alexwong commented on a change in pull request #4497: [Relay] Add a PyTorch to 
Relay Parser

 File path: python/tvm/relay/frontend/
 @@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# pylint: disable=import-self, too-many-lines, len-as-condition, 
no-else-return, unused-variable, too-many-nested-blocks
+# pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary, invalid-name, 
unused-argument, unused-variable, broad-except
+"""PT: PyTorch frontend."""
+import numpy as np
+import tvm
+from .. import analysis as _analysis
+from .. import expr as _expr
+from .. import module as _module
+from .. import op as _op
+from .common import get_relay_op
+from .common import infer_shape as _infer_shape
+__all__ = ["from_pytorch"]
+# operator implementation
+def _elemwise(name):
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        # TODO: Figure out a better way to get typing to work for tensor + 
+        type0 = input_types[0]
+        if isinstance(inputs[1], _expr.Expr):
+            type0 = input_types[1]
+        type1 = input_types[1]
+        if isinstance(inputs[0], _expr.Expr):
+            type1 = input_types[0]
+        data0 = _convert_elemwise_input(inputs[0], type0)
+        data1 = _convert_elemwise_input(inputs[1], type1)
+        return get_relay_op(name)(data0, data1)
+    return _impl
+def _unsqueeze():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        axis = inputs[1]
+        return _op.transform.expand_dims(data, int(axis), 1)
+    return _impl
+def _concatenate():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        axis = inputs[1]
+        if isinstance(data, _expr.Expr):
+            data = [data]
+        return _op.tensor.concatenate(data, int(axis))
+    return _impl
+def _slice():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        strides = []
+        if isinstance(data, _expr.Expr):
+            inferred_shape = _infer_shape(data)
+            end = []
+            for infer in inferred_shape:
+                end.append(int(infer))
+            if isinstance(data, _expr.Var):
+                end = inferred_shape
+                end = list(end)
+        else:
+            end = data.shape
+        begin = [0]*len(end)
+        dim = int(inputs[1])
+        begin[dim] = int(inputs[2])
+        if isinstance(inputs[3], str) and inputs[3].isdigit():
+            end[dim] = min(end[dim], int(inputs[3]))
+        else:
+            end[dim] = inputs[3]
+        strides.append(int(inputs[4]))
+        return _op.transform.strided_slice(data, begin, end, strides)
+    return _impl
+def _select():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        dim = int(inputs[1])
+        index = int(inputs[2])
+        return _op.transform.take(data, _expr.const(index, dtype="int32"), 
+    return _impl
+def _ones():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        if isinstance(inputs[0], _expr.Expr):
+            shape = _infer_shape(inputs[0])
+        else:
+            shape = inputs[0].shape
+        return _op.full(_expr.const(1), shape, 
+    return _impl
+def _zeros():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        if isinstance(inputs[0], _expr.Expr):
+            shape = _infer_shape(inputs[0])
+        else:
+            shape = inputs[0].shape
+        return _op.full(_expr.const(0), shape, 
+    return _impl
+def _relu():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return _op.nn.relu(data)
+    return _impl
+def _adaptive_avg_2d():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        output_size = _infer_shape(inputs[1])
+        return _op.contrib.contrib.adaptive_avg_pool2d(
+            data,
+            output_size=output_size)
+    return _impl
+def _adaptive_max_2d():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        output_size = _infer_shape(inputs[1])
+        return _op.contrib.contrib.adaptive_max_pool2d(
+            data,
+            output_size=output_size)
+    return _impl
+def _maxpool_2d():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        pool_size = _infer_shape(inputs[1])
+        strides = _infer_shape(inputs[2])
+        padding = _infer_shape(inputs[3])
+        ceil_mode = int(inputs[5])
+        return _op.nn.max_pool2d(data, pool_size, strides, padding, "NCHW", 
+    return _impl
+def _hardtanh():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        a = inputs[0]
+        tanh_min = float(inputs[1])
+        tanh_max = float(inputs[2])
+        return _op.tensor.clip(a, tanh_min, tanh_max)
+    return _impl
+def _convolution():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        # Use transpose or normal
+        use_transpose = False
+        if inputs[6] == "1":
+            use_transpose = True
+        data = inputs[0]
+        weight = inputs[1]
+        bias = inputs[2]
+        strides = inputs[3]
+        padding = inputs[4]
+        dilation = inputs[5]
+        if isinstance(weight, _expr.Expr):
+            inferred_shape = _infer_shape(weight)
+            weight_shape = []
+            for infer in inferred_shape:
+                weight_shape.append(infer)
+        else:
+            weight_shape = weight.shape
+        channels = weight_shape[0]
+        kernel_size = weight_shape[2:]
+        use_bias = False
+        if isinstance(bias, _expr.Expr):
+            use_bias = True
+        if isinstance(strides, _expr.Expr):
+            strides = _infer_shape(strides)
+        if isinstance(padding, _expr.Expr):
+            padding = _infer_shape(padding)
+        if isinstance(dilation, _expr.Expr):
+            dilation = _infer_shape(dilation)
+        groups = int(inputs[8])
+        if use_transpose:
+            conv_out = _op.nn.conv2d_transpose(data,
+                                               weight,
+                                               strides=strides,
+                                               padding=padding,
+                                               dilation=dilation,
+                                               groups=groups,
+                                               channels=channels,
+                                               kernel_size=kernel_size,
+                                               data_layout="NCHW",
+                                               kernel_layout="OIHW",
+                                               out_layout="",
+                                               out_dtype="")
+        else:
+            conv_out = _op.nn.conv2d(data,
+                                     weight,
+                                     strides=strides,
+                                     padding=padding,
+                                     dilation=dilation,
+                                     groups=groups,
+                                     channels=channels,
+                                     kernel_size=kernel_size,
+                                     data_layout="NCHW",
+                                     kernel_layout="OIHW",
+                                     out_layout="",
+                                     out_dtype="")
+        if use_bias:
+            return _op.nn.bias_add(conv_out, bias)
+        else:
+            return conv_out
+    return _impl
+def _softmax():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        axis = inputs[1]
+        if isinstance(axis, str):
+            axis = int(axis)
+        return _op.nn.softmax(data, axis=axis)
+    return _impl
+def _threshold():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return _op.nn.relu(data)
+    return _impl
+def _contiguous():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return _op.tensor.copy(data)
+    return _impl
+def _batch_norm():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        data_type = input_types[0]
+        channels = _infer_shape(data)
+        if isinstance(inputs[1], _expr.Expr) and isinstance(inputs[2], 
+            scale = center = True
+            weight = inputs[1]
+            beta = inputs[2]
+        else:
+            scale = center = False
+        if scale:
+            gamma = weight
+        else:
+            gamma = _create_typed_const(np.ones([int(channels[1])]), data_type)
+        if center:
+            beta = beta
+        else:
+            beta = _create_typed_const(np.zeros([int(channels[1])]), data_type)
+        moving_mean = inputs[3]
+        moving_var = inputs[4]
+        epsilon = float(inputs[7])
+        center = center
+        scale = scale
+        return _op.nn.batch_norm(data,
+                                 gamma,
+                                 beta,
+                                 moving_mean,
+                                 moving_var,
+                                 axis=1,
+                                 epsilon=epsilon,
+                                 center=center,
+                                 scale=scale)[0]
+    return _impl
+def _transpose():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        if isinstance(data, _expr.Expr):
+            ndims = len(_infer_shape(data))
+        else:
+            ndims = data.shape
+        if isinstance(data, tvm.ndarray.NDArray):
+            ndims = len(data.shape)
+        axes = list(range(ndims))
+        num_inputs = len(inputs)
+        if num_inputs == 1:
+            if ndims >= 2:
+                axes[-1] = ndims - 2
+                axes[-2] = ndims - 1
+            if not isinstance(data, _expr.Expr):
+                data = _expr.const(data)
+        elif num_inputs == 3:
+            parse = lambda i: ndims * (i < 0) + i
+            src, dst = [parse(int(inputs[i])) for i in [1, 2]]
+            axes[src] = dst
+            axes[dst] = src
+        else:
+            axes = inputs[1]
+        return _op.transform.transpose(data, axes)
+    return _impl
+def _flatten():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return _op.nn.batch_flatten(data)
+    return _impl
+def _dense():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        use_bias = False
+        if isinstance(inputs[0], _expr.Expr):
+            use_bias = True
+        data = inputs[1]
+        data_type = input_types[1]
+        weight = inputs[2]
+        beta = inputs[3]
+        alpha = inputs[4]
+        if not isinstance(alpha, _expr.Expr):
+            alpha = _create_typed_const(alpha, data_type)
+            data *= alpha
+        if not isinstance(beta, _expr.Expr):
+            beta = _create_typed_const(beta, data_type)
+            weight *= beta
+        weight_out = _op.transform.transpose(weight, axes=[1, 0])
+        units = _infer_shape(weight_out)[0]
+        dense_out = _op.nn.dense(data, weight_out, units=units)
+        if use_bias:
+            bias = inputs[0]
+            return _op.nn.bias_add(dense_out, bias)
+        else:
+            return dense_out
+    return _impl
+def _size():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        axis = int(inputs[1])
+        shape = _infer_shape(inputs[0])
+        return shape[axis]
+    return _impl
+def _numtotensor():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        val = inputs[0]
+        dtype = type(val)
+        if isinstance(val, tvm.expr.IntImm):
+            val = val.__int__()
+            dtype = int
+        arr = val * np.ones([]).astype(dtype)
+        return arr
+    return _impl
+def _view():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        if len(inputs) == 3:
+            new_shape = [inputs[1], _infer_shape(inputs[2])[0]]
+        else:
+            if isinstance(inputs[1], list):
+                new_shape = inputs[1]
+            else:
+                new_shape = _infer_shape(inputs[1])
+        return _op.transform.reshape(data, new_shape)
+    return _impl
+def _clone():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return _op.tensor.copy(data)
+    return _impl
+def _log_softmax():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        axis = int(inputs[1])
+        return _op.nn.log_softmax(data, axis)
+    return _impl
+def _sigmoid():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return _op.tensor.sigmoid(data)
+    return _impl
+def _avg_pool2d():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        pool_size = _infer_shape(inputs[1])
+        strides = _infer_shape(inputs[2])
+        padding = _infer_shape(inputs[3])
+        ceil_mode = int(inputs[4])
+        count_include_pad = int(inputs[5])
+        return _op.nn.avg_pool2d(data,
+                                 pool_size=pool_size,
+                                 strides=strides,
+                                 padding=padding,
+                                 ceil_mode=ceil_mode,
+                                 count_include_pad=count_include_pad)
+    return _impl
+def _dropout():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        rate = float(inputs[1])
+        return _op.nn.dropout(data, rate)
+    return _impl
+def _reduce(name):
+    def _impl(inputs, attrs, params):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return get_relay_op(name)(data)
+    return _impl
+def _mean():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        axis = _infer_shape(inputs[1])
+        keepdims = int(inputs[2])
+        exclude = int(inputs[3])
+        return _op.mean(data, axis, keepdims, exclude)
+    return _impl
+def _chunk():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        num_chunks = int(inputs[1])
+        axis = int(inputs[2])
+        if isinstance(data, _expr.Expr):
+            inferred_shape = _infer_shape(data)
+        shape = []
+        for infer in inferred_shape:
+            shape.append(infer)
+        dim = int(shape[axis])
+        if dim % num_chunks:
+            unif_size = int(dim / (num_chunks - 1))
+        else:
+            unif_size = int(dim / num_chunks)
+        chunks = []
+        for i in range(0, dim, unif_size):
+            begin = [0] * len(shape)
+            end = shape[:]
+            begin[axis] = i
+            end[axis] = i + unif_size
+            stride = [1] * len(shape)
+            chunk_out = _op.transform.strided_slice(data, begin, end, stride)
+            chunks.append(chunk_out)
+        if dim % num_chunks:
+            begin = [0] * len(shape)
+            end = shape[:]
+            begin[axis] = unif_size * (num_chunks - 1)
+            end[axis] = dim
+            stride = [1] * len(shape)
+            chunk_out = _op.transform.strided_slice(data, begin, end, stride)
+            chunks.append(chunk_out)
+        return chunks
+    return _impl
+def _matmul():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data0 = inputs[0]
+        data1 = inputs[1]
+        data1_t = _op.transpose(data1, axes=(1, 0))
+        return _op.nn.dense(data0, data1_t)
+    return _impl
+def _expand():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data_in = inputs[0]
+        if isinstance(data_in, _expr.Expr):
+            shape = _infer_shape(data_in)
+        ndims = len(shape)
+        sizes = _infer_shape(inputs[1])
+        out = inputs[0]
+        for i in range(ndims):
+            if sizes[i] in {-1, shape[i]}:
+                continue
+            data = list()
+            for temp in range(sizes[i]):
+                data.append(out)
+            call = _op.tensor.concatenate(data, i)
+        return call
+    return _impl
+def _int():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        if isinstance(inputs[0], _expr.Expr):
+            return inputs[0]
+        return int(inputs[0])
+    return _impl
+def _identity():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        return inputs[0]
+    return _impl
+def _none():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        return None
+    return _impl
+def _pad():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        padding = inputs[1]
+        pad_width = list(zip(padding, padding))
+        pad_value = inputs[2]
+        return _op.nn.pad(data, pad_width, pad_value)
+    return _impl
+def _sqrt():
+    def _impl(inputs, input_types):
+        data = inputs[0]
+        return _op.tensor.sqrt(data)
+    return _impl
+# Helper functions for operator implementation
+def _convert_data_type(input_type):
+    if input_type in ["double", "torch.float64"]:
+        return "float64"
+    elif input_type in ["float", "torch.float32"]:
+        return "float32"
+    elif input_type in ["half", "torch.float16"]:
+        return "float16"
+    elif input_type in ["long", "torch.int64"]:
+        return "int64"
+    elif input_type in ["int", "torch.int32"]:
+        return "int32"
+    elif input_type in ["short", "torch.int16"]:
+        return "int16"
+    elif input_type in ["char", "torch.int8"]:
+        return "int8"
+    elif input_type in ["byte", "torch.uint8"]:
+        return "uint8"
+    else:
+        assert "data_type {} is not handled yet" % (data_type)
+        return "float32"
+def _create_typed_const(data, data_type):
+    dtype = _convert_data_type(data_type)
+    if dtype == "float64":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.float64(data), dtype=dtype)
+    elif dtype == "float32":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.float32(data), dtype=dtype)
+    elif dtype == "float16":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.float16(data), dtype=dtype)
+    elif dtype == "int64":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.int64(data), dtype=dtype)
+    elif dtype == "int32":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.int32(data), dtype=dtype)
+    elif dtype == "int16":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.int16(data), dtype=dtype)
+    elif dtype == "int8":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.int8(data), dtype=dtype)
+    elif dtype == "uint8":
+        typed_data = _expr.const(np.uint8(data), dtype=dtype)
+    else:
+        assert "data_type {} is not handled yet" % (data_type)
+        return _expr.const(np.float32(data), dtype="float32")
+    return typed_data
+# TODO: Fix typing
+def _convert_elemwise_input(data, input_type):
+    import torch
+    if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
+        return _expr.const(data.item(), dtype=_convert_data_type(input_type))
+    elif not isinstance(data, _expr.Expr):
+        return _expr.const(int(data), dtype=_convert_data_type(input_type))
+    else:
+        return data
+# Operator mappings
+_convert_map = {
+    "aten::device"                          : _none(),
+    "aten::add"                             : _elemwise("add"),
+    "aten::add_"                            : _elemwise("add"),
+    "aten::sub"                             : _elemwise("subtract"),
+    "aten::sub_"                            : _elemwise("subtract"),
+    "aten::max"                             : _elemwise("maximum"),
+    "aten::min"                             : _elemwise("minimum"),
+    "aten::mul"                             : _elemwise("multiply"),
+    "aten::mul_"                            : _elemwise("multiply"),
+    "aten::pow"                             : _elemwise("power"),
+    "aten::div"                             : _elemwise("divide"),
+    "aten::div_"                            : _elemwise("divide"),
+    "aten::ones"                            : _ones(),
+    "aten::zeros"                           : _zeros(),
+    "aten::to"                              : _identity(),
+    "aten::unsqueeze"                       : _unsqueeze(),
+    "aten::cat"                             : _concatenate(),
+    "aten::slice"                           : _slice(),
+    "aten::select"                          : _select(),
+    "aten::relu"                            : _relu(),
+    "aten::relu_"                           : _relu(),
+    "aten::adaptive_avg_pool2d"             : _adaptive_avg_2d(),
+    "aten::adaptive_max_pool2d"             : _adaptive_max_2d(),
+    "aten::max_pool2d"                      : _maxpool_2d(),
+    "aten::max_pool2d_with_indices"         : _maxpool_2d(),
+    "aten::hardtanh"                        : _hardtanh(),
+    "aten::hardtanh_"                       : _hardtanh(),
+    "aten::_convolution"                    : _convolution(),
+    "aten::softmax"                         : _softmax(),
+    "aten::threshold"                       : _threshold(),
+    "aten::threshold_"                      : _threshold(),
+    "aten::contiguous"                      : _contiguous(),
+    "aten::batch_norm"                      : _batch_norm(),
+    "aten::transpose"                       : _transpose(),
+    "aten::transpose_"                      : _transpose(),
+    "aten::t"                               : _transpose(),
+    "aten::flatten"                         : _flatten(),
+    "aten::addmm"                           : _dense(),
+    "aten::size"                            : _size(),
+    "aten::view"                            : _view(),
+    "aten::clone"                           : _clone(),
+    "aten::log_softmax"                     : _log_softmax(),
+    "aten::sigmoid"                         : _sigmoid(),
+    "aten::avg_pool2d"                      : _avg_pool2d(),
+    "aten::dropout"                         : _dropout(),
+    "aten::dropout_"                        : _dropout(),
+    "aten::mean"                            : _mean(),
+    "aten::chunk"                           : _chunk(),
+    "aten::matmul"                          : _matmul(),
+    "aten::expand"                          : _expand(),
+    "aten::Int"                             : _int(),
+    "prim::NumToTensor"                     : _numtotensor(),
+    "prim::ListUnpack"                      : _identity(),
+    "aten::constant_pad_nd"                 : _pad(),
+    "aten::permute"                         : _transpose(),
+    "aten::sum"                             : _reduce("sum"),
+    "aten::prod"                            : _reduce("prod"),
+    "aten::sqrt"                            : _sqrt()
+# Internal graph for parsing
+class Graph(object):
+    """ A helper class for parsing PyTorch model to Relay graph."""
+    def __init__(self, script_module, input_shapes):
+        self._script_module = script_module
+        self._graph = script_module.graph.copy()
+        # TODO: Temporary fix to remove prim::CallMethod node introduced in PT 
+        import torch
+        if torch.__version__ != "1.2.0":
+            torch._C._jit_pass_inline(self._graph)
+        self._inputs_r = {}
+        self._params = {}
+        self._param_tensors = {}
+        self._consts = {}
+        self._ops = {}
+        self._op_inputs_r = {}
+        self._op_inputs_types = {}
+        self._input_shapes = input_shapes if input_shapes else {}
+        self._parsed_node_names = {}
+    def from_pytorch(self):
+        """ Construct relay nodes from PyTorch graph
+        Currently only supports traced PyTorch format which means no control 
+        User must perform torch.jit.trace on a model and pass this in.
+        Future support should include support scripted models 
(torch.jit.script) which
+        preserves control flow.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        mod : tvm.relay.Module
+            The module that optimizations will be performed on.
+        params : dict of str to tvm.ndarray
+            Dict of converted parameters stored in tvm.ndarray format
+        """
+        # Check for missing ops
+        missing_operators = self._parse_import_prerequisites()
+        if missing_operators:
+            raise NotImplementedError( \
+                "The following operators are not implemented: 
+        # Translate PyTorch graph to by decorating Graph with state dict and 
inputs into each op
+        self._parse_inputs()
+        self._parse_params()
+        self._parse_ops()
+        outputs = []
+        nid = 0
+        for op_name, op_node in self._ops.items():
+            if op_node.kind() == "prim::ListConstruct":
+                if any(inp.debugName() in self._parsed_node_names.keys() \
+                       for inp in op_node.inputs()):
+                    listconstr = []
+                    for i in op_node.inputs():
+                        if i.debugName() in self._parsed_node_names.keys():
+                            listconstr.append( \
+                        elif i.node().kind() == "prim::Constant":
+                            listconstr.append(int(self._consts[i.debugName()]))
+                        elif i.debugName() in self._inputs_r.keys():
+                    # Unwrap for tensors
+                    if len(listconstr) == 1:
+                        listconstr = listconstr[0]
+                    outputs.append(listconstr)
+                    self._parsed_node_names[op_name] = nid
+                    nid = nid+1
+            elif op_node.kind() != "prim::Constant":
+                for i in op_node.inputs():
+                    if i.debugName() in self._parsed_node_names.keys():
+                        for cnt in range(0, len(self._op_inputs_r[op_name])):
+                            if isinstance(self._op_inputs_r[op_name][cnt], 
+                                if "call/var" in 
+                                    self._op_inputs_r[op_name][cnt] = \
+                                    break
+                call = _convert_map[op_node.kind()](self._op_inputs_r[op_name],
+                outputs.append(call)
+                self._parsed_node_names[op_name] = nid
+                nid = nid+1
+        func = tvm.relay.Function(_analysis.free_vars(outputs[-1]), 
+        param = {k: tvm.nd.array(v) for k, v in self._param_tensors.items()}
+        return  _module.Module.from_expr(func), param
+    def _parse_inputs(self):
+        """ Map inputs to parser and inputs to graph. """
+        # Get names and objects of inputs for IR
+        ir_inputs = [i for i in self._graph.inputs()]
+        # Create corresponding shape and add to input
+        for input_name, ir_input in zip(self._input_shapes, ir_inputs[1:]):
+            input_shape = self._input_shapes[input_name]
+            ir_input.setDebugName(input_name)
+            ir_dtype = _convert_data_type(ir_input.type().scalarType().lower())
+            self._inputs_r[input_name] = _expr.var(input_name,
+                                                   dtype=ir_dtype)
+        # Add self (first input of a PyTorch graph) to inputs
+        input_shape = [3]
 Review comment:
   This is a magic number. Truthfully, the value doesn't matter just the name 
which I'll add as a comment.

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