I am surprised classpath-isolation is being called a minor issue. We have
been hearing users complain about Hadoop leaking its dependencies into the
classpath for a while now, Guava being the culprit often. Not being able to
upgrade our dependencies without affecting users has started to hamper our
development too; e.g. Guava conflict with upgrading Curator version.

If we preserve API compat and try to preserve wire compat, I don't see the
harm in bumping the major release. It allows us to include several
fixes/features in trunk in a release. If we are not actively thinking of a
way to release items in trunk, why even have it?

If there are any disadvantages to doing a major release, I would like to
know. May be, we could arrive at a plan to accomplish it without those


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Steve Loughran <ste...@hortonworks.com>

>  I want to understand a lot more about the classpath isolation
> (HADOOP-11656) proposal, specifically, what is proposed and does it have to
> be tagged as incompatible? That's a bigger change than must setting
> javac.version=8 in the POM —though given what a fundamental problem it
> addresses, I'm in favour of doing something there.
> On 3 March 2015 at 08:05:46, Andrew Wang (andrew.w...@cloudera.com) wrote:
> I view branch-3 as essentially the same size as our recent 2.x releases,
> with the exception of incompatible changes like classpath isolation and
> JDK8 target version. These, while perhaps not revolutionary, are still
> incompatible, and require a major version bump.

Karthik Kambatla
Software Engineer, Cloudera Inc.

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