The "quiet" behavior sorta goes all the way back to the very first
import of Nutch into Apache Incubator: and seems
to deal with being relaxed about not finding added resources other
than required defaults. The behavior has almost been the same for over
8 years now :-)

The quiet flag is code-settable, but the output it would produce is
pretty verbose. I suppose we can turn it on at the FsShell level,
while also making those "parsing…", etc. INFO level logs into
checked-for DEBUG level logs. Would that suffice?

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:52 AM, Ashwin Shankar <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on  
> HADOOP-9582<>  and I have a 
> question about the current implementation in hadoop-common.
> Here is a brief background about the bug : Basically if I give a non-exitent 
> file to "hadoop fs  –conf NONEXISTENT_FILE",
> the current implementation never complains.
> But looking at the code(Configuration.loadResources()) it seems that in-fact 
> we check if input file exists and we throw an exception if the 'quiet' flag 
> is false.
> Problem is the 'quiet' flag is always true.
> Can somebody explain the rationale behind this behavior ? Would we break any 
> use-case if we complain when non-exitent file is given as input?
> Why we want this fixed :  say the user makes a typo and gives the wrong path 
> ,the code is just going to ignore this,not complain
> and use the default conf files(if the env variables are set). This would 
> confuse the user when he finds that the configs are different from what he 
> gave as input(typo) .
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Ashwin

Harsh J

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