Hi all,

Thanks everyone for the push on 2.7.1! Branch-2.7 is now open for commits
to a 2.7.2 release. JIRA also now has a 2.7.2 version for all the

Continuing the previous 2.7.1 thread on steady maintenance releases [1], we
should follow up 2.7.1 with a 2.7.2 within 4 weeks. Earlier I tried a 2-3
week cycle for 2.7.1, but it seems to be impractical given the community
size. So, I propose we target a release by the end for 4 weeks from now,
starting the release close-down within 2-3 weeks.

The focus obviously is to have blocker issues [2], bug-fixes and *no*
features / improvements. I need help from all committers in automatically
merging in any patch that fits the above criterion into 2.7.2 instead of
only on trunk or 2.8.




[1] A 2.7.1 release to follow up 2.7.0

[2] 2.7.2 release blockers:

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