+1 (non-binding)

+ verified signature and mds of source and binary tarball
+ built from source tarball
+ deployed binary tarball to 3 nodes cluster and run some hadoop-mapreduce-examples jobs

Masatake Iwasaki

On 4/11/15 08:44, Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli wrote:
Hi all,

I've created a release candidate RC0 for Apache Hadoop 2.7.0.

  The RC is available at: http://people.apache.org/~vinodkv/hadoop-2.7.0-RC0/

The RC tag in git is: release-2.7.0-RC0

  The maven artifacts are available via repository.apache.org at

As discussed before
  - This release will only work with JDK 1.7 and above
  - I’d like to use this as a starting release for 2.7.x [1], depending on
how it goes, get it stabilized and potentially use a 2.7.1 in a few
weeks as the stable release.

  Please try the release and vote; the vote will run for the usual 5 days.


  [1]: A 2.7.1 release to follow up 2.7.0

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