On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Colin McCabe <cmcc...@alumni.cmu.edu>wrote:

> To be honest, I'm not aware of anything in 2.2.1 that shouldn't be
> there.  However, I have only been following the HDFS and common side
> of things so I may not have the full picture.  Arun, can you give a
> specific example of something you'd like to "blow away"?

I agree with Colin. If we've been backporting things into a patch release
(third version component) which don't belong, we should explicitly call out
those patches, so we can learn from our mistakes and have a discussion
about what belongs. Otherwise we'll just end up doing it again. Saying
"there were a few mistakes, so let's reset back a bunch of backport work"
seems like a baby-with-the-bathwater situation.


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