I edited the LocalBadContent page to prohibit linking to these domains.


On 01/10/2011 02:46 AM, Niels Basjes wrote:
Seems like a good moment to blacklist the prosch user from ever
changing the wiki again.

2011/1/10 Apache Wiki<wikidi...@apache.org>:
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Hadoop Wiki" for change 

The "FrontPage" page has been changed by prosch.


  == General Information ==
   * [[http://hadoop.apache.org/|Official Apache Hadoop Website]]: download, 
bug-tracking, mailing-lists, etc.
   * [[ProjectDescription|Overview]] of Apache Hadoop
-  * [[FAQ]]
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agency]] / [[http://www.profischnell.com|Übersetzung Polnisch Deutsch]]
   * [[HadoopIsNot|What Hadoop is not]]
   * [[Distributions and Commercial Support|Distributions and Commercial 
Support]] for Hadoop (RPMs, Debs, AMIs, etc)
   * [[HadoopPresentations|Presentations]], [[Books|books]], 
[[HadoopArticles|articles]] and [[Papers|papers]] about Hadoop
   * PoweredBy, a list of sites and applications powered by Apache Hadoop
   * Support
    * [[Help|Getting help from the hadoop community]].
-   * [[Support|People and companies for hire]].
+   * [[Support|People and companies for hire]].
   * [[Conferences|Hadoop Community Events and Conferences]]
    * HadoopUserGroups (HUGs)
    * HadoopSummit

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