masahi commented on a change in pull request #5919:

File path: src/runtime/contrib/dnnl/
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * \file src/runtime/contrib/dnnl/
+ * \brief A simple JSON runtime for DNNL.
+ */
+#include <tvm/runtime/ndarray.h>
+#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "../json/json_node.h"
+#include "../json/json_runtime.h"
+#include "dnnl.hpp"
+namespace tvm {
+namespace runtime {
+namespace contrib {
+using namespace tvm::runtime;
+using namespace tvm::runtime::json;
+class DNNLJSONRuntime : public JSONRuntimeBase {
+  using tag = dnnl::memory::format_tag;
+  using dt = dnnl::memory::data_type;
+ public:
+  DNNLJSONRuntime(const std::string& symbol_name, const std::string& 
+                  const Array<String> const_names)
+      : JSONRuntimeBase(symbol_name, graph_json, const_names) {}
+  const char* type_key() const { return "dnnl_json"; }
+  void Init(const Array<NDArray>& consts) override {
+    BuildEngine();
+    CHECK_EQ(consts.size(), const_idx_.size())
+        << "The number of input constants must match the number of required.";
+    // Setup constants entries for weights.
+    SetupConstants(consts);
+  }
+  void Run() override {
+    // Fill in the input buffers.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < input_nodes_.size(); ++i) {
+      auto eid = EntryID(input_nodes_[i], 0);
+      // TODO(@comaniac): Support other data lengths.
+      size_t offset_in_bytes = entry_out_mem_[eid].second * 4;
+      size_t buffer_size = GetDataSize(*data_entry_[eid]);
+      write_to_dnnl_memory(data_entry_[eid]->data, entry_out_mem_[eid].first, 
+                           offset_in_bytes);
+    }
+    // Invoke the engine through intepreting the stream.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < net_.size(); ++i) {
+    }
+    stream_.wait();
+    // Read output buffers.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs_.size(); ++i) {
+      auto eid = EntryID(outputs_[i]);
+      size_t offset_in_bytes = entry_out_mem_[eid].second * 4;
+      size_t buffer_size = GetDataSize(*data_entry_[eid]);
+      read_from_dnnl_memory(data_entry_[eid]->data, entry_out_mem_[eid].first, 
+                            offset_in_bytes);
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  // Build up the engine based on the input graph.
+  void BuildEngine() {
+    engine_ = dnnl::engine(dnnl::engine::kind::cpu, 0);
+    stream_ = dnnl::stream(engine_);
+    // Build subgraph engine.
+    for (size_t nid = 0; nid < nodes_.size(); ++nid) {
+      const auto& node = nodes_[nid];
+      if (node.GetOpType() == "kernel") {
+        CHECK_EQ(node.GetOpType(), "kernel");
+        auto op_name = node.GetOpName();
+        if ("nn.conv2d" == op_name) {
+          Conv2d(nid);
+        } else if ("dnnl.conv2d_relu" == op_name) {
+          Conv2d(nid, true, false);
+        } else if ("dnnl.conv2d_bias_relu" == op_name) {
+          Conv2d(nid, true, true);
+        } else if ("nn.dense" == op_name) {
+          Dense(nid);
+        } else if ("nn.batch_norm" == op_name) {
+          BatchNorm(nid);
+        } else if ("nn.relu" == op_name) {
+          Relu(nid);
+        } else if ("add" == op_name) {
+          Add(nid);
+        } else {
+          LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported op: " << op_name;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Bind a JSON graph node entry to a DNNL memory.
+  dnnl::memory BindDNNLMemory(const JSONGraphNodeEntry& entry, 
dnnl::memory::desc mem_desc,
+                              size_t offset = 0) {
+    auto eid = EntryID(entry);
+    if (entry_out_mem_.count(eid) == 0) {
+      return BindDNNLMemory(entry, dnnl::memory(mem_desc, engine_), offset);
+    }
+    return entry_out_mem_[eid].first;
+  }
+  // Bind a JSON graph node entry to a given DNNL memory.
+  dnnl::memory BindDNNLMemory(const JSONGraphNodeEntry& entry, dnnl::memory 
+                              size_t offset = 0) {
+    auto eid = EntryID(entry);
+    // Since the DNNL memory has been created before calling this function, we 
assume the entry
+    // has not yet been bind to the other DNNL memory; otherwise it may have 
memory leak.
+    CHECK_EQ(entry_out_mem_.count(eid), 0);
+    // TODO(@comanic): Support other data types (i.e., int8).
+    auto data_node = nodes_[entry.id_];
+    auto dltype = data_node.GetOpDataType()[entry.index_];
+    CHECK_EQ(dltype.bits, 32);
+    entry_out_mem_[eid] = {mem, offset};
+    return entry_out_mem_[eid].first;
+  }
+  void Conv2d(const size_t& nid, const bool has_relu = false, const bool 
has_bias = false) {
+    auto node = nodes_[nid];
+    // Setup attributes.
+    auto data_entry = node.GetInputs()[0];
+    auto weight_entry = node.GetInputs()[1];
+    dnnl::memory::dims input_shape = 
+    dnnl::memory::dims weight_shape = 
+    std::vector<std::string> str_strides = 
+    std::vector<std::string> str_padding = 
+    dnnl::memory::dim groups = 
+    dnnl::memory::dim N = input_shape[0],       // batch size
+        IC = input_shape[1],                    // input channels
+        IH = input_shape[2],                    // input height
+        IW = input_shape[2],                    // input width
+        OC = weight_shape[0],                   // output channels
+        KH = weight_shape[2],                   // weight height
+        KW = weight_shape[3],                   // weight width
+        PH_L = std::stoi(str_padding[1]),       // height padding: left
+        PH_R = std::stoi(str_padding[3]),       // height padding: right
+        PW_L = std::stoi(str_padding[0]),       // width padding: left
+        PW_R = std::stoi(str_padding[2]),       // width padding: right
+        SH = std::stoi(str_strides[0]),         // height-wise stride
+        SW = std::stoi(str_strides[0]),         // weight-wise stride
+        OH = (IH - KH + PH_L + PH_R) / SH + 1,  // output height
+        OW = (IW - KW + PW_L + PW_R) / SW + 1;  // output width
+    // Memory shapes.
+    dnnl::memory::dims src_dims = {N, IC, IH, IW};
+    dnnl::memory::dims weights_dims = {OC, IC, KH, KW};
+    if (groups > 1) {
+      weights_dims = {groups, 1, IC / groups, KH, KW};
+    }
+    dnnl::memory::dims bias_dims = {OC};
+    dnnl::memory::dims dst_dims = {N, OC, OH, OW};
+    dnnl::memory::dims strides_dims = {SH, SW};
+    dnnl::memory::dims padding_dims_l = {PH_L, PW_L};
+    dnnl::memory::dims padding_dims_r = {PH_R, PW_R};
+    // Memory descriptions.
+    auto conv_src_md = dnnl::memory::desc(src_dims, dt::f32, tag::any);
+    auto conv_weights_md = dnnl::memory::desc(weights_dims, dt::f32, tag::any);
+    auto conv_bias_md = dnnl::memory::desc(bias_dims, dt::f32, tag::any);
+    auto conv_dst_md = dnnl::memory::desc(dst_dims, dt::f32, tag::nchw);
+    // Covn2d description.
+    auto conv_desc = dnnl::convolution_forward::desc(
+        dnnl::prop_kind::forward_inference, 
dnnl::algorithm::convolution_direct, conv_src_md,
+        conv_weights_md, conv_bias_md, conv_dst_md, strides_dims, 
padding_dims_l, padding_dims_r);
+    // Enable ReLU
+    dnnl::primitive_attr attr;
+    if (has_relu) {
+      dnnl::post_ops ops;
+      ops.append_eltwise(1.f, dnnl::algorithm::eltwise_relu, 0.f, 0.f);
+      attr.set_post_ops(ops);
+    }
+    auto conv2d_prim_desc = 
dnnl::convolution_forward::primitive_desc(conv_desc, attr, engine_);
+    // Push to the network.
+    auto conv = dnnl::convolution_forward(conv2d_prim_desc);
+    net_.push_back(conv);
+    // Data memory.
+    CHECK_EQ(node.GetAttr<std::vector<std::string>>("data_layout")[0], "NCHW");
+    auto conv2d_src_memory = BindDNNLMemory(data_entry, {src_dims, dt::f32, 
+    // Weight memory.
+    CHECK_EQ(node.GetAttr<std::vector<std::string>>("kernel_layout")[0], 
+    auto conv2d_weights_memory = BindDNNLMemory(
+        weight_entry, {weights_dims, dt::f32, (groups > 1) ? tag::goihw : 
+    // Bias memory.
+    auto conv2d_bias_memory = dnnl::memory({bias_dims, dt::f32, tag::x}, 
+    if (has_bias) {
+      auto bias_entry = node.GetInputs()[2];
+      BindDNNLMemory(bias_entry, conv2d_bias_memory);
+    } else {
+      float bias[OC] = {0};
+      write_to_dnnl_memory(bias, conv2d_bias_memory, OC * sizeof(float));
+    }
+    // Output memory.
+    JSONGraphNodeEntry out_entry(nid, 0);
+    auto conv2d_dst_memory = BindDNNLMemory(out_entry, 
+    // Bind memory buffers.
+    net_args_.push_back({{DNNL_ARG_SRC, conv2d_src_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS, conv2d_weights_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_BIAS, conv2d_bias_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_DST, conv2d_dst_memory}});
+  }
+  void Dense(const size_t& nid) {
+    auto node = nodes_[nid];
+    // Setup attributes.
+    auto data_entry = node.GetInputs()[0];
+    auto weight_entry = node.GetInputs()[1];
+    dnnl::memory::dims input_shape = 
+    dnnl::memory::dims weight_shape = 
+    dnnl::memory::dim B = input_shape[0],  // batch size
+        IC = input_shape[1],               // input channels
+        OC = weight_shape[0];              // output channels
+    // Memory shapes.
+    dnnl::memory::dims data_dims = {B, IC};
+    dnnl::memory::dims weight_dims = {OC, IC};
+    dnnl::memory::dims bias_dims = {OC};
+    dnnl::memory::dims out_dims = {B, OC};
+    // Memory descriptions.
+    auto data_md = dnnl::memory::desc({data_dims, dt::f32, tag::nc});
+    auto weight_md = dnnl::memory::desc({weight_dims, dt::f32, tag::nc});
+    auto bias_md = dnnl::memory::desc({bias_dims, dt::f32, tag::x});
+    auto dst_md = dnnl::memory::desc({out_dims, dt::f32, tag::nc});
+    // Dense description.
+    auto dense_desc = 
dnnl::inner_product_forward::desc(dnnl::prop_kind::forward_inference, data_md,
+                                                        weight_md, bias_md, 
+    auto dense_prim_desc = 
dnnl::inner_product_forward::primitive_desc(dense_desc, engine_);
+    auto dense = dnnl::inner_product_forward(dense_prim_desc);
+    net_.push_back(dense);
+    // Memories.
+    auto data_memory = BindDNNLMemory(data_entry, data_md);
+    auto weight_memory = BindDNNLMemory(weight_entry, weight_md);
+    auto bias_memory = dnnl::memory(bias_md, engine_);
+    float bias[OC] = {0};
+    write_to_dnnl_memory(bias, bias_memory, OC * sizeof(float));
+    JSONGraphNodeEntry out_entry(nid, 0);
+    auto dst_memory = BindDNNLMemory(out_entry, dense_prim_desc.dst_desc());
+    net_args_.push_back({{DNNL_ARG_SRC, data_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS, weight_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_BIAS, bias_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_DST, dst_memory}});
+  }
+  void BatchNorm(const size_t& nid) {
+    auto node = nodes_[nid];
+    auto data_entry = node.GetInputs()[0];
+    auto gamma_entry = node.GetInputs()[1];
+    auto beta_entry = node.GetInputs()[2];
+    auto mean_entry = node.GetInputs()[3];
+    auto variance_entry = node.GetInputs()[4];
+    dnnl::memory::dims data_shape = 
+    dnnl::memory::dim IC = data_shape[1];
+    float epsilon = 
+    // Memory description.
+    dnnl::memory::desc data_md = GenDNNLMemDescByShape(data_shape, dt::f32);
+    // BN description.
+    auto bn_desc = dnnl::batch_normalization_forward::desc(
+        dnnl::prop_kind::forward_inference, data_md, epsilon,
+        dnnl::normalization_flags::use_global_stats | 
+    auto bn_prim_desc = 
dnnl::batch_normalization_forward::primitive_desc(bn_desc, engine_);
+    auto bn = dnnl::batch_normalization_forward(bn_prim_desc);
+    net_.push_back(bn);
+    // Memories.
+    auto data_memory = BindDNNLMemory(data_entry, data_md);
+    JSONGraphNodeEntry out_entry(nid, 0);
+    auto out_memory = BindDNNLMemory(out_entry, data_md);
+    auto mean_memory = BindDNNLMemory(mean_entry, bn_prim_desc.mean_desc());
+    auto variance_memory = BindDNNLMemory(variance_entry, 
+    // In DNNL, weight is composed of gamma+beta, so we point them to the same 
DNNL memory but
+    // assign an offset to beta data for runtime serialization.
+    auto weight_memory = BindDNNLMemory(gamma_entry, 
bn_prim_desc.weights_desc(), 0);
+    BindDNNLMemory(beta_entry, weight_memory, IC);
+    net_args_.push_back({{DNNL_ARG_SRC, data_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_DST, out_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_SCALE_SHIFT, weight_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_MEAN, mean_memory},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_VARIANCE, variance_memory}});
+  }
+  void Relu(const size_t& nid) {
+    auto node = nodes_[nid];
+    auto data_entry = node.GetInputs()[0];
+    dnnl::memory::dims shape = 
+    auto data_md = dnnl::memory::desc{{shape}, dt::f32, tag::abcd};
+    auto relu_desc = 
dnnl::algorithm::eltwise_relu, data_md, 0);
+    auto relu_prim_desc = dnnl::eltwise_forward::primitive_desc(relu_desc, 
+    CHECK(data_md == relu_prim_desc.dst_desc());
+    auto relu = dnnl::eltwise_forward(relu_prim_desc);
+    net_.push_back(relu);
+    auto data_memory = BindDNNLMemory(data_entry, data_md);
+    auto out_md = dnnl::memory::desc(shape, dt::f32, tag::abcd);
+    JSONGraphNodeEntry out_entry(nid, 0);
+    auto out_memory = BindDNNLMemory(out_entry, out_md);
+    net_args_.push_back({{DNNL_ARG_SRC, data_memory}, {DNNL_ARG_DST, 
+  }
+  void Add(const size_t& nid) {
+    auto node = nodes_[nid];
+    // Memory and compute description.
+    std::vector<dnnl::memory::dims> data_dims;
+    std::vector<dnnl::memory::desc> data_mds;
+    std::vector<dnnl::memory> data_memories;
+    CHECK_EQ(node.GetInputs().size(), 2U);
+    for (auto entry : node.GetInputs()) {
+      auto data_shape = nodes_[entry.id_].GetOpShape()[entry.index_];
+      dnnl::memory::desc data_md = GenDNNLMemDescByShape(data_shape, dt::f32);
+      data_dims.push_back(data_shape);
+      data_mds.push_back(data_md);
+      data_memories.push_back(BindDNNLMemory(entry, data_md));
+    }
+    CHECK(data_dims[0] == data_dims[1]);
+    auto out_md = data_mds[0];
+    JSONGraphNodeEntry out_entry(nid, 0);
+    auto out_memory = BindDNNLMemory(out_entry, out_md);
+    auto add_desc =
+        dnnl::binary::desc(dnnl::algorithm::binary_add, data_mds[0], 
data_mds[1], out_md);
+    auto add_prim_desc = dnnl::binary::primitive_desc(add_desc, engine_);
+    auto add = dnnl::binary(add_prim_desc);
+    net_.push_back(add);
+    net_args_.push_back({{DNNL_ARG_SRC_0, data_memories[0]},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_SRC_1, data_memories[1]},
+                         {DNNL_ARG_DST, out_memory}});
+  }
+  // Read from DNNL memory (+offset) and write to the handle.
+  inline void read_from_dnnl_memory(void* handle, const dnnl::memory& mem, 
size_t size,
+                                    size_t offset = 0) {
+    uint8_t* src = static_cast<uint8_t*>(mem.get_data_handle());
+    std::copy(src + offset, src + offset + size, 
+  }
+  // Read from the handle and write to DNNL memory (+offset).
+  inline void write_to_dnnl_memory(void* handle, const dnnl::memory& mem, 
size_t size,
+                                   size_t offset = 0) {
+    uint8_t* dst = static_cast<uint8_t*>(mem.get_data_handle());
+    std::copy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(handle), 
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(handle) + size,
+              dst + offset);
+  }
+  // Generate DNNL memory description and infer the data layout by the given 
+  inline dnnl::memory::desc GenDNNLMemDescByShape(const dnnl::memory::dims& 
shape, dt dtype) {
+    dnnl::memory::desc data_md;
+    switch (shape.size()) {
+      case 2:
+        data_md = dnnl::memory::desc({shape, dtype, tag::ab});
+        break;
+      case 3:
+        data_md = dnnl::memory::desc({shape, dtype, tag::abc});
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        data_md = dnnl::memory::desc({shape, dtype, tag::abcd});
+        break;
+      case 5:
+        data_md = dnnl::memory::desc({shape, dtype, tag::abcde});
+        break;
+      default:
+        LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported data shape dimension: " << shape.size();
+        break;
+    }
+    return data_md;
+  }
+  /* The dnnl engine. */
+  dnnl::engine engine_;
+  /* The dnnl stream. */
+  dnnl::stream stream_;
+  /* The network layers that are represented in dnnl primitives. */
+  std::vector<dnnl::primitive> net_;
+  /* The memory that is consumed by arguments. */
+  std::vector<std::unordered_map<int, dnnl::memory>> net_args_;
+  /* The entry ID to its corresponding output memory. */
+  std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::pair<dnnl::memory, size_t>> entry_out_mem_;
+runtime::Module DNNLJSONRuntimeCreate(String symbol_name, String graph_json,
+                                      const Array<String>& const_names) {
+  auto n = make_object<DNNLJSONRuntime>(symbol_name.operator std::string(),

Review comment:
       There are many occurences of `.operator std::string()` in the PR, but 
since `String` to `std::string` implicit conversion is defined, I think these 
explicit conversion can be removed.

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