Hi folks,

I believe we need prevent future commits from re-introducing Guava classes
This can be achieved by two options:

   1. We add rules on the go. Each time we add an illegal import to the
   class that has been replaced. This won't prevent developers from committing
   code that uses Guava lasses. The disadvantage, that it makes the task a
   moving target somehow. Another disadvantage in that approach is an
   increased conflict of code changes because each patch has to append to the
   illegal-imports rules.
   2. Add rules to warn against Guava packages. This will prevent
   introducing Guava imports.

Both options are not bullet-proof to prevent future usage of Guava through
the code because the checkstyle illegal import does not cover API usage.

Does anyone have concerns adding those rules to checkstyle configurations?
And which option should we go for?
Best Regards,

*Ahmed Hussein, PhD*

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