YARN-8732. Add unit tests of min/max allocation for custom resource types in 
FairScheduler. (Contributed by Szilard Nemeth)

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/commit/b6d5d84e
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/tree/b6d5d84e
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/diff/b6d5d84e

Branch: refs/heads/HEAD
Commit: b6d5d84e0761a450acee103d87afcae26ca504b6
Parents: 2e9913c
Author: Haibo Chen <haiboc...@apache.org>
Authored: Thu Oct 4 12:46:46 2018 -0700
Committer: Haibo Chen <haiboc...@apache.org>
Committed: Thu Oct 4 12:47:31 2018 -0700

 .../ApplicationMasterServiceTestBase.java       | 582 +++++++++++
 .../TestApplicationMasterService.java           | 993 -------------------
 .../TestApplicationMasterServiceCapacity.java   | 207 ++++
 .../TestApplicationMasterServiceFair.java       | 118 +++
 ...TestApplicationMasterServiceInterceptor.java | 217 ++++
 5 files changed, 1124 insertions(+), 993 deletions(-)

diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fc2a53
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateResponse;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidContainerReleaseException;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidResourceRequestException;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServiceProtos;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.security.ContainerTokenIdentifier;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.EnumSet;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import static java.lang.Thread.sleep;
+import static 
+import static 
+import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+ * Base class for Application Master test classes.
+ * Some implementors are for testing CS and FS.
+ */
+public abstract class ApplicationMasterServiceTestBase {
+  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory
+      .getLog(ApplicationMasterServiceTestBase.class);
+  static final int GB = 1024;
+  static final String CUSTOM_RES = "res_1";
+  static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "";
+  static final String DEFAULT_PORT = "1234";
+  protected static YarnConfiguration conf;
+  protected abstract YarnConfiguration createYarnConfig();
+  protected abstract Resource getResourceUsageForQueue(ResourceManager rm,
+          String queue);
+  protected abstract String getDefaultQueueName();
+  Map<String, ResourceInformation> initializeMandatoryResources() {
+    Map<String, ResourceInformation> riMap = new HashMap<>();
+    ResourceInformation memory = ResourceInformation.newInstance(
+        ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getName(),
+        ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getUnits(),
+    ResourceInformation vcores = ResourceInformation.newInstance(
+        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName(),
+        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getUnits(),
+    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_URI, memory);
+    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.VCORES_URI, vcores);
+    return riMap;
+  }
+  private void requestResources(MockAM am, long memory, int vCores,
+      Map<String, Integer> customResources) throws Exception {
+    am.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
+        .capability(TestUtils.createResource(memory, vCores, customResources))
+        .numContainers(1)
+        .resourceName("*")
+        .build()), null);
+  }
+  @Before
+  public void setup() {
+    conf = new YarnConfiguration();
+    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, FifoScheduler.class,
+        ResourceScheduler.class);
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 3000000)
+  public void testRMIdentifierOnContainerAllocation() throws Exception {
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    rm.start();
+    // Register node1
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+    // Submit an application
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
+    // kick the scheduling
+    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+    am1.registerAppAttempt();
+    am1.addRequests(new String[] {DEFAULT_HOST}, GB, 1, 1);
+    AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); // send the request
+    // kick the scheduler
+    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+    while (alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1) {
+      LOG.info("Waiting for containers to be created for app 1...");
+      sleep(1000);
+      alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
+    }
+    // assert RMIdentifier is set properly in allocated containers
+    Container allocatedContainer =
+        alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().get(0);
+    ContainerTokenIdentifier tokenId =
+        BuilderUtils.newContainerTokenIdentifier(allocatedContainer
+            .getContainerToken());
+    Assert.assertEquals(MockRM.getClusterTimeStamp(),
+            tokenId.getRMIdentifier());
+    rm.stop();
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 3000000)
+  public void testAllocateResponseIdOverflow() throws Exception {
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    try {
+      rm.start();
+      // Register node1
+      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+      // Submit an application
+      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
+      // kick off the scheduling
+      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+      am1.registerAppAttempt();
+      // Set the last responseId to be Integer.MAX_VALUE
+      Assert.assertTrue(am1.setApplicationLastResponseId(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
+      // Both allocate should succeed
+      am1.schedule(); // send allocate with responseId = Integer.MAX_VALUE
+      Assert.assertEquals(0, am1.getResponseId());
+      am1.schedule(); // send allocate with responseId = 0
+      Assert.assertEquals(1, am1.getResponseId());
+    } finally {
+      rm.stop();
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout=600000)
+  public void testInvalidContainerReleaseRequest() throws Exception {
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    try {
+      rm.start();
+      // Register node1
+      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+      // Submit an application
+      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(1024);
+      // kick the scheduling
+      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+      am1.registerAppAttempt();
+      am1.addRequests(new String[] {DEFAULT_HOST}, GB, 1, 1);
+      AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); // send the request
+      // kick the scheduler
+      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+      while (alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1) {
+        LOG.info("Waiting for containers to be created for app 1...");
+        sleep(1000);
+        alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
+      }
+      Assert.assertTrue(alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() > 0);
+      RMApp app2 = rm.submitApp(1024);
+      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+      RMAppAttempt attempt2 = app2.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+      MockAM am2 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt2.getAppAttemptId());
+      am2.registerAppAttempt();
+      // Now trying to release container allocated for app1 -> appAttempt1.
+      ContainerId cId = alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().get(0).getId();
+      am2.addContainerToBeReleased(cId);
+      try {
+        am2.schedule();
+        fail("Exception was expected!!");
+      } catch (InvalidContainerReleaseException e) {
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Cannot release container : ");
+        sb.append(cId.toString());
+        sb.append(" not belonging to this application attempt : ");
+        sb.append(attempt2.getAppAttemptId().toString());
+        Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains(sb.toString()));
+      }
+    } finally {
+      rm.stop();
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout=1200000)
+  public void testProgressFilter() throws Exception{
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    rm.start();
+    // Register node1
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+    // Submit an application
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
+    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+    am1.registerAppAttempt();
+    AllocateRequestPBImpl allocateRequest = new AllocateRequestPBImpl();
+    List<ContainerId> release = new ArrayList<>();
+    List<ResourceRequest> ask = new ArrayList<>();
+    allocateRequest.setReleaseList(release);
+    allocateRequest.setAskList(ask);
+    allocateRequest.setProgress(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=1){
+      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
+      sleep(100);
+    }
+    allocateRequest.setProgress(Float.NaN);
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0){
+      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
+      sleep(100);
+    }
+    allocateRequest.setProgress((float)9);
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=1){
+      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
+      sleep(100);
+    }
+    allocateRequest.setProgress(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0){
+      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
+      sleep(100);
+    }
+    allocateRequest.setProgress((float)0.5);
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0.5){
+      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
+      sleep(100);
+    }
+    allocateRequest.setProgress((float)-1);
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0){
+      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
+      sleep(100);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout=1200000)
+  public void testFinishApplicationMasterBeforeRegistering() throws Exception {
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    try {
+      rm.start();
+      // Register node1
+      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+      // Submit an application
+      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
+      MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAM(app1, rm, nm1);
+      FinishApplicationMasterRequest req =
+          FinishApplicationMasterRequest.newInstance(
+              FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED, "", "");
+      try {
+        am1.unregisterAppAttempt(req, false);
+        fail("ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException should be thrown");
+      } catch (ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException e) {
+        Assert.assertNotNull(e);
+        Assert.assertNotNull(e.getMessage());
+        Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains(
+            "Application Master is trying to unregister before registering 
+        ));
+      } catch (Exception e) {
+        fail("ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException should be thrown");
+      }
+      am1.registerAppAttempt();
+      am1.unregisterAppAttempt(req, false);
+      rm.waitForState(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(),
+              RMAppAttemptState.FINISHING);
+    } finally {
+      rm.stop();
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 3000000)
+  public void testResourceTypes() throws Exception {
+    HashMap<YarnConfiguration,
+        EnumSet<YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes>> driver =
+        new HashMap<>();
+    CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csconf =
+        new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration();
+    csconf.setResourceComparator(DominantResourceCalculator.class);
+    YarnConfiguration testCapacityDRConf = new YarnConfiguration(csconf);
+    testCapacityDRConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER,
+        CapacityScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
+    YarnConfiguration testCapacityDefConf = new YarnConfiguration();
+    testCapacityDefConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER,
+        CapacityScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
+    YarnConfiguration testFairDefConf = new YarnConfiguration();
+    testFairDefConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER,
+        FairScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
+    driver.put(conf,
+            EnumSet.of(YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY));
+    driver.put(testCapacityDRConf,
+            EnumSet.of(YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes.CPU,
+                    YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY));
+    driver.put(testCapacityDefConf,
+            EnumSet.of(YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY));
+    driver.put(testFairDefConf,
+            EnumSet.of(YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY,
+                    YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes.CPU));
+    for (Map.Entry<YarnConfiguration,
+        EnumSet<YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes>> entry :
+        driver.entrySet()) {
+      EnumSet<YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes> expectedValue =
+          entry.getValue();
+      MockRM rm = new MockRM(entry.getKey());
+      rm.start();
+      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
+      //Wait to make sure the attempt has the right state
+      //TODO explore a better way than sleeping for a while (YARN-4929)
+      Thread.sleep(1000);
+      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+      RegisterApplicationMasterResponse resp = am1.registerAppAttempt();
+      EnumSet<YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes> types =
+              resp.getSchedulerResourceTypes();
+      LOG.info("types = " + types.toString());
+      Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, types);
+      rm.stop();
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout=1200000)
+  public void  testAllocateAfterUnregister() throws Exception {
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    rm.start();
+    // Register node1
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+    // Submit an application
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
+    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+    am1.registerAppAttempt();
+    // unregister app attempt
+    FinishApplicationMasterRequest req =
+        FinishApplicationMasterRequest.newInstance(
+            FinalApplicationStatus.KILLED, "", "");
+    am1.unregisterAppAttempt(req, false);
+    // request container after unregister
+    am1.addRequests(new String[] {DEFAULT_HOST}, GB, 1, 1);
+    AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
+    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+    rm.drainEvents();
+    alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
+    Assert.assertEquals(0, alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size());
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 300000)
+  public void testUpdateTrackingUrl() throws Exception {
+    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
+        ResourceScheduler.class);
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    rm.start();
+    // Register node1
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
+    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+    am1.registerAppAttempt();
+    Assert.assertEquals("N/A", rm.getRMContext().getRMApps().get(
+        app1.getApplicationId()).getOriginalTrackingUrl());
+    AllocateRequestPBImpl allocateRequest = new AllocateRequestPBImpl();
+    String newTrackingUrl = "hadoop.apache.org";
+    allocateRequest.setTrackingUrl(newTrackingUrl);
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    Assert.assertEquals(newTrackingUrl, rm.getRMContext().getRMApps().get(
+        app1.getApplicationId()).getOriginalTrackingUrl());
+    // Send it again
+    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    Assert.assertEquals(newTrackingUrl, rm.getRMContext().getRMApps().get(
+        app1.getApplicationId()).getOriginalTrackingUrl());
+    rm.stop();
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 300000)
+  public void testValidateRequestCapacityAgainstMinMaxAllocation()
+      throws Exception {
+    Map<String, ResourceInformation> riMap =
+        initializeMandatoryResources();
+    ResourceUtils.initializeResourcesFromResourceInformationMap(riMap);
+    final YarnConfiguration yarnConf = createYarnConfig();
+    // Don't reset resource types since we have already configured resource
+    // types
+    yarnConf.setBoolean(TestResourceProfiles.TEST_CONF_RESET_RESOURCE_TYPES,
+        false);
+    yarnConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_RESOURCE_PROFILES_ENABLED, false);
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(yarnConf);
+    rm.start();
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("" + DEFAULT_PORT, TestUtils
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(GB, "app", "user", null, getDefaultQueueName());
+    MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm, nm1);
+    // Now request resource, memory > allowed
+    boolean exception = false;
+    try {
+      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
+          .capability(Resource.newInstance(9 * GB, 1))
+          .numContainers(1)
+          .resourceName("*")
+          .build()), null);
+    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
+      exception = true;
+    }
+    Assert.assertTrue(exception);
+    exception = false;
+    try {
+      // Now request resource, vcores > allowed
+      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
+          .capability(Resource.newInstance(8 * GB, 18))
+          .numContainers(1)
+          .resourceName("*")
+          .build()), null);
+    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
+      exception = true;
+    }
+    Assert.assertTrue(exception);
+    rm.close();
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 300000)
+  public void testRequestCapacityMinMaxAllocationForResourceTypes()
+      throws Exception {
+    Map<String, ResourceInformation> riMap = initializeMandatoryResources();
+    ResourceInformation res1 = ResourceInformation.newInstance(CUSTOM_RES,
+        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getUnits(), 0, 4);
+    riMap.put(CUSTOM_RES, res1);
+    ResourceUtils.initializeResourcesFromResourceInformationMap(riMap);
+    final YarnConfiguration yarnConf = createYarnConfig();
+    // Don't reset resource types since we have already configured resource
+    // types
+    yarnConf.setBoolean(TestResourceProfiles.TEST_CONF_RESET_RESOURCE_TYPES,
+        false);
+    yarnConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_RESOURCE_PROFILES_ENABLED, false);
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(yarnConf);
+    rm.start();
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("" + DEFAULT_PORT, TestUtils
+            ImmutableMap.of(CUSTOM_RES, 4)));
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(GB, "app", "user", null, getDefaultQueueName());
+    MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm, nm1);
+    Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(GB, 1),
+        getResourceUsageForQueue(rm, getDefaultQueueName()));
+    // Request memory > allowed
+    try {
+      requestResources(am1, 9 * GB, 1, ImmutableMap.of());
+      Assert.fail("Should throw InvalidResourceRequestException");
+    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException ignored) {}
+    try {
+      // Request vcores > allowed
+      requestResources(am1, GB, 18, ImmutableMap.of());
+      Assert.fail("Should throw InvalidResourceRequestException");
+    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException ignored) {}
+    try {
+      // Request custom resource 'res_1' > allowed
+      requestResources(am1, GB, 2, ImmutableMap.of(CUSTOM_RES, 100));
+      Assert.fail("Should throw InvalidResourceRequestException");
+    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException ignored) {}
+    rm.close();
+  }

diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 562ba5d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,993 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager;
-import static java.lang.Thread.sleep;
-import static 
-import static 
-import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.EnumSet;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.ams.ApplicationMasterServiceContext;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.ams.ApplicationMasterServiceProcessor;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateRequest;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateResponse;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords
-    .RegisterApplicationMasterRequest;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerUpdateType;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.UpdateContainerRequest;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidContainerReleaseException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidResourceRequestException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.resourcetypes.ResourceTypesTestHelper;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.security.ContainerTokenIdentifier;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair
-        .FairSchedulerConfiguration;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class TestApplicationMasterService {
-  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory
-      .getLog(TestApplicationMasterService.class);
-  private final int GB = 1024;
-  private static YarnConfiguration conf;
-  private static AtomicInteger beforeRegCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
-  private static AtomicInteger afterRegCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
-  private static AtomicInteger beforeAllocCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
-  private static AtomicInteger afterAllocCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
-  private static AtomicInteger beforeFinishCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
-  private static AtomicInteger afterFinishCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
-  private static AtomicInteger initCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
-  static class TestInterceptor1 implements
-      ApplicationMasterServiceProcessor {
-    private ApplicationMasterServiceProcessor nextProcessor;
-    @Override
-    public void init(ApplicationMasterServiceContext amsContext,
-        ApplicationMasterServiceProcessor next) {
-      initCount.incrementAndGet();
-      this.nextProcessor = next;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void registerApplicationMaster(
-        ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId,
-        RegisterApplicationMasterRequest request,
-        RegisterApplicationMasterResponse response)
-        throws IOException, YarnException {
-      nextProcessor.registerApplicationMaster(
-          applicationAttemptId, request, response);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void allocate(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId,
-        AllocateRequest request,
-        AllocateResponse response) throws YarnException {
-      beforeAllocCount.incrementAndGet();
-      nextProcessor.allocate(appAttemptId, request, response);
-      afterAllocCount.incrementAndGet();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void finishApplicationMaster(
-        ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId,
-        FinishApplicationMasterRequest request,
-        FinishApplicationMasterResponse response) {
-      beforeFinishCount.incrementAndGet();
-      afterFinishCount.incrementAndGet();
-    }
-  }
-  static class TestInterceptor2 implements
-      ApplicationMasterServiceProcessor {
-    private ApplicationMasterServiceProcessor nextProcessor;
-    @Override
-    public void init(ApplicationMasterServiceContext amsContext,
-        ApplicationMasterServiceProcessor next) {
-      initCount.incrementAndGet();
-      this.nextProcessor = next;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void registerApplicationMaster(
-        ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId,
-        RegisterApplicationMasterRequest request,
-        RegisterApplicationMasterResponse response)
-        throws IOException, YarnException {
-      beforeRegCount.incrementAndGet();
-      nextProcessor.registerApplicationMaster(applicationAttemptId,
-              request, response);
-      afterRegCount.incrementAndGet();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void allocate(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId,
-        AllocateRequest request, AllocateResponse response)
-        throws YarnException {
-      beforeAllocCount.incrementAndGet();
-      nextProcessor.allocate(appAttemptId, request, response);
-      afterAllocCount.incrementAndGet();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void finishApplicationMaster(
-        ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId,
-        FinishApplicationMasterRequest request,
-        FinishApplicationMasterResponse response) {
-      beforeFinishCount.incrementAndGet();
-      nextProcessor.finishApplicationMaster(
-          applicationAttemptId, request, response);
-      afterFinishCount.incrementAndGet();
-    }
-  }
-  @Before
-  public void setup() {
-    conf = new YarnConfiguration();
-    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, FifoScheduler.class,
-      ResourceScheduler.class);
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 300000)
-  public void testApplicationMasterInterceptor() throws Exception {
-        TestInterceptor1.class.getName() + ","
-            + TestInterceptor2.class.getName());
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    rm.start();
-    // Register node1
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-    // Submit an application
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-    // kick the scheduling
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-    am1.registerAppAttempt();
-    int allocCount = 0;
-    am1.addRequests(new String[] {""}, GB, 1, 1);
-    AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); // send the request
-    allocCount++;
-    // kick the scheduler
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    while (alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1) {
-      LOG.info("Waiting for containers to be created for app 1...");
-      sleep(1000);
-      alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
-      allocCount++;
-    }
-    // assert RMIdentifer is set properly in allocated containers
-    Container allocatedContainer =
-        alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().get(0);
-    ContainerTokenIdentifier tokenId =
-        BuilderUtils.newContainerTokenIdentifier(allocatedContainer
-            .getContainerToken());
-    am1.unregisterAppAttempt();
-    Assert.assertEquals(1, beforeRegCount.get());
-    Assert.assertEquals(1, afterRegCount.get());
-    // The allocate calls should be incremented twice
-    Assert.assertEquals(allocCount * 2, beforeAllocCount.get());
-    Assert.assertEquals(allocCount * 2, afterAllocCount.get());
-    // Finish should only be called once, since the FirstInterceptor
-    // does not forward the call.
-    Assert.assertEquals(1, beforeFinishCount.get());
-    Assert.assertEquals(1, afterFinishCount.get());
-    rm.stop();
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 3000000)
-  public void testRMIdentifierOnContainerAllocation() throws Exception {
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    rm.start();
-    // Register node1
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-    // Submit an application
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-    // kick the scheduling
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-    am1.registerAppAttempt();
-    am1.addRequests(new String[] { "" }, GB, 1, 1);
-    AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); // send the request
-    // kick the scheduler
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    while (alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1) {
-      LOG.info("Waiting for containers to be created for app 1...");
-      sleep(1000);
-      alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
-    }
-    // assert RMIdentifer is set properly in allocated containers
-    Container allocatedContainer =
-        alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().get(0);
-    ContainerTokenIdentifier tokenId =
-        BuilderUtils.newContainerTokenIdentifier(allocatedContainer
-          .getContainerToken());
-    Assert.assertEquals(MockRM.getClusterTimeStamp(), 
-    rm.stop();
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 3000000)
-  public void testAllocateResponseIdOverflow() throws Exception {
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    try {
-      rm.start();
-      // Register node1
-      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-      // Submit an application
-      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-      // kick the scheduling
-      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-      am1.registerAppAttempt();
-      // Set the last reponseId to be MAX_INT
-      Assert.assertTrue(am1.setApplicationLastResponseId(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
-      // Both allocate should succeed
-      am1.schedule(); // send allocate with reponseId = MAX_INT
-      Assert.assertEquals(0, am1.getResponseId());
-      am1.schedule(); // send allocate with reponseId = 0
-      Assert.assertEquals(1, am1.getResponseId());
-    } finally {
-      if (rm != null) {
-        rm.stop();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Test(timeout=600000)
-  public void testInvalidContainerReleaseRequest() throws Exception {
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    try {
-      rm.start();
-      // Register node1
-      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-      // Submit an application
-      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(1024);
-      // kick the scheduling
-      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-      am1.registerAppAttempt();
-      am1.addRequests(new String[] { "" }, GB, 1, 1);
-      AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); // send the request
-      // kick the scheduler
-      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-      while (alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1) {
-        LOG.info("Waiting for containers to be created for app 1...");
-        sleep(1000);
-        alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
-      }
-      Assert.assertTrue(alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() > 0);
-      RMApp app2 = rm.submitApp(1024);
-      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-      RMAppAttempt attempt2 = app2.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-      MockAM am2 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt2.getAppAttemptId());
-      am2.registerAppAttempt();
-      // Now trying to release container allocated for app1 -> appAttempt1.
-      ContainerId cId = alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().get(0).getId();
-      am2.addContainerToBeReleased(cId);
-      try {
-        am2.schedule();
-        fail("Exception was expected!!");
-      } catch (InvalidContainerReleaseException e) {
-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Cannot release container : ");
-        sb.append(cId.toString());
-        sb.append(" not belonging to this application attempt : ");
-        sb.append(attempt2.getAppAttemptId().toString());
-        Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains(sb.toString()));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      if (rm != null) {
-        rm.stop();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Test(timeout=1200000)
-  public void testProgressFilter() throws Exception{
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    rm.start();
-    // Register node1
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-      // Submit an application
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-    am1.registerAppAttempt();
-    AllocateRequestPBImpl allocateRequest = new AllocateRequestPBImpl();
-    List<ContainerId> release = new ArrayList<ContainerId>();
-    List<ResourceRequest> ask = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>();
-    allocateRequest.setReleaseList(release);
-    allocateRequest.setAskList(ask);
-    allocateRequest.setProgress(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=1){
-      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
-      sleep(100);
-    }
-    allocateRequest.setProgress(Float.NaN);
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0){
-      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
-      sleep(100);
-    }
-    allocateRequest.setProgress((float)9);
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=1){
-      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
-      sleep(100);
-    }
-    allocateRequest.setProgress(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0){
-      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
-      sleep(100);
-    }
-    allocateRequest.setProgress((float)0.5);
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0.5){
-      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
-      sleep(100);
-    }
-    allocateRequest.setProgress((float)-1);
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    while(attempt1.getProgress()!=0){
-      LOG.info("Waiting for allocate event to be handled ...");
-      sleep(100);
-    }
-  }
-  @Test(timeout=1200000)
-  public void testFinishApplicationMasterBeforeRegistering() throws Exception {
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    try {
-      rm.start();
-      // Register node1
-      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-      // Submit an application
-      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-      MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAM(app1, rm, nm1);
-      FinishApplicationMasterRequest req =
-          FinishApplicationMasterRequest.newInstance(
-              FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED, "", "");
-      try {
-        am1.unregisterAppAttempt(req, false);
-        fail("ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException should be thrown");
-      } catch (ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException e) {
-        Assert.assertNotNull(e);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(e.getMessage());
-        Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains(
-            "Application Master is trying to unregister before registering 
-        ));
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        fail("ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException should be thrown");
-      }
-      am1.registerAppAttempt();
-      am1.unregisterAppAttempt(req, false);
-      rm.waitForState(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 
-    } finally {
-      if (rm != null) {
-        rm.stop();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 3000000)
-  public void testResourceTypes() throws Exception {
-    HashMap<YarnConfiguration, EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes>> driver =
-        new HashMap<YarnConfiguration, EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes>>();
-    CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csconf =
-        new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration();
-    csconf.setResourceComparator(DominantResourceCalculator.class);
-    YarnConfiguration testCapacityDRConf = new YarnConfiguration(csconf);
-    testCapacityDRConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER,
-      CapacityScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
-    YarnConfiguration testCapacityDefConf = new YarnConfiguration();
-    testCapacityDefConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER,
-      CapacityScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
-    YarnConfiguration testFairDefConf = new YarnConfiguration();
-    testFairDefConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER,
-      FairScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
-    driver.put(conf, EnumSet.of(SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY));
-    driver.put(testCapacityDRConf,
-      EnumSet.of(SchedulerResourceTypes.CPU, SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY));
-    driver.put(testCapacityDefConf, EnumSet.of(SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY));
-    driver.put(testFairDefConf,
-      EnumSet.of(SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY, SchedulerResourceTypes.CPU));
-    for (Map.Entry<YarnConfiguration, EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes>> entry : 
-      .entrySet()) {
-      EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes> expectedValue = entry.getValue();
-      MockRM rm = new MockRM(entry.getKey());
-      rm.start();
-      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-      //Wait to make sure the attempt has the right state
-      //TODO explore a better way than sleeping for a while (YARN-4929)
-      Thread.sleep(1000);
-      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-      RegisterApplicationMasterResponse resp = am1.registerAppAttempt();
-      EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes> types = resp.getSchedulerResourceTypes();
-      LOG.info("types = " + types.toString());
-      Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, types);
-      rm.stop();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test(timeout=1200000)
-  public void  testAllocateAfterUnregister() throws Exception {
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    rm.start();
-    // Register node1
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-    // Submit an application
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-    am1.registerAppAttempt();
-    // unregister app attempt
-    FinishApplicationMasterRequest req =
-        FinishApplicationMasterRequest.newInstance(
-           FinalApplicationStatus.KILLED, "", "");
-    am1.unregisterAppAttempt(req, false);
-    // request container after unregister
-    am1.addRequests(new String[] { "" }, GB, 1, 1);
-    AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    rm.drainEvents();
-    alloc1Response = am1.schedule();
-    Assert.assertEquals(0, alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size());
-  }
-  @Test(timeout=60000)
-  public void testInvalidIncreaseDecreaseRequest() throws Exception {
-    conf = new YarnConfiguration();
-    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
-      ResourceScheduler.class);
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    try {
-      rm.start();
-      // Register node1
-      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-      // Submit an application
-      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(1024);
-      // kick the scheduling
-      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-      RegisterApplicationMasterResponse registerResponse =
-          am1.registerAppAttempt();
-      sentRMContainerLaunched(rm,
-          ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1));
-      // Ask for a normal increase should be successfull
-      am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
-              UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(
-                  0, ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
-                  ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
-                  Resources.createResource(2048), null)));
-      // Target resource is negative, should fail
-      AllocateResponse response =
-          am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
-              UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
-                  ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
-                  ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
-                  Resources.createResource(-1), null)));
-      Assert.assertEquals(1, response.getUpdateErrors().size());
-      Assert.assertEquals("RESOURCE_OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_RANGE",
-          response.getUpdateErrors().get(0).getReason());
-      // Target resource is more than maxAllocation, should fail
-      response = am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
-          UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
-              ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
-              ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
-              Resources.add(
-                  registerResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability(),
-                  Resources.createResource(1)), null)));
-      Assert.assertEquals(1, response.getUpdateErrors().size());
-      Assert.assertEquals("RESOURCE_OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_RANGE",
-          response.getUpdateErrors().get(0).getReason());
-      // Contains multiple increase/decrease requests for same contaienrId 
-      response = am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
-          UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
-              ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
-              ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
-              Resources.createResource(2048, 4), null),
-          UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
-              ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
-              ContainerUpdateType.DECREASE_RESOURCE,
-              Resources.createResource(1024, 1), null)));
-      Assert.assertEquals(1, response.getUpdateErrors().size());
-      Assert.assertEquals("UPDATE_OUTSTANDING_ERROR",
-          response.getUpdateErrors().get(0).getReason());
-    } finally {
-      rm.close();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 300000)
-  public void testPriorityInAllocatedResponse() throws Exception {
-    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
-        ResourceScheduler.class);
-    // Set Max Application Priority as 10
-    conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.MAX_CLUSTER_LEVEL_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, 10);
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    rm.start();
-    // Register node1
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-    // Submit an application
-    Priority appPriority1 = Priority.newInstance(5);
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048, appPriority1);
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-    am1.registerAppAttempt();
-    AllocateRequestPBImpl allocateRequest = new AllocateRequestPBImpl();
-    List<ContainerId> release = new ArrayList<ContainerId>();
-    List<ResourceRequest> ask = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>();
-    allocateRequest.setReleaseList(release);
-    allocateRequest.setAskList(ask);
-    AllocateResponse response1 = am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    Assert.assertEquals(appPriority1, response1.getApplicationPriority());
-    // Change the priority of App1 to 8
-    Priority appPriority2 = Priority.newInstance(8);
-    UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation
-        .createRemoteUser(app1.getUser());
-    rm.getRMAppManager().updateApplicationPriority(ugi, 
-        appPriority2);
-    AllocateResponse response2 = am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    Assert.assertEquals(appPriority2, response2.getApplicationPriority());
-    rm.stop();
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 300000)
-  public void testCSValidateRequestCapacityAgainstMinMaxAllocation()
-      throws Exception {
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 300000)
-  public void testFSValidateRequestCapacityAgainstMinMaxAllocation()
-      throws Exception {
-    testValidateRequestCapacityAgainstMinMaxAllocation(FairScheduler.class);
-  }
-  private void testValidateRequestCapacityAgainstMinMaxAllocation(Class<?> 
-      throws Exception {
-    // Initialize resource map for 2 types.
-    Map<String, ResourceInformation> riMap = new HashMap<>();
-    // Initialize mandatory resources
-    ResourceInformation memory = ResourceInformation.newInstance(
-        ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getName(),
-        ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getUnits(),
-    ResourceInformation vcores = ResourceInformation.newInstance(
-        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName(),
-        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getUnits(),
-    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_URI, memory);
-    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.VCORES_URI, vcores);
-    ResourceUtils.initializeResourcesFromResourceInformationMap(riMap);
-    final YarnConfiguration yarnConf;
-    if (schedulerCls.getCanonicalName()
-        .equals(CapacityScheduler.class.getCanonicalName())) {
-      CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf =
-          new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration();
-      csConf.setResourceComparator(DominantResourceCalculator.class);
-      yarnConf = new YarnConfiguration(csConf);
-    } else if (schedulerCls.getCanonicalName()
-        .equals(FairScheduler.class.getCanonicalName())) {
-      FairSchedulerConfiguration fsConf = new FairSchedulerConfiguration();
-      yarnConf = new YarnConfiguration(fsConf);
-    } else {
-      throw new IllegalStateException(
-          "Scheduler class is of wrong type: " + schedulerCls);
-    }
-    // Don't reset resource types since we have already configured resource
-    // types
-    yarnConf.setBoolean(TestResourceProfiles.TEST_CONF_RESET_RESOURCE_TYPES,
-        false);
-    yarnConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, schedulerCls,
-        ResourceScheduler.class);
-    yarnConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_RESOURCE_PROFILES_ENABLED, false);
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(yarnConf);
-    rm.start();
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", TestUtils
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(GB, "app", "user", null, "default");
-    MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm, nm1);
-    // Now request resource, memory > allowed
-    boolean exception = false;
-    try {
-      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
-              .capability(Resource.newInstance(9 * GB, 1))
-              .numContainers(1)
-              .resourceName("*")
-              .build()), null);
-    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
-      exception = true;
-    }
-    Assert.assertTrue(exception);
-    exception = false;
-    try {
-      // Now request resource, vcores > allowed
-      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
-              .capability(Resource.newInstance(8 * GB, 18))
-              .numContainers(1)
-              .resourceName("*")
-              .build()), null);
-    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
-      exception = true;
-    }
-    Assert.assertTrue(exception);
-    rm.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void 
-      throws Exception {
-    // Initialize resource map for 2 types.
-    Map<String, ResourceInformation> riMap = new HashMap<>();
-    // Initialize mandatory resources
-    ResourceInformation memory =
-            ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getUnits(),
-    ResourceInformation vcores =
-        ResourceInformation.newInstance(ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName(),
-            ResourceInformation.VCORES.getUnits(),
-    ResourceInformation res1 =
-        ResourceInformation.newInstance("res_1", "G", 0, 4);
-    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_URI, memory);
-    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.VCORES_URI, vcores);
-    riMap.put("res_1", res1);
-    ResourceUtils.initializeResourcesFromResourceInformationMap(riMap);
-    FairSchedulerConfiguration fsConf =
-            new FairSchedulerConfiguration();
-    YarnConfiguration yarnConf = new YarnConfiguration(fsConf);
-    // Don't reset resource types since we have already configured resource
-    // types
-    yarnConf.setBoolean(TestResourceProfiles.TEST_CONF_RESET_RESOURCE_TYPES,
-        false);
-    yarnConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, FairScheduler.class,
-        ResourceScheduler.class);
-    yarnConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_RESOURCE_PROFILES_ENABLED, false);
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(yarnConf);
-    rm.start();
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("",
-        ResourceTypesTestHelper.newResource(
-            ImmutableMap.<String, String> builder()
-                .put("res_1", "5G").build()));
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(GB, "app", "user", null, "default");
-    MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm, nm1);
-    // Now request res_1, 500M < 5G so it should be allowed
-    try {
-      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
-          .capability(ResourceTypesTestHelper.newResource(4 * GB, 1,
-              ImmutableMap.<String, String> builder()
-                  .put("res_1", "500M")
-                      .build()))
-          .numContainers(1).resourceName("*").build()), null);
-    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
-      fail(
-          "Allocate request should be accepted but exception was thrown: " + 
-    }
-    rm.close();
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 300000)
-  public void 
-      throws Exception {
-    // Initialize resource map for 2 types.
-    Map<String, ResourceInformation> riMap = new HashMap<>();
-    // Initialize mandatory resources
-    ResourceInformation memory = ResourceInformation.newInstance(
-        ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getName(),
-        ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getUnits(),
-    ResourceInformation vcores = ResourceInformation.newInstance(
-        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName(),
-        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getUnits(),
-    ResourceInformation res1 = ResourceInformation.newInstance("res_1",
-        ResourceInformation.VCORES.getUnits(), 0, 4);
-    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_URI, memory);
-    riMap.put(ResourceInformation.VCORES_URI, vcores);
-    riMap.put("res_1", res1);
-    ResourceUtils.initializeResourcesFromResourceInformationMap(riMap);
-    CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csconf =
-        new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration();
-    csconf.setResourceComparator(DominantResourceCalculator.class);
-    YarnConfiguration yarnConf = new YarnConfiguration(csconf);
-    // Don't reset resource types since we have already configured resource
-    // types
-    yarnConf.setBoolean(TestResourceProfiles.TEST_CONF_RESET_RESOURCE_TYPES,
-        false);
-    yarnConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
-        ResourceScheduler.class);
-    yarnConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_RESOURCE_PROFILES_ENABLED, false);
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(yarnConf);
-    rm.start();
-    CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
-    LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("default");
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", TestUtils
-            ImmutableMap.of("res_1", 4)));
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(GB, "app", "user", null, "default");
-    MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm, nm1);
-    Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(GB, 1),
-        leafQueue.getUsedResources());
-    // Now request resource, memory > allowed
-    boolean exception = false;
-    try {
-      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
-              .capability(TestUtils.createResource(9 * GB, 1,
-                      ImmutableMap.of("res_1", 1)))
-              .numContainers(1)
-              .resourceName("*")
-              .build()), null);
-    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
-      exception = true;
-    }
-    Assert.assertTrue(exception);
-    exception = false;
-    try {
-      // Now request resource, vcores > allowed
-      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
-          .capability(
-              TestUtils.createResource(8 * GB, 18, ImmutableMap.of("res_1", 
-              .numContainers(1)
-              .resourceName("*")
-              .build()), null);
-    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
-      exception = true;
-    }
-    Assert.assertTrue(exception);
-    exception = false;
-    try {
-      // Now request resource, res_1 > allowed
-      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
-              .capability(TestUtils.createResource(8 * GB, 1,
-                      ImmutableMap.of("res_1", 100)))
-              .numContainers(1)
-              .resourceName("*")
-              .build()), null);
-    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
-      exception = true;
-    }
-    Assert.assertTrue(exception);
-    rm.close();
-  }
-  private void sentRMContainerLaunched(MockRM rm, ContainerId containerId) {
-    CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
-    RMContainer rmContainer = cs.getRMContainer(containerId);
-    if (rmContainer != null) {
-      rmContainer.handle(
-          new RMContainerEvent(containerId, RMContainerEventType.LAUNCHED));
-    } else {
-      fail("Cannot find RMContainer");
-    }
-  }
-  @Test(timeout = 300000)
-  public void testUpdateTrackingUrl() throws Exception {
-    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
-        ResourceScheduler.class);
-    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
-    rm.start();
-    // Register node1
-    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);
-    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
-    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
-    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
-    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
-    am1.registerAppAttempt();
-    Assert.assertEquals("N/A", rm.getRMContext().getRMApps().get(
-        app1.getApplicationId()).getOriginalTrackingUrl());
-    AllocateRequestPBImpl allocateRequest = new AllocateRequestPBImpl();
-    String newTrackingUrl = "hadoop.apache.org";
-    allocateRequest.setTrackingUrl(newTrackingUrl);
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    Assert.assertEquals(newTrackingUrl, rm.getRMContext().getRMApps().get(
-        app1.getApplicationId()).getOriginalTrackingUrl());
-    // Send it again
-    am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
-    Assert.assertEquals(newTrackingUrl, rm.getRMContext().getRMApps().get(
-        app1.getApplicationId()).getOriginalTrackingUrl());
-    rm.stop();
-  }

diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d04e50
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager;
+import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateResponse;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerUpdateType;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.UpdateContainerRequest;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer
+    .RMContainerEvent;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+ * Unit tests for {@link ApplicationMasterService}
+ * with {@link CapacityScheduler}.
+ */
+public class TestApplicationMasterServiceCapacity extends
+    ApplicationMasterServiceTestBase {
+  private static final String DEFAULT_QUEUE = "default";
+  @Override
+  protected YarnConfiguration createYarnConfig() {
+    CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf =
+            new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration();
+    csConf.setResourceComparator(DominantResourceCalculator.class);
+    YarnConfiguration yarnConf = new YarnConfiguration(csConf);
+    yarnConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
+        ResourceScheduler.class);
+    return yarnConf;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected Resource getResourceUsageForQueue(ResourceManager rm,
+      String queue) {
+    CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
+    LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue(DEFAULT_QUEUE);
+    return leafQueue.getUsedResources();
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected String getDefaultQueueName() {
+    return DEFAULT_QUEUE;
+  }
+  private void sentRMContainerLaunched(MockRM rm, ContainerId containerId) {
+    CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
+    RMContainer rmContainer = cs.getRMContainer(containerId);
+    if (rmContainer != null) {
+      rmContainer.handle(
+          new RMContainerEvent(containerId, RMContainerEventType.LAUNCHED));
+    } else {
+      fail("Cannot find RMContainer");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout=60000)
+  public void testInvalidIncreaseDecreaseRequest() throws Exception {
+    conf = new YarnConfiguration();
+    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
+        ResourceScheduler.class);
+    try (MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf)) {
+      rm.start();
+      // Register node1
+      MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+      // Submit an application
+      RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(1024);
+      // kick the scheduling
+      nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+      RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+      MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+      RegisterApplicationMasterResponse registerResponse =
+          am1.registerAppAttempt();
+      sentRMContainerLaunched(rm,
+          ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1));
+      // Ask for a normal increase should be successful
+      am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
+          UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(
+              0, ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
+              ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
+              Resources.createResource(2048), null)));
+      // Target resource is negative, should fail
+      AllocateResponse response =
+          am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
+              UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
+                  ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
+                  ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
+                  Resources.createResource(-1), null)));
+      Assert.assertEquals(1, response.getUpdateErrors().size());
+      Assert.assertEquals("RESOURCE_OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_RANGE",
+          response.getUpdateErrors().get(0).getReason());
+      // Target resource is more than maxAllocation, should fail
+      response = am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
+          UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
+              ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
+              ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
+              Resources.add(
+                  registerResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability(),
+                  Resources.createResource(1)), null)));
+      Assert.assertEquals(1, response.getUpdateErrors().size());
+      Assert.assertEquals("RESOURCE_OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_RANGE",
+          response.getUpdateErrors().get(0).getReason());
+      // Contains multiple increase/decrease requests for same containerId
+      response = am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(
+          UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
+              ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
+              ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE,
+              Resources.createResource(2048, 4), null),
+          UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0,
+              ContainerId.newContainerId(attempt1.getAppAttemptId(), 1),
+              ContainerUpdateType.DECREASE_RESOURCE,
+              Resources.createResource(1024, 1), null)));
+      Assert.assertEquals(1, response.getUpdateErrors().size());
+      Assert.assertEquals("UPDATE_OUTSTANDING_ERROR",
+          response.getUpdateErrors().get(0).getReason());
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 300000)
+  public void testPriorityInAllocatedResponse() throws Exception {
+    conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class,
+        ResourceScheduler.class);
+    // Set Max Application Priority as 10
+    conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.MAX_CLUSTER_LEVEL_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, 10);
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
+    rm.start();
+    // Register node1
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode(DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT, 6 * GB);
+    // Submit an application
+    Priority appPriority1 = Priority.newInstance(5);
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048, appPriority1);
+    nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
+    RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
+    MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());
+    am1.registerAppAttempt();
+    AllocateRequestPBImpl allocateRequest = new AllocateRequestPBImpl();
+    List<ContainerId> release = new ArrayList<>();
+    List<ResourceRequest> ask = new ArrayList<>();
+    allocateRequest.setReleaseList(release);
+    allocateRequest.setAskList(ask);
+    AllocateResponse response1 = am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    Assert.assertEquals(appPriority1, response1.getApplicationPriority());
+    // Change the priority of App1 to 8
+    Priority appPriority2 = Priority.newInstance(8);
+    UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation
+        .createRemoteUser(app1.getUser());
+    rm.getRMAppManager().updateApplicationPriority(ugi, 
+        appPriority2);
+    AllocateResponse response2 = am1.allocate(allocateRequest);
+    Assert.assertEquals(appPriority2, response2.getApplicationPriority());
+    rm.stop();
+  }

diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff3bcd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidResourceRequestException;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.resourcetypes.ResourceTypesTestHelper;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Map;
+import static 
+import static 
+import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+ * Unit tests for {@link ApplicationMasterService} with {@link FairScheduler}.
+ */
+public class TestApplicationMasterServiceFair extends
+    ApplicationMasterServiceTestBase {
+  private static final String DEFAULT_QUEUE = "root.default";
+  @Override
+  protected YarnConfiguration createYarnConfig() {
+    FairSchedulerConfiguration fsConf = new FairSchedulerConfiguration();
+    YarnConfiguration yarnConf = new YarnConfiguration(fsConf);
+    yarnConf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, FairScheduler.class,
+        ResourceScheduler.class);
+    return yarnConf;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected Resource getResourceUsageForQueue(ResourceManager rm,
+      String queue) {
+    FairScheduler fs = (FairScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
+    FSLeafQueue leafQueue =
+        fs.getQueueManager().getLeafQueue(DEFAULT_QUEUE, false);
+    return leafQueue.getResourceUsage();
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected String getDefaultQueueName() {
+    return DEFAULT_QUEUE;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testRequestCapacityMinMaxAllocationWithDifferentUnits()
+      throws Exception {
+    Map<String, ResourceInformation> riMap = initializeMandatoryResources();
+    ResourceInformation res1 =
+        ResourceInformation.newInstance(CUSTOM_RES, "G", 0, 4);
+    riMap.put(CUSTOM_RES, res1);
+    ResourceUtils.initializeResourcesFromResourceInformationMap(riMap);
+    final YarnConfiguration yarnConf = createYarnConfig();
+    // Don't reset resource types since we have already configured resource
+    // types
+    yarnConf.setBoolean(TestResourceProfiles.TEST_CONF_RESET_RESOURCE_TYPES,
+        false);
+    yarnConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_RESOURCE_PROFILES_ENABLED, false);
+    MockRM rm = new MockRM(yarnConf);
+    rm.start();
+    MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("" + DEFAULT_PORT,
+        ResourceTypesTestHelper.newResource(
+            ImmutableMap.<String, String> builder()
+                .put(CUSTOM_RES, "5G").build()));
+    RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(GB, "app", "user", null, DEFAULT_QUEUE);
+    MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm, nm1);
+    // Now request res_1, 500M < 5G so it should be allowed
+    try {
+      am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newBuilder()
+          .capability(ResourceTypesTestHelper.newResource(4 * GB, 1,
+              ImmutableMap.<String, String> builder()
+                  .put(CUSTOM_RES, "500M")
+                  .build()))
+          .numContainers(1).resourceName("*").build()), null);
+    } catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
+      fail(
+          "Allocate request should be accepted but exception was thrown: " + 
+    }
+    rm.close();
+  }

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