On 09/09/2011 11:12 AM, Eli Collins wrote:
> Personally I like version numbers as well,  it allows me to refer to a
> specific version of the patch (vs a patch on a given time of
> date/date).

Re-using the name doesn't hide the old versions, it just makes them
gray.  They're still listed, with date and may be sorted by date.  If
you select the "Activity>All" tab then the different versions are linked
to in the comment stream, providing context.

90+% of the time I'm interested in the most recent version of the patch,
so the value of having it highlighted is great.  Frequently when
different names are used I mistakenly download the wrong version and
waste time reviewing it, but when the same name is used I always get the
most recent.  The highlighting is very effective for me.


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