On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:10 PM, Raghu Angadi <rang...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> -1 for committing the jar.
> Most of the various options proposed sound certainly better.
> Can build.xml be updated such that Ivy fetches recent (nightly) build?

This seems slightly better than actually committing the jars. However, what
should we do when the nightly build has failed hudson tests? We seem to
sometimes go weeks at a time without a "green" build out of Hudson.

> HDFS could have a build target that builds common jar from a specified
> source location for common.

This is still my preffered option. Whether it does this with a <javac> task
or with some kind of <subant> or even <exec>, I think having the source
trees "loosely" tied together for developers is a must.

Todd Lipcon wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Philip Zeyliger <phi...@cloudera.com>
> wrote:
>  -1 to checking in jars.  It's quite a bit of bloat in the repository
>> (which
>> admittedly affects the git.apache folks more than the svn folks), but it's
>> also cumbersome to develop.
>> It'd be nice to have a one-liner that builds the equivalent of the tarball
>> built by "ant binary" in the old world.  When you're working on something
>> that affects both common and hdfs, it'll be pretty painful to make the
>> jars
>> in common, move them over to hdfs, and then compile hdfs.
>> Could the build.xml in hdfs call into common's build.xml and build common
>> as
>> part of building hdfs?  Or perhaps have a separate "top-level" build file
>> that builds everything?
> Agree with Phillip here. Requiring a new jar to be checked in anywhere
> after
> every common commit seems unscalable and nonperformant. For git users this
> will make the repository size baloon like crazy (the jar is 400KB and we
> have around 5300 commits so far = 2GB!). For svn users it will still mean
> that every "svn update" requires a download of a new jar. Using svn
> externals to manage them also complicates things when trying to work on a
> cross-component patch with two dirty directories - you really need a
> symlink
> between your working directories rather than through the SVN tree.
> I think it would be reasonable to require that developers check out a
> structure like:
> working-dir/
>  hadoop-common/
>  hadoop-mapred/
>  hadoop-hdfs/
> We can then use relative paths for the mapred->common and hdfs->common
> dependencies. Those who only work on HDFS or only work on mapred will not
> have to check out the other, but everyone will check out common.
> Whether there exists a fourth repository (eg hadoop-build) that has a
> build.xml that ties together the other build.xmls is another open question
> IMO.
> -Todd

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