept_status == 2) {
-                   Grad = diag (scale_X) %*% Grad + shift_X %*% Grad [D, ];
-               }
-               Grad = Grad + lambda * B;
-               norm_Grad = sqrt (sum (Grad ^ 2));
-               obj = obj_new;
-           print ("   -- New Objective = " + obj + ",  Beta Change Norm = " + 
snorm + ",  Gradient Norm = " + norm_Grad);
-       } 
-       iter = iter + 1;
-       converge = ((norm_Grad < (tol * norm_Grad_initial)) | (iter > maxiter) |
-           ((is_trust_boundary_reached == 0) & (abs (actred) < (abs (obj) + 
abs (obj_new)) * 0.00000000000001)));
-    if (converge) { print ("Termination / Convergence condition satisfied."); 
} else { print (" "); }
-if (intercept_status == 2) {
-    B_out = diag (scale_X) %*% B;
-    B_out [D, ] = B_out [D, ] + t(shift_X) %*% B;
-} else {
-    B_out = B;
-write (B_out, $6);
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_MSVM.R 
index 52a898b..6cdce91 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_MSVM.R
+++ b/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_MSVM.R
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if(nrow(X) < 2)
 lambda = 0.001
 num_samples = nrow(X)
-dimensions = nrow(X)
+dimensions = ncol(X)
 num_features = ncol(X)
 min_y = min(Y)
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_MSVM.dml 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab739f..0000000
--- a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_MSVM.dml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-X = read($1)
-Y = read($2)
-intercept = $3;
-eps = $4;
-maxiter = $5;
-if(nrow(X) < 2)
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid inputs: Not possible to learn a 
classifier without at least 2 rows")
-epsilon = eps
-lambda = 0.001
-max_iterations = maxiter
-num_samples = nrow(X)
-dimensions = nrow(X)
-num_features = ncol(X)
-if(nrow(X) != nrow(Y))
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Numbers of rows in X and Y must 
-if(intercept != 0 & intercept != 1)
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Currently supported intercept 
options are 0 and 1")
-min_y = min(Y)
-if(min_y < 1)
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Label vector (Y) must be 
-num_classes = max(Y)
-if(num_classes == 1)
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Maximum label value is 1, need 
more than one class to learn a multi-class classifier")  
-mod1 = Y %% 1
-mod1_should_be_nrow = sum(abs(ppred(mod1, 0, "==")))
-if(mod1_should_be_nrow != nrow(Y))
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Please ensure that Y contains 
(positive) integral labels")
-if(epsilon < 0)
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Tolerance (tol) must be 
-if(lambda < 0)
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Regularization constant (reg) 
must be non-negative")
-if(max_iterations < 1)
-       stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Maximum iterations should be a 
positive integer")
-if (intercept == 1) {
-       ones  = matrix(1, rows=num_samples, cols=1);
-       X = append(X, ones);
-num_rows_in_w = num_features
-if(intercept == 1){
-       num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
-w = matrix(0, rows=num_rows_in_w, cols=num_classes)
-debug_mat = matrix(-1, rows=max_iterations, cols=num_classes)
-parfor(iter_class in 1:num_classes){             
-       Y_local = 2 * ppred(Y, iter_class, "==") - 1
-       w_class = matrix(0, rows=num_features, cols=1)
-       if (intercept == 1) {
-               zero_matrix = matrix(0, rows=1, cols=1);
-               w_class = t(append(t(w_class), zero_matrix));
-       }
-       g_old = t(X) %*% Y_local
-       s = g_old
-       Xw = matrix(0, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
-       iter = 0
-       continue = 1
-       while(continue == 1)  {
-               # minimizing primal obj along direction s
-               step_sz = 0
-               Xd = X %*% s
-               wd = lambda * sum(w_class * s)
-               dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
-               continue1 = 1
-               while(continue1 == 1){
-                       tmp_Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-                       out = 1 - Y_local * (tmp_Xw)
-                       sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-                       out = out * sv
-                       g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y_local * Xd)
-                       h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
-                       step_sz = step_sz - g/h
-                       if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001){
-                       continue1 = 0
-               }
-       }
-               #update weights
-               w_class = w_class + step_sz*s
-               Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-               out = 1 - Y_local * Xw
-               sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-               out = sv * out
-               obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w_class * w_class)
-               g_new = t(X) %*% (out * Y_local) - lambda * w_class
-               tmp = sum(s * g_old)
-               train_acc = sum(ppred(Y_local*(X%*%w_class), 0, 
-               print("For class " + iter_class + " iteration " + iter + " 
training accuracy: " + train_acc)
-               debug_mat[iter+1,iter_class] = obj         
-               if((step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj) | (iter >= max_iterations-1)){
-                       continue = 0
-               }
-               #non-linear CG step
-               be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
-               s = be * s + g_new
-               g_old = g_new
-               if(sum(s^2) == 0){
-               continue = 0
-               }
-               iter = iter + 1
-       }
-       w[,iter_class] = w_class
-extra_model_params = matrix(0, rows=2, cols=ncol(w))
-extra_model_params[1, 1] = intercept
-extra_model_params[2, 1] = dimensions
-w = t(append(t(w), t(extra_model_params)))
-write(w, $6, format="text")
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_PNMF.dml 
deleted file mode 100644
index 641cc09..0000000
--- a/src/test/scripts/functions/codegen/Algorithm_PNMF.dml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-X = read($1);
-W = read($2);
-H = read($3);
-k = $4; 
-eps = $5; 
-max_iter = $6;
-iter = 1;
-while( iter < max_iter ) {
-   H = (H*(t(W)%*%(X/(W%*%H+eps)))) / t(colSums(W));
-   W = (W*((X/(W%*%H+eps))%*%t(H))) / t(rowSums(H));
-   obj = sum(W%*%H) - sum(X*log(W%*%H+eps));
-   print("iter=" + iter + " obj=" + obj);
-   iter = iter + 1;
-write(W, $7);
-write(H, $8);

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