diff --git a/docs/master/_sources/admin/traffic_ops/using.rst.txt 
index 5b0f2a8..b4bdece 100644
--- a/docs/master/_sources/admin/traffic_ops/using.rst.txt
+++ b/docs/master/_sources/admin/traffic_ops/using.rst.txt
@@ -291,135 +291,149 @@ Delivery Service
 The fields in the Delivery Service view are:
-|                       Name                       |                           
-| Active                                           | When this is set to no 
Traffic Router will not serve DNS or HTTP responses for this delivery service.  
-| Content Routing Type                             | The type of content 
routing this delivery service will use. See :ref:`rl-ds-types`.                 
-| Key(XML ID)                                      | A unique string that 
identifies this delivery service.                                               
-| Display Name                                     | Delivery Service Name.    
-| Tenant                                           | Dropdown to choose the 
appropriate tenant for your delivery service.                                   
-| CDN                                              | Dropdown to choose the 
CDN that the delivery service will use.                                         
-| Origin Server Base URL                           | The Origin Server's base 
URL. This includes the protocol (http or https). Example: 
-| Protocol                                         | The protocol to serve 
this delivery service to the clients with:                                      
-|                                                  |                           
-|                                                  | -  0 http                 
-|                                                  | -  1 https                
-|                                                  | -  2 both http and https  
-|                                                  | -  3 http to https        
-| Long Description                                 | Long description for this 
delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).    
-| Delivery Service URLs                            | List of URLs derived from 
Protocol + Routing Name + XML ID + CDN Domain                                   
-| **Advanced**                                     |                           
-| Routing Name                                     | The routing name to use 
for the delivery FQDN, i.e. ``<routing-name>.<deliveryservice>.<cdn-domain>``. 
It must be a valid hostname without periods. [2]_                               
-| DSCP Tag                                         | The DSCP value to mark IP 
packets to the client with.                                                     
-| IPv6 Routing Enabled?                            | When set to yes, the 
Traffic Router will respond to AAAA DNS requests for the routed name of this 
delivery service. Otherwise, only A records will be served.                     
-| Range Request Handling                           | (experimental)  How to 
treat range requests:                                                           
-|                                                  |                           
-|                                                  | - 0 Do not cache (ranges 
requested from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be 
a HIT)                                                                          
-|                                                  | - 1 Use the 
-|                                                  | - 2 Use the 
cache_range_requests plugin.                                                    
-| Query String Handling                            | How to treat query 
-|                                                  |                           
-|                                                  | - 0 use in cache key and 
hand up to origin -this means each unique query string Is treated as a unique 
-|                                                  | - 1 Do not use in cache 
key, but pass up to origin - this means a 2 URLs that are the same except for 
the query string will match, and cache HIT, while the origin still sees 
original query string in the request. |
-|                                                  | - 2 Drop at edge - this 
means a 2 URLs that are the same except for  the query string will match, and 
cache HIT, while the origin will not see original query string in the request.  
-|                                                  |                           
-|                                                  | **Note:** Choosing to 
drop query strings at the edge will preclude the use of a Regex Remap 
Expression. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                                          
-|                                                  | To set the qstring 
without the use of regex remap, or for further options, see 
-| Use Multi Site Origin Feature                    | Enable the Multi Site 
Origin feature for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`       
-| Logs Enabled                                     |                           
-| Geo Provider                                     | ip geolocation provider   
-| Geo Miss Default Latitude                        | Default Latitude for this 
delivery service. When client localization fails for both Coverage Zone and Geo 
Lookup, this the client will be routed as if it was at this lat.                
-| Geo Miss Default Longitude                       | Default Longitude for 
this delivery service. When client localization fails for bot Coverage Zone and 
Geo Lookup, this the client will be routed as if it was at this long.           
-| Geo Limit?                                       | Some services are 
intended to be limited by geography. The possible settings are are:             
-|                                                  |                           
-|                                                  | - None - Do not limit by 
-|                                                  | - CZF only - If the 
requesting IP is not in the Coverage Zone File, do not serve the request.       
-|                                                  | - CZF + US - If the 
requesting IP is not in the Coverage Zone File or not in the United States, do 
not serve the request.                                                          
-| Geo Limit Countries                              | (for HTTP routed delivery 
services only) Do not serve the request to specific countries.                  
-| Geo Limit Redirect URL                           | (for HTTP routed delivery 
services only) This is the URL Traffic Router will redirect to when Geo Limit 
Failure. See :ref:`rl-tr-ngb`                                                   
-| Signing Algorithm                                | See 
-|                                                  | None                      
-|                                                  | URL Signature Keys        
-|                                                  | URI Signing Keys          
-| Bypass Ipv4                                      | (For DNS routed delivery 
services only) This is the address to respond to A requests with when the the 
max Bps or Max Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                      
-| Bypass IPv6                                      | (For DNS routed delivery 
services only) This is the address to respond to AAAA requests with when the 
the max Bps or Max Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                  
-| DNS Bypass Cname                                 |                           
-| DNS Bypass TTL                                   |                           
-| Maximum Bytes per Second allowed per session     | The maximum bytes per 
second a cache will delivery on any single TCP connection. This uses the Linux 
kernel's Fair Queuing setsockopt(SO_MAX_PACING_RATE) to limit the rate of 
delivery. Traffic exceeding this     |
-|                                                  | speed will only be 
rate-limited and not diverted. This option *requires* `net.core.default_qdisc = 
fq` in `/etc/sysctl.conf`.                                                      
-| Long Description                                 | Long description for this 
delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).    
-| Max DNS Answers                                  |                           
-| Delivery Service DNS TTL                         | The Time To Live on the 
DNS record for the Traffic Router A and AAAA records 
-| Delivery Service Profile                         | The profile for this 
delivery service.                                                               
-| Global Max Mbps                                  | The maximum bits per 
second this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic 
will be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the 
Bypass Ipv4 or Ipv6  will be used     |
-|                                                  | (depending on whether 
this was a A or AAAA request), and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN 
will be used.                                                                   
-| Global Max TPS                                   | The maximum transactions 
per se this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic 
will be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the 
Bypass Ipv4 or Ipv6  will be used |
-|                                                  | (depending on whether 
this was a A or AAAA request), and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN 
will be used.                                                                   
-| Signed URLs                                      | Use Signed URLs? See 
-| Edge Header Rewrite Rules                        | Header Rewrite rules to 
apply for this delivery service at the EDGE tier. See :ref:`rl-header-rewrite`. 
-| Mid Header Rewrite Rules                         | Header Rewrite rules to 
apply for this delivery service at the MID tier. See :ref:`rl-header-rewrite`. 
-| Traffic Router Additional Response Headers       |                           
-| Traffic Router Log Request Headers               |                           
-| Regex Remap Expression                           | Regex Remap rule to apply 
to this delivery service at the Edge tier. See `ATS documentation on 
 [1]_        |
-|                                                  |                           
-|                                                  | **Note:** you will not be 
able to save a Regex Remap Expression if you have Query String Handling set to 
drop query strings at the edge. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                      
-| Cache URL expression                             | Cache URL rule to apply 
to this delivery service. See `ATS documentation on cacheurl 
 [1]_                                 |
-| Raw remap text                                   | For HTTP and DNS 
deliveryservices, this will get added to the end of the remap line on the cache 
verbatim. For ANY_MAP deliveryservices this is the remap line. [1]_             
-| Long Description 2                               | Customer description for 
this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools 
-| Long Description 3                               | Service description for 
this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools 
-| Info URL                                         | Info URL  for this 
delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).    
-| Check Path                                       | A path (ex: 
/crossdomain.xml) to verify the connection to the origin server with. This can 
be used by Check Extension scripts to do periodic health checks against the 
delivery service.                            |
-| Origin Shield (Pipe Delimited String)            | Experimental. Origin 
Shield string.                                                                  
+| Name                                         | Description                   
+| Active                                       | Whether or not this delivery 
service is active on the CDN and is capable of traffic.                         
+| Content Routing Type                         | DNS is the standard routing 
type for most CDN services. HTTP Redirect is a specialty routing service that 
is primarily used for video and large file downloads where localization and 
latency are significant concerns.                                               
+|                                              | A "Live" routing type should 
be used for all live services. See :ref:`rl-ds-types`.                          
+| Key (XML ID)                                 | This id becomes a part of the 
CDN service domain in the form ````. 
Must be all lowercase, no spaces or special characters. May contain dashes.     
+| Display Name                                 | Name of the service that 
appears in the CDN portal. No character restrictions.                           
+| Tenant                                       | Name of company or division 
of company who owns account. Allows you to group your services and control 
access. Tenants are setup as a simple hierarchy where you may create parent / 
child accounts.                                                                 
+| CDN                                          | The CDN in which the delivery 
service belongs. Over-the-top is used to deliver video, web and software 
downloads over the data connection.                                             
+| Routing Name                                 | The routing name to use for 
the delivery FQDN, i.e. ``<routing-name>.<deliveryservice>.<cdn-domain>``. It 
must be a valid hostname without periods. Typical values would be ccr, edge and 
cdn. [2]_                                                                       
+| Protocol                                     | Services that use "HTTP and 
HTTPS" will be able to deliver both types of traffic.                           
+| DSCP Tag                                     | The Differentiated Services 
Code Point (DSCP) value to mark IP packets to the client with.                  
+| Signing Algorithm                            | Type of URL signing method to 
sign the URLs. See :ref:`rl-signed-urls`.                                       
+|                                              |                               
+|                                              | - null: token based auth is 
not enabled for this delivery service.                                          
+|                                              | - “url_sig”: URL Sign 
token based auth is enabled for this delivery service.                          
+|                                              | - “uri_signing”: URI 
Signing token based auth is enabled for this delivery service.                  
+|                                              |                               
+| URL Signing bypass                           | Regex value which determines 
files/folders to bypass during the signing process at the CDN                   
+| Query String Handling                        | How to treat query strings:   
+|                                              |                               
+|                                              | - 0 use in cache key and hand 
up to origin -this means each unique query string Is treated as a unique URL.   
+|                                              | - 1 Do not use in cache key, 
but pass up to origin - this means a 2 URLs that are the same except for the 
query string will match, and cache HIT, while the origin still sees original 
query string in the request.                                                    
+|                                              | - 2 Drop at edge - this means 
a 2 URLs that are the same except for, the query string will match, and cache 
HIT, while the origin will not see original query string in the request.        
+|                                              |                               
+|                                              | **Note:** Choosing to drop 
query strings at the edge will preclude the use of a Regex Remap Expression. 
See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                                                      
+|                                              |                               
+|                                              | To set the qstring without 
the use of regex remap, or for further options, see :ref:`rl-qstring-handling`. 
+| Geo Provider / Geolocation Provider          | Choose which Geo database 
provider, company that collects data on the location of IP addresses, to use    
+| Geo Limit                                    | Some services are intended to 
be limited by geography. The possible settings are are:                         
+|                                              |                               
+|                                              | - None: Do not limit by 
+|                                              | - CZF only: If the requesting 
IP is not in the Coverage Zone File, do not serve the request.                  
+|                                              | - CZF + US: If the requesting 
IP is not in the Coverage Zone File or not in the United States, do not serve 
the request.                                                                    
+|                                              |                               
+| Geo Limit Countries                          | How (if at all) is this 
service to be limited by geography. Example: CA, IN, PR                         
+| Geo Limit Redirect URL                       | (For HTTP routed delivery 
services only) This is the URL, Traffic Router will redirect to when Geo Limit 
check fails. See :ref:`rl-tr-ngb`                                               
+| Regional Geoblocking                         | Define regional geo-blocking 
rules for delivery services.                                                    
+| IPv6 Routing Enabled                         | Default is yes, entering "No" 
allows you to turn off cdn response to IPv6 requests                            
+| Range Request Handling                       | How to treat range requests:  
+|                                              |                               
+|                                              | - 0 Do not cache (ranges 
requested from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be 
a HIT)                                                                          
+|                                              | - 1 Use the `background_fetch 
+|                                              | - 2 Use the 
cache_range_requests plugin.                                                    
+|                                              |                               
+| DNS Bypass IP                                | (For DNS routed delivery 
services only) IPv4 address to overflow requests when the the max Bps or Max 
Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                                     
+| DNS Bypass IPv6                              | (For DNS routed delivery 
services only) IPv6 address to overflow requests when the the max Bps or Max 
Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                                     
+| DNS Bypass Cname                             | (For DNS routed delivery 
services only) Domain name to overflow requests when the the max Bps or Max Tps 
for this delivery service are exceeded.                                         
+| DNS Bypass TTL                               | TTL for the DNS bypass domain 
or IP when threshold exceeded.                                                  
+| Maximum Bytes per Second allowed per session | The maximum bytes per second 
a cache will delivery on any single TCP connection. This uses the Linux 
kernel’s Fair Queuing setsockopt(SO_MAX_PACING_RATE) to limit the rate of 
delivery. Traffic exceeding this speed will only be rate-limited and not 
diverted. This option requires net.core.default_qdisc = fq in /etc/sysctl.conf. 
+| Global Max Mbps                              | The maximum bits per second 
this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic will be 
diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the Bypass Ipv4 
or Ipv6 will be used (depending on whether this was a A or AAAA request), and 
for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN will be used.                        
+| Global Max TPS                               | The maximum transactions per 
se this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic will 
be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the Bypass 
Ipv4 or Ipv6 will be used (depending on whether this was a A or AAAA request), 
and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN will be used.                    
+| Max DNS Answers                              | This is available only for 
DNS Content Routing Types. It is used to restrict the number of cache IP 
addresses that the CCR will hand back. A numeric value from 1 to 15 which 
determines how many caches your content will be spread across in a particular 
site. When a customer requests your content they will get 1 to 15 IP addresses 
back they can use. These are rotated in each response. Ideally the number will 
reflect the amount of traffic. 1 = trial account with very little traffic, 2 = 
small production service. Add 1 more server for every 20 Gbps of traffic you 
expect at peak. So 20 Gbps = 3, 40 Gbps = 4, 60 Gbps = 5 |


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