
I checked 2.6.2-RC0, based on my check-list:

 - Signatures and message digests all are good in general.
 - The top level full LICENSE, NOTICE and README for the source artifacts are 
good - CHANGES.txt for common, hdfs and mapped are correctly located.
 - Able to build the tars out of the source tar ball.

Testing: All testing on single node, unsecured, default mode.

- Started HDFS daemons successfully , created directories.
- Successfully started YARN daemons - ResourceManager, NodeManager and Timeline 
- Successfully started MapReduce history server.
- Ran DistributedShell as a native YARN app.
- Ran wordcount, pi, random writer, sort, grep and they all pass just fine.
- Navigated through the RM, NM and Timeline UIs to make sure the views are 
working well.

With that, here's my +1 for the RC.


> On Oct 22, 2015, at 2:14 PM, Sangjin Lee <sj...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have created a release candidate (RC0) for Hadoop 2.6.2.
> The RC is available at: http://people.apache.org/~sjlee/hadoop-2.6.2-RC0/
> The RC tag in git is: release-2.6.2-RC0
> The list of JIRAs committed for 2.6.2:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YARN-4101?jql=project%20in%20(HADOOP%2C%20HDFS%2C%20YARN%2C%20MAPREDUCE)%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%202.6.2
> The maven artifacts are staged at
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehadoop-1022/
> Please try out the release candidate and vote. The vote will run for 5 days.
> Thanks,
> Sangjin

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