Thanks. But are there latest hadoop execution guide. The unit tests may not 
cover the new submitted features. For some specific case, we still need to 
launch the hadoop , go to the specific scenario to check the new feature is 
working fine under that circumstance.

From: Ted Yu <>
To:; Hai Huang <> 
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2013 2:54:13 PM
Subject: Re: unit testing and execution guide

Have you read 'Making Changes' section in

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Hai Huang <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Are there latest instructions of unit testing and how to run hadoop in
> somewhere?  Although  there are some unit testing and  hadoop run documents
> in the wiki page. But it seems that there are out-of-date. I just
> downloaded hadoop by git couple of days ago. I was able to build it though
> the instruction  in the BUILD.txt file. But there are no unit-testing and
> run guide there. So once I made changes in the source code, but I need
> to run tests and the hadoop binary to ensure the changes are correct.
> Thanks
> Hai


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