Hi All,
Recently I uploaded trunk, branch-2 and branch-2.8 patch
(HDFS-12396.006.patch, HDFS-12396-branch-2.patch, HDFS-12396-branch-2.8.patch
respectively) for HDFS-12396
Jenkins triggered 2 builds, one for trunk patch and another for branch-2.8.

Jenkins build for trunk:
Jenkins build for branch-2.8:

Something weird happened in trunk build (build:22240)
Initially it downloaded trunk version of patch.
Below are some relevant lines from console output.

> Processing: HDFS-12396
> HDFS-12396 patch is being downloaded at Thu Nov 30 22:21:19 UTC 2017 from
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12900094/HDFS-12396.006.patch
> -> Downloaded

But 11 minutes later, the same build downloaded branch-2.8 version of the

> Processing: HDFS-12396
> HDFS-12396 patch is being downloaded at Thu Nov 30 22:32:38 UTC 2017 from
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12900099/HDFS-12396-branch-2.8.patch
> -> Downloaded

Genericqa attached 2 reports on the jira both for branch-2.8 patch.

Can someone explain me what happened ?

Adding Allen as cc.

Rushabh Shah

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