
Richard Zowalla closed TOMEE-3902.
    Fix Version/s:     (was: 10.0.0-M1)
                       (was: 9.1.3)
       Resolution: Fixed

> Introduce placeholder replacement to enable MDB activation properties to be 
> more customizable
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: TOMEE-3902
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-3902
>             Project: TomEE
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Jonathan Gallimore
>            Assignee: Jonathan Gallimore
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 10.0.0, 8.0.13
> There's an issue when setting up a MDB to subscribe to a JMS topic, in that 
> it'll use the bean name as the client ID. If you have 2 TomEE servers 
> subscribing to the same Topic with the same client ID, one will be rejected 
> with a duplicate client exception.
> This can be overridden by setting 
> {{openejb.activemq.deploymentId-as-clientId = false}}
> which will use a unique ID for the client as opposed to the bean name, but 
> this loses the contextual information as to what MDB is connecting to the 
> topic, which may be useful.
> It would be useful to be able to configure, via Activation properties, the 
> Client ID, and allow the following values to be substituted in:
> - \{appId}
> - \{ejbJarId}
> - \{ejbName}
> - \{hostName}
> - \{uniqueId}
> So, setting mdb.activation.clientId to "\{ejbName}-\{uniqueId}" would use the 
> bean name and a unique identifier concatenated together as the client ID.

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