FrozenGene commented on a change in pull request #5492:

File path: src/runtime/hexagon/sim/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+  Required options:
+    -ldl -G0                  For dlinit/dlopen/dlclose.
+    -Wl,--force-dynamic       Make this a dynamic executable (with dynamic
+                              symbol table).
+    -Wl,-E                    Export all defined symbols as dynamic.
+    -Wl,--whole-archive       Link the entire contents of libc.
+    -mhvx -mhvx-length=128b   Enable HVX.
+    -Wno-format               Silence format warning (unsigned vs uint32_t).
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "hexagon_sim_proto.h"
+#include "pthread.h"
+#include "tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h"
+static std::string timeNow() {
+  char str[11];  // [hh:mm:ss]
+  time_t time_value = time(NULL);
+  tm* pnow = localtime(&time_value);  // NOLINT(runtime/threadsafe_fn)
+  snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "[%02d:%02d:%02d]", pnow->tm_hour, pnow->tm_min,
+           pnow->tm_sec);
+  return std::string(str);
+#define LOG(FMT, ...)                                                 \
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s %s:%d: " FMT "\n", timeNow().c_str(), __FILE__, \
+          __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+using HVX_Vector =
+    int __attribute__((__vector_size__(128))) __attribute__((aligned(128)));
+static unsigned getVectorLength() {
+  HVX_Vector v = __builtin_HEXAGON_V6_lvsplatw_128B(0x01010101);
+  unsigned char* p = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&v);
+  if (p[127] == 1) return 128;
+  assert(p[63] == 1);
+  return 64;
+extern "C" {
+// Print vector functions. They can be used to help debug tensorized
+// code, via
+// ib.emit(tvm.call_extern('int32', 'V6_pv8', 'vector:', v))
+// ib.emit(tvm.call_extern('int32', 'V6_pv16', 'info:', v))
+// ib.emit(tvm.call_extern('int32', 'V6_pv32', 'value:', v))
+// The first argument is a string printed before the vector contents.
+int V6_pv8(const char* s, HVX_Vector v);
+int V6_pv16(const char* s, HVX_Vector v);
+int V6_pv32(const char* s, HVX_Vector v);
+int V6_pv8(const char* s, HVX_Vector v) {
+  unsigned vlen = getVectorLength();
+  uint8_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&v);
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s:", s);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i != vlen; ++i) {
+    fprintf(stderr, " %02x", ptr[i]);
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  return 0;
+int V6_pv16(const char* s, HVX_Vector v) {
+  unsigned vlen = getVectorLength();
+  uint16_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&v);
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s:", s);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i != vlen / sizeof(uint16_t); ++i) {
+    fprintf(stderr, " %04x", ptr[i]);
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  return 0;
+int V6_pv32(const char* s, HVX_Vector v) {
+  unsigned vlen = getVectorLength();
+  uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&v);
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s:", s);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i != vlen / sizeof(uint32_t); ++i) {
+    fprintf(stderr, " %08x", ptr[i]);
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  return 0;
+extern "C" {
+// Function referenced from libc++.a, but not defined in libc.a.
+int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec* tp);
+// pthread_create is wrapped so that we can set a bigger stack size
+// for QuRT. Here this isn't needed, but we still need to implement
+// the wrapper.
+int __wrap_pthread_create(pthread_t* thread, const pthread_attr_t* attr,
+                          void* (*start_routine)(void*), void* arg);
+int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec* tp) {
+  // Stub implementation.
+  return 0;
+int __wrap_pthread_create(pthread_t* thread, const pthread_attr_t* attr,
+                          void* (*start_routine)(void*), void* arg) {
+  LOG("%s", __func__);
+  return pthread_create(thread, attr, start_routine, arg);
+// FIXME(kparzysz-quic): query the cfg register to compute the VTCM base.
+// This works now.
+const unsigned int TCM_BASE = 0xD8000000;
+const unsigned int VTCM_BASE = TCM_BASE + 0x400000;
+class Allocator {
+ private:
+  struct Block {
+    Block(void* p, size_t s) : ptr_(p), size_(s), vtcm_(false) {}
+    Block(void* p, size_t s, bool v) : ptr_(p), size_(s), vtcm_(v) {}
+    bool operator<(const Block& b) const {
+      return uintptr_t(ptr_) < uintptr_t(b.ptr_);
+    }
+    void* ptr_;
+    size_t size_;
+    bool vtcm_;
+  };
+  using vector_type = std::vector<Block>;
+  using iterator = vector_type::iterator;
+  vector_type allocations_;
+  uintptr_t cur_vtcm = VTCM_BASE;
+ public:
+  void* alloc(unsigned size, size_t align);
+  void* vtcm_alloc(unsigned size, size_t align);
+  void free(void* p);
+void* Allocator::alloc(unsigned size, size_t align) {
+  void* ptr = aligned_alloc(align, size);
+  if (ptr == nullptr) {
+    perror("device: error allocating memory:");
+    return ptr;
+  }
+  Block b(ptr, size);
+  iterator i = std::lower_bound(allocations_.begin(), allocations_.end(), b);
+  iterator w = allocations_.insert(i, b);
+  if (w != allocations_.begin()) {
+    iterator pw = w - 1;
+    assert(uintptr_t(pw->ptr_) + pw->size_ < uintptr_t(w->ptr_));
+  }
+  if (w + 1 != allocations_.end()) {
+    iterator nw = w + 1;
+    assert(uintptr_t(w->ptr_) + w->size_ <= uintptr_t(nw->ptr_));
+  }
+  LOG("device: allocated %d bytes aligned at %d: %p", size, align, ptr);
+  return ptr;
+// For now, just allocation sequentially. This needs to be improved to use a
+// free list.
+void* Allocator::vtcm_alloc(unsigned size, size_t align) {
+  uintptr_t a = cur_vtcm;
+  a = (a + (align - 1)) & -align;
+  cur_vtcm = a + size;
+  void* ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(a);
+  if (ptr == nullptr) {
+    perror("device: error allocating vtcm memory:");
+    return ptr;
+  }
+  Block b(ptr, size, true);
+  iterator i = std::lower_bound(allocations_.begin(), allocations_.end(), b);
+  iterator w = allocations_.insert(i, b);
+  if (w != allocations_.begin()) {
+    iterator pw = w - 1;
+    assert(uintptr_t(pw->ptr_) + pw->size_ <= uintptr_t(w->ptr_));
+  }
+  if (w + 1 != allocations_.end()) {
+    iterator nw = w + 1;
+    assert(uintptr_t(w->ptr_) + w->size_ <= uintptr_t(nw->ptr_));
+  }
+  LOG("device: allocated vtcm %d bytes aligned at %d: %p", size, align, ptr);
+  return ptr;
+void Allocator::free(void* ptr) {
+  LOG("device: freeing %p", ptr);
+  iterator i = std::lower_bound(allocations_.begin(), allocations_.end(),
+                                Block(ptr, 0));
+  assert(i != allocations_.end());
+  assert(i->ptr_ == ptr);
+  if (!i->vtcm_) ::free(i->ptr_);
+  allocations_.erase(i);
+static void printMsgCall(const MsgCall& mc) {
+  auto to_dec_string = [](int v) {
+    char tmp[11];
+    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", v);
+    return std::string(tmp);
+  };
+  auto to_hex_string = [](uint32_t v) {
+    char tmp[9];
+    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%lx", v);
+    return std::string(tmp);
+  };
+  std::string str = "device: launching " + to_hex_string(mc.func_va) +
+                    " sc:" + to_dec_string(mc.scalar_num) + " {";
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i != mc.scalar_num; ++i) {
+    str += ' ' + to_hex_string([i]);
+    if (i + 1 != mc.scalar_num) str += ',';
+  }
+  str += " }, st:" + to_dec_string(mc.stack_num) + " {";
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i != mc.stack_num; ++i) {
+    str += ' ' + to_hex_string([i + mc.scalar_num]);
+    if (i + 1 != mc.stack_num) str += ',';
+  }
+  str += " }";
+  LOG("%s", str.c_str());
+static std::vector<MsgCall*> task_queue;
+struct Environment {
+  Allocator alloc;
+  void* dl_handle = nullptr;
+extern "C" {
+volatile Message message_buffer;
+int dispatch(Environment* env) __attribute__((noinline));
+static volatile unsigned char payload_buffer[4096];
+static void setMsg(uint32_t code, uint32_t len, uint32_t va) {
+  message_buffer.code = code;
+  message_buffer.len = len;
+ = va;
+inline void* pointer(uint32_t v) {
+  return reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(v));
+inline uint32_t va(const volatile void* p) {
+  return static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p));
+__attribute__((naked)) uint32_t launcher(volatile MsgCall* mc, uint64_t* pcc) {
+  __asm__(
+      "// This function is intentionally written to be readable,      \n"
+      "// rather than fast.                                           \n"
+      "// r0 = value of 'volatile MsgCall *mc'                        \n"
+      "// r1 = address where to store the program cycle count         \n"
+      "{ memd(r29+#-16) = r21:20                                      \n"
+      "  allocframe(#24)          }                                   \n"
+      "{ memd(r29+#0) = r17:16                                        \n"
+      "  memd(r29+#8) = r19:18    }                                   \n"
+      "{ r17:16 = combine(r1,r0)                                      \n"
+      "  r18 = r29                                                    \n"
+      "  r1 = memw(r0+#4)            // scalar_num                    \n"
+      "  r2 = memw(r0+#8)         }  // stack_num                     \n"
+      "// If there are no stack values, skip the stack setup.         \n"
+      "{ p0 = cmp.eq(r2,#0)                                           \n"
+      "  if ( jump:t .Llauncher1 }                             \n"
+      "// Allocate space on the stack. Let r2 = needed space          \n"
+      "// rounded up to a multiple of 8.                              \n"
+      "{ loop0(.Llauncher0,r2)                                        \n"
+      "  r2 = asl(r2,#2)          }                                   \n"
+      "{ r2 = add(r2,#4)          }                                   \n"
+      "{ r2 = clrbit(r2,#2)       }                                   \n"
+      "{ r29 = sub(r29,r2)        }                                   \n"
+      "// Copy stack contents onto the stack. Stack contents start    \n"
+      "// at r3 = r0 + offsetof(data) + scalar_num*4                  \n"
+      "{ r3 = addasl(r0,r1,#2)                                        \n"
+      "  r4 = r29                 }                                   \n"
+      "{ r3 = add(r3,#12)         } // offsetof(data)                 \n"
+      ".Llauncher0:                                                   \n"
+      "{ r5 = memw(r3++#4)                                            \n"
+      "  memw(r4++#4) =    } :endloop0                         \n"
+      "// Load registers. Some of the loaded data may actually be     \n"
+      "// values from the stack part of 'data', but it's not an issue.\n"
+      ".Llauncher1:                                                   \n"
+      "{ r0 = memw(r16+#12)         // mc + offsetof(data)            \n"
+      "  r1 = memw(r16+#16)       }                                   \n"
+      "{ r2 = memw(r16+#20)                                           \n"
+      "  r3 = memw(r16+#24)       }                                   \n"
+      "{ r4 = memw(r16+#28)                                           \n"
+      "  r5 = memw(r16+#32)       }                                   \n"
+      "// Call.                                                       \n"
+      "{ r6 = memw(r16+#0)                                            \n"
+      "  r21:20 = upcycle         }                                   \n"
+      "{ callr r6                 }                                   \n"
+      "// Restore stack pointer (free up r18), calculate cycle count. \n"
+      "{ r29 = r18                                                    \n"
+      "  r19:18 = upcycle         }                                   \n"
+      "{ r19:18 = sub(r19:18, r21:20) }                               \n"
+      "// Store pcount, restore non-volatile registers, and return.   \n"
+      "{ memd(r17+#0) = r19:18                                        \n"
+      "  r21:20 = memd(r29+#16)   }                                   \n"
+      "{ r19:18 = memd(r29+#8)                                        \n"
+      "  r17:16 = memd(r29+#0)    }                                   \n"
+      "{ dealloc_return           } // implicit-use r1:0              \n");
+int dispatch(Environment* env) {
+  uint32_t code = message_buffer.code;
+  // Special handling of MsgReq.
+  if (code == kMsgReq) {
+    assert(message_buffer.len <= sizeof(payload_buffer));
+    setMsg(kMsgAck, sizeof(payload_buffer), va(payload_buffer));
+    return 0;
+  }
+  switch (code) {
+    case kAlloc: {
+      LOG("device: {kAlloc, %lu, %lx}", message_buffer.len,;
+      assert(message_buffer.len == sizeof(MsgAlloc));
+      auto* ma = reinterpret_cast<volatile MsgAlloc*>(;
+      void* p = env->alloc.alloc(ma->size, ma->align);
+      reinterpret_cast<volatile MsgPointer*>(payload_buffer)->va = va(p);
+      setMsg(kNone, sizeof(MsgPointer), va(payload_buffer));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kFree: {
+      LOG("device: {kFree, %lu, %lx}", message_buffer.len,;
+      assert(message_buffer.len == sizeof(MsgPointer));
+      auto* mp = reinterpret_cast<volatile MsgPointer*>(;
+      env->>va));
+      setMsg(kNone, 0u, 0u);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kAllocVtcm: {
+      LOG("device: {kAllocVtcm, %lu, %lx}", message_buffer.len,
+      assert(message_buffer.len == sizeof(MsgAlloc));
+      auto* ma = reinterpret_cast<volatile MsgAlloc*>(;
+      void* p = env->alloc.vtcm_alloc(ma->size, ma->align);
+      reinterpret_cast<volatile MsgPointer*>(payload_buffer)->va = va(p);
+      setMsg(kNone, sizeof(MsgPointer), va(payload_buffer));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kCopy: {
+      LOG("device: {kCopy, %lu, %lx}", message_buffer.len,;
+      assert(message_buffer.len == sizeof(MsgCopy));
+      auto* mc = reinterpret_cast<volatile MsgCopy*>(;
+      memcpy(pointer(mc->dst), pointer(mc->src), mc->len);
+      setMsg(kNone, 0u, 0u);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kLoad: {
+      if (env->dl_handle != nullptr) dlclose(env->dl_handle);
+      const char* name = static_cast<const char*>(pointer(;
+      // LOG(stderr, "device: dlopen(%s)", name);
+      env->dl_handle = dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY);
+      if (env->dl_handle == nullptr) LOG("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
+      assert(env->dl_handle != nullptr);
+      reinterpret_cast<volatile MsgPointer*>(payload_buffer)->va =
+          va(env->dl_handle);
+      setMsg(kNone, sizeof(MsgPointer), va(payload_buffer));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kUnload: {
+      assert(env->dl_handle != nullptr);

Review comment:
       I haven’t devices currently (Maybe I could have it next month) so that I 
could not reproduce. I could only remember is I run sequence of unit tests 
which will feed module to simulator then unload it, next load new module. 
   However, as I can not reproduce currently I accept current implementation. 
If I reproduce later, I could construct reproduce steps and make a pr to fix 

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