On Aug 9, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Owen O'Malley wrote:

> All,
>  Matt rolled a, but I think it got lost in the previous vote 
> thread. Unfortunately, it had the version as 0.20.204 and didn't update the 
> release notes. I've updated it, run the regression tests and I think we 
> should release it. I've put the tarball up at:
> http://people.apache.org/~omalley/hadoop-

This vote is still running with no votes other than mine. 

I've tested with and without security on a 60 node cluster and I'm seeing some 
failures, but not that many. On a terasort with 15,000 maps and 200 reduces, I 
ran the following cases:

security + linux task controller : 2 failures (both mr-2651)

no security + default task controller : 6-7 failures (seems to be a race 
condition in clean up)

Even in the no security case, it is only losing 0.05% of the time.

It isn't perfect, but this is the code that Yahoo is currently running. I think 
we should release it.

-- Owen

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