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index 0000000..e13320c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1211 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity;
+import static 
+import static 
+import static 
+import static 
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.argThat;
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.EventHandler;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMContext;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.ResourceUsage;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerNode;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Clock;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
+import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
+public class TestProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicyForNodePartitions {
+  private static final Log LOG =
+  static final String ROOT = CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT;
+  private Map<String, CSQueue> nameToCSQueues = null;
+  private Map<String, Resource> partitionToResource = null;
+  private Map<NodeId, SchedulerNode> nodeIdToSchedulerNodes = null;
+  private RMNodeLabelsManager nlm = null;
+  private RMContext rmContext = null;
+  private ResourceCalculator rc = new DefaultResourceCalculator();
+  private Clock mClock = null;
+  private Configuration conf = null;
+  private CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf = null;
+  private CapacityScheduler cs = null;
+  private EventHandler<ContainerPreemptEvent> mDisp = null;
+  private ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy policy = null;
+  private Resource clusterResource = null;
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @Before
+  public void setup() {
+    org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(
+        org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG);
+    conf = new Configuration(false);
+    conf.setLong(WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL, 10000);
+    conf.setLong(MONITORING_INTERVAL, 3000);
+    // report "ideal" preempt
+    conf.setFloat(TOTAL_PREEMPTION_PER_ROUND, (float) 1.0);
+    conf.setFloat(NATURAL_TERMINATION_FACTOR, (float) 1.0);
+    conf.set(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MONITOR_POLICIES,
+        ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy.class.getCanonicalName());
+    conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_ENABLE_MONITORS, true);
+    // FairScheduler doesn't support this test,
+    // Set CapacityScheduler as the scheduler for this test.
+    conf.set("yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.class",
+        CapacityScheduler.class.getName());
+    mClock = mock(Clock.class);
+    cs = mock(CapacityScheduler.class);
+    when(cs.getResourceCalculator()).thenReturn(rc);
+    nlm = mock(RMNodeLabelsManager.class);
+    mDisp = mock(EventHandler.class);
+    rmContext = mock(RMContext.class);
+    when(rmContext.getNodeLabelManager()).thenReturn(nlm);
+    csConf = new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration();
+    when(cs.getConfiguration()).thenReturn(csConf);
+    when(cs.getRMContext()).thenReturn(rmContext);
+    policy = new ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy(conf, mDisp, cs, mClock);
+    partitionToResource = new HashMap<>();
+    nodeIdToSchedulerNodes = new HashMap<>();
+    nameToCSQueues = new HashMap<>();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testBuilder() throws Exception {
+    /**
+     * Test of test, make sure we build expected mock schedulable objects
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=200,true;" + // default partition
+        "red=100,false;" + // partition=red
+        "blue=200,true"; // partition=blue
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=red;" + // n1 has partition=red
+        "n2=blue;" + // n2 has partition=blue
+        "n3="; // n3 doesn't have partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[200 200 100 100],red=[100 100 100 100],blue=[200 200 200 
200]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[100 200 100 100],red=[0 0 0 0],blue=[200 200 200 200]);" + // a
+        "--a1(=[50 100 50 100],red=[0 0 0 0],blue=[100 200 200 0]);" + // a1
+        "--a2(=[50 200 50 0],red=[0 0 0 0],blue=[100 200 0 200]);" + // a2
+        "-b(=[100 200 0 0],red=[100 100 100 100],blue=[0 0 0 0])";
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        // app1 in a1, , 50 in n2 (reserved), 50 in n2 (allocated)
+        "a1\t" // app1 in a1
+        + "(1,1,n3,red,50,false);" + // 50 * default in n3
+        "a1\t" // app2 in a1
+        + "(2,1,n2,,50,true)(2,1,n2,,50,false)" // 50 * ignore-exclusivity 
+                                                // 50 * ignore-exclusivity 
+        + "(2,1,n2,blue,50,true)(2,1,n2,blue,50,true);" + // 50 in n2 
+                                                          // 50 in n2 
+        "a2\t" // app3 in a2
+        + "(1,1,n3,red,50,false);" + // 50 * default in n3
+        "b\t" // app4 in b
+        + "(1,1,n1,red,100,false);";
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    // Check queues:
+    // root
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("root"), "", 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("root"), "", 100);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("root"), "red", 1f, 1f, 1f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("root"), "red", 100);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("root"), "blue", 1f, 1f, 1f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("root"), "blue", 200);
+    // a
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a"), "", 0.5f, 1f, 0.5f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a"), "", 100);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a"), "red", 0f, 0f, 0f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a"), "red", 0);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a"), "blue", 1f, 1f, 1f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a"), "blue", 200);
+    // a1
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a1"), "", 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a1"), "", 100);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a1"), "red", 0f, 0f, 0f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a1"), "red", 0);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a1"), "blue", 0.5f, 1f, 1f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a1"), "blue", 0);
+    // a2
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a2"), "", 0.25f, 1f, 0.25f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a2"), "", 0);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a2"), "red", 0f, 0f, 0f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a2"), "red", 0);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("a2"), "blue", 0.5f, 1f, 0f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("a2"), "blue", 200);
+    // b1
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("b"), "", 0.5f, 1f, 0f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("b"), "", 0);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("b"), "red", 1f, 1f, 1f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("b"), "red", 100);
+    checkAbsCapacities(cs.getQueue("b"), "blue", 0f, 0f, 0f);
+    checkPendingResource(cs.getQueue("b"), "blue", 0);
+    // Check ignored partitioned containers in queue
+    Assert.assertEquals(100, ((LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("a1"))
+        .getIgnoreExclusivityRMContainers().get("blue").size());
+    // Check applications
+    Assert.assertEquals(2, 
+    Assert.assertEquals(1, 
+    Assert.assertEquals(1, 
+    // Check #containers
+    FiCaSchedulerApp app1 = getApp("a1", 1);
+    FiCaSchedulerApp app2 = getApp("a1", 2);
+    FiCaSchedulerApp app3 = getApp("a2", 3);
+    FiCaSchedulerApp app4 = getApp("b", 4);
+    Assert.assertEquals(50, app1.getLiveContainers().size());
+    checkContainerNodesInApp(app1, 50, "n3");
+    Assert.assertEquals(50, app2.getLiveContainers().size());
+    Assert.assertEquals(150, app2.getReservedContainers().size());
+    checkContainerNodesInApp(app2, 200, "n2");
+    Assert.assertEquals(50, app3.getLiveContainers().size());
+    checkContainerNodesInApp(app3, 50, "n3");
+    Assert.assertEquals(100, app4.getLiveContainers().size());
+    checkContainerNodesInApp(app4, 100, "n1");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNodePartitionPreemptionRespectGuaranteedCapacity()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * The simplest test of node label, Queue structure is:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     *       root
+     *       /  \
+     *      a    b
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Both a/b can access x, and guaranteed capacity of them is 50:50. Two
+     * nodes, n1 has 100 x, n2 has 100 NO_LABEL 4 applications in the cluster,
+     * app1/app2 in a, and app3/app4 in b.
+     * app1 uses 80 x, app2 uses 20 NO_LABEL, app3 uses 20 x, app4 uses 80 
+     * Both a/b have 50 pending resource for x and NO_LABEL
+     *
+     * After preemption, it should preempt 30 from app1, and 30 from app4.
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,true"; // partition=x
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2="; // n2 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 100 100],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[50 100 20 50],x=[50 100 80 50]);" + // a
+        "-b(=[50 100 80 50],x=[50 100 20 50])"; // b
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "a\t" // app1 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,80,false);" + // 80 * x in n1
+        "a\t" // app2 in a
+        + "(1,1,n2,,20,false);" + // 20 default in n2
+        "b\t" // app3 in b
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // 80 * x in n1
+        "b\t" // app4 in b
+        + "(1,1,n2,,80,false)"; // 20 default in n2
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 30 preempted from app1, 30 preempted from app4, and nothing preempted
+    // from app2/app3
+    verify(mDisp, times(30)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(30)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(4))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(3))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNodePartitionPreemptionRespectMaximumCapacity()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * Queue structure is:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     *         root
+     *       /  |  \
+     *      a   b   c
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Both a/b/c can access x, and guaranteed_capacity(x) of them is 80:10:10.
+     * a/b's max resource is 100, and c's max resource is 30.
+     *
+     * Two nodes, n1 has 100 x, n2 has 100 NO_LABEL.
+     *
+     * 2 apps in cluster.
+     * app1 in b and app2 in c.
+     *
+     * app1 uses 90x, and app2 use 10x. After preemption, app2 will preempt 10x
+     * from app1 because of max capacity.
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,true"; // partition=x
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2="; // n2 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 100 100],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[80 80 0 0],x=[80 80 0 0]);" + // a
+        "-b(=[10 100 0 0],x=[10 100 90 50]);" + // b
+        "-c(=[10 100 0 0],x=[10 30 10 50])"; //c
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "b\t" // app1 in b
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,90,false);" + // 80 * x in n1
+        "c\t" // app2 in c
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,10,false)"; // 20 default in n2
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 30 preempted from app1, 30 preempted from app4, and nothing preempted
+    // from app2/app3
+    verify(mDisp, times(20)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void 
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * <pre>
+     *       root
+     *       /  \
+     *      a    b
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Both a/b can access x, and guaranteed capacity of them is 50:50. Two
+     * nodes, n1 has 100 x, n2 has 100 NO_LABEL and 2 applications in the 
+     * app1/app2 in a
+     * app1 uses 20x (ignoreExclusivity), app2 uses 80x (respectExclusivity).
+     *
+     * b has 100 pending resource of x
+     *
+     * After preemption, it should preempt 20 from app1, and 30 from app2.
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,false"; // partition=x
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2="; // n2 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 100 100],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[50 100 0 0],x=[50 100 100 50]);" + // a
+        "-b(=[50 100 0 0],x=[50 100 0 100])"; // b
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "a\t" // app1 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,1,false)"  // 1 * x in n1 (it's AM container)
+        + "(1,1,n1,,20,false);" + // 20 * x in n1 (ignoreExclusivity)
+        "a\t" // app2 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,79,false)"; // 79 * x
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 30 preempted from app1, 30 preempted from app4, and nothing preempted
+    // from app2/app3
+    verify(mDisp, times(20)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(30)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNodePartitionPreemptionOfSkippingAMContainer()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * <pre>
+     *       root
+     *       /  \
+     *      a    b
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Both a/b can access x, and guaranteed capacity of them is 20:80. Two
+     * nodes, n1 has 100 x, n2 has 100 NO_LABEL and 2 applications in the 
+     * app1/app2/app3/app4/app5 in a, both uses 20 resources.
+     *
+     * b has 100 pending resource of x
+     *
+     * After preemption, it should preempt 19 from app[5-2] an 4 from app1
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,true"; // partition=x
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2="; // n2 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 100 100],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[50 100 0 0],x=[20 100 100 50]);" + // a
+        "-b(=[50 100 0 0],x=[80 100 0 100])"; // b
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "a\t" // app1 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app2 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app3 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app4 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app5 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);";  // uses 20 resource
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 4 from app1
+    verify(mDisp, times(4)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    // 19 from app2-app5
+    verify(mDisp, times(19)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(19)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(3))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(19)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(4))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(19)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(5))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNodePartitionPreemptionOfAMContainer()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * <pre>
+     *       root
+     *       /  \
+     *      a    b
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Both a/b can access x, and guaranteed capacity of them is 3:97. Two
+     * nodes, n1 has 100 x, n2 has 100 NO_LABEL.
+     *
+     * app1/app2/app3/app4/app5 in a, both uses 20 resources(x)
+     *
+     * b has 100 pending resource of x
+     *
+     * After preemption, it should preempt 20 from app4/app5 an 19 from
+     * app1-app3. App4/app5's AM container will be preempted
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,true"; // partition=x
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2="; // n2 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 100 100],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[50 100 0 0],x=[3 100 100 50]);" + // a
+        "-b(=[50 100 0 0],x=[97 100 0 100])"; // b
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "a\t" // app1 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app2 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app3 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app4 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);" + // uses 20 resource
+        "a\t" // app5 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false);";  // uses 20 resource
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 4 from app1
+    verify(mDisp, times(19)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    // 19 from app2-app5
+    verify(mDisp, times(19)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(19)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(3))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(20)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(4))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(20)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(5))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNodePartitionDisablePreemptionForSingleLevelQueue()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * Queue structure is:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     *         root
+     *       /  |  \
+     *      a   b   c
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Both a/b/c can access x, and guaranteed_capacity(x) of them is 40:20:40.
+     * a/b/c's max resource is 100. b is disable-preemption
+     *
+     * Two nodes, n1 has 100 x, n2 has 100 NO_LABEL.
+     *
+     * 2 apps in cluster. app1 in a (usage=50), app2 in b(usage=30), app3 in
+     * c(usage=20). All of them have 50 pending resource.
+     *
+     * After preemption, app1 will be preempt 10 containers and app2 will not 
+     * preempted
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,true"; // partition=x
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2="; // n2 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 100 100],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[80 80 0 0],x=[40 100 50 50]);" + // a
+        "-b(=[10 100 0 0],x=[20 100 30 0]);" + // b
+        "-c(=[10 100 0 0],x=[40 100 20 50])"; //c
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "a\t" // app1 in a
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,50,false);" + // 50x in n1
+        "b\t" // app2 in b
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,30,false);" + // 30x in n1
+        "c\t" // app3 in c
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,20,false)"; // 20x in n1
+    csConf.setPreemptionDisabled("root.b", true);
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 10 preempted from app1, nothing preempted from app2-app3
+    verify(mDisp, times(10)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(3))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNodePartitionNonAccessibleQueuesSharePartitionedResource()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * Queue structure is:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     *           root
+     *        _________
+     *       /  |   |  \
+     *      a   b   c   d
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * a/b can access x, their capacity is 50:50 c/d cannot access x.
+     *
+     * a uses 0, wants 30
+     * b(app1) uses 30, wants 0
+     * c(app2)&d(app3) use 35, wants 50
+     *
+     * After preemption, c/d will be preempted 15 containers, because idle
+     * resource = 100 - 30 (which is used by b) - 30 (which is asked by a) = 40
+     * will be divided by c/d, so each of c/d get 20.
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,false"; // partition=x
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2="; // n2 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 100 100],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + //root
+        "-a(=[25 100 0 0],x=[50 100 0 30]);" + // a
+        "-b(=[25 100 0 0],x=[50 100 30 0]);" + // b
+        "-c(=[25 100 1 0],x=[0 0 35 50]);" + //c
+        "-d(=[25 100 1 0],x=[0 0 35 50])"; //d
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "b\t" // app1 in b
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,30,false);" + // 50x in n1
+        "c\t" // app2 in c
+        + "(1,1,n2,,1,false)" // AM container (in n2)
+        + "(1,1,n1,,30,false);" + // 30x in n1 (ignore exclusivity)
+        "d\t" // app3 in d
+        + "(1,1,n2,,1,false)" // AM container (in n2)
+        + "(1,1,n1,,30,false)"; // 30x in n1 (ignore exclusivity)
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 15 will be preempted app2/app3
+    verify(mDisp, times(15)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(15)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(3))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testHierarchyPreemptionForMultiplePartitions()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * Queue structure is:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     *           root
+     *           /  \
+     *          a    b
+     *        /  \  /  \
+     *       a1  a2 b1  b2
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Both a/b can access x/y, and in all hierarchy capacity ratio is 50:50.
+     * So for a1/a2/b1/b2, all of them can access 25x, 25y
+     *
+     * a1 uses 35x, 25y
+     * a2 uses 25x, 15y
+     * b1 uses 15x, 25y
+     * b2 uses 25x 35y
+     *
+     * So as a result, a2 will preempt from b2, and b1 will preempt from a1.
+     *
+     * After preemption, a1 will be preempted 10x and b2 will be preempted 10y.
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,true;" + // partition=x
+        "y=100,true";   // partition=y
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2=y;" + // n2 has partition=y
+        "n3="; // n3 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 0 0],x=[100 100 100 100],y=[100 100 100 100]);" + 
+        "-a(=[50 100 0 0],x=[50 100 60 40],y=[50 100 40 40]);" + // a
+        "--a1(=[25 100 0 0],x=[25 100 35 20],y=[25 100 25 20]);" + // a1
+        "--a2(=[25 100 0 0],x=[25 100 25 20],y=[25 100 15 20]);" + // a2
+        "-b(=[50 100 0 0],x=[50 100 40 40],y=[50 100 60 40]);" + // b
+        "--b1(=[25 100 0 0],x=[25 100 15 20],y=[25 100 25 20]);" + // b1
+        "--b2(=[25 100 0 0],x=[25 100 25 20],y=[25 100 35 20])"; // b2
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "a1\t" // app1 in a1
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,35,false)" // 35 of x
+        + "(1,1,n2,y,25,false);" + // 25 of y
+        "a2\t" // app2 in a2
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,25,false)" // 25 of x
+        + "(1,1,n2,y,15,false);" + // 15 of y
+        "b1\t" // app3 in b1
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,15,false)" // 15 of x
+        + "(1,1,n2,y,25,false);" + // 25 of y
+        "b2\t" // app4 in b2
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,25,false)" // 25 of x
+        + "(1,1,n2,y,35,false)"; // 35 of y
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    // 10 will be preempted from app1 (a1) /app4 (b2)
+    verify(mDisp, times(10)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(10)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(4))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+    verify(mDisp, never()).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(3))));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testHierarchyPreemptionForDifferenceAcessibility()
+      throws IOException {
+    /**
+     * Queue structure is:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     *           root
+     *           /  \
+     *          a    b
+     *        /  \  /  \
+     *       a1  a2 b1  b2
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * a can access x only and b can access y only
+     *
+     * Capacities of a1/a2, b1/b2 is 50:50
+     *
+     * a1 uses 100x and b1 uses 80y
+     *
+     * So as a result, a1 will be preempted 50 containers and b1 will be
+     * preempted 30 containers
+     */
+    String labelsConfig =
+        "=100,true;" + // default partition
+        "x=100,true;" + // partition=x
+        "y=100,true";   // partition=y
+    String nodesConfig =
+        "n1=x;" + // n1 has partition=x
+        "n2=y;" + // n2 has partition=y
+        "n3="; // n3 is default partition
+    String queuesConfig =
+        // guaranteed,max,used,pending
+        "root(=[100 100 0 0],x=[100 100 100 100],y=[100 100 100 100]);" + 
+        "-a(=[50 100 0 0],x=[100 100 100 100]);" + // a
+        "--a1(=[25 100 0 0],x=[50 100 100 0]);" + // a1
+        "--a2(=[25 100 0 0],x=[50 100 0 100]);" + // a2
+        "-b(=[50 100 0 0],y=[100 100 80 100]);" + // b
+        "--b1(=[25 100 0 0],y=[50 100 80 0]);" + // b1
+        "--b2(=[25 100 0 0],y=[50 100 0 100])"; // b2
+    String appsConfig=
+        //queueName\t(priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+        "a1\t" // app1 in a1
+        + "(1,1,n1,x,100,false);" + // 100 of x
+        "b1\t" // app2 in b1
+        + "(1,1,n2,y,80,false)"; // 80 of y
+    buildEnv(labelsConfig, nodesConfig, queuesConfig, appsConfig);
+    policy.editSchedule();
+    verify(mDisp, times(50)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(1))));
+    verify(mDisp, times(30)).handle(
+        argThat(new IsPreemptionRequestFor(getAppAttemptId(2))));
+  }
+  private ApplicationAttemptId getAppAttemptId(int id) {
+    ApplicationId appId = ApplicationId.newInstance(0L, id);
+    ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId =
+        ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId, 1);
+    return appAttemptId;
+  }
+  private void checkContainerNodesInApp(FiCaSchedulerApp app,
+      int expectedContainersNumber, String host) {
+    NodeId nodeId = NodeId.newInstance(host, 1);
+    int num = 0;
+    for (RMContainer c : app.getLiveContainers()) {
+      if (c.getAllocatedNode().equals(nodeId)) {
+        num++;
+      }
+    }
+    for (RMContainer c : app.getReservedContainers()) {
+      if (c.getAllocatedNode().equals(nodeId)) {
+        num++;
+      }
+    }
+    Assert.assertEquals(expectedContainersNumber, num);
+  }
+  private FiCaSchedulerApp getApp(String queueName, int appId) {
+    for (FiCaSchedulerApp app : ((LeafQueue) cs.getQueue(queueName))
+        .getApplications()) {
+      if (app.getApplicationId().getId() == appId) {
+        return app;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  private void checkAbsCapacities(CSQueue queue, String partition,
+      float guaranteed, float max, float used) {
+    QueueCapacities qc = queue.getQueueCapacities();
+    Assert.assertEquals(guaranteed, qc.getAbsoluteCapacity(partition), 1e-3);
+    Assert.assertEquals(max, qc.getAbsoluteMaximumCapacity(partition), 1e-3);
+    Assert.assertEquals(used, qc.getAbsoluteUsedCapacity(partition), 1e-3);
+  }
+  private void checkPendingResource(CSQueue queue, String partition, int 
pending) {
+    ResourceUsage ru = queue.getQueueResourceUsage();
+    Assert.assertEquals(pending, ru.getPending(partition).getMemory());
+  }
+  private void buildEnv(String labelsConfig, String nodesConfig,
+      String queuesConfig, String appsConfig) throws IOException {
+    mockNodeLabelsManager(labelsConfig);
+    mockSchedulerNodes(nodesConfig);
+    for (NodeId nodeId : nodeIdToSchedulerNodes.keySet()) {
+      when(cs.getSchedulerNode(nodeId)).thenReturn(
+          nodeIdToSchedulerNodes.get(nodeId));
+    }
+    ParentQueue root = mockQueueHierarchy(queuesConfig);
+    when(cs.getRootQueue()).thenReturn(root);
+    when(cs.getClusterResource()).thenReturn(clusterResource);
+    mockApplications(appsConfig);
+    policy = new ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy(conf, mDisp, cs, mClock);
+  }
+  private void mockContainers(String containersConfig, ApplicationAttemptId 
+      String queueName, List<RMContainer> reservedContainers,
+      List<RMContainer> liveContainers) {
+    int containerId = 1;
+    int start = containersConfig.indexOf("=") + 1;
+    int end = -1;
+    while (start < containersConfig.length()) {
+      while (start < containersConfig.length()
+          && containersConfig.charAt(start) != '(') {
+        start++;
+      }
+      if (start >= containersConfig.length()) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+            "Error containers specification, line=" + containersConfig);
+      }
+      end = start + 1;
+      while (end < containersConfig.length()
+          && containersConfig.charAt(end) != ')') {
+        end++;
+      }
+      if (end >= containersConfig.length()) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+            "Error containers specification, line=" + containersConfig);
+      }
+      // now we found start/end, get container values
+      String[] values = containersConfig.substring(start + 1, end).split(",");
+      if (values.length != 6) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Format to define container is:"
+            + "(priority,resource,host,expression,repeat,reserved)");
+      }
+      Priority pri = Priority.newInstance(Integer.valueOf(values[0]));
+      Resource res = Resources.createResource(Integer.valueOf(values[1]));
+      NodeId host = NodeId.newInstance(values[2], 1);
+      String exp = values[3];
+      int repeat = Integer.valueOf(values[4]);
+      boolean reserved = Boolean.valueOf(values[5]);
+      for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
+        Container c = mock(Container.class);
+        when(c.getResource()).thenReturn(res);
+        when(c.getPriority()).thenReturn(pri);
+        RMContainerImpl rmc = mock(RMContainerImpl.class);
+        when(rmc.getAllocatedNode()).thenReturn(host);
+        when(rmc.getNodeLabelExpression()).thenReturn(exp);
+        when(rmc.getAllocatedResource()).thenReturn(res);
+        when(rmc.getContainer()).thenReturn(c);
+        when(rmc.getApplicationAttemptId()).thenReturn(attemptId);
+        final ContainerId cId = ContainerId.newContainerId(attemptId, 
+        when(rmc.getContainerId()).thenReturn(
+            cId);
+        doAnswer(new Answer<Integer>() {
+          @Override
+          public Integer answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
+            return cId.compareTo(((RMContainer) invocation.getArguments()[0])
+                .getContainerId());
+          }
+        }).when(rmc).compareTo(any(RMContainer.class));
+        if (containerId == 1) {
+          when(rmc.isAMContainer()).thenReturn(true);
+        }
+        if (reserved) {
+          reservedContainers.add(rmc);
+        } else {
+          liveContainers.add(rmc);
+        }
+        // If this is a non-exclusive allocation
+        String partition = null;
+        if (exp.isEmpty()
+            && !(partition = nodeIdToSchedulerNodes.get(host).getPartition())
+                .isEmpty()) {
+          LeafQueue queue = (LeafQueue) nameToCSQueues.get(queueName);
+          Map<String, TreeSet<RMContainer>> ignoreExclusivityContainers =
+              queue.getIgnoreExclusivityRMContainers();
+          if (!ignoreExclusivityContainers.containsKey(partition)) {
+            ignoreExclusivityContainers.put(partition,
+                new TreeSet<RMContainer>());
+          }
+          ignoreExclusivityContainers.get(partition).add(rmc);
+        }
+        LOG.debug("add container to app=" + attemptId + " res=" + res
+            + " node=" + host + " nodeLabelExpression=" + exp + " partition="
+            + partition);
+        containerId++;
+      }
+      start = end + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Format is:
+   * <pre>
+   * queueName\t  // app1
+   * (priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved)
+   * (priority,resource,host,expression,#repeat,reserved);
+   * queueName\t  // app2
+   * </pre>
+   */
+  private void mockApplications(String appsConfig) {
+    int id = 1;
+    for (String a : appsConfig.split(";")) {
+      String[] strs = a.split("\t");
+      String queueName = strs[0];
+      // get containers
+      List<RMContainer> liveContainers = new ArrayList<RMContainer>();
+      List<RMContainer> reservedContainers = new ArrayList<RMContainer>();
+      ApplicationId appId = ApplicationId.newInstance(0L, id);
+      ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId = 
ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId, 1);
+      mockContainers(strs[1], appAttemptId, queueName, reservedContainers,
+          liveContainers);
+      FiCaSchedulerApp app = mock(FiCaSchedulerApp.class);
+      when(app.getLiveContainers()).thenReturn(liveContainers);
+      when(app.getReservedContainers()).thenReturn(reservedContainers);
+      when(app.getApplicationAttemptId()).thenReturn(appAttemptId);
+      when(app.getApplicationId()).thenReturn(appId);
+      // add to LeafQueue
+      LeafQueue queue = (LeafQueue) nameToCSQueues.get(queueName);
+      queue.getApplications().add(app);
+      id++;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Format is:
+   * host1=partition;
+   * host2=partition;
+   */
+  private void mockSchedulerNodes(String schedulerNodesConfigStr)
+      throws IOException {
+    String[] nodesConfigStrArray = schedulerNodesConfigStr.split(";");
+    for (String p : nodesConfigStrArray) {
+      NodeId nodeId = NodeId.newInstance(p.substring(0, p.indexOf("=")), 1);
+      String partition = p.substring(p.indexOf("=") + 1, p.length());
+      SchedulerNode sn = mock(SchedulerNode.class);
+      when(sn.getNodeID()).thenReturn(nodeId);
+      when(sn.getPartition()).thenReturn(partition);
+      nodeIdToSchedulerNodes.put(nodeId, sn);
+      LOG.debug("add scheduler node, id=" + nodeId + ", partition=" + 
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Format is:
+   * <pre>
+   * partition0=total_resource,exclusivity;
+   * partition1=total_resource,exclusivity;
+   * ...
+   * </pre>
+   */
+  private void mockNodeLabelsManager(String nodeLabelsConfigStr) throws 
IOException {
+    String[] partitionConfigArr = nodeLabelsConfigStr.split(";");
+    clusterResource = Resources.createResource(0);
+    for (String p : partitionConfigArr) {
+      String partitionName = p.substring(0, p.indexOf("="));
+      int totalResource =
+          Integer.valueOf(p.substring(p.indexOf("=") + 1, p.indexOf(",")));
+      boolean exclusivity =
+          Boolean.valueOf(p.substring(p.indexOf(",") + 1, p.length()));
+      Resource res = Resources.createResource(totalResource);
+      when(nlm.getResourceByLabel(eq(partitionName), any(Resource.class)))
+          .thenReturn(res);
+      // add to partition to resource
+      partitionToResource.put(partitionName, res);
+      LOG.debug("add partition=" + partitionName + " totalRes=" + res
+          + " exclusivity=" + exclusivity);
+      Resources.addTo(clusterResource, res);
+    }
+    when(nlm.getClusterNodeLabelNames()).thenReturn(
+        partitionToResource.keySet());
+  }
+  /**
+   * Format is:
+   * <pre>
+   * root (<partition-name-1>=[guaranteed max used 
+   * -A(...);
+   * --A1(...);
+   * --A2(...);
+   * -B...
+   * </pre>
+   * ";" splits queues, and there should no empty lines, no extra spaces
+   */
+  @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
+  private ParentQueue mockQueueHierarchy(String queueExprs) {
+    String[] queueExprArray = queueExprs.split(";");
+    ParentQueue rootQueue = null;
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < queueExprArray.length; idx++) {
+      String q = queueExprArray[idx];
+      CSQueue queue;
+      // Initialize queue
+      if (isParent(queueExprArray, idx)) {
+        ParentQueue parentQueue = mock(ParentQueue.class);
+        queue = parentQueue;
+        List<CSQueue> children = new ArrayList<CSQueue>();
+        when(parentQueue.getChildQueues()).thenReturn(children);
+      } else {
+        LeafQueue leafQueue = mock(LeafQueue.class);
+        final TreeSet<FiCaSchedulerApp> apps =
+            new TreeSet<>(CapacityScheduler.applicationComparator);
+        when(leafQueue.getApplications()).thenReturn(apps);
+        OrderingPolicy<FiCaSchedulerApp> so = mock(OrderingPolicy.class);
+        when(so.getPreemptionIterator()).thenAnswer(new Answer() {
+          public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
+            return apps.descendingIterator();
+          }
+        });
+        when(leafQueue.getOrderingPolicy()).thenReturn(so);
+        Map<String, TreeSet<RMContainer>> ignorePartitionContainers =
+            new HashMap<>();
+        when(leafQueue.getIgnoreExclusivityRMContainers()).thenReturn(
+            ignorePartitionContainers);
+        queue = leafQueue;
+      }
+      setupQueue(queue, q, queueExprArray, idx);
+      if (queue.getQueueName().equals(ROOT)) {
+        rootQueue = (ParentQueue) queue;
+      }
+    }
+    return rootQueue;
+  }
+  private void setupQueue(CSQueue queue, String q, String[] queueExprArray,
+      int idx) {
+    LOG.debug("*** Setup queue, source=" + q);
+    String queuePath = null;
+    int myLevel = getLevel(q);
+    if (0 == myLevel) {
+      // It's root
+      when(queue.getQueueName()).thenReturn(ROOT);
+      queuePath = ROOT;
+    }
+    String queueName = getQueueName(q);
+    when(queue.getQueueName()).thenReturn(queueName);
+    // Setup parent queue, and add myself to parentQueue.children-list
+    ParentQueue parentQueue = getParentQueue(queueExprArray, idx, myLevel);
+    if (null != parentQueue) {
+      when(queue.getParent()).thenReturn(parentQueue);
+      parentQueue.getChildQueues().add(queue);
+      // Setup my path
+      queuePath = parentQueue.getQueuePath() + "." + queueName;
+    }
+    when(queue.getQueuePath()).thenReturn(queuePath);
+    QueueCapacities qc = new QueueCapacities(0 == myLevel);
+    ResourceUsage ru = new ResourceUsage();
+    when(queue.getQueueCapacities()).thenReturn(qc);
+    when(queue.getQueueResourceUsage()).thenReturn(ru);
+    LOG.debug("Setup queue, name=" + queue.getQueueName() + " path="
+        + queue.getQueuePath());
+    LOG.debug("Parent=" + (parentQueue == null ? "null" : parentQueue
+        .getQueueName()));
+    // Setup other fields like used resource, guaranteed resource, etc.
+    String capacitySettingStr = q.substring(q.indexOf("(") + 1, 
+    for (String s : capacitySettingStr.split(",")) {
+      String partitionName = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("="));
+      String[] values = s.substring(s.indexOf("[") + 1, 
s.indexOf("]")).split(" ");
+      // Add a small epsilon to capacities to avoid truncate when doing
+      // Resources.multiply
+      float epsilon = 1e-6f;
+      float absGuaranteed =
+          Integer.valueOf(values[0].trim())
+              / (float) (partitionToResource.get(partitionName).getMemory())
+              + epsilon;
+      float absMax =
+          Integer.valueOf(values[1].trim())
+              / (float) (partitionToResource.get(partitionName).getMemory())
+              + epsilon;
+      float absUsed =
+          Integer.valueOf(values[2].trim())
+              / (float) (partitionToResource.get(partitionName).getMemory())
+              + epsilon;
+      Resource pending = 
+      qc.setAbsoluteCapacity(partitionName, absGuaranteed);
+      qc.setAbsoluteMaximumCapacity(partitionName, absMax);
+      qc.setAbsoluteUsedCapacity(partitionName, absUsed);
+      ru.setPending(partitionName, pending);
+      LOG.debug("Setup queue=" + queueName + " partition=" + partitionName
+          + " [abs_guaranteed=" + absGuaranteed + ",abs_max=" + absMax
+          + ",abs_used" + absUsed + ",pending_resource=" + pending + "]");
+    }
+    // Setup preemption disabled
+    when(queue.getPreemptionDisabled()).thenReturn(
+        csConf.getPreemptionDisabled(queuePath, false));
+    nameToCSQueues.put(queueName, queue);
+    when(cs.getQueue(eq(queueName))).thenReturn(queue);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Level of a queue is how many "-" at beginning, root's level is 0
+   */
+  private int getLevel(String q) {
+    int level = 0; // level = how many "-" at beginning
+    while (level < q.length() && q.charAt(level) == '-') {
+      level++;
+    }
+    return level;
+  }
+  private String getQueueName(String q) {
+    int idx = 0;
+    // find first != '-' char
+    while (idx < q.length() && q.charAt(idx) == '-') {
+      idx++;
+    }
+    if (idx == q.length()) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal input:" + q);
+    }
+    // name = after '-' and before '('
+    String name = q.substring(idx, q.indexOf('('));
+    if (name.isEmpty()) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("queue name shouldn't be empty:" + q);
+    }
+    if (name.contains(".")) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("queue name shouldn't contain '.':"
+          + name);
+    }
+    return name;
+  }
+  private ParentQueue getParentQueue(String[] queueExprArray, int idx, int 
myLevel) {
+    idx--;
+    while (idx >= 0) {
+      int level = getLevel(queueExprArray[idx]);
+      if (level < myLevel) {
+        String parentQueuName = getQueueName(queueExprArray[idx]);
+        return (ParentQueue) nameToCSQueues.get(parentQueuName);
+      }
+      idx--;
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get if a queue is ParentQueue
+   */
+  private boolean isParent(String[] queues, int idx) {
+    int myLevel = getLevel(queues[idx]);
+    idx++;
+    while (idx < queues.length && getLevel(queues[idx]) == myLevel) {
+      idx++;
+    }
+    if (idx >= queues.length || getLevel(queues[idx]) < myLevel) {
+      // It's a LeafQueue
+      return false;
+    } else {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
diff --git 
index 2608dcb..31661da 100644
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class TestChildQueueOrder {
         } else {
           FiCaSchedulerApp app1 = getMockApplication(0, "");
           ((LeafQueue)queue).allocateResource(clusterResource, app1, 
-              allocatedResource, null);
+              allocatedResource, null, null);
         // Next call - nothing
diff --git 
index 34248a4..1c8622f 100644
@@ -815,9 +815,9 @@ public class TestLeafQueue {
     qb.finishApplication(app_0.getApplicationId(), user_0);
     qb.finishApplication(app_2.getApplicationId(), user_1);
     qb.releaseResource(clusterResource, app_0, app_0.getResource(u0Priority),
-        null);
+        null, null);
     qb.releaseResource(clusterResource, app_2, app_2.getResource(u1Priority),
-        null);
+        null, null);
diff --git 
index 46aa7ec..48d6602 100644
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import 
 import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp;
 import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
 import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmnode.RMNode;
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import 
 import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerNode;
 import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.YarnScheduler;
 import org.junit.Assert;
 import org.junit.Before;
@@ -1015,6 +1017,20 @@ public class TestNodeLabelContainerAllocation {
     // app1 gets all resource in partition=x
     Assert.assertEquals(10, schedulerNode1.getNumContainers());
+    // check non-exclusive containers of LeafQueue is correctly updated
+    LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("a");
+        "y"));
+    Assert.assertEquals(10,
+        leafQueue.getIgnoreExclusivityRMContainers().get("x").size());
+    // completes all containers of app1, ignoreExclusivityRMContainers should 
+    // updated as well.
+    cs.handle(new AppAttemptRemovedSchedulerEvent(
+        am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), RMAppAttemptState.FINISHED, false));
+        "x"));
diff --git 
index bdbd168..4deaaae 100644
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class TestParentQueue {
         } else {
           FiCaSchedulerApp app1 = getMockApplication(0, "");
           ((LeafQueue)queue).allocateResource(clusterResource, app1, 
-              allocatedResource, null);
+              allocatedResource, null, null);
         // Next call - nothing

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