Hello fellow Hadoopers!

LinkedIn is pleased to be hosting an all-day meetup event for Hadoop 
contributors and community members to gather together to share information and 
insights on the present, past and future of the Hadoop software we all know and 
love. The day will begin with a series of presentations on important new 
features and improvements, followed by breakout discussion sessions on a 
variety of attendee-driven topics. The target audience is Hadoop contributors, 
committers, PMC members, and invested members of the community. Topics are 
generally focused around the future of Hadoop with special focus on scalability 
and integration with the cloud. Lunch and reception refreshments will be 

If you are interested in joining us, please RSVP at the Meetup page[1] for the 

Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting many new ones,

LinkedIn Hadoop Team

[1] https://www.meetup.com/Hadoop-Contributors/events/257793743/

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