Remove TM2 commented code to build monitoring.json


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 147da5bb64f699c56ff7f87becb879dc6cebb8ca
Parents: 46a32b8
Author: Robert Butts <>
Authored: Tue Feb 14 17:18:53 2017 -0700
Committer: Dave Neuman <>
Committed: Sun Feb 19 18:56:45 2017 -0700

 .../trafficopswrapper/trafficopswrapper.go      | 109 +------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
diff --git 
index e30c39e..741bfd8 100644
@@ -101,59 +101,28 @@ func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) 
TrafficMonitorConfigMapRaw(cdn string) (*to
 func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) TrafficMonitorConfigMap(cdn string) 
(*to.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error) {
        mc, err := s.TrafficMonitorConfigMapRaw(cdn)
        if err != nil {
-               fmt.Printf("DEBUG4 TrafficMonitorConfigMap err: %v\n", err)
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting monitor config map: %v", err)
        crcData, err := s.CRConfigRaw(cdn)
        if err != nil {
-               fmt.Printf("DEBUG4 CRConfigRaw err: %v\n", err)
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting CRConfig: %v", err)
        crConfig := crconfig.CRConfig{}
        if err := json.Unmarshal(crcData, &crConfig); err != nil {
-               fmt.Printf("DEBUG4 CRConfig Unmarshal err: %v\n", err)
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshalling CRConfig JSON: %v", 
-               return nil, err
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling CRConfig JSON: %v", err)
        mc, err = CreateMonitorConfig(crConfig, mc)
        if err != nil {
-               fmt.Printf("DEBUG4 CreateMonitorConfig err: %v\n", err)
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating Traffic Monitor Config: 
%v", err)
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating Traffic Monitor Config: %v", 
-       // mcMap, err := to.TrafficMonitorTransformToMap(mc)
-       // if err != nil {
-       //      fmt.Printf("DEBUG4 TrafficMonitorTransformToMap err: %v\n", err)
-       //      return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error transforming Traffic Monitor 
Config to Map: %v", err)
-       // }
-       // debug
-       // if bytes, err := json.Marshal(mcMap); err != nil {
-       //      fmt.Printf("DEBUG4 error marshalling map: %v\n", err)
-       // } else {
-       //      fmt.Printf("DEBUG4 New Map: %v\n\n", string(bytes))
-       // }
        return mc, nil
 func CreateMonitorConfig(crConfig crconfig.CRConfig, mc 
*to.TrafficMonitorConfigMap) (*to.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error) {
-       // mc := to.TrafficMonitorConfig{}
-       // cgs, err := s.CacheGroups()
-       // if err != nil {
-       //      return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting CacheGroups: %v", err)
-       // }
-       // allProfiles, err := s.Profiles()
-       // if err != nil {
-       //      return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting Profiles: %v", err)
-       // }
        // Dump the "live" monitoring.json servers, and populate with the 
"snapshotted" CRConfig
        mc.TrafficServer = map[string]to.TrafficServer{}
        for name, srv := range crConfig.ContentServers {
@@ -172,18 +141,6 @@ func CreateMonitorConfig(crConfig crconfig.CRConfig, mc 
-       // for _, cg := range cgs {
-       //      mc.CacheGroups = append(mc.CacheGroups, to.TMCacheGroup{
-       //              Name: cg.Name,
-       //              Coordinates: to.Coordinates{
-       //                      Latitude:  cg.Latitude,
-       //                      Longitude: cg.Longitude,
-       //              },
-       //      })
-       // }
-       // monitorProfile := ""
        // Dump the "live" monitoring.json monitors, and populate with the 
"snapshotted" CRConfig
        mc.TrafficMonitor = map[string]to.TrafficMonitor{}
        for name, mon := range crConfig.Monitors {
@@ -200,19 +157,6 @@ func CreateMonitorConfig(crConfig crconfig.CRConfig, mc 
-       // monitorParams, err := s.Parameters(monitorProfile)
-       // if err != nil {
-       //      return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting profile %v parameters: 
%v", monitorProfile, err)
-       // }
-       // mc.Config = map[string]interface{}{}
-       // for _, param := range monitorParams {
-       //      if numParam, err := strconv.ParseFloat(param.Value, 64); err == 
nil {
-       //              mc.Config[param.Name] = numParam
-       //      } else {
-       //              mc.Config[param.Name] = param.Value
-       //      }
-       // }
        // Dump the "live" monitoring.json DeliveryServices, and populate with 
the "snapshotted" CRConfig
        mc.DeliveryService = map[string]to.TMDeliveryService{}
        for name, _ := range crConfig.DeliveryServices {
@@ -224,55 +168,6 @@ func CreateMonitorConfig(crConfig crconfig.CRConfig, mc 
-       // mc.Profiles = []to.TMProfile{}
-       // for _, prof := range allProfiles {
-       //      if strings.HasPrefix(prof.Name, "EDGE") || 
strings.HasPrefix(prof.Name, "TEAK") {
-       //              mc.Profiles = append(mc.Profiles, to.TMProfile{
-       //                      Name: prof.Name,
-       //                      Type: "EDGE",
-       //              })
-       //      } else if strings.HasPrefix(prof.Name, "MID") {
-       //              mc.Profiles = append(mc.Profiles, to.TMProfile{
-       //                      Name: prof.Name,
-       //                      Type: "MID",
-       //              })
-       //      }
-       // }
-       // for profI, prof := range mc.Profiles {
-       //      // MID2_TOP_v5.3.2-757
-       //      prof.Parameters.Thresholds = map[string]to.HealthThreshold{}
-       //      // TODO lock
-       //      params, err := s.Parameters(prof.Name)
-       //      if err != nil {
-       //              return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting profile %v 
parameters: %v", prof, err)
-       //      }
-       //      fmt.Printf("DEBUG5 profile %v len(params) %v\n", prof.Name, 
-       //      for _, param := range params {
-       //              if param.Name == "health.connection.timeout" {
-       //                      i, err := strconv.Atoi(param.Value)
-       //                      if err != nil {
-       //                              return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting 
profile %v parameter %v: %v", prof, param.Name, err)
-       //                      }
-       //                      prof.Parameters.HealthConnectionTimeout = i
-       //              } else if param.Name == "health.polling.url" {
-       //                      prof.Parameters.HealthPollingURL = param.Value
-       //              } else if param.Name == "history.count" {
-       //                      i, err := strconv.Atoi(param.Value)
-       //                      if err != nil {
-       //                              return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting 
profile %v parameter %v: %v", prof, param.Name, err)
-       //                      }
-       //                      prof.Parameters.HistoryCount = i
-       //              } else if strings.HasPrefix(param.Name, 
"health.threshold.") {
-       //                      stat := param.Name[len("health.threshold."):]
-       //                      thresh, err := to.StrToThreshold(param.Value)
-       //                      if err != nil {
-       //                              return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting 
profile %v parameter %v: %v", prof, param.Name, err)
-       //                      }
-       //                      prof.Parameters.Thresholds[stat] = thresh
-       //              }
-       //      }
-       //      mc.Profiles[profI] = prof
-       // }
        return mc, nil

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