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The "TikaJAXRS" page has been changed by TimothyAllison:

  If the child process is in the process of shutting down, and it gets a new 
request it will return {{{503 -- Service Unavailable}}}.  If the server times 
out on a file, the client will receive an IOException from the closed socket.  
Note that all other files that are being processed will end with an IOException 
from a closed socket when the child process shuts down; e.g. if you send three 
files to tika-server concurrently, and one of them causes a catastrophic 
problem requiring the child to shut down, you won't be able to tell which file 
caused the problems.  In the future, we may implement a gentler shutdown than 
we currently have.
- NOTE: to specify the JVM args for the child process, prepend the arguments 
with {{{-J}}} as in {{{-JXmx4g}}} after the {{{-jar tika-server-X.Y.jar}} call 
as in:
+ NOTE: to specify the JVM args for the child process, prepend the arguments 
with {{{-J}}} as in {{{-JXmx4g}}} after the {{{-jar tika-server.x.x.jar}}} call 
as in:
  $ java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j_server.xml -jar tika-server-x.x.jar 
-spawnChild -JXmx4g -JDlog4j.configuration=file:log4j_child.xml}}
  = Logging =
- You can customize logging via the usual {{{log4j}}} commandline argument, 
e.g. {{{-Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j_server.xml}}}.  If using 
{{{-spawnChild}}}, specify the configuration for the child process with the 
{{{-J}}} prepended as in {{{java -jar tika-server-X.Y-jar -spawnChild 
-JDlog4j.configuration=file:log4j_server.xml}}}.  Some important notes for 
logging in the child process: 1) Make sure that the {{{debug}}} option is off, 
and 2) do not log to stdout (this is used for interprocess communication 
between the parent and child!).
+ You can customize logging via the usual {{{log4j}}} commandline argument, 
e.g. {{{-Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j_server.xml}}}.  If using 
{{{-spawnChild}}}, specify the configuration for the child process with the 
{{{-J}}} prepended as in {{{java -jar tika-server-X.Y-jar -spawnChild 
-JDlog4j.configuration=file:log4j_server.xml}}}.  Some important notes for 
logging in the child process in versions <= 1.19.1: 1) make sure that the 
{{{debug}}} option is off, and 2) do not log to stdout (this is used for 
interprocess communication between the parent and child!).
  The default level of logging is {{{debug}}}, but you can also set logging to 
{{{info}}} via the commandline: {{{-log info}}}.

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