
I found a news which has impacts against Hadoop:


Quoting from the URL:

“The impact of this kernel bug is very simple: user processes can
deadlock and hang in seemingly impossible situations. A futex wait
call (and anything using a futex wait) can stay blocked forever, even
though it had been properly woken up by someone. Thread.park() in Java
may stay parked. Etc. If you are lucky you may also find soft lockup
messages in your dmesg logs. If you are not that lucky (like us, for
example), you'll spend a couple of months of someone's time trying to
find the fault in your code, when there is nothing there to find.”

> RHEL 6 (and CentOS 6, and SL 6): 6.0-6.5 are good. 6.6 is BAD. 6.6.z is good.
> RHEL 7 (and CentOS 7, and SL 7): 7.1 is BAD. As of yesterday. there does not 
> yet appear to be a 7.x fix.  [May 13, 2015]
> RHEL 5 (and CentOS 5, and SL 5): All versions are good (including 5.11).

- Tsuyoshi

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