diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/site/apt/WebHDFS.apt.vm 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3668286..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/site/apt/WebHDFS.apt.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2628 +0,0 @@
-~~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-~~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-~~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
-~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-~~ limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
-  ---
-  Hadoop Distributed File System-${project.version} - WebHDFS REST API
-  ---
-  ---
-  ${}
-* {Document Conventions}
-| <<<Monospaced>>>     | Used for commands, HTTP request and responses and 
code blocks.                |
-| <<<\<Monospaced\>>>> | User entered values.                                  
-| <<<[Monospaced]>>>   | Optional values.  When the value is not specified, 
the default value is used. |
-| <Italics>            | Important phrases and words.                          
-* {Introduction}
-  The HTTP REST API supports the complete
-  interface for HDFS.
-  The operations and the corresponding FileSystem/FileContext methods are 
shown in the next section.
-  The Section {{HTTP Query Parameter Dictionary}} specifies the parameter 
-  such as the defaults and the valid values.
-** {Operations}
-    * {{{Open and Read a File}<<<OPEN>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Status of a File/Directory}<<<GETFILESTATUS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{List a Directory}<<<LISTSTATUS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get Content Summary of a Directory}<<<GETCONTENTSUMMARY>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get File Checksum}<<<GETFILECHECKSUM>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get Home Directory}<<<GETHOMEDIRECTORY>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get Delegation Token}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get Delegation Tokens}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKENS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get an XAttr}<<<GETXATTRS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get multiple XAttrs}<<<GETXATTRS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Get all XAttrs}<<<GETXATTRS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{List all XAttrs}<<<LISTXATTRS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Check access}<<<CHECKACCESS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Create and Write to a File}<<<CREATE>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Make a Directory}<<<MKDIRS>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Create a Symbolic Link}<<<CREATESYMLINK>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Rename a File/Directory}<<<RENAME>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Set Replication Factor}<<<SETREPLICATION>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Set Owner}<<<SETOWNER>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Set Permission}<<<SETPERMISSION>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Set Access or Modification Time}<<<SETTIMES>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Renew Delegation Token}<<<RENEWDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Cancel Delegation Token}<<<CANCELDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Create Snapshot}<<<CREATESNAPSHOT>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Rename Snapshot}<<<RENAMESNAPSHOT>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Set XAttr}<<<SETXATTR>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Remove XAttr}<<<REMOVEXATTR>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Append to a File}<<<APPEND>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Concat File(s)}<<<CONCAT>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Truncate a File}<<<TRUNCATE>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Delete a File/Directory}<<<DELETE>>>}}
-        (see  
-    * {{{Delete Snapshot}<<<DELETESNAPSHOT>>>}}
-        (see  
-** {FileSystem URIs vs HTTP URLs}
-  The FileSystem scheme of WebHDFS is "<<<webhdfs://>>>".
-  A WebHDFS FileSystem URI has the following format.
-  webhdfs://<HOST>:<HTTP_PORT>/<PATH>
-  The above WebHDFS URI corresponds to the below HDFS URI.
-  hdfs://<HOST>:<RPC_PORT>/<PATH>
-  In the REST API, the prefix "<<</webhdfs/v1>>>" is inserted in the path and 
a query is appended at the end.
-  Therefore, the corresponding HTTP URL has the following format.
-  http://<HOST>:<HTTP_PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=...
-** {HDFS Configuration Options}
-  Below are the HDFS configuration options for WebHDFS.
-|| Property Name                                 || Description                
-| <<<dfs.webhdfs.enabled                      >>> | Enable/disable WebHDFS in 
Namenodes and Datanodes |
-| <<<dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal>>> | The HTTP Kerberos 
principal used by Hadoop-Auth in the HTTP endpoint. The HTTP Kerberos principal 
MUST start with 'HTTP/' per Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO specification.  A value of "*" 
will use all HTTP principals found in the keytab. |
-| <<<dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab   >>> | The Kerberos keytab file 
with the credentials for the HTTP Kerberos principal used by Hadoop-Auth in the 
HTTP endpoint. |
-* {Authentication}
-  When security is <off>, the authenticated user is the username specified in 
the <<<>>> query parameter.
-  If the <<<>>> parameter is not set,
-  the server may either set the authenticated user to a default web user, if 
there is any, or return an error response.
-  When security is <on>, authentication is performed by either Hadoop 
delegation token or Kerberos SPNEGO.
-  If a token is set in the <<<delegation>>> query parameter, the authenticated 
user is the user encoded in the token.
-  If the <<<delegation>>> parameter is not set, the user is authenticated by 
Kerberos SPNEGO.
-  Below are examples using the <<<curl>>> command tool.
-  [[1]] Authentication when security is off:
-curl -i "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?[<USER>&]op=..."
-  [[1]] Authentication using Kerberos SPNEGO when security is on:
-curl -i --negotiate -u : "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=..."
-  [[1]] Authentication using Hadoop delegation token when security is on:
-curl -i "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?delegation=<TOKEN>&op=..."
-  []
-  See also: {{{../hadoop-common/HttpAuthentication.html}Authentication for 
Hadoop HTTP web-consoles}}
-* {Proxy Users}
-  When the proxy user feature is enabled, a proxy user <P> may submit a 
request on behalf of another user <U>.
-  The username of <U> must be specified in the <<<doas>>> query parameter 
unless a delegation token is presented in authentication.
-  In such case, the information of both users <P> and <U> must be encoded in 
the delegation token.
-  [[1]] A proxy request when security is off:
-curl -i 
-  [[1]] A proxy request using Kerberos SPNEGO when security is on:
-curl -i --negotiate -u : 
-  [[1]] A proxy request using Hadoop delegation token when security is on:
-curl -i "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?delegation=<TOKEN>&op=..."
-* {File and Directory Operations}
-** {Create and Write to a File}
-  * Step 1: Submit a HTTP PUT request without automatically following 
redirects and without sending the file data.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=CREATE
-                    [&permission=<OCTAL>][&buffersize=<INT>]"
-  The request is redirected to a datanode where the file data is to be written:
-Location: http://<DATANODE>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=CREATE...
-Content-Length: 0
-  * Step 2: Submit another HTTP PUT request using the URL in the 
<<<Location>>> header with the file data to be written.
-curl -i -X PUT -T <LOCAL_FILE> 
-  The client receives a <<<201 Created>>> response with zero content length
-  and the WebHDFS URI of the file in the <<<Location>>> header:
-HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-Location: webhdfs://<HOST>:<PORT>/<PATH>
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  <<Note>> that the reason of having two-step create/append is
-  for preventing clients to send out data before the redirect.
-  This issue is addressed by the "<<<Expect: 100-continue>>>" header in 
-  see {{{}RFC 
2616, Section 8.2.3}}.
-  Unfortunately, there are software library bugs (e.g. Jetty 6 HTTP server and 
Java 6 HTTP client),
-  which do not correctly implement "<<<Expect: 100-continue>>>".
-  The two-step create/append is a temporary workaround for the software 
library bugs.
-  See also:
-  {{{Overwrite}<<<overwrite>>>}},
-  {{{Block Size}<<<blocksize>>>}},
-  {{{Replication}<<<replication>>>}},
-  {{{Permission}<<<permission>>>}},
-  {{{Buffer Size}<<<buffersize>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.create
-** {Append to a File}
-  * Step 1: Submit a HTTP POST request without automatically following 
redirects and without sending the file data.
-curl -i -X POST 
-  The request is redirected to a datanode where the file data is to be 
-Location: http://<DATANODE>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=APPEND...
-Content-Length: 0
-  * Step 2: Submit another HTTP POST request using the URL in the 
<<<Location>>> header with the file data to be appended.
-curl -i -X POST -T <LOCAL_FILE> 
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See the note in the previous section for the description of why this 
operation requires two steps.
-  See also:
-  {{{Buffer Size}<<<buffersize>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.append
-** {Concat File(s)}
-  * Submit a HTTP POST request.
-curl -i -X POST 
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Sources}<<<sources>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.concat
-** {Open and Read a File}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request with automatically following redirects.
-curl -i -L "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=OPEN
-                    [&offset=<LONG>][&length=<LONG>][&buffersize=<INT>]"
-  The request is redirected to a datanode where the file data can be read:
-Location: http://<DATANODE>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=OPEN...
-Content-Length: 0
-  The client follows the redirect to the datanode and receives the file data:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/octet-stream
-Content-Length: 22
-Hello, webhdfs user!
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Offset}<<<offset>>>}},
-  {{{Length}<<<length>>>}},
-  {{{Buffer Size}<<<buffersize>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.open
-** {Make a Directory}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT 
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Boolean JSON Schema}<<<boolean>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"boolean": true}
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Permission}<<<permission>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.mkdirs
-** {Create a Symbolic Link}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=CREATESYMLINK
-                              &destination=<PATH>[&createParent=<true|false>]"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Destination}<<<destination>>>}},
-  {{{Create Parent}<<<createParent>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.createSymlink
-** {Rename a File/Directory}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=RENAME&destination=<PATH>"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Boolean JSON Schema}<<<boolean>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"boolean": true}
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Destination}<<<destination>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.rename
-** {Delete a File/Directory}
-  * Submit a HTTP DELETE request.
-curl -i -X DELETE "http://<host>:<port>/webhdfs/v1/<path>?op=DELETE
-                              [&recursive=<true|false>]"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Boolean JSON Schema}<<<boolean>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"boolean": true}
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Recursive}<<<recursive>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.delete
-** {Truncate a File}
-  * Submit a HTTP POST request.
-curl -i -X POST 
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Boolean JSON Schema}<<<boolean>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"boolean": true}
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{New Length}<<<newlength>>>}},
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.truncate
-** {Status of a File/Directory}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i  "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETFILESTATUS"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{FileStatus JSON 
Schema}<<<FileStatus>>> JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "FileStatus":
-  {
-    "accessTime"      : 0,
-    "blockSize"       : 0,
-    "childrenNum"     : 1,
-    "fileId"          : 16386,
-    "group"           : "supergroup",
-    "length"          : 0,             //in bytes, zero for directories
-    "modificationTime": 1320173277227,
-    "owner"           : "webuser",
-    "pathSuffix"      : "",
-    "permission"      : "777",
-    "replication"     : 0,
-    "type"            : "DIRECTORY"    //enum {FILE, DIRECTORY, SYMLINK}
-  }
-  []
-  See also:
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.getFileStatus
-** {List a Directory}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i  "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=LISTSTATUS"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{FileStatuses JSON 
Schema}<<<FileStatuses>>> JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Content-Length: 427
-  "FileStatuses":
-  {
-    "FileStatus":
-    [
-      {
-        "accessTime"      : 1320171722771,
-        "blockSize"       : 33554432,
-        "childrenNum"     : 0,
-        "fileId"          : 16387,
-        "group"           : "supergroup",
-        "length"          : 24930,
-        "modificationTime": 1320171722771,
-        "owner"           : "webuser",
-        "pathSuffix"      : "a.patch",
-        "permission"      : "644",
-        "replication"     : 1,
-        "type"            : "FILE"
-      },
-      {
-        "accessTime"      : 0,
-        "blockSize"       : 0,
-        "childrenNum"     : 2,
-        "fileId"          : 16388,
-        "group"           : "supergroup",
-        "length"          : 0,
-        "modificationTime": 1320895981256,
-        "owner"           : "szetszwo",
-        "pathSuffix"      : "bar",
-        "permission"      : "711",
-        "replication"     : 0,
-        "type"            : "DIRECTORY"
-      },
-      ...
-    ]
-  }
-  []
-  See also:
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.listStatus
-* {Other File System Operations}
-** {Get Content Summary of a Directory}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETCONTENTSUMMARY"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{ContentSummary JSON 
Schema}<<<ContentSummary>>> JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "ContentSummary":
-  {
-    "directoryCount": 2,
-    "fileCount"     : 1,
-    "length"        : 24930,
-    "quota"         : -1,
-    "spaceConsumed" : 24930,
-    "spaceQuota"    : -1
-  }
-  []
-  See also:
-** {Get File Checksum}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETFILECHECKSUM"
-  The request is redirected to a datanode:
-Location: http://<DATANODE>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETFILECHECKSUM...
-Content-Length: 0
-  The client follows the redirect to the datanode and receives a 
{{{FileChecksum JSON Schema}<<<FileChecksum>>> JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "FileChecksum":
-  {
-    "algorithm": "MD5-of-1MD5-of-512CRC32",
-    "bytes"    : "eadb10de24aa315748930df6e185c0d ...",
-    "length"   : 28
-  }
-  []
-  See also:
-** {Get Home Directory}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/?op=GETHOMEDIRECTORY"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Path JSON Schema}<<<Path>>> JSON 
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"Path": "/user/szetszwo"}
-  []
-  See also:
-** {Set Permission}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=SETPERMISSION
-                              [&permission=<OCTAL>]"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Permission}<<<permission>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.setPermission
-** {Set Owner}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=SETOWNER
-                              [&owner=<USER>][&group=<GROUP>]"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Owner}<<<owner>>>}},
-  {{{Group}<<<group>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.setOwner
-** {Set Replication Factor}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=SETREPLICATION
-                              [&replication=<SHORT>]"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Boolean JSON Schema}<<<boolean>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"boolean": true}
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Replication}<<<replication>>>}},
-** {Set Access or Modification Time}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=SETTIMES
-                              [&modificationtime=<TIME>][&accesstime=<TIME>]"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Modification Time}<<<modificationtime>>>}},
-  {{{Access Time}<<<accesstime>>>}},
-   {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.setTimes
-** {Modify ACL Entries}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=MODIFYACLENTRIES
-                              &aclspec=<ACLSPEC>"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-** {Remove ACL Entries}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=REMOVEACLENTRIES
-                              &aclspec=<ACLSPEC>"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-** {Remove Default ACL}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=REMOVEDEFAULTACL"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-** {Remove ACL}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=REMOVEACL"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.removeAcl
-** {Set ACL}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=SETACL
-                              &aclspec=<ACLSPEC>"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.setAcl
-** {Get ACL Status}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETACLSTATUS"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{ACL Status JSON 
Schema}<<<AclStatus>>> JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-    "AclStatus": {
-        "entries": [
-            "user:carla:rw-", 
-            "group::r-x"
-        ], 
-        "group": "supergroup", 
-        "owner": "hadoop", 
-        "permission":"775",
-        "stickyBit": false
-    }
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.getAclStatus
-** {Check access}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=CHECKACCESS
-                              &fsaction=<FSACTION>
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.access
-* {Extended Attributes(XAttrs) Operations}
-** {Set XAttr}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=SETXATTR
-                              &<XATTRNAME>&xattr.value=<XATTRVALUE>
-                              &flag=<FLAG>"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.setXAttr
-** {Remove XAttr}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=REMOVEXATTR
-                              &<XATTRNAME>"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.removeXAttr
-** {Get an XAttr}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETXATTRS
-                              &<XATTRNAME>&encoding=<ENCODING>"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{XAttrs JSON Schema}<<<XAttrs>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-    "XAttrs": [
-        {
-            "name":"XATTRNAME",
-            "value":"XATTRVALUE"
-        }
-    ]
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.getXAttr
-** {Get multiple XAttrs}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETXATTRS
-                              &<XATTRNAME1>&<XATTRNAME2>
-                              &encoding=<ENCODING>"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{XAttrs JSON Schema}<<<XAttrs>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-    "XAttrs": [
-        {
-            "name":"XATTRNAME1",
-            "value":"XATTRVALUE1"
-        },
-        {
-            "name":"XATTRNAME2",
-            "value":"XATTRVALUE2"
-        }
-    ]
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.getXAttrs
-** {Get all XAttrs}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=GETXATTRS
-                              &encoding=<ENCODING>"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{XAttrs JSON Schema}<<<XAttrs>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-    "XAttrs": [
-        {
-            "name":"XATTRNAME1",
-            "value":"XATTRVALUE1"
-        },
-        {
-            "name":"XATTRNAME2",
-            "value":"XATTRVALUE2"
-        },
-        {
-            "name":"XATTRNAME3",
-            "value":"XATTRVALUE3"
-        }
-    ]
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.getXAttrs
-** {List all XAttrs}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=LISTXATTRS"
-  The client receives a response with a {{{XAttrNames JSON 
Schema}<<<XAttrNames>>> JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-    "XAttrNames":"[\"XATTRNAME1\",\"XATTRNAME2\",\"XATTRNAME3\"]"
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.listXAttrs
-* {Snapshot Operations}
-** {Create Snapshot}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT 
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Path JSON Schema}<<<Path>>> JSON 
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"Path": "/user/szetszwo/.snapshot/s1"}
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.createSnapshot
-** {Delete Snapshot}
-  * Submit a HTTP DELETE request.
-curl -i -X DELETE 
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.deleteSnapshot
-** {Rename Snapshot}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=RENAMESNAPSHOT
-                   &oldsnapshotname=<SNAPSHOTNAME>&snapshotname=<SNAPSHOTNAME>"
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html}FileSystem}}.renameSnapshot
-* {Delegation Token Operations}
-** {Get Delegation Token}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i 
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Token JSON Schema}<<<Token>>> JSON 
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "Token":
-  {
-    "urlString": "JQAIaG9y..."
-  }
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Renewer}<<<renewer>>>}},
-  {{{Token Kind}<<<kind>>>}},
-  {{{Token Service}<<<service>>>}}
-** {Get Delegation Tokens}
-  * Submit a HTTP GET request.
-curl -i 
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Tokens JSON Schema}<<<Tokens>>> 
JSON object}}:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "Tokens":
-  {
-    "Token":
-    [
-      {
-        "urlString":"KAAKSm9i ..."
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Renewer}<<<renewer>>>}},
-** {Renew Delegation Token}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT 
-  The client receives a response with a {{{Long JSON Schema}<<<long>>> JSON 
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-{"long": 1320962673997}           //the new expiration time
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Token}<<<token>>>}},
-** {Cancel Delegation Token}
-  * Submit a HTTP PUT request.
-curl -i -X PUT 
-  The client receives a response with zero content length:
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 0
-  []
-  See also:
-  {{{Token}<<<token>>>}},
-* {Error Responses}
-  When an operation fails, the server may throw an exception.
-  The JSON schema of error responses is defined in {{RemoteException JSON 
-  The table below shows the mapping from exceptions to HTTP response codes.
-** {HTTP Response Codes}
-|| Exceptions                         || HTTP Response Codes            |
-| <<<IllegalArgumentException     >>> | <<<400 Bad Request          >>> |
-| <<<UnsupportedOperationException>>> | <<<400 Bad Request          >>> |
-| <<<SecurityException            >>> | <<<401 Unauthorized         >>> |
-| <<<IOException                  >>> | <<<403 Forbidden            >>> |
-| <<<FileNotFoundException        >>> | <<<404 Not Found            >>> |
-| <<<RumtimeException             >>> | <<<500 Internal Server Error>>> |
-  Below are examples of exception responses.
-*** {Illegal Argument Exception}
-HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "RemoteException":
-  {
-    "exception"    : "IllegalArgumentException",
-    "javaClassName": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",
-    "message"      : "Invalid value for webhdfs parameter \"permission\": ..."
-  }
-*** {Security Exception}
-HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "RemoteException":
-  {
-    "exception"    : "SecurityException",
-    "javaClassName": "java.lang.SecurityException",
-    "message"      : "Failed to obtain user group information: ..."
-  }
-*** {Access Control Exception}
-HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "RemoteException":
-  {
-    "exception"    : "AccessControlException",
-    "javaClassName": "",
-    "message"      : "Permission denied: ..."
-  }
-*** {File Not Found Exception}
-HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
-Content-Type: application/json
-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  "RemoteException":
-  {
-    "exception"    : "FileNotFoundException",
-    "javaClassName": "",
-    "message"      : "File does not exist: /foo/a.patch"
-  }
-* {JSON Schemas}
-  All operations, except for {{{Open and Read a File}<<<OPEN>>>}},
-  either return a zero-length response or a JSON response. 
-  For {{{Open and Read a File}<<<OPEN>>>}}, the response is an octet-stream.
-  The JSON schemas are shown below.
-  See 
-  for the syntax definitions of the JSON schemas.
-  <<Note>> that the default value of
-  is an empty schema which allows any value for additional properties.
-  Therefore, all WebHDFS JSON responses allow any additional property.
-  However, if additional properties are included in the responses, they are
-  considered as optional properties in order to maintain compatibility.
-** {ACL Status JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "AclStatus",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "AclStatus":
-    {
-      "type"      : "object",
-      "properties":
-      {
-        "entries":
-        {
-          "type": "array"
-          "items":
-          {
-            "description": "ACL entry.",
-            "type": "string"
-          }
-        },
-        "group":
-        {
-          "description": "The group owner.",
-          "type"       : "string",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "owner":
-        {
-          "description": "The user who is the owner.",
-          "type"       : "string",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "stickyBit":
-        {
-          "description": "True if the sticky bit is on.",
-          "type"       : "boolean",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-      }
-    }
-  }
-** {XAttrs JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "XAttrs",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "XAttrs":
-    {
-      "type"      : "array",
-      "items":
-      {
-        "type"    " "object",
-        "properties":
-        {
-          "name":
-          {
-            "description": "XAttr name.",
-            "type"       : "string",
-            "required"   : true
-          },
-          "value":
-          {
-            "description": "XAttr value.",
-            "type"       : "string"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-** {XAttrNames JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "XAttrNames",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "XAttrNames":
-    {
-      "description": "XAttr names.",
-      "type"       : "string"
-      "required"   : true
-    }
-  }
-** {Boolean JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "boolean",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "boolean":
-    {
-      "description": "A boolean value",
-      "type"       : "boolean",
-      "required"   : true
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{Make a Directory}<<<MKDIRS>>>}},
-  {{{Rename a File/Directory}<<<RENAME>>>}},
-  {{{Delete a File/Directory}<<<DELETE>>>}},
-  {{{Set Replication Factor}<<<SETREPLICATION>>>}}
-** {ContentSummary JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "ContentSummary",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "ContentSummary":
-    {
-      "type"      : "object",
-      "properties":
-      {
-        "directoryCount":
-        {
-          "description": "The number of directories.",
-          "type"       : "integer",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "fileCount":
-        {
-          "description": "The number of files.",
-          "type"       : "integer",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "length":
-        {
-          "description": "The number of bytes used by the content.",
-          "type"       : "integer",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "quota":
-        {
-          "description": "The namespace quota of this directory.",
-          "type"       : "integer",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "spaceConsumed":
-        {
-          "description": "The disk space consumed by the content.",
-          "type"       : "integer",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "spaceQuota":
-        {
-          "description": "The disk space quota.",
-          "type"       : "integer",
-          "required"   : true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{Get Content Summary of a Directory}<<<GETCONTENTSUMMARY>>>}}
-** {FileChecksum JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "FileChecksum",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "FileChecksum":
-    {
-      "type"      : "object",
-      "properties":
-      {
-        "algorithm":
-        {
-          "description": "The name of the checksum algorithm.",
-          "type"       : "string",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "bytes":
-        {
-          "description": "The byte sequence of the checksum in hexadecimal.",
-          "type"       : "string",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "length":
-        {
-          "description": "The length of the bytes (not the length of the 
-          "type"       : "integer",
-          "required"   : true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{Get File Checksum}<<<GETFILECHECKSUM>>>}}
-** {FileStatus JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "FileStatus",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "FileStatus": fileStatusProperties      //See FileStatus Properties
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{FileStatus Properties}<<<FileStatus>>> Properties}},
-  {{{Status of a File/Directory}<<<GETFILESTATUS>>>}},
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileStatus.html}FileStatus}}
-*** {FileStatus Properties}
-  JavaScript syntax is used to define <<<fileStatusProperties>>>
-  so that it can be referred in both <<<FileStatus>>> and <<<FileStatuses>>> 
JSON schemas.
-var fileStatusProperties =
-  "type"      : "object",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "accessTime":
-    {
-      "description": "The access time.",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "blockSize":
-    {
-      "description": "The block size of a file.",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "childrenNum":
-    {
-      "description": "The number of children.",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "fileId":
-    {
-      "description": "The inode ID.",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "group":
-    {
-      "description": "The group owner.",
-      "type"       : "string",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "length":
-    {
-      "description": "The number of bytes in a file.",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "modificationTime":
-    {
-      "description": "The modification time.",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "owner":
-    {
-      "description": "The user who is the owner.",
-      "type"       : "string",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "pathSuffix":
-    {
-      "description": "The path suffix.",
-      "type"       : "string",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "permission":
-    {
-      "description": "The permission represented as a octal string.",
-      "type"       : "string",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-    "replication":
-    {
-      "description": "The number of replication of a file.",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    },
-   "symlink":                                         //an optional property
-    {
-      "description": "The link target of a symlink.",
-      "type"       : "string"
-    },
-   "type":
-    {
-      "description": "The type of the path object.",
-      "enum"       : ["FILE", "DIRECTORY", "SYMLINK"],
-      "required"   : true
-    }
-  }
-** {FileStatuses JSON Schema}
-  A <<<FileStatuses>>> JSON object represents an array of <<<FileStatus>>> 
JSON objects.
-  "name"      : "FileStatuses",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "FileStatuses":
-    {
-      "type"      : "object",
-      "properties":
-      {
-        "FileStatus":
-        {
-          "description": "An array of FileStatus",
-          "type"       : "array",
-          "items"      : fileStatusProperties      //See FileStatus Properties
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{FileStatus Properties}<<<FileStatus>>> Properties}},
-  {{{List a Directory}<<<LISTSTATUS>>>}},
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileStatus.html}FileStatus}}
-** {Long JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "long",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "long":
-    {
-      "description": "A long integer value",
-      "type"       : "integer",
-      "required"   : true
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{Renew Delegation Token}<<<RENEWDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}},
-** {Path JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "Path",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "Path":
-    {
-      "description": "The string representation a Path.",
-      "type"       : "string",
-      "required"   : true
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{Get Home Directory}<<<GETHOMEDIRECTORY>>>}},
-  {{{../../api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/Path.html}Path}}
-** {RemoteException JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "RemoteException",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "RemoteException":
-    {
-      "type"      : "object",
-      "properties":
-      {
-        "exception":
-        {
-          "description": "Name of the exception",
-          "type"       : "string",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "message":
-        {
-          "description": "Exception message",
-          "type"       : "string",
-          "required"   : true
-        },
-        "javaClassName":                                     //an optional 
-        {
-          "description": "Java class name of the exception",
-          "type"       : "string",
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{Error Responses}}
-** {Token JSON Schema}
-  "name"      : "Token",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "Token": tokenProperties      //See Token Properties
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{Token Properties}<<<Token>>> Properties}},
-  {{{Get Delegation Token}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}},
-  the note in {{Delegation}}.
-*** {Token Properties}
-  JavaScript syntax is used to define <<<tokenProperties>>>
-  so that it can be referred in both <<<Token>>> and <<<Tokens>>> JSON schemas.
-var tokenProperties =
-  "type"      : "object",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "urlString":
-    {
-      "description": "A delegation token encoded as a URL safe string.",
-      "type"       : "string",
-      "required"   : true
-    }
-  }
-** {Tokens JSON Schema}
-  A <<<Tokens>>> JSON object represents an array of <<<Token>>> JSON objects.
-  "name"      : "Tokens",
-  "properties":
-  {
-    "Tokens":
-    {
-      "type"      : "object",
-      "properties":
-      {
-        "Token":
-        {
-          "description": "An array of Token",
-          "type"       : "array",
-          "items"      : "Token": tokenProperties      //See Token Properties
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  See also:
-  {{{Token Properties}<<<Token>>> Properties}},
-  {{{Get Delegation Tokens}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKENS>>>}},
-  the note in {{Delegation}}.
-* {HTTP Query Parameter Dictionary}
-** {ACL Spec}
-|| Name          | <<<aclspec>>> |
-|| Description   | The ACL spec included in ACL modification operations. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | See {{{./HdfsPermissionsGuide.html}Permissions and HDFS}}. |
-|| Syntax        | See {{{./HdfsPermissionsGuide.html}Permissions and HDFS}}. |
-** {XAttr Name}
-|| Name          | <<<>>> |
-|| Description   | The XAttr name of a file/directory. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | Any string prefixed with user./trusted./system./security.. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string prefixed with user./trusted./system./security.. |
-** {XAttr Value}
-|| Name          | <<<xattr.value>>> |
-|| Description   | The XAttr value of a file/directory. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | An encoded value. |
-|| Syntax        | Enclosed in double quotes or prefixed with 0x or 0s. |
-  See also:
-  {{{./ExtendedAttributes.html}Extended Attributes}}
-** {XAttr set flag}
-|| Name          | <<<flag>>> |
-|| Description   | The XAttr set flag. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | CREATE,REPLACE. |
-|| Syntax        | CREATE,REPLACE. |
-  See also:
-  {{{./ExtendedAttributes.html}Extended Attributes}}
-** {XAttr value encoding}
-|| Name          | <<<encoding>>> |
-|| Description   | The XAttr value encoding. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | text \| hex \| base64 |
-|| Syntax        | text \| hex \| base64 |
-  See also:
-  {{{./ExtendedAttributes.html}Extended Attributes}}
-** {Access Time}
-|| Name          | <<<accesstime>>> |
-|| Description   | The access time of a file/directory. |
-|| Type          | long |
-|| Default Value | -1 (means keeping it unchanged) |
-|| Valid Values  | -1 or a timestamp |
-|| Syntax        | Any integer. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Set Access or Modification Time}<<<SETTIMES>>>}}
-** {Block Size}
-|| Name          | <<<blocksize>>> |
-|| Description   | The block size of a file. |
-|| Type          | long |
-|| Default Value | Specified in the configuration. |
-|| Valid Values  | \> 0 |
-|| Syntax        | Any integer. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create and Write to a File}<<<CREATE>>>}}
-** {Buffer Size}
-|| Name          | <<<buffersize>>> |
-|| Description   | The size of the buffer used in transferring data. |
-|| Type          | int |
-|| Default Value | Specified in the configuration. |
-|| Valid Values  | \> 0 |
-|| Syntax        | Any integer. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create and Write to a File}<<<CREATE>>>}},
-  {{{Append to a File}<<<APPEND>>>}},
-  {{{Open and Read a File}<<<OPEN>>>}}
-** {Create Parent}
-|| Name          | <<<createparent>>> |
-|| Description   | If the parent directories do not exist, should they be 
created?   |
-|| Type          | boolean |
-|| Default Value | false |
-|| Valid Values  | true | false |
-|| Syntax        | true | false |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create a Symbolic Link}<<<CREATESYMLINK>>>}}
-** {Delegation}
-|| Name          | <<<delegation>>> |
-|| Description   | The delegation token used for authentication. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | An encoded token. |
-|| Syntax        | See the note below. |
-  <<Note>> that delegation tokens are encoded as a URL safe string;
-  see <<<encodeToUrlString()>>>
-  and <<<decodeFromUrlString(String)>>>
-  in <<<>>> for the details of the 
-  See also:
-  {{Authentication}}
-** {Destination}
-|| Name          | <<<destination>>> |
-|| Description   | The destination path. |
-|| Type          | Path |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> (an invalid path) |
-|| Valid Values  | An absolute FileSystem path without scheme and authority. |
-|| Syntax        | Any path. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create a Symbolic Link}<<<CREATESYMLINK>>>}},
-  {{{Rename a File/Directory}<<<RENAME>>>}}
-** {Do As}
-|| Name          | <<<doas>>> |
-|| Description   | Allowing a proxy user to do as another user. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | null |
-|| Valid Values  | Any valid username. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{Proxy Users}}
-** {Fs Action}
-|| Name          | <<<fsaction>>> |
-|| Description   | File system operation read/write/execute |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | null (an invalid value) |
-|| Valid Values  | Strings matching regex pattern \"[rwx-]\{3\}\" |
-|| Syntax        | \"[rwx-]\{3\}\" |
-  See also:
-  {{{Check access}<<<CHECKACCESS>>>}},
-** {Group}
-|| Name          | <<<group>>> |
-|| Description   | The name of a group. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> (means keeping it unchanged) |
-|| Valid Values  | Any valid group name. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Set Owner}<<<SETOWNER>>>}}
-** {Length}
-|| Name          | <<<length>>> |
-|| Description   | The number of bytes to be processed. |
-|| Type          | long |
-|| Default Value | null (means the entire file) |
-|| Valid Values  | \>= 0 or null |
-|| Syntax        | Any integer. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Open and Read a File}<<<OPEN>>>}}
-** {Modification Time}
-|| Name          | <<<modificationtime>>> |
-|| Description   | The modification time of a file/directory. |
-|| Type          | long |
-|| Default Value | -1 (means keeping it unchanged) |
-|| Valid Values  | -1 or a timestamp |
-|| Syntax        | Any integer. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Set Access or Modification Time}<<<SETTIMES>>>}}
-** {New Length}
-|| Name          | <<<newlength>>> |
-|| Description   | The size the file is to be truncated to. |
-|| Type          | long |
-|| Valid Values  | \>= 0 |
-|| Syntax        | Any long. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Truncate a File}<<<TRUNCATE>>>}}
-** {Offset}
-|| Name          | <<<offset>>> |
-|| Description   | The starting byte position. |
-|| Type          | long |
-|| Default Value | 0 |
-|| Valid Values  | \>= 0 |
-|| Syntax        | Any integer. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Open and Read a File}<<<OPEN>>>}}
-** {Old Snapshot Name}
-|| Name          | <<<oldsnapshotname>>> |
-|| Description   | The old name of the snapshot to be renamed. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | null |
-|| Valid Values  | An existing snapshot name. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Rename Snapshot}<<<RENAMESNAPSHOT>>>}}
-** {Op}
-|| Name          | <<<op>>> |
-|| Description   | The name of the operation to be executed. |
-|| Type          | enum |
-|| Default Value | null (an invalid value) |
-|| Valid Values  | Any valid operation name. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{Operations}}
-** {Overwrite}
-|| Name          | <<<overwrite>>> |
-|| Description   | If a file already exists, should it be overwritten? |
-|| Type          | boolean |
-|| Default Value | false |
-|| Valid Values  | true | false |
-|| Syntax        | true | false |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create and Write to a File}<<<CREATE>>>}}
-** {Owner}
-|| Name          | <<<owner>>> |
-|| Description   | The username who is the owner of a file/directory. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> (means keeping it unchanged) |
-|| Valid Values  | Any valid username. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Set Owner}<<<SETOWNER>>>}}
-** {Permission}
-|| Name          | <<<permission>>> |
-|| Description   | The permission of a file/directory. |
-|| Type          | Octal |
-|| Default Value | 755 |
-|| Valid Values  | 0 - 1777 |
-|| Syntax        | Any radix-8 integer (leading zeros may be omitted.) |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create and Write to a File}<<<CREATE>>>}},
-  {{{Make a Directory}<<<MKDIRS>>>}},
-  {{{Set Permission}<<<SETPERMISSION>>>}}
-** {Recursive}
-|| Name          | <<<recursive>>> |
-|| Description   | Should the operation act on the content in the 
subdirectories? |
-|| Type          | boolean |
-|| Default Value | false |
-|| Valid Values  | true | false |
-|| Syntax        | true | false |
-  See also:
-  {{{Rename a File/Directory}<<<RENAME>>>}}
-** {Renewer}
-|| Name          | <<<renewer>>> |
-|| Description   | The username of the renewer of a delegation token. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> (means the current user) |
-|| Valid Values  | Any valid username. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Get Delegation Token}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}},
-  {{{Get Delegation Tokens}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKENS>>>}}
-** {Replication}
-|| Name          | <<<replication>>> |
-|| Description   | The number of replications of a file. |
-|| Type          | short |
-|| Default Value | Specified in the configuration. |
-|| Valid Values  | \> 0 |
-|| Syntax        | Any integer. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create and Write to a File}<<<CREATE>>>}},
-  {{{Set Replication Factor}<<<SETREPLICATION>>>}}
-** {Snapshot Name}
-|| Name          | <<<snapshotname>>> |
-|| Description   | The name of the snapshot to be created/deleted. |
-||               | Or the new name for snapshot rename.            |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | null |
-|| Valid Values  | Any valid snapshot name. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Create Snapshot}<<<CREATESNAPSHOT>>>}},
-  {{{Delete Snapshot}<<<DELETESNAPSHOT>>>}},
-  {{{Rename Snapshot}<<<RENAMESNAPSHOT>>>}}
-** {Sources}
-|| Name          | <<<sources>>> |
-|| Description   | A list of source paths. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | A list of comma seperated absolute FileSystem paths without 
scheme and authority. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Concat File(s)}<<<CONCAT>>>}}
-** {Token}
-|| Name          | <<<token>>> |
-|| Description   | The delegation token used for the operation. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | An encoded token. |
-|| Syntax        | See the note in {{Delegation}}. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Renew Delegation Token}<<<RENEWDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}},
-  {{{Cancel Delegation Token}<<<CANCELDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}}
-** {Token Kind}
-|| Name          | <<<kind>>> |
-|| Description   | The kind of the delegation token requested |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> (Server sets the default kind for the service) |
-|| Valid Values  | A string that represents token kind e.g 
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Get Delegation Token}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}}
-** {Token Service}
-|| Name          | <<<service>>> |
-|| Description   | The name of the service where the token is supposed to be 
used, e.g. ip:port of the namenode |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | \<empty\> |
-|| Valid Values  | ip:port in string format or logical name of the service |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{{Get Delegation Token}<<<GETDELEGATIONTOKEN>>>}}
-** {Username}
-|| Name          | <<<>>> |
-|| Description   | The authenticated user; see {{Authentication}}. |
-|| Type          | String |
-|| Default Value | null |
-|| Valid Values  | Any valid username. |
-|| Syntax        | Any string. |
-  See also:
-  {{Authentication}}

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