On 1 May 2013 06:33, Thoihen Maibam <thoihen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Can somebody help me after creating patch what I need to I do. I have seen
> one subject 'How to test the patch' but that isn't really helping me. I am
> stuck in the below areas.
> dev-support/test-patch can test your patch

or you can cheat and just upload the patch to jenkins and wait to get told
off by mail.

do make sure that a full test run, mvn test, works for everything first. In
fact, make sure that works on your machine on the unpatched trunk, as that
way if it fails, you can be confident that it is your machine setup, not
your patch itself.

1. I saw findbugs and forest (I don't know much about this applications
> where to put the jars)

> 2. Do I have to upload both the HADOOP-X.patch and patch.txt(I have
> observed this file which contains the test class) . Here why the file
> extension is txt.

the .patch file must include everything.

If you develop on git on a private branch try

git diff trunk...HEAD > HADOOP-1234.patch

this diff looks at everything that changed between when you forked off
trunk and the patch. for long-lived branches this isn't enough, as trunk
changes my be incompatible. For that, git rebasing helps

> 3. Can I test the patch in standalone mode as I do not have access to
> cluster.
I'd recommend creating a Linux VM with virtualbox or similar, using it to
test on Linux -if you create >1 then you can actually bring up a virtual

I personally use VMs running remotely on Rackspace infrastructure (CoI
statement: I'm working with them), because it lets me schedule overnight
test runs while I switch off the laptop and do other things. Then I get to
find out what failed in the morning.


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