 Wed Jan 26 14:03:21 2022
@@ -0,0 +1,1825 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<testSet name="AttrDecl"
+      xmlns="";
+      xmlns:xsi="";
+      xsi:schemaLocation=" 
+      xmlns:xlink="";
+      contributor="SUN">
+    <testGroup name="ad_annotation00101m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>human-targeted annotation  for attribute declarations 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Annotations provide for human- and 
machine-targeted annotations of schema components.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_annotation00101m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_annotation00101m2">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>machine-targeted annotation  for attribute declarations 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Annotations provide for human- and 
machine-targeted annotations of schema components.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_annotation00101m2">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00101m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attribute explicitly declared "qualified" while default 
form is "unqualified" (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Attribute with explicitly declared form should be 
used in this form only.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00101m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Negative">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="invalid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00101m2">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attribute in schema with "unqualified" default form 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Attribute which has no explicitly declared form 
should be used in default for the schema form only.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00101m2">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Negative">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="invalid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00101m3">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attribute explicitly declared "unqualified" while 
default form is "qualified" (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Attribute with explicitly declared form should be 
used in this form only.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00101m3">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Negative">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="invalid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00101m4">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attribute in schema with "qualified" default form 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Attribute which has no explicitly declared form 
should be used in default for the schema form only.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00101m4">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Negative">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="invalid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00102m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the ideographic 
characters 0x4e00, 0x76d2, 0x9fa5, 0x3007, 0x3021, 0x3025, 0x3029 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 7 local integer attributes with the names 
that begin with the following 
+                             ideographic characters: 0x4e00, 0x76d2, 0x9fa5, 
0x3007, 0x3021, 0x3025, 0x3029 respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00102m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00103m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the extender 
characters 0x00b7, 0x02d0, 0x02d1, 0x0387, 0x0640, 0x0e46, 0x0ec6, 0x3005, 
0x3031, 0x3033, 0x3035, 0x309d, 0x309d, 0x309e (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 14 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             extender characters: 0x00b7, 0x02d0, 0x02d1, 
0x0387, 0x0640, 0x0e46, 0x0ec6, 0x3005, 0x3031, 0x3033, 0x3035, 0x309d, 0x309d, 
0x309e respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00103m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00103m2">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the extender 
characters 0x30fc, 0x30fd, 0x30fe (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 3 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             extender characters: 0x30fc, 0x30fd, 0x30fe 
respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00103m2">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0041, 0x004d, 0x005a, 0x0061, 0x0064, 0x0068, 0x006a, 0x0072, 
0x007a, 0x00c0, 0x00cb, 0x00d6, 0x00d8, 0x00db, 0x00de, 0x00e0, 0x00eb, 0x00f6, 
0x00f8, 0x00fb, 0x00ff, 0x0100, 0x0118, 0x0131, 0x0134, 0x0139, 0x013e, 0x0141, 
0x0144, 0x0148 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 30 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0041, 0x004d, 0x005a, 0x0061, 
0x0064, 0x0068, 0x006a, 0x0072, 0x007a, 0x00c0, 0x00cb, 0x00d6, 0x00d8, 0x00db, 
0x00de, 0x00e0, 0x00eb, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x00fb, 0x00ff, 0x0100, 0x0118, 0x0131, 
0x0134, 0x0139, 0x013e, 0x0141, 0x0144, 0x0148 respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m10">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0b2a, 0x0b2d, 0x0b30, 0x0b32, 0x0b32, 0x0b33, 0x0b36, 0x0b37, 
0x0b39, 0x0b3d, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, 0x0b5f, 0x0b60, 0x0b61, 0x0b85, 0x0b87, 
0x0b8a, 0x0b8e, 0x0b8f, 0x0b90, 0x0b92, 0x0b93, 0x0b95, 0x0b99, 0x0b99, 0x0b9a 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0b2a, 0x0b2d, 0x0b30, 0x0b32, 
0x0b32, 0x0b33, 0x0b36, 0x0b37, 0x0b39, 0x0b3d, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, 0x0b5f, 
0x0b60, 0x0b61, 0x0b85, 0x0b87, 0x0b8a, 0x0b8e, 0x0b8f, 0x0b90, 0x0b92, 0x0b93, 
0x0b95, 0x0b99, 0x0b99, 0x0b9a respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m10">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m11">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0b9c, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, 0x0ba3, 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, 0x0ba8, 
0x0ba9, 0x0baa, 0x0bae, 0x0bb1, 0x0bb5, 0x0bb7, 0x0bb8, 0x0bb9, 0x0c05, 0x0c08, 
0x0c0c, 0x0c0e, 0x0c0f, 0x0c10, 0x0c12, 0x0c1d, 0x0c28, 0x0c2a, 0x0c2e, 0x0c33 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0b9c, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, 
0x0ba3, 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, 0x0ba8, 0x0ba9, 0x0baa, 0x0bae, 0x0bb1, 0x0bb5, 0x0bb7, 
0x0bb8, 0x0bb9, 0x0c05, 0x0c08, 0x0c0c, 0x0c0e, 0x0c0f, 0x0c10, 0x0c12, 0x0c1d, 
0x0c28, 0x0c2a, 0x0c2e, 0x0c33 respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m11">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m12">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0c35, 0x0c37, 0x0c39, 0x0c60, 0x0c60, 0x0c61, 0x0c85, 0x0c88, 
0x0c8c, 0x0c8e, 0x0c8f, 0x0c90, 0x0c92, 0x0c9d, 0x0ca8, 0x0caa, 0x0cae, 0x0cb3, 
0x0cb5, 0x0cb7, 0x0cb9, 0x0cde, 0x0ce0, 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0d05, 0x0d08, 0x0d0c 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0c35, 0x0c37, 0x0c39, 0x0c60, 
0x0c60, 0x0c61, 0x0c85, 0x0c88, 0x0c8c, 0x0c8e, 0x0c8f, 0x0c90, 0x0c92, 0x0c9d, 
0x0ca8, 0x0caa, 0x0cae, 0x0cb3, 0x0cb5, 0x0cb7, 0x0cb9, 0x0cde, 0x0ce0, 0x0ce0, 
0x0ce1, 0x0d05, 0x0d08, 0x0d0c respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m12">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m13">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0d0e, 0x0d0f, 0x0d10, 0x0d12, 0x0d1d, 0x0d28, 0x0d2a, 0x0d31, 
0x0d39, 0x0d60, 0x0d60, 0x0d61, 0x0e01, 0x0e17, 0x0e2e, 0x0e30, 0x0e32, 0x0e32, 
0x0e33, 0x0e40, 0x0e42, 0x0e45, 0x0e81, 0x0e81, 0x0e82, 0x0e84 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0d0e, 0x0d0f, 0x0d10, 0x0d12, 
0x0d1d, 0x0d28, 0x0d2a, 0x0d31, 0x0d39, 0x0d60, 0x0d60, 0x0d61, 0x0e01, 0x0e17, 
0x0e2e, 0x0e30, 0x0e32, 0x0e32, 0x0e33, 0x0e40, 0x0e42, 0x0e45, 0x0e81, 0x0e81, 
0x0e82, 0x0e84 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m13">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m14">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0e87, 0x0e87, 0x0e88, 0x0e8a, 0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 0x0e95, 0x0e97, 
0x0e99, 0x0e9c, 0x0e9f, 0x0ea1, 0x0ea2, 0x0ea3, 0x0ea5, 0x0ea7, 0x0eaa, 0x0eaa, 
0x0eab, 0x0ead, 0x0ead, 0x0eae (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 22 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0e87, 0x0e87, 0x0e88, 0x0e8a, 
0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 0x0e95, 0x0e97, 0x0e99, 0x0e9c, 0x0e9f, 0x0ea1, 0x0ea2, 0x0ea3, 
0x0ea5, 0x0ea7, 0x0eaa, 0x0eaa, 0x0eab, 0x0ead, 0x0ead, 0x0eae respectively. 
The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m14">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m15">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0eb0, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 0x0ebd, 0x0ec0, 0x0ec2, 0x0ec4, 
0x0f40, 0x0f43, 0x0f47, 0x0f49, 0x0f59, 0x0f69, 0x1100, 0x1102, 0x1102, 0x1103, 
0x1105, 0x1106, 0x1107, 0x1109 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 22 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0eb0, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 
0x0ebd, 0x0ec0, 0x0ec2, 0x0ec4, 0x0f40, 0x0f43, 0x0f47, 0x0f49, 0x0f59, 0x0f69, 
0x1100, 0x1102, 0x1102, 0x1103, 0x1105, 0x1106, 0x1107, 0x1109 respectively. 
The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m15">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m16">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x110b, 0x110b, 0x110c, 0x110e, 0x1110, 0x1112, 0x113c, 0x113e, 
0x1140, 0x114c, 0x114e, 0x1150, 0x1154, 0x1154, 0x1155, 0x1159 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 16 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x110b, 0x110b, 0x110c, 0x110e, 
0x1110, 0x1112, 0x113c, 0x113e, 0x1140, 0x114c, 0x114e, 0x1150, 0x1154, 0x1154, 
0x1155, 0x1159 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m16">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m17">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x115f, 0x1160, 0x1161, 0x1163, 0x1165, 0x1167, 0x1169, 0x116d, 
0x116d, 0x116e, 0x1172, 0x1172, 0x1173, 0x1175, 0x119e, 0x11a8 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 16 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x115f, 0x1160, 0x1161, 0x1163, 
0x1165, 0x1167, 0x1169, 0x116d, 0x116d, 0x116e, 0x1172, 0x1172, 0x1173, 0x1175, 
0x119e, 0x11a8 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m17">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m18">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x11ab, 0x11ae, 0x11ae, 0x11af, 0x11b7, 0x11b7, 0x11b8, 0x11ba, 
0x11bc, 0x11bf, 0x11c2, 0x11eb, 0x11f0, 0x11f9, 0x1e00, 0x1e4a, 0x1e95, 0x1e9b 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 18 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x11ab, 0x11ae, 0x11ae, 0x11af, 
0x11b7, 0x11b7, 0x11b8, 0x11ba, 0x11bc, 0x11bf, 0x11c2, 0x11eb, 0x11f0, 0x11f9, 
0x1e00, 0x1e4a, 0x1e95, 0x1e9b respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m18">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m19">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x1ea0, 0x1ecc, 0x1ef9, 0x1f00, 0x1f0a, 0x1f15, 0x1f18, 0x1f1a, 
0x1f1d, 0x1f20, 0x1f32, 0x1f45, 0x1f48, 0x1f4a, 0x1f4d, 0x1f51, 0x1f53, 0x1f55, 
0x1f57, 0x1f59 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 20 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x1ea0, 0x1ecc, 0x1ef9, 0x1f00, 
0x1f0a, 0x1f15, 0x1f18, 0x1f1a, 0x1f1d, 0x1f20, 0x1f32, 0x1f45, 0x1f48, 0x1f4a, 
0x1f4d, 0x1f51, 0x1f53, 0x1f55, 0x1f57, 0x1f59 respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m19">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m2">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x014a, 0x0164, 0x017e, 0x0180, 0x018a, 0x0194, 0x0196, 0x019d, 
0x01a5, 0x01a7, 0x01a8, 0x01a9, 0x01ab, 0x01b4, 0x01bd, 0x01c0, 0x01c1, 0x01c3, 
0x01cd, 0x01de, 0x01ef, 0x01f4, 0x01f4, 0x01f5, 0x01fa, 0x0208, 0x0217, 0x0250, 
0x0262, 0x0274 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 30 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x014a, 0x0164, 0x017e, 0x0180, 
0x018a, 0x0194, 0x0196, 0x019d, 0x01a5, 0x01a7, 0x01a8, 0x01a9, 0x01ab, 0x01b4, 
0x01bd, 0x01c0, 0x01c1, 0x01c3, 0x01cd, 0x01de, 0x01ef, 0x01f4, 0x01f4, 0x01f5, 
0x01fa, 0x0208, 0x0217, 0x0250, 0x0262, 0x0274 respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m2">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m20">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x1f5b, 0x1f5d, 0x1f5f, 0x1f6e, 0x1f7d, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb1, 
0x1fb8, 0x1fb9, 0x1fbb, 0x1fc8, 0x1fc9, 0x1fcb, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd1, 0x1fd8, 
0x1fd9, 0x1fdb, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe1, 0x1fe5 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 24 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x1f5b, 0x1f5d, 0x1f5f, 0x1f6e, 
0x1f7d, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb1, 0x1fb8, 0x1fb9, 0x1fbb, 0x1fc8, 0x1fc9, 0x1fcb, 
0x1fd0, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd1, 0x1fd8, 0x1fd9, 0x1fdb, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe1, 0x1fe5 
respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m20">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m21">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x1fe8, 0x1fea, 0x1fec, 0x1ff8, 0x1ff9, 0x1ffb, 0x2180, 0x2181, 
0x2182, 0x3041, 0x306a, 0x3094, 0x30a1, 0x30cd, 0x30fa, 0x3105, 0x3118, 0x312c, 
0xac00, 0xc1d1, 0xd7a3 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 21 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x1fe8, 0x1fea, 0x1fec, 0x1ff8, 
0x1ff9, 0x1ffb, 0x2180, 0x2181, 0x2182, 0x3041, 0x306a, 0x3094, 0x30a1, 0x30cd, 
0x30fa, 0x3105, 0x3118, 0x312c, 0xac00, 0xc1d1, 0xd7a3 respectively. The 
document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m21">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m3">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0276, 0x027a, 0x027f, 0x0281, 0x0294, 0x02a8, 0x02bb, 0x02be, 
0x02c1, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038a, 0x038c, 0x038e, 0x038e, 0x038f, 0x0391, 
0x0399, 0x03a1, 0x03a3, 0x03a9, 0x03af, 0x03b1, 0x03bf, 0x03ce (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0276, 0x027a, 0x027f, 0x0281, 
0x0294, 0x02a8, 0x02bb, 0x02be, 0x02c1, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038a, 0x038c, 
0x038e, 0x038e, 0x038f, 0x0391, 0x0399, 0x03a1, 0x03a3, 0x03a9, 0x03af, 0x03b1, 
0x03bf, 0x03ce respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m3">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m4">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x03d0, 0x03d3, 0x03d6, 0x03e2, 0x03e9, 0x03f1, 0x0401, 0x0406, 
0x040c, 0x040e, 0x042e, 0x044f, 0x0451, 0x0456, 0x045c, 0x045e, 0x046f, 0x0481, 
0x0490, 0x04a7, 0x04bf, 0x04c1, 0x04c2, 0x04c4, 0x04c7, 0x04c7, 0x04c8, 0x04cb, 
0x04cb, 0x04cc (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 30 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x03d0, 0x03d3, 0x03d6, 0x03e2, 
0x03e9, 0x03f1, 0x0401, 0x0406, 0x040c, 0x040e, 0x042e, 0x044f, 0x0451, 0x0456, 
0x045c, 0x045e, 0x046f, 0x0481, 0x0490, 0x04a7, 0x04bf, 0x04c1, 0x04c2, 0x04c4, 
0x04c7, 0x04c7, 0x04c8, 0x04cb, 0x04cb, 0x04cc respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m4">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m5">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x04d0, 0x04dd, 0x04eb, 0x04ee, 0x04f1, 0x04f5, 0x04f8, 0x04f8, 
0x04f9, 0x0531, 0x0543, 0x0556, 0x0559, 0x0561, 0x0573, 0x0586, 0x05d0, 0x05dd, 
0x05ea, 0x05f0, 0x05f1, 0x05f2, 0x0621, 0x062d, 0x063a, 0x0641, 0x0645, 0x064a 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x04d0, 0x04dd, 0x04eb, 0x04ee, 
0x04f1, 0x04f5, 0x04f8, 0x04f8, 0x04f9, 0x0531, 0x0543, 0x0556, 0x0559, 0x0561, 
0x0573, 0x0586, 0x05d0, 0x05dd, 0x05ea, 0x05f0, 0x05f1, 0x05f2, 0x0621, 0x062d, 
0x063a, 0x0641, 0x0645, 0x064a respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m5">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m6">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0671, 0x0694, 0x06b7, 0x06ba, 0x06bc, 0x06be, 0x06c0, 0x06c7, 
0x06ce, 0x06d0, 0x06d1, 0x06d3, 0x06d5, 0x06e5, 0x06e5, 0x06e6, 0x0905, 0x091f, 
0x0939, 0x093d, 0x0958, 0x095c, 0x0961, 0x0985, 0x0988, 0x098c (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0671, 0x0694, 0x06b7, 0x06ba, 
0x06bc, 0x06be, 0x06c0, 0x06c7, 0x06ce, 0x06d0, 0x06d1, 0x06d3, 0x06d5, 0x06e5, 
0x06e5, 0x06e6, 0x0905, 0x091f, 0x0939, 0x093d, 0x0958, 0x095c, 0x0961, 0x0985, 
0x0988, 0x098c respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m6">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m7">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x098f, 0x098f, 0x0990, 0x0993, 0x099d, 0x09a8, 0x09aa, 0x09ad, 
0x09b0, 0x09b2, 0x09b6, 0x09b7, 0x09b9, 0x09dc, 0x09dc, 0x09dd, 0x09df, 0x09e0, 
0x09e1, 0x09f0, 0x09f0, 0x09f1, 0x0a05, 0x0a07, 0x0a0a, 0x0a0f, 0x0a0f, 0x0a10 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x098f, 0x098f, 0x0990, 0x0993, 
0x099d, 0x09a8, 0x09aa, 0x09ad, 0x09b0, 0x09b2, 0x09b6, 0x09b7, 0x09b9, 0x09dc, 
0x09dc, 0x09dd, 0x09df, 0x09e0, 0x09e1, 0x09f0, 0x09f0, 0x09f1, 0x0a05, 0x0a07, 
0x0a0a, 0x0a0f, 0x0a0f, 0x0a10 respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m7">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m8">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0a13, 0x0a1d, 0x0a28, 0x0a2a, 0x0a2d, 0x0a30, 0x0a32, 0x0a32, 
0x0a33, 0x0a35, 0x0a35, 0x0a36, 0x0a38, 0x0a38, 0x0a39, 0x0a59, 0x0a5a, 0x0a5c, 
0x0a5e, 0x0a72, 0x0a73, 0x0a74, 0x0a85, 0x0a88, 0x0a8b, 0x0a8d (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0a13, 0x0a1d, 0x0a28, 0x0a2a, 
0x0a2d, 0x0a30, 0x0a32, 0x0a32, 0x0a33, 0x0a35, 0x0a35, 0x0a36, 0x0a38, 0x0a38, 
0x0a39, 0x0a59, 0x0a5a, 0x0a5c, 0x0a5e, 0x0a72, 0x0a73, 0x0a74, 0x0a85, 0x0a88, 
0x0a8b, 0x0a8d respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m8">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00104m9">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that begin with the basic 
characters 0x0a8f, 0x0a90, 0x0a91, 0x0a93, 0x0a9d, 0x0aa8, 0x0aaa, 0x0aad, 
0x0ab0, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 0x0ab5, 0x0ab7, 0x0ab9, 0x0abd, 0x0ae0, 0x0b05, 
0x0b08, 0x0b0c, 0x0b0f, 0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 0x0b13, 0x0b1d, 0x0b28 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local integer attributes with the 
names that begin with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0a8f, 0x0a90, 0x0a91, 0x0a93, 
0x0a9d, 0x0aa8, 0x0aaa, 0x0aad, 0x0ab0, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 0x0ab5, 0x0ab7, 
0x0ab9, 0x0abd, 0x0ae0, 0x0b05, 0x0b08, 0x0b0c, 0x0b0f, 0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 0x0b13, 
0x0b1d, 0x0b28 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00104m9">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00105m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attribute has name that begins with the underscore 
character 0x005f (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare one local integer attribute with the name 
that begins with the 
+                             underscore character 0x005f. The document set the 
attribute value to 0.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00105m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00106m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the underscore, dot 
and minus characters 0x005f, 0x002e, 0x002d (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 3 local integer attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             underscore, dot and minus characters: 0x005f, 
0x002e, 0x002d respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00106m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00107m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the ideographic 
characters 0x4e00, 0x76d2, 0x9fa5, 0x3007, 0x3021, 0x3025, 0x3029 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 7 local integer attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             ideographic characters: 0x4e00, 0x76d2, 0x9fa5, 
0x3007, 0x3021, 0x3025, 0x3029 respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00107m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0041, 0x004d, 0x005a, 0x0061, 0x0064, 0x0068, 0x006a, 0x0072, 
0x007a, 0x00c0, 0x00cb, 0x00d6, 0x00d8, 0x00db, 0x00de, 0x00e0, 0x00eb, 0x00f6, 
0x00f8, 0x00fb, 0x00ff, 0x0100, 0x0118, 0x0131, 0x0134, 0x0139, 0x013e, 0x0141, 
0x0144, 0x0148 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 30 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0041, 0x004d, 0x005a, 0x0061, 
0x0064, 0x0068, 0x006a, 0x0072, 0x007a, 0x00c0, 0x00cb, 0x00d6, 0x00d8, 0x00db, 
0x00de, 0x00e0, 0x00eb, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x00fb, 0x00ff, 0x0100, 0x0118, 0x0131, 
0x0134, 0x0139, 0x013e, 0x0141, 0x0144, 0x0148 respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m10">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0b2a, 0x0b2d, 0x0b30, 0x0b32, 0x0b32, 0x0b33, 0x0b36, 0x0b37, 
0x0b39, 0x0b3d, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, 0x0b5f, 0x0b60, 0x0b61, 0x0b85, 0x0b87, 
0x0b8a, 0x0b8e, 0x0b8f, 0x0b90, 0x0b92, 0x0b93, 0x0b95, 0x0b99, 0x0b99, 0x0b9a 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0b2a, 0x0b2d, 0x0b30, 0x0b32, 
0x0b32, 0x0b33, 0x0b36, 0x0b37, 0x0b39, 0x0b3d, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, 0x0b5f, 
0x0b60, 0x0b61, 0x0b85, 0x0b87, 0x0b8a, 0x0b8e, 0x0b8f, 0x0b90, 0x0b92, 0x0b93, 
0x0b95, 0x0b99, 0x0b99, 0x0b9a respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m10">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m11">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0b9c, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, 0x0ba3, 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, 0x0ba8, 
0x0ba9, 0x0baa, 0x0bae, 0x0bb1, 0x0bb5, 0x0bb7, 0x0bb8, 0x0bb9, 0x0c05, 0x0c08, 
0x0c0c, 0x0c0e, 0x0c0f, 0x0c10, 0x0c12, 0x0c1d, 0x0c28, 0x0c2a, 0x0c2e, 0x0c33 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0b9c, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, 
0x0ba3, 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, 0x0ba8, 0x0ba9, 0x0baa, 0x0bae, 0x0bb1, 0x0bb5, 0x0bb7, 
0x0bb8, 0x0bb9, 0x0c05, 0x0c08, 0x0c0c, 0x0c0e, 0x0c0f, 0x0c10, 0x0c12, 0x0c1d, 
0x0c28, 0x0c2a, 0x0c2e, 0x0c33 respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m11">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m12">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0c35, 0x0c37, 0x0c39, 0x0c60, 0x0c60, 0x0c61, 0x0c85, 0x0c88, 
0x0c8c, 0x0c8e, 0x0c8f, 0x0c90, 0x0c92, 0x0c9d, 0x0ca8, 0x0caa, 0x0cae, 0x0cb3, 
0x0cb5, 0x0cb7, 0x0cb9, 0x0cde, 0x0ce0, 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0d05, 0x0d08, 0x0d0c 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0c35, 0x0c37, 0x0c39, 0x0c60, 
0x0c60, 0x0c61, 0x0c85, 0x0c88, 0x0c8c, 0x0c8e, 0x0c8f, 0x0c90, 0x0c92, 0x0c9d, 
0x0ca8, 0x0caa, 0x0cae, 0x0cb3, 0x0cb5, 0x0cb7, 0x0cb9, 0x0cde, 0x0ce0, 0x0ce0, 
0x0ce1, 0x0d05, 0x0d08, 0x0d0c respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m12">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m13">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0d0e, 0x0d0f, 0x0d10, 0x0d12, 0x0d1d, 0x0d28, 0x0d2a, 0x0d31, 
0x0d39, 0x0d60, 0x0d60, 0x0d61, 0x0e01, 0x0e17, 0x0e2e, 0x0e30, 0x0e32, 0x0e32, 
0x0e33, 0x0e40, 0x0e42, 0x0e45, 0x0e81, 0x0e81, 0x0e82, 0x0e84 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0d0e, 0x0d0f, 0x0d10, 0x0d12, 
0x0d1d, 0x0d28, 0x0d2a, 0x0d31, 0x0d39, 0x0d60, 0x0d60, 0x0d61, 0x0e01, 0x0e17, 
0x0e2e, 0x0e30, 0x0e32, 0x0e32, 0x0e33, 0x0e40, 0x0e42, 0x0e45, 0x0e81, 0x0e81, 
0x0e82, 0x0e84 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m13">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m14">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0e87, 0x0e87, 0x0e88, 0x0e8a, 0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 0x0e95, 0x0e97, 
0x0e99, 0x0e9c, 0x0e9f, 0x0ea1, 0x0ea2, 0x0ea3, 0x0ea5, 0x0ea7, 0x0eaa, 0x0eaa, 
0x0eab, 0x0ead, 0x0ead, 0x0eae (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 22 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0e87, 0x0e87, 0x0e88, 0x0e8a, 
0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 0x0e95, 0x0e97, 0x0e99, 0x0e9c, 0x0e9f, 0x0ea1, 0x0ea2, 0x0ea3, 
0x0ea5, 0x0ea7, 0x0eaa, 0x0eaa, 0x0eab, 0x0ead, 0x0ead, 0x0eae respectively. 
The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m14">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m15">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0eb0, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 0x0ebd, 0x0ec0, 0x0ec2, 0x0ec4, 
0x0f40, 0x0f43, 0x0f47, 0x0f49, 0x0f59, 0x0f69, 0x1100, 0x1102, 0x1102, 0x1103, 
0x1105, 0x1106, 0x1107, 0x1109 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 22 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0eb0, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 
0x0ebd, 0x0ec0, 0x0ec2, 0x0ec4, 0x0f40, 0x0f43, 0x0f47, 0x0f49, 0x0f59, 0x0f69, 
0x1100, 0x1102, 0x1102, 0x1103, 0x1105, 0x1106, 0x1107, 0x1109 respectively. 
The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m15">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m16">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x110b, 0x110b, 0x110c, 0x110e, 0x1110, 0x1112, 0x113c, 0x113e, 
0x1140, 0x114c, 0x114e, 0x1150, 0x1154, 0x1154, 0x1155, 0x1159 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 16 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x110b, 0x110b, 0x110c, 0x110e, 
0x1110, 0x1112, 0x113c, 0x113e, 0x1140, 0x114c, 0x114e, 0x1150, 0x1154, 0x1154, 
0x1155, 0x1159 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m16">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m17">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x115f, 0x1160, 0x1161, 0x1163, 0x1165, 0x1167, 0x1169, 0x116d, 
0x116d, 0x116e, 0x1172, 0x1172, 0x1173, 0x1175, 0x119e, 0x11a8 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 16 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x115f, 0x1160, 0x1161, 0x1163, 
0x1165, 0x1167, 0x1169, 0x116d, 0x116d, 0x116e, 0x1172, 0x1172, 0x1173, 0x1175, 
0x119e, 0x11a8 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m17">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m18">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x11ab, 0x11ae, 0x11ae, 0x11af, 0x11b7, 0x11b7, 0x11b8, 0x11ba, 
0x11bc, 0x11bf, 0x11c2, 0x11eb, 0x11f0, 0x11f9, 0x1e00, 0x1e4a, 0x1e95, 0x1e9b 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 18 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x11ab, 0x11ae, 0x11ae, 0x11af, 
0x11b7, 0x11b7, 0x11b8, 0x11ba, 0x11bc, 0x11bf, 0x11c2, 0x11eb, 0x11f0, 0x11f9, 
0x1e00, 0x1e4a, 0x1e95, 0x1e9b respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m18">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m19">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x1ea0, 0x1ecc, 0x1ef9, 0x1f00, 0x1f0a, 0x1f15, 0x1f18, 0x1f1a, 
0x1f1d, 0x1f20, 0x1f32, 0x1f45, 0x1f48, 0x1f4a, 0x1f4d, 0x1f51, 0x1f53, 0x1f55, 
0x1f57, 0x1f59 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 20 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x1ea0, 0x1ecc, 0x1ef9, 0x1f00, 
0x1f0a, 0x1f15, 0x1f18, 0x1f1a, 0x1f1d, 0x1f20, 0x1f32, 0x1f45, 0x1f48, 0x1f4a, 
0x1f4d, 0x1f51, 0x1f53, 0x1f55, 0x1f57, 0x1f59 respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m19">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m2">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x014a, 0x0164, 0x017e, 0x0180, 0x018a, 0x0194, 0x0196, 0x019d, 
0x01a5, 0x01a7, 0x01a8, 0x01a9, 0x01ab, 0x01b4, 0x01bd, 0x01c0, 0x01c1, 0x01c3, 
0x01cd, 0x01de, 0x01ef, 0x01f4, 0x01f4, 0x01f5, 0x01fa, 0x0208, 0x0217, 0x0250, 
0x0262, 0x0274 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 30 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x014a, 0x0164, 0x017e, 0x0180, 
0x018a, 0x0194, 0x0196, 0x019d, 0x01a5, 0x01a7, 0x01a8, 0x01a9, 0x01ab, 0x01b4, 
0x01bd, 0x01c0, 0x01c1, 0x01c3, 0x01cd, 0x01de, 0x01ef, 0x01f4, 0x01f4, 0x01f5, 
0x01fa, 0x0208, 0x0217, 0x0250, 0x0262, 0x0274 respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m2">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m20">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x1f5b, 0x1f5d, 0x1f5f, 0x1f6e, 0x1f7d, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb1, 
0x1fb8, 0x1fb9, 0x1fbb, 0x1fc8, 0x1fc9, 0x1fcb, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd1, 0x1fd8, 
0x1fd9, 0x1fdb, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe1, 0x1fe5 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 24 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x1f5b, 0x1f5d, 0x1f5f, 0x1f6e, 
0x1f7d, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb1, 0x1fb8, 0x1fb9, 0x1fbb, 0x1fc8, 0x1fc9, 0x1fcb, 
0x1fd0, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd1, 0x1fd8, 0x1fd9, 0x1fdb, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe0, 0x1fe1, 0x1fe5 
respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m20">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m21">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x1fe8, 0x1fea, 0x1fec, 0x1ff8, 0x1ff9, 0x1ffb, 0x2180, 0x2181, 
0x2182, 0x3041, 0x306a, 0x3094, 0x30a1, 0x30cd, 0x30fa, 0x3105, 0x3118, 0x312c, 
0xac00, 0xc1d1, 0xd7a3 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 21 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x1fe8, 0x1fea, 0x1fec, 0x1ff8, 
0x1ff9, 0x1ffb, 0x2180, 0x2181, 0x2182, 0x3041, 0x306a, 0x3094, 0x30a1, 0x30cd, 
0x30fa, 0x3105, 0x3118, 0x312c, 0xac00, 0xc1d1, 0xd7a3 respectively. The 
document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m21">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m3">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0276, 0x027a, 0x027f, 0x0281, 0x0294, 0x02a8, 0x02bb, 0x02be, 
0x02c1, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038a, 0x038c, 0x038e, 0x038e, 0x038f, 0x0391, 
0x0399, 0x03a1, 0x03a3, 0x03a9, 0x03af, 0x03b1, 0x03bf, 0x03ce (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0276, 0x027a, 0x027f, 0x0281, 
0x0294, 0x02a8, 0x02bb, 0x02be, 0x02c1, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038a, 0x038c, 
0x038e, 0x038e, 0x038f, 0x0391, 0x0399, 0x03a1, 0x03a3, 0x03a9, 0x03af, 0x03b1, 
0x03bf, 0x03ce respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m3">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m4">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x03d0, 0x03d3, 0x03d6, 0x03e2, 0x03e9, 0x03f1, 0x0401, 0x0406, 
0x040c, 0x040e, 0x042e, 0x044f, 0x0451, 0x0456, 0x045c, 0x045e, 0x046f, 0x0481, 
0x0490, 0x04a7, 0x04bf, 0x04c1, 0x04c2, 0x04c4, 0x04c7, 0x04c7, 0x04c8, 0x04cb, 
0x04cb, 0x04cc (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 30 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x03d0, 0x03d3, 0x03d6, 0x03e2, 
0x03e9, 0x03f1, 0x0401, 0x0406, 0x040c, 0x040e, 0x042e, 0x044f, 0x0451, 0x0456, 
0x045c, 0x045e, 0x046f, 0x0481, 0x0490, 0x04a7, 0x04bf, 0x04c1, 0x04c2, 0x04c4, 
0x04c7, 0x04c7, 0x04c8, 0x04cb, 0x04cb, 0x04cc respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m4">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m5">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x04d0, 0x04dd, 0x04eb, 0x04ee, 0x04f1, 0x04f5, 0x04f8, 0x04f8, 
0x04f9, 0x0531, 0x0543, 0x0556, 0x0559, 0x0561, 0x0573, 0x0586, 0x05d0, 0x05dd, 
0x05ea, 0x05f0, 0x05f1, 0x05f2, 0x0621, 0x062d, 0x063a, 0x0641, 0x0645, 0x064a 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x04d0, 0x04dd, 0x04eb, 0x04ee, 
0x04f1, 0x04f5, 0x04f8, 0x04f8, 0x04f9, 0x0531, 0x0543, 0x0556, 0x0559, 0x0561, 
0x0573, 0x0586, 0x05d0, 0x05dd, 0x05ea, 0x05f0, 0x05f1, 0x05f2, 0x0621, 0x062d, 
0x063a, 0x0641, 0x0645, 0x064a respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m5">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m6">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0671, 0x0694, 0x06b7, 0x06ba, 0x06bc, 0x06be, 0x06c0, 0x06c7, 
0x06ce, 0x06d0, 0x06d1, 0x06d3, 0x06d5, 0x06e5, 0x06e5, 0x06e6, 0x0905, 0x091f, 
0x0939, 0x093d, 0x0958, 0x095c, 0x0961, 0x0985, 0x0988, 0x098c (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0671, 0x0694, 0x06b7, 0x06ba, 
0x06bc, 0x06be, 0x06c0, 0x06c7, 0x06ce, 0x06d0, 0x06d1, 0x06d3, 0x06d5, 0x06e5, 
0x06e5, 0x06e6, 0x0905, 0x091f, 0x0939, 0x093d, 0x0958, 0x095c, 0x0961, 0x0985, 
0x0988, 0x098c respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m6">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m7">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x098f, 0x098f, 0x0990, 0x0993, 0x099d, 0x09a8, 0x09aa, 0x09ad, 
0x09b0, 0x09b2, 0x09b6, 0x09b7, 0x09b9, 0x09dc, 0x09dc, 0x09dd, 0x09df, 0x09e0, 
0x09e1, 0x09f0, 0x09f0, 0x09f1, 0x0a05, 0x0a07, 0x0a0a, 0x0a0f, 0x0a0f, 0x0a10 
(valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 28 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x098f, 0x098f, 0x0990, 0x0993, 
0x099d, 0x09a8, 0x09aa, 0x09ad, 0x09b0, 0x09b2, 0x09b6, 0x09b7, 0x09b9, 0x09dc, 
0x09dc, 0x09dd, 0x09df, 0x09e0, 0x09e1, 0x09f0, 0x09f0, 0x09f1, 0x0a05, 0x0a07, 
0x0a0a, 0x0a0f, 0x0a0f, 0x0a10 respectively. The document set their values to 
0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m7">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m8">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0a13, 0x0a1d, 0x0a28, 0x0a2a, 0x0a2d, 0x0a30, 0x0a32, 0x0a32, 
0x0a33, 0x0a35, 0x0a35, 0x0a36, 0x0a38, 0x0a38, 0x0a39, 0x0a59, 0x0a5a, 0x0a5c, 
0x0a5e, 0x0a72, 0x0a73, 0x0a74, 0x0a85, 0x0a88, 0x0a8b, 0x0a8d (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0a13, 0x0a1d, 0x0a28, 0x0a2a, 
0x0a2d, 0x0a30, 0x0a32, 0x0a32, 0x0a33, 0x0a35, 0x0a35, 0x0a36, 0x0a38, 0x0a38, 
0x0a39, 0x0a59, 0x0a5a, 0x0a5c, 0x0a5e, 0x0a72, 0x0a73, 0x0a74, 0x0a85, 0x0a88, 
0x0a8b, 0x0a8d respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m8">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00108m9">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the basic 
characters 0x0a8f, 0x0a90, 0x0a91, 0x0a93, 0x0a9d, 0x0aa8, 0x0aaa, 0x0aad, 
0x0ab0, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 0x0ab5, 0x0ab7, 0x0ab9, 0x0abd, 0x0ae0, 0x0b05, 
0x0b08, 0x0b0c, 0x0b0f, 0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 0x0b13, 0x0b1d, 0x0b28 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             basic characters: 0x0a8f, 0x0a90, 0x0a91, 0x0a93, 
0x0a9d, 0x0aa8, 0x0aaa, 0x0aad, 0x0ab0, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 0x0ab5, 0x0ab7, 
0x0ab9, 0x0abd, 0x0ae0, 0x0b05, 0x0b08, 0x0b0c, 0x0b0f, 0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 0x0b13, 
0x0b1d, 0x0b28 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00108m9">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00109m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the digit 
characters 0x0030, 0x0034, 0x0039, 0x0660, 0x0664, 0x0669, 0x06f0, 0x06f4, 
0x06f9, 0x0966, 0x096a, 0x096f, 0x09e6, 0x09ea, 0x09ef, 0x0a66, 0x0a6a, 0x0a6f, 
0x0ae6, 0x0aea, 0x0aef, 0x0b66, 0x0b6a, 0x0b6f, 0x0be7, 0x0beb, 0x0bef, 0x0c66, 
0x0c6a, 0x0c6f (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 30 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             digit characters: 0x0030, 0x0034, 0x0039, 0x0660, 
0x0664, 0x0669, 0x06f0, 0x06f4, 0x06f9, 0x0966, 0x096a, 0x096f, 0x09e6, 0x09ea, 
0x09ef, 0x0a66, 0x0a6a, 0x0a6f, 0x0ae6, 0x0aea, 0x0aef, 0x0b66, 0x0b6a, 0x0b6f, 
0x0be7, 0x0beb, 0x0bef, 0x0c66, 0x0c6a, 0x0c6f respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00109m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00109m2">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the digit 
characters 0x0ce6, 0x0cea, 0x0cef, 0x0d66, 0x0d6a, 0x0d6f, 0x0e50, 0x0e54, 
0x0e59, 0x0ed0, 0x0ed4, 0x0ed9, 0x0f20, 0x0f24, 0x0f29 (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 15 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             digit characters: 0x0ce6, 0x0cea, 0x0cef, 0x0d66, 
0x0d6a, 0x0d6f, 0x0e50, 0x0e54, 0x0e59, 0x0ed0, 0x0ed4, 0x0ed9, 0x0f20, 0x0f24, 
0x0f29 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00109m2">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00110m1">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the combining 
characters 0x0300, 0x0322, 0x0344, 0x0360, 0x0360, 0x0361, 0x0483, 0x0484, 
0x0486, 0x0591, 0x0599, 0x05a1, 0x05a3, 0x05ae, 0x05b9, 0x05bb, 0x05bc, 0x05bd, 
0x05bf, 0x05c1, 0x05c1, 0x05c2, 0x05c4, 0x064b, 0x064e, 0x0652 (valid 
+                <Description>Declare 26 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             combining characters: 0x0300, 0x0322, 0x0344, 
0x0360, 0x0360, 0x0361, 0x0483, 0x0484, 0x0486, 0x0591, 0x0599, 0x05a1, 0x05a3, 
0x05ae, 0x05b9, 0x05bb, 0x05bc, 0x05bd, 0x05bf, 0x05c1, 0x05c1, 0x05c2, 0x05c4, 
0x064b, 0x064e, 0x0652 respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00110m1">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00110m10">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the combining 
characters 0x20d0, 0x20d6, 0x20dc, 0x20e1, 0x302a, 0x302c, 0x302f, 0x3099, 
0x309a (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 9 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             combining characters: 0x20d0, 0x20d6, 0x20dc, 
0x20e1, 0x302a, 0x302c, 0x302f, 0x3099, 0x309a respectively. The document set 
their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00110m10">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00110m2">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>
+                <Title>Attributes have names that end with the combining 
characters 0x0670, 0x06d6, 0x06d9, 0x06dc, 0x06dd, 0x06de, 0x06df, 0x06e0, 
0x06e2, 0x06e4, 0x06e7, 0x06e7, 0x06e8, 0x06ea, 0x06eb, 0x06ed, 0x0901, 0x0902, 
0x0903, 0x093c, 0x093e, 0x0945, 0x094c, 0x094d (valid schema)</Title>
+                <Description>Declare 24 local string attributes with the names 
that end with the following 
+                             combining characters: 0x0670, 0x06d6, 0x06d9, 
0x06dc, 0x06dd, 0x06de, 0x06df, 0x06e0, 0x06e2, 0x06e4, 0x06e7, 0x06e7, 0x06e8, 
0x06ea, 0x06eb, 0x06ed, 0x0901, 0x0902, 0x0903, 0x093c, 0x093e, 0x0945, 0x094c, 
0x094d respectively. The document set their values to 0, 1 or 2.</Description>
+            </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+        <documentationReference 
+        <schemaTest name="AD_name00110m2">
+            <schemaDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </schemaTest>
+        <instanceTest name="Positive">
+            <instanceDocument 
+            <expected validity="valid"/>
+            <current status="accepted" date="2005-06-21"/>
+        </instanceTest>
+    </testGroup>
+    <testGroup name="ad_name00110m3">
+        <annotation>
+            <documentation>

[... 560 lines stripped ...]

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