Thanks!  That's not even close to what the docs suggest it does--no idea what's up with that.  With your example, I was able to figure out exactly what the issue is.  On Ubuntu 18/bash 4.4, dot is rejected in the name of the variable to substitute, which is sane in principle as dots aren't allowed in variable names, but it's a regression from Ubuntu 16/bash 4.3.

For example:

% docker run -ti ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash
root@9a36ac04f2ff:/# k=l.m
root@9a36ac04f2ff:/# echo ${!k}

root@9a36ac04f2ff:/# exit
% docker run -ti ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash
root@36ce0eb1d846:/# k=l.m
root@36ce0eb1d846:/# echo ${!k}
bash: l.m: bad substitution
root@36ce0eb1d846:/# exit

This issue only shows up if the user uses the hadoop command to run an arbitrary class not in the default package, e.g. "hadoop org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration".  We've been quietly allowing that misuse forever.  Unfortunately, treating CLI output as an API means we can't change that behavior in a minor.  We could, however, deprecate it and add a warning when it's used.  I think that would cover us sufficiently if someone trips on the Ubuntu 18 regression.



On 3/1/19 3:52 PM, Allen Wittenauer wrote:

On Mar 1, 2019, at 3:04 PM, Daniel Templeton <> wrote:

There are a bunch of uses of the bash syntax, "${!var}", in the Hadoop scripts. 
 Can anyone explain to me what that syntax was supposed to achieve?

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo ${!k}
echo ${!k}

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